720p 60fps video playback - Raspberry Pi Forums

is playing 720p 60fps video supported pi 2? if so, b+?

not officially. however, possible overclock on pi 2. i'm not sure b+.

i've got 1080p@60fps , 720p@60fps video playing smooth in kodi on raspberry pi 2 these settings in config.txt - you'll require 2a power supply this:

code: select all

arm_freq=1000 sdram_freq=500 core_freq=500 h264_freq=750 isp_freq=750 v3d_freq=750 over_voltage=2
750 high overclock (default 250), might want try on reduced values (such 500) if fails on particular pi 2.

sample video test: big buck bunny 1080p@60fps

raspberry pi has no problem downscaling 1080p video 720p screen.



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