
Showing posts from January, 2010

Creating a broad 433mhz "Sniffer"

hey everyone, i'm looking create "rf sniffer" sketch new device have purchased, see here: an example of sketch used find devices specific same brand device below, wondering if can modify or write entirely new 1 find , display packet information of device nearby operating on 433.92mhz. code: [select] // * code example receiving data sensors made adaptive design ltd. // * you'll find more information on // * tested aduino ide 1.0 of later // * sketch requires: // * // * libraries in standard arduino libraries folder: // * jeelib #include <ports.h> #include <rf12.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> void setup () { serial.begin(115200); serial.println("\n[rf usb rrx test]"); rf12_initialize(20, rf12_433mhz, 4); //node,band,group pinmode(7, output); digitalwrite(7, high); // set led off } void loop

Braces around Scalar Initializer for type 'byte' ERROR

i'm trying make 2d array, of 8x8 led matrix, original code warants 8x10. i have code: code: [select] #define e  { \    {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}, \    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \    {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}, \    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \    {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}  \ } const int numpatterns = 8;//this number of patterns want display byte patterns[numpatterns][8]={e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e};// patterns order except error, appreciated! e definition 2 dimensional array initialiser. patterns declared 2 dimensional array, initialise array of 2 dimensional arrays (e), or, in other words 3 dimensional array, , cannot initiate 2 dimensional array 3 dimensional values, hence error. this solves immediate compile issue: code: [select] byte patterns[numpatterns][8][8] ={e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e};// patterns order but i'm not sure if solves overall problem.

Jogadgets works only in Firefox - javascript errors in IE - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i installed jogadgets time ago, discovered works in firefox. in ie7 nasty javascript error , nothing happens. discovered of site has obscure javascript errors on every page. no such problem firefox.  since of visitors on ie, pretty big problem , sadly javascript not cup of tea. when comes troubleshoot ie. i appreciate hel can give me. thanks same here it's confined the com_content fckrditor not work @ in ie7 i hope there out there solution as tread few week old Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Plugins/Mambots

Thread: NVidia SLi Card problem

hey guys, have replaced old core new one. build out of stuff had lying around. , have dual gpu video card. wondering how activate sli can use both gpus. , wondering bios update dell support sli. new core specs are: amd sempron 2.3ghz processor gigabyte gv-3d1 dual nvidia 6600gt 256mb memory video card 2 gb ram 250 gb hdd dell inspiron 531 motherboard nvidia nforce 430 sli capable chipset know these specs aren't bleeding edge, lot better used have. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] NVidia SLi Card problem Ubuntu

Thread: subpixel smoothing stopped working

i installed kubuntu yesterday via synaptic, try out, , decided stick gnome instead. ever since subpixel smoothing has not worked. according appearance preferences->fonts, subpixel smoothing should on, not working, , none of options effect sort of change in text appearance. i've since uninstalled kubuntu package installed, subpixel rendering still doesn't work. have ideas on how might fix this? bump Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] subpixel smoothing stopped working Ubuntu

Ambizioso progetto serra "carnivora"

ciao tutti sto iniziando muovere primi passi con arduino, e la prima applicazione che vorrei realizzare riguarda il controllo di alcuni paramentri climatici di una serra che ho costruito. tale serra ospita delle piante carnivore (le quali, per chi non lo sapesse, hanno bisogno sempre di 2 / 4 cm di acqua distillata nel sottovaso) ora, parametri che vorrei monitorare sono: temperatura ed umidità interna, temperatura ed umidità esterna (tramite dht11, che già possiedo), il livello di acqua di tre vasche da idrocoltura (con tre sensori ad ultrasuoni, che mi dovrebbero arrivare in settimana), poi la velocità del vento (con un anemometro che ho costruito io, tramite sensore reed - ovviamente montato sul tetto della serra e non dentro! ) e mi piacerebbe che arduino mi desse in uscita dati su un display lcd con due pulsanti per selezionare diversi tipi di dati. la questione della pulsantiera l'ho risolta senza occupare alcun pin digitale, ma solo uno di quelli analogici (ho col

MAC - Case Sensitive Configuration files problems

i re-installed os on mac. while setting hard drives selected; mac os extended (case-sensitive). this has led string of errors due appers mac case sensitive file system , coding errors in dreamweaver configuration files. ie; calls folders named, example; configuration:shared:mm:scripts:cmn:ui.js configuration:shared:mm:scripts:cmn:ui.js or calls files named, example; errmsg.js errmsg.js when starting dreamweaver folllowing error: the following javascript error(s) occurred: unable open script file applications:macromedia dreamweaver 8:configuration:shared:mm:scripts:cmn:ui.js" (error 2). however once dreamweaver started error: the following javascript error(s) occurred: unable open script file applications:macromedia dreamweaver 8:configuration:shared:mm:scripts:cmn:ui.js" (error 2). and begining of mixed case problems. has experianced issue? > re-installed os on mac. while setting hard drives selected; > mac os extended (case-sensitive). i suggest re-ins

need help with create page based on template

i created template on class computer , created few pages based on it. today moved file&folders private computer, , when tried create new page based on template got messege: error accessing file: "c:\sigal\....\template_site.dwt" sharing violation (error code 32) what wrong? have do? can me please??? 10x please respond reply on dw forum. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "michal2401" <> wrote in message news:eds23r$nhp$ >i created template on class computer , created few pages based on >it. > > today moved file&folders

Migration from cfmx 6.1 to cfmx 7.02 failing

hi all, in process of upgrading server cfmx 6.1 cfmx 7.0.2. upgrade, however, failing when comes migration. previous settings exported cannot imported. following error appears in /opt/coldfusionmx7/logs/cfserver.log file: 09/06 12:58:17 error [jrpp-2] - not import coldfusion security sandboxes. - invalid directory, please check directory , try again. does know problem might be? if skip migration, cfmx 7.0.2 installs. the cfmx 6.1 environment works fine. security sandboxes, data sources, etc work fine. p.s. environment i'm working solaris 9 sun fire 280r coldfusion mx 6.1 apache 2.0.59 More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

Uart IBRD/FBRD's offset - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi! i'm having problems initialize pl011. datasheet's instructions not work @ all. base adress wrong, knows. i'm working in physical adress 0x20201000. communication works @ bit rate of 115200 only, configuring ibrd , fbrd registers following datasheet instructions not have effect. values have put in registers work @ 19200 baud? board's model rpi b+ rev. 1.2 i'm not sure register's offsets informed datasheet or uart clock of board calculate integer , fractional part of baud rate generator. i'm trying 19.2mhz ibrd = 19200000/(16*19200) = 62 , fbrd = 0.5*64 = 32. none values enter doing effect. sorry boring text i'm not using linux, o.s custom. code: static volatile uint *uart_base; #define uart0 0x20201000// base addres uart0 #define uart_dr 0x0 // data register ok #define uart_rsr 0x4 // receive status register/error clear register #define uart_fr 0x6 // flag register #define uart_ibrd 0x24 // integer baud rate register #define uart_fb

Uploading image

i'm got cool uploading images tutorial got working issue. created db table called "photos", in photos table made 2 columns named "id" , "images". i'm allowing users login , upload images folder on server. want save name of image uploaded, db column named "images" aswell save user id "id" column. i'm using . i'm using tabbed cfform this, i'm trying make happen on 1 tab upload field , upload button, on second tab want bind images upload specifc user (called id) cfgrid , display images uploaded user. want associate images of specific user there user id. how send users id through query string saved db table called photos? if code incorrect, can lead me in right direction? or there easier way nreed done? thanks rob this upload code: <cf_flashupload label="picture:" name="myfile2" filetypes="*.jpg;*.png;*.gif" filedescription="image files" acti

removing (pre installed) links - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys, i have main page of website dont want display (although put thats not issue) my issue on main page (when empty) says home > home home there no items display [ ] how go deleting this so not display of it thanks help rl which part trying delete? can't go without on homepage of site. not real way keep users coming Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

La giusta alimentazione - PT 1 - Alimentazione da rete elettrica

ciao ancora tutti! dopo primi esperimenti di ieri ho riflettuto sull'alimentazione dei miei servi e della mia arduino mentre osservavo il porta batterie da 4 posti (aa) e il mio servo che si muoveva veloce e preciso su e giu''. chissaì quanta benzina sta succhiando! ho letto il datasheet dei miei servi (futaba s3003) e ho visto che succhiano 8ma in idle 6v (quindi riposo) purtroppo posso solo speculare su quanti ampere consumano sotto sforzo. possono "sollevare" fino 4.1kg/cm (sempre 6v) ma diciamo che nel mio progetto arriveranno spingere al massimo un terzo di questi 4.1kg. quindi diciamo che nel loro massimo sforzo che sara' di circa 1.3kg assorbiranno 15/20 ma? (diciamo 18ma) considerando che saranno 12 servi, avro' una richiesta di circa 216ma complessiva se tutti si trovassero sotto massimo sforzo. naturalmente, questo punto, perde totalmente di logica l'idea di sfruttare pin della mia mega2560, ricordo che limiti di ma dei singoli pin

CFCalendar mouse over date

hi i have db dates , content each date. i using cfcalendar. i attempting date info (the var name #content#) appear on "onmuseover" (so appears when mouse moves on date). please can assist me this. you can see talking going following link. click here see calendar click on 28 july , press "go" you see data needs appear onmouseover. i hope can help! deadline rapidly approaching me! regards mr pappy since want client-side operation, need use either javascript, css or dhtm or combination of them. have used anylink css menu script @ great success. while example below used in nav bar, stuff between <div> </div> tags can - can populate dynamically database query pulls events each day of month. More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

Plusieurs interrogations (LCD / interruption ect ect)

bonsoir, j'essais de faire un menu interactif, mais je bute sur l'utilisation de la fonction lcd.clear()... où la placer efficacement pour effacer l'écran entre chaque menu ? code: [select] #include <liquidcrystal.h> liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 7, 6, 5, 4); int contr = 3; int bouton = 2; int select = 0; void setup() {  pinmode(contr, output);  pinmode(bouton, input);  digitalwrite(bouton, high);  attachinterrupt(0, selection, falling);  serial.begin(9600); // communication serie  lcd.begin(16, 2);  lcd.setcursor(5,0);  lcd.print("bonjour");  delay(500);  lcd.clear(); } void loop() {  switch(select)  {  case 0:    lcd.setcursor (0,0);    lcd.print("mode selection");    break;  case 1:    lcd.setcursor (0,0);    lcd.print("temperature");    break;        case 2:    lcd.setcursor (0,0);    lcd.print("pression");    break;  } } void selection() {  select++; } merci d'avance de votre aide

JavaScript swapPhoto help

i'm trying modify javascript. right now, click on thumbnail of image , larger version of image appears in larger box right. i change thumbnail text, clicking on text change image in box. the html looks this: <a href="javascript:swapphoto('clay_tile1.jpg','spanish style clay tile')"><img src="pictures/clay_tile1_53x40.jpg" width="100" height="40" border="0" /> the javascript looks this: // swap image , caption function swapphoto(photosrc,thecaption,theprice) { var displayedcaption = document.getelementbyid("caption"); displayedcaption.firstchild.nodevalue = thecaption; document.images.imgphoto.src = "pictures/" + photosrc; } here's example of page built using thumbnails: i'm trying learn javascript, eyes keep glazing over. thank help, denny:a More discussions in Dynamic HTML General Discussion (read only)

Thinclient? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, ik ben helemaal nieuw in de rasberry pi wereld. ik bezit er ook nog geen een omdat ik in het verleden hier totaal geen toepassing voor had. nu zit ik te denken: wij werken hier op een bedrijfsnetwerk met een aantal servers, een werkplekken. 99% van de gebruikers werkt via een thinclient op een van onze terminalservers. een gemiddelde thinclient kost altijd nog €350,- kan de rasberry pi hiervoor ingezet worden? ik heb er geen ervaring mee. als ik met google zoek naar "thin client raspberry pi", dan vind ik wel wat projecten, zoals de "raspberry pi thin client project" en "berryterminal". wellicht zijn dat opties. ik betwijfel echter of er een out-of-the-box oplossing beschikbaar met dezelfde stabiliteit en/of support als een professionele oplossing. ofwel je moet zelf echt weten waar je aan begint en hoe je het één en ander inpast en optimaliseert, ofwel je bent nog steeds gebonden aan de meerkosten, maar ook meerwaarde, van een professi

Arduino Teensy++ 2.0 PWM pins assignments

i wondering if able tell me pwm pin assignments arduino teensy++ 2.0. have googled assignments, however, have tried 2 different boards , had issues connecting 0, 1, 24, 14, 15, 16.  :~ trying use different breadboard see if resolves issue. thanks. quote i have googled assignments... really? first link... Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Arduino Teensy++ 2.0 PWM pins assignments arduino

serial data to PIC

i've got pass along string of 32 bits pic chip on bus.  a '0' bit consists of: keeping data line low 26 usec going high 12 usec returning low a '1' bit consists of: keeping data line low 50 usec going high 12 usec returning low so know length of stream, know how decode bits.   i'll receiving bits via serial input (bluetooth), need decode, , output pin on arduino. just need figure out how @ (read) bits.  are there examples can take at?  suggestions? quote just need figure out how @ (read) bits.  on pic, right? perhaps @ ford dealer. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > serial data to PIC arduino

Powering an Arduino/stepper driver system with one DC input

hi all, i designing pcb , stuck on how best distribute power. wonder if people here can help, please? the board i'm building should accept 24v dc in, need power sparkfun stepper driver. on pcb arduino mega, usb host shield, , lcd display. i'd drop voltage down to, say, 9v , feed arduino , usb host shield. idea power 1 24v input , drop voltage on pcb, rather have 2 dc inputs 2 ac/dc adaptors. latter doesn't seem elegant solution. i've built test rig arduino , lcd. tried powering 9v 1a ldo (digi-key ba09cc0wfp-e2tr-nd) gets way hot when feed 24v, heat sink. looked board-mount switching supplies. best find tdk-lambda accepts 18 36v , delivers 12v (digi-key: 445-2493-nd). 12v more i'd want, though, find regulators on arduino , host-shield can rather hot @ voltage. 1 possibility feed 12v 9v ldo , have power arduino , host-shield. won't produce less heat on all, @ least can make sure ldo soldered large ground plane , attach heat sink also. however, on test r

change/set E4X text-node text

hello all, trying change/set text-value of as3 e4x text node (nodekind == 'text': true). assuming 'textnode' valid e4x text node, folks on web have offered solution... textnode.parent().children()[textnode.childindex()] = "newtextvalue"; (or broken multiple statements): var p : xml = textnode.parent(); var childindex : int = textnode.childindex(); p.children()[childindex] = "newtextvalue"; unfortunately, removes 'textnode' parent, replacing new text-node "newtextvalue" text (inserting new-text-node textnode was). this not behavior i'm looking for. want explicitly set text value of 'textnode'. is there way this? if not, why not? old xmlnode allowed via .nodevalue property. thanks mucho help. i not following. if set value of text node, replaces previous text node. what seeing difference between setting nodevalue , assigning string text node? i haven't analyzed this, can definitively there no difference, wh

Measuring PV output power w current sensor/ Voltage divider + displaying on LCD

hello ! in first arduino project, need measure output power of pv module. concluded can measure both current , voltage separately compile them within arduino code give me power. i need general guidance on:- 1- how approach goal ? 2- how use current sensors , connect them ? 3- how use lcds , connect them ? 4- coding !! schematics welcomed please note have little experience arduino please bare me thanks in advance quote i need measure output power of pv module. a link pv module might useful. quote 1- how approach goal ? carefully. quote 2- how use current sensors , connect them ? which current sensor? code: [select] 3- how use lcds , connect them ? which lcd? quote 4- coding !! what requirements? hardware? quote so please bare me i'll keep clothes on, thanks, feel free take yours off. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance

Problem with hiduino syses

hello! there problem when using firmware hiduino no adjustment displayed sendsysex byte data [] = {0xf0, 0x4d, 0xa6, 0x06, 0x61, 0x20, 0x01, 0x22, 0x1b, 0x4d, 0xa6, 0x06, 0x61, 0x20, 0x01, 0x22, 0x1b, 0xf7}; # include <midi.h> void setup () { midi.begin (midi_channel_omni); } void loop () { midi.sendsysex (18, data, true); delay (1000); } monitored output a6 06 61 a6 20 01 a6 22 1b a6 06 61 a6 20 01 a6 22 1b need bring in line a6 06 61 20 01 ...... this command midi show control (msc) if change team prints nothing posted in general Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Audio > Problem with hiduino syses arduino

Send float data using I2C from Arduino to Arduino

hi, have problem send float data ds18b20 (temperature sensor) arduino i2c communication. source code master , slave. in serial monitor slave, got temperature in celcius, when serial monitor in master there's nothing (blank). can help? before --master code-- #include <wire.h> void setup() { wire.begin(); //join i2c bus serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { wire.requestfrom(2,3); while(wire.available()) {   int;   char;   int;     serial.print("nilai 1");   serial.println(a);     serial.print("nilai 2");   serial.println(c);     serial.print("nilai 3");   serial.println(b); } delay (500); } --slave code-- #include <onewire.h> #include <wire.h> #define temperature_error -1000 #define ds18s20_id 0x10 #define ds18b20_id 0x28 int ds18s20_pin = 2; //ds18s20 signal pin on digital 2 //temperature chip i/o onewire ds(ds18s20_pin);  // on digital pin 2 void setup(void) {   serial.begin(960

Viabilité de montage : TIP122 et lissage des tensions

bonjour à tous, je viens demander votre aide car je suis en cours de réalisation d'un variateur de ventilateur pc (12v), régulé en fonction de la température. très classique pour les initiés. un chalenge pour moi, petit amateur d'électronique. je me suis basé sures transistor darlington tip122 pour réguler le 12v en fonction de ma sortie pwm 3 5 et 6 de l'arduino nano. problème de ce montage, la tension analogique provenant du tip122, contrôlé par le pwm n'est pas lissé et engendre un bruit sur mes ventilos ( et surement une usure du moteur). du coup, en cherchant encore un peu plus, j'ai trouvé des conseils sur certains forum et j'ai analysé mon ancien variateur de ventilateur manuel. j'ai de ce fait tenté de rajouté un condensateur et une bobine pour lisser les courants et tensions. (bobine, condo) et la super, plus de bruit, le ventilateur tourne bien en fonction de ma sortie pwm sur la base de 0-12v. le problème ? après qlq tests frutueux, mon

Help with figuring out exercise bike tension fault..??

hello not sure if appropriate place, google search led me similar problem here.. i have universal fitness 795 recumbent exercise bike got free, issue resistance doesn't change.. better half ok .. started looking online , saw seems simple electrical issue of time... tore bike... , saw has motor supposed turn , adjust tension on bicycle wire/cable in turn pulls resistance... after opening further find there motor turns tension knob attached potentiometer think supposed control or signal when spindle turned level... when removed gears motor , put batteries in motor turns on , spins non stop.. thinking it's either not getting single stop.. or there trip somewhere keeps running?? tested pot think multimeter following youtube , using ohm setting increasing reading @ different turns on pot.. , when motor going reverse direction depending on turn pot.. i noticed 1 little blue box has adjustable dial appears on it, there appears no continuity between 2 wires on either side whe

Pilotare ventola con arduino

ciao tutti! ho una ventola brushless (presa da un pc credo) da 12v 0.15a due fili e vorrei pilotarla con arduino. mi basti che si accenda e si spenga, non mi importa di controllare la velocità. ho cercato qui nel forum e su google ma non ho trovato niente che mi potesse aiutare. sapreste consigliarmi un buon tutorial per principianti? credo di aver capito che mi serva un transistor, io ho disposizione un mosfet p16nf06fp, può andar bene? sicuro che sia brushless se hai due fili, dubito lo sia!!! e se lo è ci dovrebbe esser un controller che lo pilota, e su qusto controller ci vanno segnali. se il motore ha solo due file e stop allora immagino sia un normale motore dc. che poi pilotare con un bjt o un mosfet, che se cerchi un pò in giro sul forum penso ci siano informazioni tonnellate ad ogni modo se pui postare modello motore o una foto o marca/modello eccc non farebbe male Arduino Forum >

Motor Current calculation

dear all, i have small doubt in calculation & selection of proper motor i have 2 application 1) solar tracker : used below actuator rated 24v , 4a,500 rpm used caary 800kg load. power =24*4=96w torque=(0.096*9550)/500=1.833n-m here motor stop every 5 min 2) in project., air condition blower application continuous operation, motor designed  carry 48v . 5a rated ,axial load , radial load can carry upto 10kg. the power:  p=5a*48v=240w the torque: 0.24kw*9550/1550rpm=1.528nm (ps: torque required before: 0.59 nm) desired but want run 2400 rpm 1.528nm*2400rpm/9550=0.384kw because of change in wattage our stator got damage. bearing got disturb etc. my question on here . in first application running motor 500 rpm carrying 800kg of load where in second case running motor 2400 rpm @48v , carry load of 900gm why huge amount of current draw in above case?? what points doing in selection of motor??? in above case if increase wattage of motor can run motor. that a

UNO - shield MEGA - TFT 2.4"

bonjour à tous, je voudrais utiliser un écran tft 2.5" sainsmart 240x320 (pas de références) livré avec un shield sainsmart mega (sans ref aussi) le tout sur mon arduino uno. acheter sur amazon il est parait-il compatible. si je branche le tout sur mon pc, le tft s'illumine en blanc, j'ai cherché sur le net sans succès et pour cause, le shield mega n'interface pas les même signaux sur le uno, si quelqu'un à déjà fait l'expérience je suis preneur, si non quel shield dois-je utiliser avec ce tft ? merci. vincent. bonjour, quelles librairies utilises tu ? comment tu déclarer ton tft dans ton code ? Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > UNO - shield MEGA - TFT 2.4" arduino

De 'popup' links doen het niet altijd in IE - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik heb een aantal foto's in mijn content verkleind tot tumbernail. door een foto in de editor te selecteren kon ik ook een link ervan maken. ik heb gekozen voor popup zodat de foto in een apart venster op het juiste formaat van de foto verschijnt. echter bij firefox werkt dat allemaal perfect maar bij ie echter doet maar één foto het wel maar de rest blijft in een normaal venster openen. natuurlijk heb ik alle instellingen vergeleken met de foto waar het wel goed bij ging maar ik kon geen verschil ontdekken. iemand een oplossing?  doe eens een link naar de betreffende pagina. het trouwens een thumbnail Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Mambots 1.0.x

MAC OSX flash player won't install

i have run flash player uninstaller, , rebooted, , tried install newest version of player, archived versions (player 7). in each case, installer runs, , says installed successfully, when test launches in new browser window ( says have "version 6,0,21,0" installed. driving me mad. if has info offer, please help. More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

tvservice uninstalled? - Raspberry Pi Forums

any body experience this? started fresh,recent raspbian wheezy image on sd, proceeded install stuff adafruit (bootloader , pitft-helper) support mini- touchscreen. have been venturing auto detection of display (pitft or hdmi) , realize tvservice command not available. can install separately? looked on , couldn't find concerning this. thanks cd /tmp git clone cd userland ./buildme put tvservice in /opt/vc/bin may want create link there /usr/bin/tvservice. sudo ln -s /opt/vc/bin/tvservice /usr/bin/tvservice raspberrypi

How to display distinct date in a dropdown

i know i've done before. life of me can't see i'm doing wrong. have query outputing date/time formats access database select dropdown box. can't duplicate dates out. i'm wondering if because time in database different each row? want display 1 9/8/2006 if there 40 of them. below code: <cfquery name="qdate" datasource="mydb"> select distinct entereddate archivedletters order entereddate </cfquery> <!---the output---> <form action="queryarchived.cfm" name="startdate" method="post"> <strong>search sample numbers date range:</strong><br> beginning:<br> <select name="startdate"> <cfoutput query="qdate"> <option value="#entereddate#">#dateformat(entereddate, 'mm/dd/yy')#</option> </cfoutput> </select> <br> end:<br> <select name="enddate"> <cfoutput query=&q

Apc 220 Wireless module don't working

hi, i bought apc220 module , create program turn on led when write b , turn off when write c in serial window. i try program usb cable , work try program wireless module didn't work. code: [select] int val = 0; int ledpin = 13; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   pinmode(ledpin,output); } void loop() {   val =;   if (-1 != val) {    if ('a' == val || 'a' == val) serial.println("segnale ricevuto");    else if ('b' == val || 'b' == val) digitalwrite(ledpin, high);       else if ('c' == val || 'c' == val) digitalwrite(ledpin, low);     }   } how fix it?? im bit lost here. where other radio module. you need 2 , 1 transmit , 2nd receive . those modules 1/2 duplex, can send or receive , not both @ same time. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator:

Thread: Linux at Ole Miss?

with many students, surely there's student @ ole miss uses linux? i'm sophomore of fall 2009, , i've yet meet another. else out there? not @ ole miss live in tupelo, ms. see smart 1 in ms. i'm trying convert friends , family. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums Americas LoCo Teams Mississippi Team - US Linux at Ole Miss? Ubuntu

720p 60fps video playback - Raspberry Pi Forums

is playing 720p 60fps video supported pi 2? if so, b+? not officially. however, possible overclock on pi 2. i'm not sure b+. i've got 1080p@60fps , 720p@60fps video playing smooth in kodi on raspberry pi 2 these settings in config.txt - you'll require 2a power supply this: code: select all arm_freq=1000 sdram_freq=500 core_freq=500 h264_freq=750 isp_freq=750 v3d_freq=750 over_voltage=2 750 high overclock (default 250), might want try on reduced values (such 500) if fails on particular pi 2. sample video test: big buck bunny 1080p@60fps raspberry pi has no problem downscaling 1080p video 720p screen. raspberrypi

Thread: How do I inform the Australian Ubuntu mirrors that they are down?

i installed karmic yesterday , not receiving updates. found problem australian mirror. how inform whoever need inform there problem? set repos main server think find updates have not been sent aussie server yet slow 2 update, till mirrors updated Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] How do I inform the Australian Ubuntu mirrors that they are down? Ubuntu

Det ser helt forkert ud. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg er ved @ lave et site til en kammerat, og templatet opføre sig underligt efter @ jeg har indsat ja trans menu v2.0. i venstre side er der en sort boks, hvor der skal være et logo. når jeg ser templatet ie, så er menubjælken skubbet ned af. ser jeg den firefox så ser det ok ud, dog stikker de streger der separere menuerne ned on bjælken. nogen der har nogen idé om hvad jeg skal gøre, jeg har intet forstand på kodning af templates. kan rette hvis jeg ved hvor tingene skal stå, og det er også det. crazy dane. jeg har ikke lige tid til @ kommentere dit problem, men et lille tip: billedet af juri til højre på forsiden er et kæmpestort billeder der bare er skaleret browseren. det tager lang tid @ loade og spilder bråndbredde, så det vil være en ide @ skalere billedet til den ønskede størrelse! det vil det øvrigt også blive pænere af. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone

Coldfusion services stop working when windows 2000 hotfix patches are installed on the windows 2000 operating system

the following windows 2000 hotfix patches installed on windows 2000 operating system - kb917537 kb917159 kb914388 coldfusion service stopped working , wouldn't restart later...when uninstalled patches. got coldfusion. have make changes in settings of coldfusion administrator having hotfix patches? can post information various cf logs (application.log, server.log, etc)? what version of cf using? More discussions in ColdFusion Server Administration adobe

Thread: Help with error message

when ever try download/install (add/remove programs/terminal) error message: e: dpkg interrupted, must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' correct problem. should do!? btw hasn't happened recently. thx what typing "add/remove programs/terminal" error message? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Help with error message Ubuntu

Stopwatch accuracy question

i created stopwatch using , arduino uno, lcd display, start button, , reset button. code uses millis() function current number of milliseconds, little math, , displays minutes:seconds:hundredths. when arduino plugged usb port on computer, accuracy (when checked racing stopwatch) accurate. when plug 9v battery arduino, homemade stopwatch accurate. so... wanted make more permanent. built standalone arduino using atmega328, 20 mhz quart crystal, 9v-to-5v step-up/step-down regulator pololu, , foot switch start/stop stopwatch (this why built homemade stopwatch begin -- foot switch operated stopwatch). soldered board. standalone stopwatch runs faster should. example, when racing stopwatch says 20 seconds, homemade stopwatch says 25 seconds. does have ideas why homemade stopwatch running fast? ideas how can fix it? thanks! quote does have ideas why homemade stopwatch running fast? ideas how can fix it? an arduino clocked 16mhz. if built custom board 20mhz clock

Decoding Air condition remote

for past 3 days have been trying decode air condition's remote.. 1stly remote not @ recognized neither irremote nor irlib libraries.. i started  googling on how decode , air condition's remote.. i came of aircon remotes sends long commands.. from below thread came know commands sent twice. on thread's 16th post analysir guesses "this may increase chance of signal or basic error checking" analysir has been doing great job , has contributed effort understand , decode signal of on/off button precious application.. my views found out today suddenly 1. aircon remotes sends 2 different values on , off 2. temp , temp down buttons sends different values different temperatures.. 3.the air swing , fan speed sends different values each state.. so come know of buttons sends multiple values. 4. important part... i found these multiple value buttons not sends value of own, checks states of other buttons (pwr, temp, swi

Ratings Systems - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, looked through forums prior posting question un-able find needed. looking ratings system module . . . zagats or similar, found jratings , xtdratings under extensions, when try download xtd ratings extention, brings me site advertises jratings, seems might same people offering both. while think jratings seems need , more, trying set site experiment, , think $75 more i'm willing spend consitering everthing else open source. suggestions / recommendations on can find open source rating system? thanks, eric take pick here: ... &itemid=35 all best Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

[SOLVED]Read More problem unless specific article selected -Nov 22 Nightly Build - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

on front page, or when viewing category blog page individual articles seen - if article setup "read more" option, see "read more" option below intro text.  however, nov. 22 nightly build, isn't happening. though can see entire article when select exact article (for example, popular items list or latest news list) never know there more article front page or category page. you can see in article "2007 pinon mesa trail ride" here: shannon not confirmed. please change reda more parameter in menu item. you may change globally through article manager configuration buton in toolbar Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived Q&T 1.5.x Resolved

Admin can't change the config file. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this funny.  logged in admin not allowed save changes general configuration file.  however if root open config file can edit manually , save fine.  somehow admin user don't have same rights root, surprising admin can't change con fig file.    any explanation?  if @ top of forum see post called: please read me: file ownership issues,51041.0.html basically it's owns file , permissions set on file , attempting change file. so when stuff in joomla admin, web server process "person" doing changes , that's different root user. either have chown config file web server process user or chmod world writable. can change via admin global config. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

telecommande infrarouge

bonjour, je voudrais savoir pourquoi mon programme ne fonctionne pas, les erreurs qu'elles sont elles? car je pouvais rajouter à ma bibliothéque le irremote.h mais quand je le faisais cela me méttait des erreurs comme quoi des variables n'étaient pas définits. c'est pour cela que j'ai directement rajouté tous le programme et plus le programme que je devais écrire. donc maintenat les variablent sont bien définient mais les erreurs ont bien changées. le programme etait celui la: /*    reception infrarouge */ #include <irremote.h> int broche_reception = 11; // broche 11 utilisée irrecv reception_ir(broche_reception); // crée une instance decode_results decode_ir; // stockage données reçues void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   reception_ir.enableirin(); // démarre la réception } void loop() {   if (reception_ir.decode(&decode_ir))   {     serial.println(decode_ir.value, hex);     reception_ir.resume(); // reçoit le prochain code   } } les erreurs sont

Tracking position of an autonomous robot

how people go determining position of autonomous ground robot (relative charging station)? robot in question roam around house building map of walls , furniture, , maybe useful once has information. imagine it's possible accelerometer, there sensor better suited task? it's not possible accelerometer. if try calculate position based on acceleration readings on time you'll find off course within few seconds. accelerometers not precise enough. indoors best chance using infrared beacons. if want find charging station rover can bump around until sees beacon , home in on it. if create multiple beacons , have each emit specific (remote control) signal rover can triangulation. an arduino isn't right board mapping. not enough memory. if use raspberry pi can use upward facing camera , fiducials on ceiling triangulate position , quite accurately (google "reactivision"). Arduino Forum &