
Showing posts from July, 2013

Windows 10 - Raspberry Pi Forums

dear forum, iot beta? microsoft release version of iot playing stream games? interested if able play nexon games on raspberry pi 2 in future. thanks~ pirathonite wrote: dear forum, iot beta? microsoft release version of iot playing stream games? interested if able play nexon games on raspberry pi 2 in future. thanks~ windows 10 iot core development platform w10 iot forum viewforum.php?f=34 raspberrypi

My win7 computer won't recognize my uno

i bought arduino uno , downloaded ide 1.0.5 and i'm having trouble arduino uno being recognized windows7 computer. comes unknown device in the" universal serial bus control" in device manager . ihave tried use or activate driver (arduino.inf) in drivers file and windows said it's updated after plugged out uno , plugged in, turned on leds on uno while , sign comes out said there unknown device etc. i apologize if there language mistakes where did buy uno? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > My win7 computer won't recognize my uno arduino

Using SMPTE to control digital outputs.

i've built smpte reader that's been done few people on here, need develop little further in order control old reel reel tape machine. modifying code appreciated! i need to: ground pin @ timecode, wait 2 minutes or so, ground different pin. ground pin when audio input not being received. code: [select] // // // include library code: #include <liquidcrystal.h> // initialize library numbers of interface pins liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); #define one_time_max          588 // #define one_time_min          422 // #define zero_time_max          1080 // #define zero_time_min          922 // #define icppin 8      // icp input pin on arduino //#define one_time_max      475 // these values setup ntsc video //#define one_time_min      300 // pal around 1000 0 , 500 1 //#define zero_time_max    875 // 80bits times 29.97 frames per sec //#define zero_time_min    700 // equals 833 (divide 8 clock pulses) #define end_data_position   63 #define end_sync_position   77 #d

The device has the following problem: 52 - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have followed windows 10 iot instruction raspberry pi-2. followed link ... erlab3.htm to install gpio driver. giving " the device has following problem: 52 " when run " devcon status acpi\gpot0001 " command in windows powershell. please help.... sorry can't on that, have tried lab sample have. wasn't able passed part 2 - can't compile arm processor. how did past one? raspberrypi

GPIO / resistors - electronics beginner question - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone! have set 5v pc fan hooked pi powered 5v gpio pin on , has ground going through npn transmitter. base of transmitter connected 3.3v pin on pi , put 10k resistor between them. when put 3.3v pin "on" mode - transmitter lets current flow 5v pin fan. question is: resistor affect fan in case? aren't parts of same circuit (they 'meet' @ pi's ground)? appreciate this! the resistor necessary limit current through diode. 10k resistor current flowing limited 3v3 - 0.7v (the diodes forward voltage) = 2,6v / 10.000 = 0.26ma. transistor as switch has current amplification (that different , lower hfe) of between 50 , 200, transistor conduct 50 300 times 0.26ma, or 13ma 52ma, bit low feed fan. gpio pin can deliver 15ma, lower 10k resistor more base current can flow. raspberrypi

Arduino Nano- Problem

oi gente eu sou novo no arduino, então eu preciso que vocês me ajudem. eu sei que pode ser uma pergunta idiota, mas eu preciso de sua ajuda. eu não estou conseguindo enviar qualquer no arduino ide. estou usando vmware com o host windows 8 e ubuntu  12.04. a porta usb não está sendo reconhecida. aparece apenas / dev/ttyusb0, isso e isso selecionado. mas quando eu executar o meu esboço aparece o seguinte erro: avrdude: ser_open (): can not open device "/ dev/ttyusb0": permission denied ioctl ("tiocmget"): inappropriate ioctl device. e eu não sei o que devo fazer para enviar o sketch para arduino. obrigado. pra que está rodando ide noa vm? por que não roda no host? Arduino Forum > International > Portugues > Arduino Nano- Problem arduino

Help (very new) scripting help

i created splash page in dw (my index page) flash movie in it. in action on click goto url. specified. not working. website created using frames. start page frameset.html. in flash movie, entry site suppose lead actual website , html's. can tell me doing wrong? tmmac wrote: > created splash page in dw (my index page) flash movie in it. in > action on click goto url. specified. not working. > website created using frames. start page frameset.html. in > flash movie, entry site suppose lead > actual website , html's. can tell me doing wrong? can't tell what's wrong, need provide url of problematic site can check how set frames, copy paste exact action use can try :) -- best regards urami -- <urami> if want mail me - not laugh @ address </urami> More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

New Project - Gameshow Buzzers (Host Lockout, Buzz-in Order, Lighted)

greetings! i working on first real project, , need guidance. the first thing i'm trying figure out is: i have arduino , breadboard mounted in x-box case rj 45 ports around sides can plug devices in. i'm hoping allow arduino box repurposed using different peripherals plugged rj ports. i'd detect presence can keep loop speedy telling instructions skip player index has pstatus==0. i wondering how can detect whether peripheral plugged in. imagine sort of: code: [select] for (int i=0; int<peripheralcount; i++) {   digitalwrite (testpower[i],high);  //testpower , testpin led circuit button?   if (digitalread(testpin[i])==high)   {     pstatus[i]=1;   }   else   {     pstatus[i]=0;   }   digitalwrite (testpower[i],low); } hi anthingy , welcome. i see you're getting at. strikes me should not need waste pins provide test power each rj45 port. imagine each port have permanently wired +v , gnd power peripherals anyway?  in case test pin needed. pe

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

GSM library an Software serial library error

hello i have 2 codes the first code send sms through gsm module code: [select] #include <gsm.h> #define pinnumber "" // initialize library instance gsm gsmaccess; // include 'true' parameter debug enabled gsm_sms sms; // char array of telephone number send sms // change number 1-212-555-1212 number // have access to char remotenumber[20]= "01145445380";  // char array of message string txtmsg="test"; void setup() {   // initialize serial communications   serial.begin(9600);   serial.println("sms messages sender");   // connection state   boolean notconnected = true;   // start gsm shield   // if sim has pin, pass parameter of begin() in quotes   while(notconnected)   {     if(gsmaccess.begin(pinnumber)==gsm_ready)       notconnected = false;     else     {       serial.println("not connected");       delay(1000);     }   }   serial.println("gsm initialized");   sendsms(); } void loop() { // nothing see

Game Shield?

i'm 12 year old hobbyist trying find video game shield. video game shield cheapest/easiest way started on development. thanks! we know age , game shields regarding "development" , think safe covers lot of territory. video game shield cheapest/easiest way started on development.  go ahead, have look, tell think works best you.  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Game Shield? arduino

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

xboxdrv and EmulationStation - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'm having bit of time trying emulationstation , running xboxdrv , wireless xbox360 controller. got wireless controller working following guide , managed make configurations. ... ver-setup/ if leave xboxdrv config blank, no button/axis assignments can use ok retroarch based emulators. automatic ui-setup emulationstation works too. problems: 1. ran ui-setup using keyboard worked, can't have controller well, because setup runs once. have both hid/renamed ~/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg , re-ran controller. manually combined 2 .cfg files one. magic. hope useful someone. shouldn't need if i'm using xboxdrv. can configured output simulated keypresses, should have been able run ui-setup keyboard , driven controller, xboxdrv configured output same keypresses. doesn't work! correct characters appear if test controller in terminal. emulationstation doesn't hear them. if run ui-setup on contoller same xb

Input Pin Always Reads HIGH

i have written code change display depending on goes input pin. however, no matter input (have tried 5 v, left empty, , gnd), display shows 5 (the sign high). any given appreciated. code: [select] #include <wire.h> // enable line if using arduino uno, mega, etc. //#include <tinywirem.h> // enable line if using adafruit trinket, gemma, etc. #include "adafruit_ledbackpack.h" #include "adafruit_gfx.h" int inpin=12; int val=0; int time=0; // if input low, start timer adafruit_7segment matrix = adafruit_7segment(); void setup() { pinmode(inpin, input); #ifndef __avr_attiny85__   serial.begin(9600);   serial.println("7 segment backpack test"); #endif   matrix.begin(0x70); } void loop() { val=digitalread(inpin); while (val=low) {     matrix.println(2);     matrix.writedisplay(); } while (val=high) {        matrix.println(5);     matrix.writedisplay();     } } code: [select] while (val=low) { same withe while (val = hig

Obstacle Avoiding Robot

hi all, 2 friends , making robot using our arduino leonardo move forwards , avoid obstacles in path. using components vex robotics, may or may not familiar with. using 3 vex motors, 3 wheels attached said motors, , 2 vex ultrasonic sensors. have setup bot although running problems while trying code it. wondering if arduino vets supply sample code project, or perhaps supply code have used on similar project before. our ultrasonic sensors returning values of 1 , 2 randomly , returns no other values. attach our code can give advice on or possibly supply new code. far enjoy arduino , community can shed light on our problem. thank you, chris code: [select] #include "servo.h" #include <softwareserial.h> const int trig_pinright =  12;   // triggers pulse right ultrasonic sensor const int echo_pinright = 13;     // recevies echo right ultrasonic sensor const int trig_pinleft = 4;   // triggers pulse left ultrasonic sensor const int echo_pinleft = 5;     // receives ec

Thread: Slightly OT... RAM question

hi, have old ish compaq evo running ubuntu 9, everything's fine. want machine more figured i'd put more ram in. opened , it's running on 128mb of pc100 sdram. find big bag of ram , have 2 256mb sticks... pc133. perfect think. now, here's issue: either of 256 sticks on own - no problems either of 256 sticks 128mb stick - no problems 2 256 sticks = problems depending on order of sticks in 2 slots, it'll either refuse turn on (with either dead halt or system beeps), other way round, gets far in boot sequence , exits crc error. it's no major issue because 384mb heaps want do, i'm interested - know why machine might not want 512mb of ram...? thought ram limitations on os opposed hardware... insights! cheers. supported ram determined bios, how mother board supports & maybe check bios update supports more ram. Forum The Ubun

Setting rpm of stepper motor per minute

hi, i started programming arduino , hardly know it, hope can me. try make stepper motor change it's rpm every minute value described in array. somehow delay use seems stop stepper motor completely. use customstepper library. can me i'm doing wrong? thanks lot! code: [select] //copyright 2012 igor campos // //this file part of customstepper. // //customstepper free software: can redistribute and/or modify //it under terms of gnu general public license published by //the free software foundation, either version 3 of license, or //(at option) later version. // //customstepper distributed in hope useful, //but without warranty; without implied warranty of //merchantability or fitness particular purpose.  see the //gnu general public license more details. // //you should have received copy of gnu general public license //along customstepper.  if not, see <>. #include <customstepper.h> //lcdschermpje #include <liquidcrystal.h>

Thread: Need help installing OpenOffice please

hi, trying install open office onto machine having difficulty. have been following [a href=""]these [/a]instructions , stuck on direction number ; 4. should create directory "ooo_1.1x_linuxintel_install". ("x" in sense suffix version 1.1 depend on version downloaded.) terminal looks this; code: [pgar23@python ~]$ su password: [root@python pgar23]# mv /home/pgar23/desktop/ooo_3.1.1rc2_20090820_linuxintel_install_ar.tar.gz /tmp [root@python pgar23]# cd /tmp [root@python tmp]# ls ooo_3.1.1rc2_20090820_linuxintel_install_ar.tar.gz orbit-gdm orbit-root pulse-53c4748lrsqn [root@python tmp]# tar -zxvf ooo_3.1.1rc2_20090820_linuxintel_install_ar.tar.gzoo_3.1 tar: ooo_3.1.1rc2_20090820_linuxintel_install_ar.tar.gzoo_3.1: cannot open: no such file or directory tar: error not recoverable: exiting tar: child returned status 2 tar: exiting failure status due pre

How to save data to disk, server

hi, rather new flash, wonder if can me this: there way save data (a drawing user within flash application , text might type), can used flash program again? example have people able view drawings or text other people have created? tips how best way this? using server works php (do not know if relevant). thanks in advance! hi julieta.... need have form of php interaction, or database interaction. there way save information, how forum works. can't begin start explaining here, if want start digging yourself, searches on mysql , php. huge topic, , there lot of information out there. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

SIM900: GPRS Internet - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have sim908 (same sim900 has gps) module , have been successful in sending , receiving text messages. next task able internet connection through gprs, proving difficult task. i've tried using things sakis3g , wvdial no avail (both not recognise module modem). have feeling missing completely. final aim able send email picture attached using mobile network. also, i'm not using usb 3g modem because need functionality of sending text messages , gps well. appreciated. thanks it's been achieved.. i've managed internet connection (slow, working) using sim908 chip. used tutorial ... k/overview although uses sim800 chip, same. apart me using usb ttl converter, , having change config file instead of /dev/ttyama0 /dev/ttyusb0. able send emails containing pictures , surf web. thing is, is slow , guess that's happens when use gprs connection. raspberrypi

Arduino ZERO ... nuova board ...

avete visto l'annuncio congiunto arduino - atmel ? arduino 0 ... qui . scheda basata su samd21 ...  32-bit arm cortex m0+ guglielmo interessante. ma sbaglio o sul sito arduino non c'e' scritto nulla? solo su sito atmel !?! edit: no, anche su Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Arduino ZERO ... nuova board ... arduino

Joomla WoW Guild website =) (repost) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

website url: joomla! version: 1.0.8 template: designed me (maxmzone) additional extensions (components, modules, plug ins): plenty of old components doesn't exist or stopped development. custom development: discontinued components, need mod script around make works. other features: floating picture, cross-browser compatibility three (at least) specific areas of site i'd feedback on (design, code, graphics, etc.): graphics, features, user interface additional comments: leads personal website , outdated . school workloads... thank you! it's easy see wow stands for. wow. visually stunning and    a    treat see! i love how have transparent gif orc overlaying page. the calendar nicely themed, attention detail people dont bother with only minor quibble. the 'action areas' of page seem kinda melt sea of red , black , seem bit 'flat' maybe little bordering , framing or special module color shading break 'terra


hi have query , insert query, need insert sms_records table main query, need loop through each record main query just not sure how this? can help <cfloop query="send"> > <cfquery datasource="iluvcricket"> > insert sms_records > set > dateofsms = #todaydate#, > sentto = #send.playerphone#, > clubid = '#session.clublogin#', > cost = 0.15 > </cfquery> </cfloop> johngree wrote: > hi have query , insert query, need insert > sms_records table main query, need loop through each record > main query > > not sure how this? > > can > > <cfquery datasource="iluvcricket" name="send"> > select hh.playerphone, kk.sms_password, kk.club_abbrev, kk.contactemail > sms_players_table hh, sms_clubs_table kk > kk.clubid = '#session.clublogin#' , hh.tosms = '1' > </cfquery> > > <cfset todaydate = now()> > >

Multiple temperature sensing w data logging

looking set long-term internal temperature monitoring inside commercial bee-hive.  want deploy @ least 6 temp sensors, , log readings (e.g. on sd card) hourly on period of months minimal maintenance.  have yet substantial research on various arduino boards , capabilities, looking recommendation on board or kit best suit.  longer term might want add other sensors (e.g. humidity) , possibly transmit data via phone. any suggestions appreciated.  thank you mega2650 you run out of memory before run out of pins, might mega start with. when have clear purpose in mind, kit mistake, , plain-vanilla mega suffice. arduino usage pretty common , well-supported here. substantial research might better employed looking @ remote power supply. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Multiple temperature sensing w data logging a

Robot Arm Servo-position from iPad

i'm trying send servo position of robot arm simulator ipad. i'm using , arduino leonardo  , redbearlab blemini dongle. the thing is, want keep sending servos values every .01 seconds -or when servo value changes (almost every .01 seconds)-. have 4 servos, , i'm trying find best way move them. i've tried 1 servo every .01 seconds, arduino got stucked. tried on refreshing every .05 seconds , servo did move expected. think there might problem servo.write routine delays micro , servo didn't move. think problem may baudrate or makes serial module have problem. guys have ideas? the code looks #include <ble_mini.h> #include <servo.h> servo myservo; servo myservo2; servo myservo3; servo myservo4; void setup() {   blemini_begin(57600);   myservo.attach(9); myservo2.attach(10); myservo3.attach(11); myservo4.attach(13); } void loop() {     // if data ready   while ( blemini_available() == 2 )   {     //read out command , data     byte data0 = blemini_re

Black Screen with Flashing _ - Raspberry Pi Forums

help! inserted xserver-command=x -s 0 dpms /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf , described post below, disable screensaver. did not work when ran python sketch shutdown rpi correctly & rebooted. black screen flashing _. have saved sd-card laptop running windows 8.1 and, 7-zip software, have found offending line & deleted it. information found written xserver-command=x -background none , @ /os/pidora/rootfs.tar.xz . before emptying sd-card & copy & pasting modified tar.xz file others wanted find of python sketches have written have failed. pointers can found on sd-card arrived noobs originally. should wait until spare sd-card before carrying out potentially disastrous attempt ? help, walter post at: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=18181 alexbain » tue jan 08, 2013 1:26 disable screensaver (and screen blanking) had make following change: edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf , add line under '[seatdefaults]' section: xserver-command=x -s 0 dpms hope helps! raspberrypi

How to let users upload own markers in Google Maps component? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i see paramter allow auto approval of markers don't see how users able this. need make menu link , if how do it? ... s&task=new replace domain , add root folder if needed took me forever figure out too its in readme file in package enjoy Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Reference à la masse

bonjour, je suis debutant en arduino et je me pose une question à laquelle je ne trouve pas de reponse (pas evident de chercher quand on est meme pas sur du terme utilisé...) apres un petit projet de regulation de niveau d'eau avec une carte uno, je me lance de la creation d'une alarme pour remplacer la vielle alarme electronique qui 30 ans sur la base d'une mega. pour revenir ma question, lors de mon premier projet lorsque je declarais des entrées numerique ( avec des capteurs de niveau type "poire") lorsque le contact etait fermé donc le 5v sur l'entrée cela fonctionnait tres bien. en revanche lorsque le contact du capteur etait ouvert alors là c'etait de l'aletoire... j'ai resolu le probleme en resolvant le probleme comme sur l'image suivante.... le probleme c'est que pour mon prochain projet si j'utilise la meme methode cela va me prendre une place monstre au vu du nombre d'entrées digitale qu'il va y avoir ! pouve

Powering a stepper motor using a LiPo battery

hello, i using nema17 stepper motor 1.7a/phase 3.06 v rated voltage . need use battery since have 2 motors driving wheels small cart. battery have 11.1v 2200mah , motor l298 based dual h-bridge. question type of configuration or how can limit current don't fry up. motor: driver: battery: any suggestions helpful! thank you. the l298 driver can't handle current required low voltage, high current stepper. overheat , shut down. there couple of other options. first put resistor (e.g. 6 ohms, 10 or more watts) in series each winding reduce current, wastes power. other use modern stepper driver a4988 or drv8825 pololu with latter option, still need cool motor driver full current th

connect weight sensors to raspberry pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm cs background. need connect weight sensors raspberry pi , record readings. required apart strain guage , analog digital converter. please help. , let me know how connections. 1) google "reading weight sensors", "reading strain gauges" 2) high-resolution adc, 16 bits 3) differential op-amp circuits 4) "excitation voltage", "common mode voltage" 5) if excite 5v, can run adc @ 5v , share ground pi 6) better have isolated ground strain gauge, makes circuit more complicated once collect information above, have sample schematics , sample code can adapt purposes. watch out common mode voltage differentials frying adc/pi if don't handle them properly. raspberrypi

Changing font size problem

when changing size of font, alter left. i use freehand maps & have town names associated dot of site. if text left of dot & resize font smaller resizes left & need move dot. this not when have 100 towns on map & 20 of them left of dots. in flash combat changing text alignment right justified, right side of text remains fixed when resizing. so same thing in freehand. rich pmor1503 wrote: > when changing size of font, alter left. > use freehand maps & have town names associated dot of > site. > if text left of dot & resize font smaller resizes > left & need move dot. > not when have 100 towns on map & 20 of them left > of dots. > in flash combat changing text alignment right justified, > right side of text remains fixed when resizing. > More discussions in Freehand adobe

Session save path problem,need help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi,   second post , have it.because gave lot of time searching here , got nothing out of problem.please me on following.   have got free webhost[saying because safe mode off , register_global on].but dam stuck when tried install joomla 1.0.10 .it says session save path not set,unwritable.                                   wait , let me finish!!!!! have got nothing php.ini , not want call there can make joomla work fine??? i have c-panel , can ftp , can store .htaccess on server.i have uploaded joomla installation things in public_html folder.please me, contact host this. or use search option of forum keywords "session save path htaccess" other posts subject + solutions. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

DHT22 falsche Temp wieso?

hallo, habe hier einen dht22 temp_sensor. mit diesem sketch code: [select] #include "dht.h" #define dhtpin 9     #define dhttype dht22 //dht11, dht21, dht22 dht dht(dhtpin, dhttype); void setup() {  serial.begin(9600);  serial.println("dht22 - test!");  dht.begin(); } void loop() {  float h = dht.readhumidity();     //luftfeuchte auslesen  float t = dht.readtemperature();  //temperatur auslesen  // prüfen ob eine gültige zahl zurückgegeben wird. wenn nan (not number) zurückgegeben wird, dann fehler ausgeben.  if (isnan(t) || isnan(h))  {    serial.println("dht22 konnte nicht ausgelesen werden");  }  else  {    serial.print("luftfeuchte: ");    serial.print(h);    serial.print(" %\t");    serial.print("temperatur: ");    serial.print(t);    serial.println(" c");  } } die temp die er mir bringt weicht um ca 2,5° von der tatsächlichen ab. weiss jemand wieso oder muss ich da noch berück

[solved] Absolute path - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

mijn provider heeft sinds gisteren de op de server nieuwe veiligheidsmaatregelen doorgevoerd. ik kreeg nu op verschillende sites van mij, foutmeldingen. na een mailtje naar mijn provider dit opgelost met de volgende uitleg erbij: dat heeft ermee te maken dat joomla het absolute_path laat beginnen met /nfs/home/... en dat werkt na de veiligheidsupdate niet meer. ik heb het nu voor je aangepast, en als je de site weer live zet moet alles het weer doen. nu heb ik nog een site voor een fotocontest en daar krijg ik de zelfde foutmeldingen als ik foto's wil uploaden. nu kan ik wel weer mailen naar mijn provider maar kan ik dit zelf oplossen? en zo ja waar moet ik dat doen? als iemand het weet mag hij het zeggen.  alvast bedankt. kijk eens in configuration.php in de root van je installatie naar de waarde absolute_path. dan kun je zien wat het verschil voor de 'veiligheidsupdate'. Board index Joomla! International Language Support

Dads website. Vertical Specific, Niche, Video - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

Image a few months ago had no idea cms was.  hooked.  our goes out joomla , have contributed.  need start giving back. the main page in fine order, rest of pages need little navigational work. feel free tell me , don't like.  improvement comes through constructive criticism. we using modified rocket theme template we hosting on buyhttp commment on more in performance area. be sure check out number 1 video in popular section. holy s&*t!  that's hysterical!!!! i applaud site!  i'm sending know might dad-to-be!  great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! want see more videos! i think hurt myself laughing @ sniff test... Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed 1.0 x Site Showcase - Archived.

Changing the code to run faster - direct port manipulation HELP!

hello, i need program faster communication between encoder , arduino mini pulse , direction pin. i enclose old program works @ higher speed encoderja losing signal faster movement of stepper motor. code: [select] void setup () {   //set various outputs   pinmode(motor_step, output);   pinmode(motor_direction, output);     // encoder inputs   pinmode(encoder_a, input);   pinmode(encoder_b, input);   // enable pullup using open collector encoder   digitalwrite(encoder_a, high);   digitalwrite(encoder_b, high);     // encoder pin on interrupt 0 (pin 2)   attachinterrupt(0, encoderpinchangea, change);   // encoder pin on interrupt 1 (pin 3)   attachinterrupt(1, encoderpinchangeb, change);   encoder = 0; //reseet encoder position 0 } void loop() {   //do stuff dependent on encoder position here   //such move stepper motor match encoder position   //if want make 1:1 ensure encoder res matches motor res dividing/multiplying   if (encoder > 0) {     digitalwrite(motor_direction, h