
hi have query , insert query, need insert sms_records table main query, need loop through each record main query

just not sure how this?

can help

<cfloop query="send">
> <cfquery datasource="iluvcricket">
> insert sms_records
> set
> dateofsms = #todaydate#,
> sentto = #send.playerphone#,
> clubid = '#session.clublogin#',
> cost = 0.15
> </cfquery>

johngree wrote:
> hi have query , insert query, need insert
> sms_records table main query, need loop through each record
> main query
> not sure how this?
> can
> <cfquery datasource="iluvcricket" name="send">
> select hh.playerphone, kk.sms_password, kk.club_abbrev, kk.contactemail
> sms_players_table hh, sms_clubs_table kk
> kk.clubid = '#session.clublogin#' , hh.tosms = '1'
> </cfquery>
> <cfset todaydate = now()>
> <cfquery datasource="iluvcricket">
> insert sms_records
> set
> dateofsms = #todaydate#,
> sentto = #send.playerphone#,
> clubid = '#session.clublogin#',
> cost = 0.15
> </cfquery>

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