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Thread: Slightly OT... RAM question


have old ish compaq evo running ubuntu 9, everything's fine. want machine more figured i'd put more ram in. opened , it's running on 128mb of pc100 sdram. find big bag of ram , have 2 256mb sticks... pc133. perfect think. now, here's issue:

either of 256 sticks on own - no problems
either of 256 sticks 128mb stick - no problems
2 256 sticks = problems

depending on order of sticks in 2 slots, it'll either refuse turn on (with either dead halt or system beeps), other way round, gets far in boot sequence , exits crc error.

it's no major issue because 384mb heaps want do, i'm interested - know why machine might not want 512mb of ram...? thought ram limitations on os opposed hardware...


supported ram determined bios, how mother board supports & maybe check bios update supports more ram.

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