Template Chooser as a Flat List (Module Class Suffix) - Joomla 1.1 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been trying apply module class suffix template chooser make flat list top menu.

the reason accessibility visually impaired , partially sighted users i.e. want offer range of template options (no css, high visibility etc..) top menu item.

i have set module 'top -2' , conversly 'user 3 -2' , drop down list appears should, have set specific flat list class in css , applied suffix in module manager options, not seems work.

can tell me if have got way wrong? - undertsand threads 1.5/2.0 have option, looking @ rewrite of module?

many thanks


im having same problem, have searched while , cant seem find solution.

anyone have simple how use "page class suffix"




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