
Showing posts from February, 2015

Control Using Ethernet as Client With Php Server

hello everyone, im new here hope you'll short question i connected arduino ethernet sheild php server mysql database and send analoge data inside database , save them , done . now want turn led on or off .. same php page , dont know how i tried there errors want simple example arduino code , , php code that turns led on , off .. php server Arduino Forum > Topics > Home Automation and Networked Objects > Control Using Ethernet as Client With Php Server arduino

Thread: Unable to log in to Gnome

i've spent bit of time on , found culprit, can't explain it. i've removed ~/.bash* files , replaced standard ~/.profile. in file, among other things, have following line: alias ls='/bin/ls --color=auto -cf' line causes gnome-session exit , warning "your session lasted less 10 seconds." , after clicking "ok" i'm @ login screen. traced through whole x login sequence way /etc/x11/xsession.d/99x11-common_start invokes gnome-session , that's dies. .xsession-errors has: /etc/gdm/xsession: beginning session setup... setting im through im-switch locale=en_us. start im through /etc/x11/xinit/xinput.d/all_all linked /etc/x11/xinit/xinput.d/default. gpg_agent_info=/tmp/seahorse-qwynam/s.gpg-agent:12377:1; export gpg_agent_info , that's it. seems me in gnome-session startup trying use "ls" command , alias messing it. try dropping root shell , changing nan

Thread: Turning off hard drive.

i'm running ubuntu off usb these days, because have not been staying @ same machine more few days @ time lately... wondering if there way shut off hard drive of computer in question in session. i've been working lot on laptops lately , hunch more battery life out of them if unused hard drive off. i'm not using anything: not swapspace. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Turning off hard drive. Ubuntu

Arduino IDE fails to run in Windows 8.1

help sought, if available . arduino ide., starts: shows usual arduino blue panel; hangs 60 seconds disappears leaving warning box states "an error occurred while starting application". i have been running arduino ide., years quite until yesterday when windows system updated. unfortunately system restore protection switched off , not me. has got methodology , or knowledge enable me run program please. downloading fresh system download has no effect, ie., still not run , provides self same warning box. chrispsr i've got running under windows 8.1 . i had "troubleshoot compatibility" windows run "windows 8" compatible.  right-clicked on arduino program icon (which have on my  desktop) , selected "troubleshoot compatibility" context menu , let windows it's thing (very slow).  might save time going directly program "properties" , "compatibility" tab.  i runs real slow, might old laptop.  don

Need Help on Simple Sketch

i trying make when press button prints character onto lcd. happening right spams lcd character button pressed non-stop (only after press button too) here code have currently: code: [select] #include <liquidcrystal.h> liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); const int ledpin = 13; const int sendbutton = 6; const int spacebutton = 7; const int dashbutton = 8; const int dotbutton = 9; int man = 0; string morsecode = ""; void setup() {   lcd.begin(16, 2);   (int y = 6; y <= 9; y++)   {     pinmode(y, input);   }   pinmode(ledpin, output);   lcd.setcursor(0, 0); } void loop() {   if (digitalread(sendbutton) == high)   {     (int x = 0; x < morsecode.length(); x++)     {       if (morsecode.charat(man) == '.')       {       digitalwrite(ledpin, high);       delay(500);       digitalwrite(ledpin, low);       }       else if (morsecode.charat(man) == '-')      {       digitalwrite(ledpin, high);       delay(1500);       digitalwrite(ledpin, low);  

user|Submit News usermenu-item aan template koppelen - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik heb een probleem met het koppelen van het user-menu aan een template. voor het gebruik van het usermenu (het toevoegen van artikelen door users) heb ik een aparte template gemaakt. via de template-manager heb ik met [assign] de verschillende user menuitems gekoppeld. usermenu |your details usermenu |submit weblink usermenu |check-in items usermenu |logout het probleem dat er 1 menu ontbreekt in dit lijstje. het menu item ‘usermenu | submit news’  staat in het lijstje bij template assign. dit menu-item blijft nu opkopmen in de oude template ipv de nieuwe. weet iemand waarom dit menu-item niet in assign lijstje wordt opgenomen en hoe ik dit menu-item ook in de nieuwe template kan laten opkomen. ik heb bij een aantal demo-installaties gekeken en die hadden hetzelfde. alvast bedankt voor elke reactie. eric het zeker een link - url ? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum

WLan nur mit Netzwerkkabel - Raspberry Pi Forums

moin moin, ich hoffe, mir kann jemand bei einem komischen problem helfen. wlan geht nur, wenn auch ein netzwerkkabel eingestöpselt ist. hier erst mal ein paar basics: code: select all uname -a linux sauna 3.18.14+ #794 preempt sun jun 7 12:02:04 bst 2015 armv6l gnu/linux code: select all lsusb bus 001 device 002: id 0424:9512 standard microsystems corp. bus 001 device 001: id 1d6b:0002 linux foundation 2.0 root hub bus 001 device 003: id 0424:ec00 standard microsystems corp. bus 001 device 004: id 148f:5370 ralink technology, corp. rt5370 wireless adapter code: select all cat /etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto wlan0 allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static wireless-power off address netmask route add default gw metric 2 gateway dns-nameservers wpa-ap-scan 1 wpa-scan-ssid 1 wpa-ssid "dbe-fritz" wpa-psk "xxxxx" auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address

Thread: Sound broke with update?

hi all, have hp mini 110, , running jaunty. applied bugfix sound available @ involved linuxant alsa driver. worked minor crackling here , there. now, ad if overnight, sound stopped working. installed updates, , *appears* issue. looking @ volume control, says devices has are: playback: null output (pulseaudio mixer) , capture: monitor of null output (pulseaudio mixer) tried removing pulseaudio; i'll see if anything. --alex Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Sound broke with update? Ubuntu

Anandamidi MIDI controller

new midi controller me. 16 buttons, 6 pots, 3 faders , 10 leds. hardware base: arduino pro mini 4051 multiplexer button/led matrix software base: ownduino (my own minimal implementation of arduino functions) midi library 3.2 (with modifications make more minimal) opendeck library (my own matrix/pot/mux library) very happy project, still have minor work around case it. source freely available here: (source based on controller, it's 95% same) pictures: and here's tryout video: edit: way more details project on blog: Arduino Forum > Community > Exhibition / Gallery > Anandamidi MIDI controller arduino

Server Side Include bug

hi, i have following code in 1 webpage: <td width="43%"> <!--#include file="./common/dropdown.html" --> </td> and have dropdown file in ./common directory conains: <div align="right"><img src="./images/headers/link.gif" alt="link" width="113" height="27"> <select name="select1" size="1" class="dropback"> <option value="./a.shtml">a</option> </select> <input type="button" value="go" onclick="jumptolink(document.form1.select1)" name="button"> </div> and have file contains: <td width="41%"> <!--#include file="./common/dropdown.html" --> </td> they both wrapped in form called 'form1', reason, 1st call works fine, 2nd doesnt. 2nd 1 nothing. loads drop down fine. help! the include syntax should - <!--#include fil

NOOBS AND TMPFS - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, on raspberry pi setup tmpfs or suitable alternative create readonly/readwrite versions of same oss . e.g. @ noobs boot screen see openelec rw & openelec ro. have advice on how this? once have configured alternative os documentation creating custom version of noobs here: how create custom os version raspberrypi

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Holding scope probes causes notable changes, why?

i playing oscilloscope , noticed if touched 1 lead finger, turn sine wave, , if touched other probe dampen noise @ all. , no fingers kind of giving garbage in between 2 scenarios described. i know human body acts antennae , has capacitance; one, both, or neither of these reason behavior seeing? quote from: wes000000 on jun 01, 2014, 04:08 am i playing oscilloscope , noticed if touched 1 lead finger, turn sine wave, , if touched other probe dampen noise @ all. , no fingers kind of giving garbage in between 2 scenarios described. i know human body acts antennae , has capacitance; one, both, or neither of these reason behavior seeing? scopes typically have high input impedence (unless have type 50 ohm switchable input impedence). means takes little current make appreciable change. since body acts antenna, picking stray power line noise (50 or 60hz depending on country multiples there of due distortion products). bit confused other probe mean ground clip or m

Extended Menu Module disappears - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have spent time looking answer or related topic no avail.  loaded extended menu module , have working , looking, want it. i copied module (mod_exmenu) in order add menu module.  looks , functions correctly.  both menus show , sub menus work fine. the weird problem having when mouse on 1 of menus, other disappears.  have browser refresh them both show again. any ideas? thanks, brian not sure sounds javascript issue both modules sharing same id or name value. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

Consigli scelta board Arduino

ciao tutti, per un progetto cui sto lavorando, ho bisogno di un vostro consiglio (più esperto) per la scelta delle varie schede arduino. il progetto in questione è un sistema di solar tracking un po' particolare, non sto spiegarvi vari dettagli del progetto in quanto non ho il consenso per farlo. spero possiate capire  /*problema 1*/ vi descrivo vari componenti di cui avrei bisogno: # 3 x motori passo passo # 1 x stazione meteo che misuri pressione vento e quanto basta per poter determinare le condizioni meteo, per monitorare l'intensità del vento ecc... # 1 x sensore per la misurazione dell'intensità della luce (sole) # 1 x bussola # 1 x accelerometro # 1 x gps questi sono componenti. che scheda arduino mi consigliate? arduino yun, mega, uno, due? /*fine problema 1*/ /*problema 2*/ altro mio dilemma è che tutto questo sistema sarà gestito in questo modo: 1- un algoritmo calcola l'orientamento del pannello in direzione del sole in base alla mia posizione gps,

Thread: How to download multiple torrents command line style with Transmissions

what command use have transmissions download multiple torrents (i downloaded torrent file box), in same directory, @ once through terminal? can't transmission except check man pages, might want take rtorrent. it's full-featured command-line based bittorrent client. run inside screen session can close console window , forget it. have set through configuration file monitor folder .torrent files , automatically loads them client , moves files 'completed' folder when done. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] How to download multiple torrents command line style with Transmissions Ubuntu

Controllo ventola 2 fili con Arduino

salve tutti  fino pochi giorni fa avevo una ventolina dell'asus 4 fili. per il mio scopo  (col sensore di temperatura), ne ho utilizzati soltanto 3. ma magicamente, da un momento all'altro ha smesso di funzionare. infatti fili si sono spezzati uno ad uno in pochi minuti  :0 quindi sono andato in cerca di ventole da 5v, ma tutte quelle che ho trovato erano o troppo grandi o solo 2 fili. avendo solo due fili, posso collegare uno dei due fili all'uscita di arduino? in pratica devo far si, che ad un certa temperatura, si attivi la ventola... adesso non se con 2 fili funziona  consigli in merito?  ^_^ no, direttamente ad arduino non puoi collegarla ... guarda l'allegato, in basso sinistra guglielmo Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > Controllo v

[FIXED] - missing space in com_menus - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when adding new menu-item ( /administrator/index.php?option=com_menus&menutype=mainmenu ), html looks in 1 spot: code: select all <liclass="last"> it should of course be: code: select all <li class="last"> which version testing? not find class in last svn. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived Q&T 1.5.x Resolved

Raspbian Access point redirect on connect - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys have apache, php5, mysql, dnsmasq, hostapd, dhcp running without problems when user logon access point , enter address in browser redirected apache webserver /www accomplish is: user automatically redirected apache /www upon connecting rpi access point. bit hotspot, connect ssid , when open browser see apaches /www, without having enter url in browser. hope can guide me in right direction. thank you did ever working? raspberrypi

fireworks MX 2004 for Mac

anyone can of assistance,thanks in advance. have had fireworks mx 2004 year , has worked no problems; yesterday, app. quit unexpectedly , has not restarted. reinstalled fireworks; , reinstalled entire--all other mx 2004 programs work fine. here part of report , i'll submit rest if you'd in message (limited number of characters): date/time: 2006-07-24 05:38:01 -0700 os version: 10.3.9 (build 7w98) report version: 2 command: fireworks path: /applications/macromedia fireworks mx 2004/fireworks mx 2004/contents/macos/fireworks version: fireworks version (7.0.2) pid: 845 thread: 0 exception: exc_bad_access (0x0001) codes: kern_invalid_address (0x0001) @ 0xffffffe0 thread 0 crashed: 0 <<00000000>> 0xffff8910 __memcpy + 0x170 1 ...ple.coreservices.carboncore 0x94901eb0 al_fillalias + 0x310 2 ...ple.coreservices.carboncore 0x9493baf8 fsupdatealias + 0x54 3 ...ple.coreservices.carboncore 0x9491d614 fsresolvealiaswithmountflagsinternal + 0xa8 4 ...ple.coreserv

peak detection algorithm

     i want write code peak detection. have signal has 3 peaks in 1 minute. need detect these using peak detection algorithm dont know how.  :~    thanks helps. hello sixbullets please tell more signal.  come from?  how connect arduino?  how plan measure value? frequency range in? regards ray Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > peak detection algorithm arduino

Template Chooser as a Flat List (Module Class Suffix) - Joomla 1.1 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been trying apply module class suffix template chooser make flat list top menu. the reason accessibility visually impaired , partially sighted users i.e. want offer range of template options (no css, high visibility etc..) top menu item. i have set module 'top -2' , conversly 'user 3 -2' , drop down list appears should, have set specific flat list class in css , applied suffix in module manager options, not seems work. can tell me if have got way wrong? - undertsand threads 1.5/2.0 have option, looking @ rewrite of module? many thanks richard im having same problem, have searched while , cant seem find solution. anyone have simple how use "page class suffix" thanks pip Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

problem when trying to inherit from EthernetClient class

hello, i'm trying create new class inherits ethernetclient class, in order add specific functions parse http commands needs. , can't manage have working. initially, had code such as: code: [select] void loop() {   ethernetclient client = server.available();   if (client) {      get_http_request(client);      ....   } } now, make get_http_request() function method of new class inherit ethernetclient, like: code: [select] class myethernetclient : public ethernetclient { public:     string gethttprequest(); }; myethernetclient::gethttprequest() { ...} and above code become somthing like: code: [select] void loop() {   myethernetclient client = server.available();   if (client) {      cmdstring = client.gethttprequest();      ....   } } but when doing this, following compilation error: quote error: conversion 'ethernetclient' non-scalar type 'myethernetclient' requested so then, tried do: code: [select] myethernetclient client = (myethernetclient) server.a

Accessibility and onPress

i developing basic drag , drop activity in flash 8 , attempting make accessibile. have run problem screen reader won't read text or _accprops textfield parent movie clip has onpress handler applied (the object being dragged). the textfield has html set true , displays imported xml. seems dynamic textfields don't receive focus have set type input, works fine. how applying stylesheet prevents being editable behaves dynamic field anyway. i have tested in ms internet explorer using demo version of window eyes. does 1 have info on why happens , how work? thanks. a solution - found work around after posting forum. use mouselistener onmousedown event function , hittest on movie clip dragged. eg /***** accessible alternative using movieclip.onpress dragable movie clips *****/ var mouselistener:object = new object(); mouselistener.onmousedown = function() { if (drag_mov.hittest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) , drag_mov.enabled){ drag_mov.startdrag(false, 0, 0, 200, 200) }

Preload main swf with another swf

hey everyone, i have 2 swf files, 1 preloader , second main file. want preload main file using preload swf. works, main swf starts play after 11% of preloaded, how can stop this? want preload entire main swf , have play. here code i'm using in preloader swf. or if can tell me way, work @ point! i'm new appreciated. need asap help, please do! in advance!! insert blank frame before current 1st frame in main swf , attach stop() frame. in preloader use: More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

need some code

anyone have code light following robot uses servo scan 360* drives brightest light complete begginer have no idea start ideas welcome. thanks start smaller. hardware , test in pieces. servo - make move & forth. light sensor - light readings. chassis motor/wheels/tank treads/whatever. moving left/right, forward/backward, etc. then start combining. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > need some code arduino

Problem finding COM device with Arduino 1.5.6-r2

hi guys, first, if better suited due forum, please don't hesitate move accordingly.  figured more of platform issue hardware or application specific issue, believe correct section. i've run problem using ftdi cable program arduino due.  long story short, continuation of thread on in visual micro forums , can found here: ultimately solution problem should allow troubleshoot other issues, keep things simple, i'll discuss issue 1.5.6-r2. first, have 2 different versions of arduino installed, 1.5.4 , 1.5.6-r2.  i have arduino due, , attempting program using ftdi cable sparkfun: i've turned on verbose output in both versions of arduino during uploading watch each 1 doing.  output 1.5.4: code: [select] sketch uses 26,160 bytes (4%) of program storage space. maximum 524,288 bytes. forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port com25 c:\users\tyler\desktop\arduino-1.5.4/har

Running the motion library on the Yun

has gotten motion package run on yun? there post here indicating got work can't duplicate success. two example issues. first, snapshots motion takes garbled, bit jigsaw puzzle. secondly, if set support streaming remote browsers crashes on start (looks can't determine ip address correctly). having motion on yun awesome i'm @ loss how troubleshoot these issues. quote the heart of system software motion exist @ linino, unfortunately stream os openwrt broken support ffmpeg @ motion. wait arduino tre best bet ( or compile motion yourself). motion alert via text message or web service of image or video allow view via internet. Arduino Forum > Products

Problem uploading code on Arduino Leonardo

hello. need guidance on arduino leonardo, because whenever try upload code, have errors, or board isn't installing properly. found post yesterday: , similar problems. ide version used: 1.0.5. os: windows 7, 64 bit. 1. uploading code failed first time. led l (load) off, power led on. ide not see com port ("serial port" option grayed , inactive). error: code: [select] couldn't find leonardo on selected port. check have correct port selected.  if correct, try pressing board's reset button after initiating upload. at at at at at at process

Thread: Suggestions for monitoring inet or network traffic

i find varying down/upload times on connections. being able see connect speed, lost packets, etc. perhaps in sort of real time tabular form beneficial think. @ point speculate. suggestions on small footprint piece of software run in background, , display few vital pieces of data on transmission quality, , perhaps give more robust report when run in foreground? well, monitoring bandwidth, use nethogs. shows top-like list of program program bandwidth usage. don't know how monitor latency or dropped packets thought. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Suggestions for monitoring inet or network traffic Ubuntu

Duplicate SD Card - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, installed raspbian , worked on pi3d , built software.. want make duplicate sd card programs in it. first know, possible or not? can please guide me on how make duplicate sd card if possible? fahadkalis wrote: hi, installed raspbian , worked on pi3d , built software.. want make duplicate sd card programs in it. first know, possible or not? can please guide me on how make duplicate sd card if possible? well, if have identical sd card it's not possible, easy.. can use this take image of source sd , write destination sd had problems putting image sd sd (different), that's why suggest use identical sd raspberrypi

Raspbian released on 2015-05-05 - Raspberry Pi Forums

i went , raspbian image has release date of 2015-05-05. think have been using image 2015-02. i'm pretty sure it's wheezy 3.18. what's new in release? (i checked release note @ ... _notes.txt , there's nothing newer 2015-02) yup, more info coming. raspberrypi

advice on array

hello. i'm thinking how something, however, still cannot resolve it. that "something" is: have boolean array of 8 positions, holds data of 8 switches. need execute function when 1 of switches high , rest low. how it? hint? thanks use loop , examin each element in turn. each 1 find high increment counter. then have if count one. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > advice on array arduino

AP-div size not updating in Properties when resized with handles

when resize ap-element handle wrap around image, , push handles in image, dreamweaver registers values in properties though design view shows me full image. shouldn't dreamweaver wrap div image , update div's width , height values in properties automatically. is, must size of image , retype values in div properties's w , h fields; time consuming! there way force dreamweaver re-read true div size values. tried f5 no luck. thanks help! yvan More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

error on getRepeaterItem

hi. i'm still new in whole flex/actionscript environment. i'm using repeater show records read xml, , on click of image in repeater loop, i want go state update particular item. i've been using chunks of code examples, doing somthing wrong when trying piece them together, theres not exact examples you're looking for. error i'm getting: referenceerror: error #1069: property getrepeateritem not found on mx.core.flexloader , there no default value. any assistance appreciated. need see simplified sample code displaying error. maybe need cast in event listener, shot in dark. need sample code. More discussions in LiveCycle Data Services adobe

The Arduino Package Manager

i made last night in fit of productivity - it's not idea here go: it works bit rubygems, , it's not comprehensive, works! i use jruby familiar using gems. , concept seems idea. think need add explanation can't see how system used arduino project. also, suspect 90% or 99% of arduino users never heard of ruby gems. it sounds users need have ruby or jruby installed. think big obstacle. because arduino ide written in java easiest use jruby. unfortunately, however, think on windows (i use linux) arduino ide includes own copy of jvm may not available on users pc. is essential use github? i've never got head around that. i postpone anti-bundler rant day. ...r Arduino Forum > Development > Other Software Development > The Arduino Package Manager arduino

Pages not responding to templates

good day, altough it's not day me, stocked strange problem: there 12 web pages in entire site present following caracteristic: - slow work if copy code page , paste 1 of these 12 pages. - dreamweaver block if copy graphic page , paste on 1 of these 12 pages. - when update template 1 of these 12 pages linked, whole group of page take time update, , time, dreamweaver blocks - when use command "find , replace" group of pages including 1 of these 12 pages, work slow, , sometime, doesn't work - , best os end: on malfunctionning pages, if use command "apply template page" in order change templates page belongs to, dreaweaver blocks ! but happens 12 pages, here code of 1 of them. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

problema con i driver

salve ho acquistato da poco l'ennesima scheda e pultroppo ho scoperto che il mio pc non mi lascia più installare driver quando seleziono il driver di arduino mi da l'errore accesso negato (mentre su altri pc mi lascia installarlo correttamente) qualcuno sa come posso risoverlo? grazie sistema operativo? hai scaricato l'ultima versione? la 1.0.5r2? --> ha driver certificati anche per windows 8.1, nel caso usassi quello. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > problema con i driver arduino

inizio timer al cambiamento della variabile

ciao tutti, ho provato cercare nel forum ma non sono riuscito trovare qualche esempio. dovrei far partire un timer  quando una variabile superi un certo valore x e si azzera quando la variabile è uguale o minore di x. potete darmi qualche idea? non chiedo il codice pronto, ma il metodo corretto. vi ringrazio code: [select] unsigned long start; int primavolta=0; ... if(variabile > x && primavolta==0) { start = millis(); primavolta =1; } if( variabile < x && primavolta==1) { tempo = millis()-start; primavolta =0; } ciao uwe Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > inizio timer al cambiamento della variabile arduino

Akobook problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when try configure akobook, he isn't storing settings when edit file doesn't doe settings , empties them again. who has had problem before or knows answer. thanks r_ekkie wrote: when try configure akobook, he isn't storing settings when edit file doesn't doe settings , empties them again. who has had problem before or knows answer. thanks isn't there knows problem causes??? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

GPG error while apt-get update or upgrade - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm new raspberry pi, past 2 days i'm getting on these annoying error, solution . ignoring file 'rpimonitor' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' has no filename extension w: gpg error: experimental release: following signatures couldn't verified because public key not available: no_pubkey 8b48ad6246925553 no_pubkey 7638d0442b90d010 w: ignoring provides line depcompareop package python-cffi-backend-api-max w: ignoring provides line depcompareop package python-cffi-backend-api-min w: ignoring provides line depcompareop package python3-cffi-backend-api-max w: ignoring provides line depcompareop package python3-cffi-backend-api-min where did rpimonitor file come , what's in it? edit: sorry, red herring , not actual problem (it's separate problem). provide content of /etc/apt/sources.list , /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* explanation modifications. raspberrypi

QT application running reg - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello sir , new in rawsperry pi using . developed on qt application in pc . need run application on rawsperry pi board . let me know need do? running qt application on board you need install qt4 devlopment libraries , tools on pi. there instructions doing here: http://gettingstartedqtdebian.blogspot. ... t-for.html don't install qtcreator ide, no qtcreator package. think need install qmake separately in case. copy code onto pi change it's directory , build it: $ qmake $ make luck. raspberrypi

Displaying Results chosen from a range.

hi, have webpage i'm trying display name of people within age range. way i'm trying set have group of links example, 18-25 26-35 36-45 and when 1 of age range selected display name of people in database fall age range. need know how tell coldfusion select names ages within selected range. proper way: add ranges table db , cross-table link persons particular range. list of ranges have corresponding rangeid ranges table, pass on , make selection of names display based on same range id being assigned name in cross-table. improper way: treat selected range's value list "-" delimiter. have min age , max age. select names whos age gte min , lte max. need pass 2 params query/next page: min age , max age. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

I2C and power - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'am trying drive servo motor through adafruit 16-channel 12-bit pwm/servo driver - i2c interface - pca9685 board. power added on board 4 electric battery 1,5 v. full voltage around 4.9 v. can't access i2c device when run "ls /dev/i2c*" : i2c activated, blacklist cleaned, etc... 2 questions : - i2c device exist on system if board not connected ? - can low level power (4.9v) explain i2c not operating ? best regards. have loaded i2c-dev module? provides user-space interface i2c devices, , creates /dev/i2c-1? "sudo modprobe i2c-dev" load immediately, , add "i2c-dev" /etc/modules ensure loads automatically after reboot. raspberrypi

PWM With ScratchGPIO - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, hope can me. im developing mini tethered on pole quadcopter stem events. ive got motors spinning via python rpi.gpio , servoblaster. have keystage 2 students coming , thought them use scratch control 4 motors. cant seem scratchgpio output pwm motors. can please tell me special variable or whatever im missing. im absolute beginner concerning programming , first time scratch user. lee there post here controlling servoblaster scratchclient. viewtopic.php?f=77&t=99541 mention "the motors spinning via python rpi.gpio , servoblaster". on understanding, either use pwm control on gpio or use servoblaster pwm control. if control motors, think use pulse widths 0..100% ? regards, gerhard raspberrypi

Problema Easy Transfer

buonasera tutti! sto avendo un piccolo problema con un codice (abbastanza lungo e che riporterò integralmente) il quale dovrebbe essere il pilota (assieme ad un pc per comandi vocali) di un progettino di domotica. allego il codice in basso. allora errori di compliazione non ne ottengo, tuttavia l'errore che riscontro è alla parte di codice seguente e presente nel loop() : code: [select]  if(etemp.receivedata()){ // in caso di ricezione temperatura    gettemp();    temp2pc();  } questa funzione dovrebbe ricevere la temperatura da un attiny collegato ad arduino con la softeasyserial; essa ha funzionato correttamente fino ad alcune modifiche fa ma da poco non ha voluto più saperne di stamparmi la temperatura (e controllando con l'accensione di un led, il codice non arriva mai quell'if) quindi suppongo il problema sia di collegamenti, e non credo perchè ho sempre fatto così, oppure sia di qualche ritardo eccessivo nel loop() che non fa in tempo per la ricezione da

Forum variasjon?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg vil gjerne ha litt variasjon på fargen på forumet...hvordan gjør jeg dette?? eks: ... &itemid=28 sånn @ fargen går annenvær kordan? det er mange gode template og guider på eller hvordan er stabiliteten til forumet sammen med joomla? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Norwegian Forum Eldre versjoner av Joomla! Joomla! 1.0 Template, CSS og design

Thread: Intelectual Property & Free Hardware

i work in mechanical design industry, means design hardware. various kinds, various markets... finished watching - , @ right around 7:40 starts talking how 4 freedoms can't apply hardware, but- no hardware (ok, hardware) doesn't exist w/o intellectual property, in form of engineering drawings , various engineering calculations, , spreadsheets, etc... every drawing i've ever produced contained little note somewhere on title block: copyright 2008 <insert company name> inc. rights reserved. information contained herein proprietery , confidential , may not used out express written consent <insert company name> inc. in fact- on first day of every job i've had designer / drafter, signed nda (non-disclosure agreement), confidentiality agreement, , other document stated ideas come while working @ whatever company property of company... ideas

"PORTC =" command cannot compile in Arduino Due mode??

hi everyone, trying interface tft display in arduino due, need use "portc = " command instead of digitalwrite command in order have fastest speed drive display. program cannot compile , said"error: 'portc' not declared in scope" , while can compile same program without problem if select arduino uno. i cannot believe took out simple command aruduino due, point p.s there other way write port faster "digitalwrite" ?  thanks portc = not command, assignment statement.  reason such error if portc not defined.  have looked the sam3x datasheet , looked see calls various io ports? Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > "PORTC =" command cannot compile in Arduino Due mode?? arduino

URL Strangeness

hello folks, here's problem i've not read before , if know answer great, here's problem have updated index.htm file on site , when check in browser , type in browsers (safari/firefox/ie/mozilla) browsers shows updated file (ok that's good). if put whole url in (as should be) browers show old index.htm file - i've emptied cache/cleared history same problem in browsers... answers folks. many thanks. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Tables Not at Top of Browser

the main table of website positioned @ top line background .gif. works great in ie in firefox, safari , netscape comes down , looks awful. have 0 px in "top" section of page properties ie seems recognize it. i ventured css in positioning option 0 px @ top didn't show in firefox or safari. any ideas? thanks, diane already answered twice on dw forum. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "march101" <> wrote in message news:ea5hvk$h32$ > main table of website positioned @ top line > > background .gif. works great in ie in firefox, saf

Newgroups for Director: Macromedia or Adobe?

now adobe has officially announced next version of director ("adobe director") continue using these macromedia newgroups or change adobe new server. there adobe director newgroups that unaware of (and how access them?). on thu, 27 jul 2006 02:44:00 gmt, tjd posted in macromedia.director.basics: > adobe has officially announced next version of director > ("adobe director") continue using these macromedia newgroups > or change adobe new server. there adobe > director newgroups unaware of (and how access them?). i can't speak adobe, i'm still using news server. if prefer (yech!) web forums on newsreaders, can log adobe web forum pages access these newsgroups @ they have nntp servers other products on server: i think can read newsgroups newsreader - haven't been able post them. otherwise, log web forums. fwiw, of http links automaticall

template sökes - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jag letar efter en teplate, helst gratis, som har tre kolumner, eller överhuvudtaget fler positioner. har ni några tips? jag har sökt så mycket att jag gett upp litet för tillfället. kanske någon kan benåda mig med en bra länk? /stefan har du ett par timmar så finns svaret här: Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Mallar (templates) och design

Thread: Starling Boot errors

when boot new starling, i'm getting 2 lines of error messages after countdown ends. go fast can't read them, @ least first 1 has "pciehp" (i think), "already exists" , "cannot hot-add". there more, can catch it. thought there might error log someplace (in fact there one), can't find it. since computer brand new, i'm not sure why getting error messages. can sort our me? tnx mcm posted eyore15 when boot new starling, i'm getting 2 lines of error messages after countdown ends. go fast can't read them, @ least first 1 has "pciehp" (i think), "already exists" , "cannot hot-add". there more, can catch it. thought there might error log someplace (in fact there one), can't find it. since computer brand new, i'm not sure why getting error messages.

Configure Network on newest 2015-05-05 raspian wheezy - Raspberry Pi Forums

first off have pain find out how set static ip command line on newest 2015-05-05 raspian wheezy image because uses /etc/dhcpc.conf control network interfaces. more image designed expectations use gui configure network adapters. small projects do, not use gui. figuring out how set static ip network gruesome. anyways, able set static ip can ssh unit not connect internet. here's tail end of dhcpcd.conf code: select all interface eth0 static routers= inform static domain_name_servers= can see how set in second post write definitive solution others find. dont see how ifconfig here is: code: select all eth0 link encap:ethernet hwaddr b8:27:eb:3f:9d:73 inet addr: bcast: mask: broadcast running multicast mtu:1500 metric:1 rx packets:114710 errors:0 dropped:999 overruns:0 frame:0 tx packets:14542 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 tx

Problem with code?

hi new here, i'm doing robotic hand ,that can control using push button , flex sensor. the condition here program push button run perfectly code: [select] #include <servo.h> int button1 = a0; int button2 = a1; int button3 = a2; int button4 = a3; int button5 = a4; int press1 = 0; int press2 = 0; int press3 = 0; int press4 = 0; int press5 = 0; servo myservo1; servo myservo2; servo myservo3; servo myservo4; servo myservo5; void setup() {   pinmode(button1, input);   pinmode(button2, input);   pinmode(button3, input);   pinmode(button4, input);   pinmode(button5, input);   myservo1.attach(2);   myservo2.attach(3);   myservo3.attach(4);   myservo4.attach(5);   myservo5.attach(6); } void loop() {   press1 = digitalread(button1);   if (press1 == low)   {   myservo1.write(179);   delay(100);     }   else{   myservo1.write(1);   delay(100);   }   {      press2 = digitalread(button2);   if (press2 == low)   {   myservo2.write(179);   delay(100);     }   else{   myservo2.writ