
Showing posts from July, 2014

Thread: Can't install Ubuntu printer at library

i tech support person our local library. put ubuntu on of our public computers. computers print ubuntu desktop machine directly cabled printer won't print , add printer grayed out. got error message cups wasn't running reinstalled still no printer.i need getting our 3 librarians computers have xp find printer. did reinstall cups , have samba on hard wired computer won't print. want ubuntu work don't know how long able have unless can printers working. if possible can call me @ library today? ask carol. if call can call right don't pay call. library 1-231-882-4037.thank someone! forgot @ library today 3pm 7pm eastern time,usa. what make/model printer? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Can't install Ubuntu printer at library Ubuntu

Thread: connect two laptops over WIFI

hi, have transfer files 1 laptop other. how connect 2 laptops on wifi in ubuntu 9.04? hi see if helps... see ya... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware connect two laptops over WIFI Ubuntu

Joomlaboard Forum Component 1.1.2 - Kan ikke lave nyt emne - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej forum jeg har installeret joomlaboard forum component 1.1.2 stable og lavet et par forummer. når jeg går på live-sitet @ teste mine forummer, ja så er de der der ganske vist og jeg kan også komme ind dem. kommer så problemet:   når jeg klikker på "lav ny emne" så sker der intet. jeg får ikke lov til @ oprette et nyt indlæg (ligesom på forum) hvad kan der være galt   ??? mvh michael joomlaboard er kommet en version 1.1.4, prøv første omgang @ få fat den. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Komponenter, Moduler og Mambots

Buggy Scenes

i wondering if has suggestions (now) messed webpage. have been working scenes, lot of gotoandstop, , gotoandplay functions direct viewer specific scenes , keyframes using gotoandstop ("home",1), etc. have moved "intro" scene first place in website, , "home" scene number two. now, whenever click on buttons, kicked frozen version of intro page. the code correct: working before. should making frame labels solve problem? or doing wrong? have heard scenes buggy, maybe proof. , if buggy, how so, , why should be? this frustrating. maybe tell me why frame labels better, , also, i've heard scenes no-no. if true, why have scenes in first place? brad more... if move intro file after "home" scene, works should. problem when navigate other scenes, , go "home" scene, buttons not work. why work once, , not second time? More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Running 8.04 as customised from USB stick?

hi, following plan hovers in of mind: i'd use hardy install, customized in virtualbox, , put in on usb stick in order run on pc encounter. this: customised setup. possible make iso remastersy , follow above steps? done before? suggestions welcome. or work better?: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Running 8.04 as customised from USB stick? Ubuntu

REALLY stuck - LCD not working correctly. - Raspberry Pi Forums

folks, bought 3.2 inch display , downloaded drivers/image. not "professional" way of doing it, options limited. boots, , display works. no worries, seems "stuck" @ point. in pdf file said can switch hdmi output with: hdmi-sys-show , switch 3.2 display with: lcd32-sys-show goes on take few minutes load drivers. have tried couple of times , doesn't seem work. ok, may not waiting long enough. here real problem face: sudo apt-get update takes 15 hours (if lucky) , fails. stupid me hasn't made log not sure why. on 3.2 inch screen difficult. then: sudo apt-get upgrade well, gave after 36 hours. seemed stuck on wolf farm....... 10% , on 36 hours. don't think going work. adsl ok, , can faster speeds watching videos etc, downloads coming in @ less dialup speeds! want things date before try again. when "up spec" make image of card , work there. now, have nothing other image supplied display. since pi doesn'

rasperry car project and SSH - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi built car raspberry can controll keyboard. i'm using python , lib " pololu_drv8835_rpi" permit control motors speed. when launch programm on raspberry, it's running. i'd take control computer, have access raspberry ssh connection. when launch programm (with same way) programm opens, starts (with 2 prints) , closes immediatly @ line command motors first time... have idea ? thanks be careful avoid speeding ticket, until better speed control. raspberrypi

Problem reading Uno via Linux

hey there, i'm new here , having strange problem uno. i want measure , plot temperature ds18b20's. works fine on win 7 64bit. now, using opensuse 13.1. on serial monitor comes arduino ide fine, too. looks this: rom = 281cffa450063 22.69 c rom = 28bc7ba550064 22.62 c rom = 28822ca4500d1 22.62 c rom = 28d56da45005e 22.50 c rom = 281bd7a450020 22.56 c no more sensors rom = 281cffa450063 22.62 c rom = 28bc7ba550064 22.62 c rom = 28822ca4500d1 22.62 c rom = 28d56da45005e 22.50 c rom = 281bd7a450020 22.56 c no more sensors ... , on when trying use "screen /dev/ttyacm0 9600" on terminal or python script, needs time read correctly. looks like: 2   rom = 28bc7ba5500646 c rom = 28d56da45005e 22.44 c rom = 281bd7a450020 22.50 c no more sensors rom = 281cffa450063 22.62 c rom = 28bc7ba550064rom = 281cffa450063 22.62 c rom = 28bc7ba550064 22.56 c rom = 28822ca4500d1 22.56 c rom = 28d56da45005e 22.44 c rom = 281bd7a450020 22.50 c no more sensors rom = 281cffa450063 22.62

Thread: SATA150 SX4 - Module "sata-sx4" missing?

i'm trying install ubuntu server 9.04 x86 (because unfortunately machine bit old , doesn't have x86-64 cpu) on hp proliant ml110 server. has appears promise fasttrak s150 sx4 sata raid adapter. when boot ubuntu server cd, seems go fine until gets point tries detect harddrives , fails. apparently hasn't got driver loaded sata card, , asks if want select one, displays list of modules select - none of appear have sata whatsoever. information revealed google on subject, seems indicate particular type of card should supported in linux kernel several years now, through module called "sata_sx4". after opening console ubuntu installer, in /lib/modules see if there useful modules, can't find "sata_sx4" anywhere in there. in fact, thing found @ seems have sata @ module called "sata_mv", according google driver different type of sata controller. why "sata_sx4" missing install cd? has been renamed else? if so, wh

Problema con Ubuntu Mate - Raspberry Pi Forums

ciao tutti, una settimana fa ho ordinato il raspberry pi 2 b da kubii. ieri mi è arrivato e oggi ho installato ubuntu mate, siccome su desktop sono abituato con ubuntu. solo che, mi sembra che vada un pò rilento, e quando vado vedere video su youtube da firefox o video in locale da vlc non fa nemmeno un fotogramma al secondo. il video va scatti, mentre l'audio si alternano momenti in cui si sente fluido ad altri in cui anche questo va scatti. da cosa dipende? É il sistema operativo il problema? sì. più che altro è vlc. il lettore multimediale indicato per il raspberry è omxplayer. poi non se mate sia troppo pesante. il desktop manager usato da raspian è lxde. raspberrypi

vlc palyer as a client - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'm beginner of rpi. want rpi play rtsp client in shell mode. think, need install vlc , play rtsp using vlc player. right? plz let me know, how install , play vlc(rtsp:) in rpi shell mode. best regards use omxplayer instead , preinstalled , hardware-accelerated. code: select all omxplayer [url] ghans raspberrypi

Page Movement

i trying neighborhood set web site , not experienced developer, need advice. pages shift left/right when viewed on mac using os 10.3.9 , browsers safari 1.3.2 , firefox not have problem on pcs firefox or ie. problem os needs updated? sample pages located here: (a page) , (one of pages shifts). thank you. put css , see if helps - html, body { min-height:101%; margin-bottom:1px; } -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "julesba" <> wrote in message news:ee1fpe$r6f$ >i tryin

Installation problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

once step 4, this... and once delete installation folder , edit configuration.php file , click on link (view site) message warning: main(): unable access /path/to/joomla/install/includes/version.php in /mounted-storage/home8/sub002/sc15191-rntr/ on line 71 warning: main(/path/to/joomla/install/includes/version.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /mounted-storage/home8/sub002/sc15191-rntr/ on line 71 fatal error: main(): failed opening required '/path/to/joomla/install/includes/version.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /mounted-storage/home8/sub002/sc15191-rntr/ on line 71 i not know anymore, has happened 6 times lol. any appreciated. nvm, fixed it Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Shift Register / CD4511 combo

hi all, first post... for reason, i'm obsessed lowering amount of pins i'm using run 4 digits 7 segments led display common anode (or cathode). came conceptual idea of using 595 shift register feed cd4511 decoder. the shift register feed 4 bit (bcd) cd4511 - connected led display - , 4 bit common anode or cathode close circuit. multiplex like: bcd  - 4 cathodes 0001   0001  (writes 1 on digit 1) 0001   0010  (writes 1 on digit 2) 0001   0100  (writes 1 on digit 3) 0001   1000  (writes 1 on digit 4) this allow daisy chain add displays without increasing number of pin used. my first assumption there either better way or not work but, i'd understand how or why, thanks input, hi , welcome. yes in theory work, display have dim avoid overloading '595. each '595 output source/sink around 20ma, which, shared among 8 segments , 4 digits, 20/32 = 0.6ma each! for learning purposes, interesting question, in practice use max7219. drive 8 digits (br

Extending a Position - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok, i've been playing around joomla, , felt 'powered by' image didn't right, i've done deleted code, rhuk_solarflare index.php, looks like:; can see below 'polls' section there blank space! so want know how can either extend polls module down, or move right column fill space? thanks in advance, chris horridge you can edit template manually within joomla in template manager area or can copy code , place in preferred web editor tools such nvu or dreamweaver or golive, of have joomla plugins available. there useful tutorial on making joomla templates scratch. can learn details can helpful in editing existing template. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

Mobile redirect - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys my website contain 2 main area . main area (collection of pages meant normal viewing ) - and mobile page (collection of pages  meant mobile viewing , xe-mobile template). ... /1033/245/ **my mobile page "another" collection of pages inside joomla pages using xe-mobile template. create pages (content) seperately due size of picture. so - problem how auto redirect user mobile pages if use mobile . script? masli wrote: hi guys my website contain 2 main area . main area (collection of pages meant normal viewing ) - and mobile page (collection of pages  meant mobile viewing , xe-mobile template). ... /1033/245/ **my mobile page "another" collection of pages inside joomla pages using xe-mobile template. create pages (content) seperately due size of picture. so - problem how auto redirect user mobile pages if use

Thread: Edit xorg.conf

hi, below xorg.conf: # xorg.conf ( x window system server configuration file) # # file generated dexconf, debian x configuration tool, using # values debconf database. # # edit file caution, , see xorg.conf manual page. # (type "man xorg.conf" @ shell prompt.) # # file automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only* # if has not been modified since last upgrade of xserver-xorg # package. # # note configuration settings done previously # in file, automatically configured server , settings # here ignored. # # if have edited file automatically updated # again, run following command: # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg section "device" identifier "configured video device" endsection section "monitor" identifier "configured monitor" endsection section "screen" identifier "default screen" monitor "configu

Thread: Outgoing traffic management issues.

hello, have 2 internet connections in network, , outgoing traffic using port 3389 uses router (, wile else (internet, mail, etc..) uses router b ( , dhcp server). me it's totally ok put fixed ip address. possible? can 1 network card? lot. you if ip address of rdp connection trying static. man route - manipulate routing tables. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Outgoing traffic management issues. Ubuntu

Logging Power Consumption

i'm planning project using rasp pi , sleepypi shield: spi arduino tasked shutting down pi when it's not in use. since pi powerthirsty monster in project, doesn't need on time. specifically, pi booted, take photo, upload internet, , shut down. once hour or when there pir trigger. when deploy project in field run off solar , either lipo or supercap. before decide , go buying , building power supply want power @ home while , simulate normal use conditions. i need way of logging actual current consumption of project on time. during periods project might take 1-2 ma of draw, while @ other points might drawing 600-800 ma. what effective way of logging that? preferably without buying extra, sophisticated parts. use multimeter , have camera take picture of meter periodically. rather log current, there may other ways solve problem. 1 might measure current meter while project in various states. log state of project , infer current previous measurements.

Can anyone suggest a good IP webcam?

a little background on project : i wanting build remote viewing system / house robot home let me see what's going on via web interface  and/or windows application write.  want able move robot around house , interact things.  live in 2 different states , think useful able check things out remotely.  have camera security system in place now, cameras fixed / servoless, , think fun project ( want learn robotics ).  away mounting camera on rolling platform, kinda want build hexapod articulated head, 2 cameras feed me stereoscopic imagery can view on 3d monitor.  i'm software developer i'm not worried programming side.  ambitious fun! so far i've ordered arduino uno r3 starter kit , wifi shield, plan use controlling robot's servos ( , per zoomkat's recommendation, ssc-32 lynxmotion handle servos ). anyway... point of post : i understand ( having read other threads ) arduino uno not practical streaming video, , neither appear wifi or ethernet shields designed

How do you run Raspbian as Root? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have been having lot of blockers trying use programs in raspbian. every time try edit file or change in os i'm blocked because (i assume) it's not root user. because of have simple things such @ text editing off command prompt via sudo nano. there way have startx start (at boot) root user not blocked time using programs in gui? or there ways can give cretin programs permanent root? don't have every time system reboots? sudo startx raspberrypi

setting remote credentials in services-config.xml

webservice , remoting calls can restricted access cfc's using usernames , passwords. , 'authenticate', i'm having trouble setting <remote-username> , <remote-password> elements in services-config.xml a remoting fault event dispatched because tags (<remote-username> & <remote-password>) "shouldn't" in <properties> element in destination definition. rather protect info on server compile in swf inside setremotecredentials call, why isn't example docs working? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Flash (swf) converted to MPG or AVI

hi i need create tv commercial in flash. know have put fps 30, , other restrictions. question more final format. flash can publish in quicktime if export in flash 5. means dropshadow or other mc effect lost. real poblem. solutions should export in swf , usign third party software convert right format. i'm not sure on final format. mpg or avi. well, nkows third party software can it. thanx help! a quick google has brought this: don't know if it's though More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Readng input pin signal - frequency - hertz ?

hi, first post here , still beginner these arduinos. having done quite lot of searching have not found out how read how fast, frequent signal arriving @ input pin. the board mega , signal 5 volt , coming ethanol sensor, understand send square ish signal , reading signal high project one. regards rob welcome, can tell more signal e.g. range of frequency datasheet etc. if go through tutorial section find lots of usable snippets. if want jump deep there site: - - Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Readng input pin signal - frequency - hertz ? arduino

RS-232 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, wondering if there way dvelope program similar app engine management system. program link ishttp:// ... s-software . click on v4 edition , download if want install , @ it. lke know if possible read incoming info ems , write similar looking program. takes info , displays same way. lke know if can sned correct output make changes. realize reverse enginering original software impossible me since im not programmer figure since uses rs232 cannot difficult write new proram samething. anyway if can let me know id appreciate it. tried many thing on pi2 running vm using qemu , tried wine. wine doesnt make port the pi. if cant work forced use intel mother board , run windows. ems doesnt , not going make linux version of software. again - link not work - because interfaced via rs232 not mean simple program - car systems more can not rs232 - pi not suitable engine control system raspberrypi

Minor prob after installing bridge 1.1.6 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla 1.11 smf 1.1 rc 3 brdige 1.1.6 hello, seems fine after installed bridge , community builder. i'm trying show smf forum in wrapped mode, tried unpublish modules in left , right side forum. now, problem left side still there nothing in it. how eliminate left side in forums section? i'm using rocket theme versatility ii sienna. recently added sidenave = ''; template because of sidenave problem. tried removing seems not cause of problem. thank you. edited: sorry, it's othermenu module that's causing problem.  didn't realize because has nothing in it. ok, got real problem time. have logout 3 times in order logout of joomla. first: smf-joom bridge 1.1.6 logout second: "you logged in private area, please logout" third: smf-joom bridge 1.1.6 still remains logged in, need click logout. has know how fix this? in advance. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructu

Send serials command to arduino from script in remote server

hi, i have project supposed able control led light connected arduino via remote server. script, can reach control led hosted in (not served arduino) , arduino connected internet via ethernet shield somewhere in different location. possible send command arduino via http php script? have found in forum in cases page served arduino itself. regards quote is possible send command arduino via http php script? the action happens when submit button on form selected not have script on same server. can script on different server (the arduino server). post php script today. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Send serials command to arduino from script in remote server arduino

how to create a hotspot in a rollover image

i made buttons on site using rollover images when scroll on button text wil display @ right , thats ok but when scroll @ right of button text wil display to.... ofcourse want text display when scroll on button and not in white area @ right of button.... does knows how set maybe using hotspots or thx help... hi chris, by no means pro @ web design. @ least not yet. but, have been learning html , css. so, take crack @ problem. 1. have designed page in question using layers. bad way layout pages! there tons of articles on web explaining why bad. should search one, , have @ it. may want read on of basic concepts of sound web design. 2. if must use layers. use "show / hide layers" behavior buttons. you use 2 different layers 1 button. layer 1 contains colored box, , layer 2 contains text image. set layer 1 contains box activate layer 2, using show behavior on mouse-over, , hide behavior on mouse-out. 3. page took long time load blazing f

PHP include for current page title - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i looking bit of creating php include can add index page of template current page selection (in menu) displayed in header. ideas? sure easy task knows doing. have been trying figure out hours , don't seem getting anywhere. trying teach myself php suppose best way learn if me extremely greatful! you may laugh have in there @ moment: maybe me understand how can query mysql database pull out want. have spent lot of time exploring phpmyadmin on last couple of years  have still not seceeded in teaching myself how this. i don't ever answeres in forum. asking stupid questions or posting in wrong area? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Problem mit PID-Regelung

hallo zusammen, ich bin ein totaler arduino neuling und nutze dieses board aber nun für eine studienarbeit. ich möchte die geschwindigkeit eines motor über einen poti regeln aber gleichzeitig soll sich die geschwindigkeit in abhängigkeit der werte, die ich von einem ultraschallsensor einlese, ändern. pid vpid(&vist, &vger,&vsoll, kp, ki, kd, direct); void setup(){     serial.begin(9600);     pinmode(motora, output);     pinmode(motorb, output);     pinmode (pwm, output);    digitalwrite(csr, high);     vpid.setoutputlimits(0 , 255); //falls variablen double!!    vpid.setmode(automatic);    vpid.setsampletime(sampletime); } void loop(){    vsoll=analogread(poti)/4.02;   digitalwrite(motora, high);   digitalwrite(motorb, low); vist=vsoll- abstandsmessung()/5; vschiebpid.compute(); analogwrite(pwmlvger); } int abstandsmessung() {    //    // turn on display:    lcd.display();    pinmode(pingpin, output);     digitalwrite(pingpin, low);     delaymicroseconds(2);  

3x3 LED fading grid

hi, first time arduino project. using uno, want do, this; from 7am, first 3 leds on bottom fade in until @ full brightness, followed second third on next 2 hours, 9 leds stay on until 6pm, top row fade leds down again until leds off on following 2 hours, until 7am next day, repeat. thanks help! your average arduino  has enough pins onw led every pin. not "analog" out (pwm capable). two possibilities - "bit bang" - fun way of saying turn led on , off fast enough in right ratio in program have same effect. the other 1 add electronics multiplex pwm on leds or have external chips pwm. and 3rd 1 write specifications lttle clearer. if each row has same dimming, can either wire leds in series , use pwm pins have - steering 3 groups. , other possible combinations depending on patterns want Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing

custom window

i have movieclip located on root's timeline named coninfo , that's it's instance name also. inside coninfo movieclip called movewindow instance name of movewindowmc. when converted movieclip exported as3 , created class "movewindow". now, here gets tricky, @ least me. created simple .as file extending movieclip movewindow. listen mouse , mouse down , calls startdrag() or stopdrag(). getting error after error , cannot figure out how fix it. errors getting undefined methods(startdrag , stopdrag) , properties (moveit, stopit, , movewindowmc). thanks. - jake there fishy declaring var movewindowmc:movieclip; if still have object on stage instance name movewindowmc, don't think code isn't going because have defined new called movewindowmc. and in case have declared movewindowmc, doesn't exist object on stage since declared , did not create instance of nor add anywhere. with that, i'll leave more knowledgeable folks set both straight what's goi

Advice for a gift

hi everyone, i hope correct section question. friends want buy arduino card, or starter kit gift our friend  graduated mechanical engineer. quite ignorant in field , i'm wondering if of can advice us, in can buy him. if can anyway, our friend mechanical interactions, drones , stuff that. thank in advance answers! walter there called "arduino starter kit" arduino uno plus assortment of devices can connect arduino , step-by-step guide. it costs close us$100. there other, unofficial, starter kits less expensive , have different assortment of parts. there few places sell arduino-based robot kits us$80.  1 of these might more fun starter kit. Arduino Forum > General Category > General Discussion (Moderators: mbanzi, DojoDave, mellis) > Advice for a gift ardui

ATmega328 EEPROM Write Cycle Efficiency

hi all, i'm little confused built in eeprom. it's supposed able pass 100,000 write cycles, i've been unable find out if means 100,000 different individual bytes can rewritten or each byte can rewritten 100,000 times. further explain issue, have following code: code: [select]   (int i=0; < 64; i++) { eeprom.write (     i, array1[i] ); }   (int i=0; < 64; i++) { eeprom.write (  i+64, array2[i] ); }   (int i=0; < 64; i++) { eeprom.write ( i+128, array3[i] ); } ...etc... i have series of 6 of these arrays, each 64 values - although these going more banks can be filled if please - part first 10 values used. segment of code run couple times day, questions are: 1. can each byte rewritten 100,000 times or can 100,000 bytes in total rewritten? 2. code set go through above loops if values haven't been changed. values "rewritten", if value doesn't change? i'm assuming answer question same answer values 0 , stay zero. thanks in advance help! p

ini salahnya pa ya??? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ini aku install invinity menus ama mamble fish, semuanya success, tapi di tampilan web ada tulisannya deprecated use of mambelfish. request url : / please contact author of component/module/mambot details in message. in meantime following function reference can commented out , translation should not affected. file : infinity_menus\mainclass.php line : 152 function : translate buat pujangga-pujangga joombla yang lom tentu ngejoblo bantuin yach. thanks kok pake mambelfish? bukannya joomfish? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Indonesian Forum Bantuan

Itemid For Menu Problem - OpenWiki - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

the itemid being changed on openwiki pages if it's set in url. can set itemid in url want, somewhere it's being changed 67 (which itemid of openwiki menu item on main menu). need able display menu itemid 68 if user clicks on wiki menu. understand if makes no sense rather difficult explain... i found problem. in components/com_openwiki/inc/init.php the code @ top overwrite whatever itemid set itemid of menu pointing directly component: code: select all $database->setquery("select id #__menu link='index.php?option=com_openwiki' , published='1'"); $itemid = $database->loadresult(); commenting section out enables use of joomla menus itemid. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Music Project - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm frustrated.  i've had website in development year @ supposed have backend database. website musicians , performers , operates musicians , bands sign service, post info themselves, upload songs or videos , event planners, brides be's, etc come in, browse through bands, select them , hire them on spot.  there bunch of other features being able search bands via location event, bands emails if meets listing, can send emails them, etc.  bunch of neat little things. long story short, i've had 2 database developers working on site , both quit mid-stream.  i'm @ point i'm going myself , that's how found joomla.  question is, can joomla or there program out there may better suited it? know quite task, it's unix based server using mysql , phpmyadmin , joomla 1 of programs comes server space.  there's other database programs there come wrapped in "fantastico" package, don't want knee deep in taking on m

Arduino y LCD 16x2

hola todos, recién me registré en este foro que es de excelente ayuda. estoy empezando trabajar con arduino leonardo. mi proyecto consiste en medir la temperatura, humedad y la presión atmosférica, luego añadiré velocidad del viento y radiación solar, para hacer una estación meteorológica. para la medición de temperatura y humedad utilizo el sensor dht22 y para la presión el mpx4250. la programación para ambos funciona perfectamente, también ya hice la prueba en la tabla de nodos. el problema es el siguiente: utilizo dos pulsadores para seleccionar la variable meteorológica que quiero ver, tengo uno para la presión y otro para la temperatura y la humedad. hay un mensaje en la lcd que dice: bienvenido pulse su opción, al presionar uno de los botones inmediatamente debería mostrar las mediciones, pero no es así, tengo que tenerlo presionado como por un segundo para que las pueda mostrar, y esto se debe al tiempo que le di la lcd para que no parpadee el texto. si le doy 200ms pa

Smartphone spare parts?

hey, broke phone, phone entirely intact, no scratches, or cracks black screen. tried fixing , asked on smartphone forum i've gotten no reply. so.. firgured phone has fair bit of sensors , useful electronics, gps, camera, acelerometer , etc. don't know how disconnect them, or interface them arduino. has done similar, , point me in right direction?  use lcd/touchscreen because still intact, connectors nothing i've seen before, there pictures if follow link. if have idea might wrong phone please visit link more information, thanks in advance josiah call asurion report stolen phone , pay deductible if weren't paying 3 bucks insurance. craigslist or ebay same phone swap face plates display unit. mother board firmware , sim important can find phones cheap. did before phone dropped 100 feet 0 deck on oil rig off shore thought whole thing dead till got call, display killed rest w

Red Circle with White X over Network Connection Icon - Raspberry Pi Forums

winetconn.jpg (2.56 kib) viewed 196 times (for wifi connection not ethernet) ethernet works. error happens on raspbian os on pi. able see , connect , internet on other os eg. elec happening can see networks can't connect. @ first thought maybe hardware issue , made me pissed off until seen work fine in open elec. tried old usb wifi dongle works in bad shape , 1 didn't want work either left orange exclamation mark on , couldn't connect. more or less worried actual adapter using. doing research problem via google not pi said windows seems if revert factory settings or old image of system can fix problem. i've done image start over. try , save image of system. if has recommendations please let me know? ps releasing , renewing or repairing doesn't work. file , looking configuration fix this? working prior don't remember when last though? got new 5" display testing out , unable connect internet or connect

Questions about CSH

hello ello ! background: we've got hgue web-based java application maintained contractors in country, maintenance nightmare , i'd right first time, little contact developers possible..... i'm trying solution developers sort of "1 time fix" each page, , after maintained me or in position. so i've plugged around on forums looking information on implementing csh , i've got few questions..... 1) how work required developer set link webhelp mapid? i've read posts confused developers don't know how link webhelp -- simple importing api library , calling rh_showhelp correct parameters? 2) "prefix map ids with:" -- for? i've tried prefix something, trying call "rh_showhelp" updated last parameter won't find topic..... information on appreciated 3) possible customize mapids include different prefixed text? "prefix map ids" kind of (if ever work!) -- doesn't allow different prefixes. can open .h file , manuall

Thread: is there an alternative to adobe flash player???

i have ubuntu 8.10 installed on ps3 , i've tried absolutely every way imaginable adobe flash player run had no luck ..... wondering if there option available??? in advance. threee6 a playstation game console ? don't have 1 can assume it's computer capable of flash. have tried far, maybe point out may have missed ? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] is there an alternative to adobe flash player??? Ubuntu

++ how to display the date properly in English +++ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying display english date properly. know have change joomla.php file  in backend, have selected ‘farsi’ site language.  if goto website @ edit mod: not post sensitive information , click on of frontpage stories, you’ll notice full stories has date displayed “d.m.y”.  want display proper date format in english. can please? url broken. dates language displayed in function of "locale" parameter in global configuration. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x

Cloning NOOBS to a slightly smaller card - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have raspbian installation created via noobs need clone card tiny bit smaller. every tool have found doesn't work because noobs , there more partitions tool expects find. there tool work? there guide doing manually? have card set noobs waiting if there is? there way remove noobs leaving basic raspbian install tools work with? regards tom the first thing make backup of working card on pc, either in linux or windows. boot linux on pc, live usb-stick or something. use "gparted" shrink and/or move partitions on sd-card. shrinking last partition on card should enough. take new backup of card, not overwriting old one, , try write new card. depending on tool used write card might warning image big, if cant override might need cut off end of file. ( can example use "dd" in linux block size "bs" , "count" parameters copy exact number of bytes new file ) raspberrypi

Raspberry Pi camera can not work in Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have installed latest ubuntu mate on raspberry pi2. wanted use raspberry pi camera in operating system. although installed 'picamera' driver in it, system can not create camera component when ran " raspistill -o test.jpg". because there no "raspi-config" in os, have no idea further set camera. same camera , pi, when use raspbian wheezy os sd card, ok raspi camera. give me suggestions? ubuntu excellent linux system raspberry pi2. software update quickly. currently, there no raspi-config command raspberry configuration @ version15.04, come out in near future version. without raspi-config, can manually config easily. modify file /boot/firmware/config.txt enough. add line "start_x=1" @ bottom of file config.txt, save it, , reboot system. @ terminal, input command "sudo raspistill -o test.jpg", work. raspberrypi

Thread: cpu usage with jaunty at idle

hello install ubuntu on old compaq presario 2100 amd 2400m ati graphics 64mb shared memory , 1g of ram. @ idle after install appears system monitor cpu usage around 30% @ normal? well older cpu's possible yes. have thought around there or around 20% on single core. dont forget background processes. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] cpu usage with jaunty at idle Ubuntu

Grain of Wheat

hi all, i using arduino dim on loop 12 volt grain of wheat bulb via transistor which works fine. to simplify installation share power supply bulb  , 12 volts arduino rather have 2 separate supplies, installation ideally run pack of 12volt aa batteries. is there reason should not share same power supply? can ii take  power lead bulb power arduino vin socket. many thanks keef476 quote from: keef476 on may 24, 2014, 12:27 am is there reason should not share same power supply? yes.  inefficiency ! if going power batteries, using linear regulator in arduino (which can @ 12v if powering nothing else 5v regulator output) wasting 60% of battery power. it makes more sense power arduino (and use pro mini instead has no usb ttl converter waste more power) 4.5v - 3 aa batteries. i do have query why using "grain of wheat" bulb nowadays when these have been functionally replaced - such in model railways - white leds in smd format can powered same 4.5v witho

Ethernet shield and PHP

hi, how can use php ethernet shield? i've read cookie ethernet shield, possible? code: [select] client.println("http/1.1 200 ok");          client.println("content-type: text/html");          client.println();                    client.println("<html><head>");          //refresh per le temperature          client.print("<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2'>");          client.println("<title>arduino home</title></head><body>");          client.println(" <?php  if (!isset( $_cookie [ 'nome_utente' ])){ ");           client.println("  print( 'pagina scaduta <br>' );  ");           client.println("  print( 'se vuoi ritornare alla pagina di login clicca ' );  ");           client.println("  print( '<a href="""">qui</a>'

passing multiple number values via serial monitor

i have arduino application several methods. goal able selectively call these methods, pass arguments, using serial monitor. far have concluded need use sort of delimiter separate numbers, instance using '/' delimiter     1/50/10/ would call method pertaining 1, passing arguments 50,50. but having trouble implementing. can arduino c++ experts help?. how posting have far? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > passing multiple number values via serial monitor arduino

Thread: "Multitouch" mouses

it seems ms getting serious multitouch, not on screen, on mouse (more practical, imo). take @ video, shows ideas came with. nice stuff there, maybe they'll implement trackpads (or leave notebooks using touchsreens). i've been wondering... when (if) comes, ubuntu (or linux distros) ready it? liked concept. know have multitouch gestures in trackpad, aren't complex , nice those. who wants rotate , drag pictures around on pc day? people use computers work, not mess photo library. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe "Multitouch" mouses Ubuntu

Thread: XAMPP Apache will not start

hey, installed xampp on ubuntu. ran well. after reset (no changed made directory or configuration of xampp) runs fine beside apache sever. on gui gives me no error, leaves deactivated. trying run terminal gives error: code: ayelet@ayelet-desktop:~$ cd /opt/lampp ayelet@ayelet-desktop:/opt/lampp$ sudo ./lampp start starting xampp linux 1.5.3a... xampp: starting apache ssl (and php5)... xampp: xampp-mysql running. xampp: xampp-proftpd running. xampp linux started. ayelet@ayelet-desktop:/opt/lampp$ further more, when tell run apache server gives: code: ayelet@ayelet-desktop:/opt/lampp$ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp startapache xampp: starting apache ssl (and php5)... thanks, gab hi, check if have in apache error logs. - tero Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms

help with understanding millis

hello. let me first explain attempting sketch. the sensor there detect metal when does, triggers servo open door lets metal out , closes it. what add timer of sorts if sensor not detect metal after 5 secs, sketch turns relay off. until reset button hit. i looking @ using millis understand count while rest of sketch running, examples have looked @ far not 'clicking' in head me understand how use correctly. or put it. my code far code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo door;  //calling servo door int sensor = 7;  //sensor on pin7 int relay = 6;  //relay on pin6 int detect = 0; //setting sensor open void setup() {   pinmode(sensor, input);   pinmode(relay, output);   door.attach(5); // servo on pin5   } void loop() {   detect = digitalread(sensor);   digitalwrite(relay, high);   if (detect == high) {      door.write(90);      delay(2000);      door.write(45);     } } if need anymore information able help, best provide. i'm more looking example using millis use,

Problème Atmega8

bonsoir, je suis entrain de réaliser un circuit base d'atmega8 en version tqfp. j'ai fais mon schéma, mon typon et grave le circuit. je l'ai soudé, je le branche et j'envoi le code "fade" ça marche mais lentement donc je fais graver la séquence d'initialisation (j'ai sélectionné atmega8 dans type de cartes) la le code ce lance normalement. j'envoi un autre code et la plus rien ne marche. la led ne s'allume plus, mais quand j'envoi du code sur la carte la led brille légèrement (pas normal du tout). edit@4h07 : la plus rien ne fonctionne, latmega chauffe légérement autant que l'arduino. plus de communication en isp ca me renvoi une erreur tout les coups. je pense un atmega hs mais alors comment? :/ je joins le schéma, typon et 2 photos ( le atiny85 et 12v etc sur le circuit fini est une erreur de ma part :/ ) en tout cas merci pour votre aide. as tu fais une vérification de tes tensions d'alimentation?