
Showing posts from June, 2011

Thread: How much do you think I could sell this for?

i'm looking selling home-built computer might able sell more got ultra cheap parts for. components are: cpu: amd athlon x2 dual core 6000+ ram: 4gb ddr2 800 graphics: pcie nv geforce 9800 gt 512mb gddr3 hdmi motherboard: gigabyte ga-m52l-s3 rev2 8 channel surround sound, 10/100 ethernet, pci express, 4xusb ports hdd: 250gb sata ii dual layer dvd+-rw burner 420w thermaltake psu firewire + usb2 pci card stylish black gigabyte gz-x3 case (a few little scratches) i've spent £500 on of this. edit: recalculated , it's £300. £500 when had extras 750gb hdd, etc. how reckon sell for? thanks ps. take while responding next few days posts being checked mods (recieved infraction flamewar got sucked ). thread moved community market , you've said how paid it, £300-£400 if it's not been used & in condition. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community

Will Joomla achieve this? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi folks, i trying head around concept client wants site...please share ideas how done. here's wants done: 1. site allow visitors post "best kept secrets" money, cars relationships, family, gambling etc (these menu links) in response question ie  "what best kept secret deal husband & wife conflict? 2. visitors site vote on best answer (similar yahoo questions best answer gets points). 3. top answer receives cash prize site owner. 4. site owner approaches businesses can advertise on site fee or sponsor prize because web site gets people visit business. my site concept create forum each topic. each topic contains poll voting on best answer. each person have register first. businesses can advertise on site banners (ie new car) or sponsor. questions: would cms joomla achieve this? do know of example site similar concept? other ideas appreciated...even if advise "forget , move on" thanks in advance feedback. Board index Joom

TightVNC working but everything else internet related doesnt - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, having internet problems pi. can use wifi dongle make tightvnc connection , able ping pi too. however, ice weasel isnt working , updating isnt working either. seems nothing else internet related work. know going on? thanks i tried pinging google didnt work. searching "raspberry pi ping google" led me ... -interface changed gateway , works! how happen? dont think changed anything. raspberrypi


tried source code i have following issues i getting pure sinusoidal waveform of 125khz also the rfid tag modulated and able see waveforms in pin 13 used monitoring but not thing in serail port the serail port not working when timer1 enabled\ so not sure whether arduino reading card or not any help!! i not find author project i see original contributors -laks without code , maybe photo of  block diagram of have don't see how can you. have given response possible "duly noted." Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > DIYRFIDReader arduino

Thread: iriver H10 mounting as read-only

hi have irver h10 rockbox firmware on it. have been using fine in ubuntu (8.10) past few weeks since yesterday has been mounting read-only device. cant delete or put music on it. tried on windows , can delete , add files on it. have tried code: root nautilus but didn't help ideas? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] iriver H10 mounting as read-only Ubuntu

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Hosting: Concurrent database connection limits - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

howdy, i need find new host.  i've heard tons of things particular hosting company, understand it, upper tier shared service has 15 concurrent mysql connection limit no hourly connection limits. i have no idea how translate joomla performance , traffic.  have idea how many hits / how busy joomla site need before 15 concurrent connection limit becomes problem? ballpark estimates welcome i can't give you  idea of how many hits before start problem pair's 15 connection limit, ( picnet ) use pair networks our preferred hosting provider.  have on 50 joomla websites them.  of 50, have had 1 joomla website problem , when site had emailed out half million emails site , had cnn 30 min special on site within same 2 hrs.  ton of traffic @ once.  there wasn't ever problem mysql connections, crashed whole server.  great things pair though.  have best hosting provider support have ever worked with.  during our whole problem 1 site accessible , started working on problem.  put on ph

Raspberry Pi2 Model B as a "Music on Hold" device - Raspberry Pi Forums

i looking retire old audio injector or "music on hold" device phone system. bought new raspberry pi 2 , found article online project. i'm having trouble , i'm not sure if because 3 year old article or missed something. not working... sorry vague problem. it's not throwing errors or anything, it's not playing audio files. want take stab , seeing why might not work? i've started on twice project , cannot work. in advance. barry raspberrypi

URL and FORM variables

i have page passes url variable second page. on second page form needs call itself, same variable name passed in url variable. is there way reuse name of variable, going url.variable form.variable after first usage? i not sure if explaining well, here example. page 1 lookup page - can search database name or id number. page 1 uses url variables give name or id number page 2, information displayed. reason page 1 uses url variables because uses cflocation statements based on outcome of search. at top of page 2 there lookup form can search. form calls page 2 well, time needs use form variables instead of url variables. since variables need passed same form, have same names (except form. instead of url.something) i didn't write original page - updating , adding it. suspect might better off rewriting section of page 1 calls page 2, i'm not sure. advice? my first instinct continue using url variables. change method of form "post" method="get". form submi

Pressing button draws a shape

hello everyone! i'm new processing , arduino , trying sounds simple, guess not. (or maybe , i'm not getting it...) my goal have breadboard 12 buttons attached arduino, , when press button shape drawn in processing. each button draw different shape. this code tried adapt button , led example doesn't work. please me!    import processing.serial.*;     import cc.arduino.*;         arduino arduino;         int btpin = 2;         boolean buttonpressed=false;         void setup() {       size(1200, 700);       background(255);               //println(arduino.list());       arduino = new arduino(this, arduino.list()[4], 57600);       arduino.pinmode(btpin, arduino.input);           int buttonpressed=arduino.digitalread(btpin);       print(buttonpressed);     }         void draw() {       if (buttonpressed) {         println("the button pressed!");         buttonpressed = true;         fill(255);         nostroke();         rotate(random(360));         rect(rand

Automatic switch for solar charger

hello all. i'm new forum , arduino. have problem , wanted know if there practical solutions. i have iphone , solar batter charger (see link below).  charger needs manually switched charging (in sun) charging iphone. question: there switch can made trigger charger based on how light being shown on trigger? example, in full sun, charge solar charger, in pitch black, charge phone. phone connected via usb. the need switched manually reason 70% discount, might noit bad idea, , don't think need arduino fix it. if propose anything, going have open device , see how wired.  may find fix ix simple getting rid of switch, may there virtue of wrong theory, may find making wrong assumptions. i believe iphones, , suspect garmin satnavs, not accept charge inadequate current source , can sure solar cell inadequate itself, hence battery, can't see problem getting charge battery w

Thread: getting to docs and settings

9.04 trying out chrome browser linux... works ok... need here adjust fonts.. how here..? documents , settings\user_name\local settings\application data\google\chrome\user data\default\preferences" that's windows path. need find out path on linux version. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] getting to docs and settings Ubuntu

How do I send a MIDI message only when there is a change in the analog input?

hi, i have project sends midi message relating tremolo depth amount read potentiometer connected analog input on arduino board. have managed sketch to  send midi messages, continue send, when there no change in value pot. have been trying, no success, send message when value changes.  have tried 'if' statements , '' , 'write' functions compare current value previous , write when different doesn't seem work. could please offer me advice. appreciated. here project far: code: [select] #include <eeprom.h> int sensorvalue=0; int addr; void setup() {   //  set midi baud rate:   serial.begin(31250);   } void loop() {     // read analogue input 0, divide 8, set sensorvalue     sensorvalue = analogread(a0)/8;         eeprom.write(addr, sensorvalue);         addr = addr+1;     if (addr ==512)     addr=0;         int sensorvaluenew =;         if (sensorvaluenew != sensorvalue){     //write midi message:: control change chann

What Faggot means in the UK

as part of continuing education mission thought share people of u.s. persuasion real meaning of faggot. it savory meat ball consisting of mostly, unsavory bits of pig. quite delicious.    a fag (not delicious) btw "brains" brand-name, not description of contents. Arduino Forum > Community > Bar Sport > What Faggot means in the UK arduino

How do you measure the duty cycle of sinus with a arduino uno?

my school project measure frequency output buzzer. manufacture buzzer pui audio inc type number ai-2604-tt-r. minimal frequency output specification 400hz(+-100hz) located in datasheet buzzer. link datasheet: iam using microphone record sound signals buzzer. using pre amplifier circuit amplify out coming signal. signal input ardruino(analog input). kind regards, dennis quote from: unkown21 on may 15, 2014, 01:40 pm my school project measure frequency output buzzer. that sounds fun. what have done far? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > How do you measure the duty cycle of sinus with a arduino uno? arduino

imdb like component? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys im looking similar imbd sub site site this users review games, consoles, homebrew , other manner of things is there similar joomla btw mean setup - able use jreviews review part its more structure want thanks rl also would shopping component work, can add items rather buy them can review them? possibility of adding buy here type link? thanks again rl Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Serial write time

hi, i trying reduce time taken serial.write(...) function. theoretically, time taken function should 9 / baudrate send 1 byte. used following code verify : code: [select] void setup(){   serial.begin(115200);   serial2.begin(300); } unsigned long t; int i=0; void loop(){   if(i==0){     t=micros(); // line a     serial2.write(byte(5));     serial2.flush(); // line b     t=micros()-t; // line c     delay(50);     serial.println(t);     i++;   }   else{     if(i==1){       t=micros();       i++;     }     else{       if(micros()-t > 1000000){         i=0;       }     }   } } this code sends byte every 1 sec , prints time taken between line , c. problem when comment line b, time taken instruction "serial2.write(byte(5));" 20µs, every baudrate... when uncomment line b, time taken approximately 20 + 9/baudrate µs every beaudrate. in opinion, because first line copying byte write buffer, , second waiting sent. 1) assumption right ? 2) why take long copy byte (20µs !) ?

Problem with calibrate display

i bought lcd touch aitendo r61581 , i'm using library utouch henning karlsen ( not i'm able calibrate touch. references in library i'm putting utft myglcd (cte35ips, 38,39,40,41); when click anywhere on screen selects elsewhere. could me? hey. i had same problem. i tried file utouchcd.h adjustment. it's not yet 100%, works. # define cal_x 0x042800f7ul # define cal_y 0x03c34155ul # define cal_s 0x001df13ful ota. please read works sd card? i can not it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > Problem with calibrate display arduino

Linker script nightmare -- please help! - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, i've been suffering bug in linker script long time, , have no idea how fix or causes it. here's linker script... (cut context, real thing longer, adds more sections. code: select all entry(bt_reset) _stack_size = defined(_stack_size) ? _stack_size : 0x100; _irq_stack_size = defined(_irq_stack_size) ? _irq_stack_size : 0x0; _abort_stack_size = defined(_abort_stack_size) ? _abort_stack_size : 0; _supervisor_stack_size = defined(_supervisor_stack_size) ? _supervisor_stack_size : 0; memory { sram (rwx) : origin = 0x8000 + 0x0, length = 0x00100000 - 0x0 } sections { .bt.init : { // kernel head section. __bt_init_start = .; keep(*(.bt.init)) keep(*(.bt.init*)) keep(*(.bt.init.vectors)) keep(*(.bt.init.vectors.*)) keep(*(.init)) __bt_init_end = .; } > bt_linker_init_section .bt.arch.init : { __bt_arch_init_start = .; keep(*(.bt.arch.init)) keep(*(.bt.arch.init.*)) __bt_arch_init_end = .; } > bt_linker_init_se

Help with rotating 3D cube

hello all: my question... is in reference rotating 3d cube located @ site: i'm interested in making slight change how works , i'm hoping here can provide guidance. i want have 4 6 different video movie clips on faces (that buttons link other pages) instead of solid gray color. so, cube rotates different video clips visible (and clickable). possible? any appreciated! -yvonne sorry say, don't think able that. don't think video can distorted in ways provide illusion of depth. if i'm wrong i'd love find out how! there may way pre-rendered images , bitmap class or such in flash 8, way beyond understanding. (well , haven't yet upgraded flash 8!) good luck , let know find out. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

exporting swf into a video file

hi! i'm working on cartoon , it's finished. have found when test in flash player or html plays fine. when export windows media player file movie clips nested in movie don't play unless sequence i've keyframed in timeline. able export entire movie video program sony vegas post production. first time tried timeline objects play movie clips imported movies appear stationary. i use help! thanks! mistaloo mistaloo wrote: > hi! > > i'm working on cartoon , it's finished. have found when > test in flash player or html plays fine. when export > windows media player file movie clips nested in movie don't > play unless sequence i've keyframed in timeline. > able export entire movie video program sony vegas > post production. first time tried timeline objects play > movie clips imported movies appear stationary. > hi there mistaloo in future, please try check forum archives before posting. i

DW7 Keyboard shortcuts on international keyboards

all osx applications allow switch document windows using command-< , command-shift-< - @ least these shortcuts on german keyboard. don't work within dreamweaver 7 tried "emulate" them assigned keys "next document" , "previous document" seems, dw has several bugs here: first, doesn't recognize < correctly, if fix in xml-file thinks mean key < located on keyboard, shift-, on german keyboards < on right side of left shift key. does know how can fixed? it's quite annoying! More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

template name modification and impact in various menus - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

following several tutorials instructions, create own template , functional properties right. nevertheless, can not find issue these 2 points : 1 - when calling page following address " index.php?option=com_user&task=userdetails&itemid=21", wondering , in files can find command lines "com_user" , "item21" (actually, initial template named "alpha-asnieres",  which renamed "alpha_asnieres". new name ok front page "", , error appear when call sub-menus, such user detail (try enter user menu user name pascal , password pw). my question should modify "alpha-asnieres" "alpha_asnieres" ?  :o thanks lot in advance. où dois je aller modifier cet "alpha-asnieres"  ;) merci par avance de toute aide. daniel chiquet alphadac wrote: 1 - when calling page following address " index.php?option=com_user&task=userdetails&itemid=21", wondering , in f

How can i connect my raspberry card to wifi? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey, i'm beginner in raspberry cards , know how connect 2 raspberry cards. have wifi antenna, although, don't have internet provider , theres no way can 1 (thats how school project is) internet protocol have use? i've been searching bit, , i've found 3 different models osi, tcp/ip , dhcp. thinking dhcp, don't know... once have fitting protocol, how install on card? reading topic, i'd extremely grateful if manage answer me . you're getting things mixed up. 1) it's raspberry pi, computer, not card 2) have wifi dongle, want do? 3) don't have isp. meaning don't have router? 4) maybe want have pi act router? i'm saying is, end result, can suggest techniques it. raspberrypi

Brasileiro com experiência com site de tráfego maior? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

oi pessoal. eu sei que não se pode citar nomes de empresas de hospedagem aqui, e entendo os motivos, por outro lado dificulta um pouco para saber experiências pessoal. eu quero converter um site com mais de 100.000 visitantes únicos no mês para o joomla, mas questão é o quanto ficaria pesado esse site, e o que precisaria para suportar o mesmo. eu sei que tem tópicos sobre esse tipo de assunto em inglês, mas gostaria de saber experiências de brasileiros com sites maiores. se alguem puder postar respeito, agradeço. talvez o matheus possa te ajduar, ele fez o site da porshe brasil. entra em contato com ele. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum Programação e desenvolvimento

Statistics slow site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

if turn statistics: on (set yes)  in global configuration....... site takes ever load. set no loads fast , works fine. this real estate site need know statistics. i using mostets hot property componet if helps????? why happen , can fix this? url thanks jbforpc hi, did enable "log content hits date:"? if so, there warning collects large amount of data, therefor performance go down. can check if hosting provides statistics tool. regards robin moderator note; moving general > performance Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Performance - 1.0.x

POV Fan Display with two LED strips (2m diameter) — Code Request

hi all, does know of code persistence of vision (pov) display led strips? i'm using 2 1m long lpd8806 rgb led strips adafruit, mounting them on thin metal arms, , spinning them stepper motor. 2m diameter. hope use screen. all pov code i've found far controls <10 single leds in tiny rig. could point me towards use strips? my arduino capabilities intermediate. i own pixelpusher led strip driver, though don't have practice it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > POV Fan Display with two LED strips (2m diameter) — Code Request arduino

Frontpage Content -How I do this? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i show sections of news in frontpage, in categories. look @ website: you see there center area shows announcements, below latest news, then  category, another, etc etc, articles. i separated news sections different areas well, free downloads section, announcements, latest stuff, etc etc. i posted each 1 of articles respective section. want display on frontpage, in separate sections. how do that? i tried in content section here on extensions area, not see needed, or perhaps overlookin right module/component. if can me, please, appreciate much. thank you... there component lets put modules in content items. use put latest news, popular, etc. main body. i'm checking installation name...mosmodule Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Subscribe to website?

is there way (on dw 2004) allow people "subscribe" website email when update it? guess rss... hi you use email form when received use email form populate database. \from database bulk email. i use alpha5 database on couple of sites. i'm sure it can done in php need either mysql or msql. take @ hth ian -- More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Arduino Multitasking

salve tutti, sto lavorando ad un piccolo progetto, e mi servirebbe implementare il multitasking... purtroppo l'arduino permette solo di lavorare in modo sequenziale e me non serve! con la funzione millis() non mi piace... mi servirebbe un sistema di multitasking robusto, del tipo round-robin, ho cercato in giro ma tutti usano la funzione millis... mi servirebbe lavorare con gli interrupt su tutti pin digitali (possego un arduino mega 2560 e uno)  mi potete aiutare? thanks! :-) devi passare microcontrollori più potenti come il sam3x montato sulla arduino due. vedi qui -->,170177.0.html Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > Arduino Multitasking arduino

Bagaimana edit member page ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

halo semua, begini, saya punya database yg isinya berkaitan dengan member saya. yaitu informasi jumlah point untuk member itu. jadi kalau ada member yg login, secara otomatis dia melihat data pointnya dia berapa. kalau dia klik point itu, dia akan menuju halaman detail ttg point tsb. nah, kalau dengan php biasa sih (tanpa joomla)  itu lumayan gampang. bagaimana dengan di joomla? apakah bisa ? saya bingung bgt nih mohon pencerahannya pada para master. terima kasih banyak sebelumnya ari edit di bagian componentnya component/com_user ingat lho..  user.html.php dibuat dalam bentuk class.. daripada edit isinya (isi fungsi) lebih baik tambah satu fungsi baru Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Indonesian Forum Bantuan

if any object resists my dc motor how can i stop it ?

please me have dc motor want stop motor if object making resistance of movement can me thanks  lot you can monitor current current sensor . run motor baseline reading add more resistance (slow down finger) , watch value sensor increase. when gets point think much, tell code stop motor. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > if any object resists my dc motor how can i stop it ? arduino

Thread: Second video output for video projector

hello, have trouble getting simultaneous display on pc , video projector. pc desktop (dell optiplex 360) builtin video chipset (intel gma 3100), vga output. thus, display on pc , video projector, use latter's "pass through" routes signal pc. but, resolution different, , display on pc altered. thought should install second graphic card, i'd di cleanly: 1) can safely add new card, keeping existing install, or should restart scratch? 2) best: use both cards @ once, 1 each output, or new card, e.g. dvi output pc monitor , vga output video projector? ubuntu version hardy, there no problem upgrading if helps. tia - best regards, daniel Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Second video output for video projector Ubuntu

Thread: software installation in ubuntu

iam new linux , have learned working in ubuntu. can tell me how install new software in ubuntu dowloaded setup of software. till have installed "dia" installed internet. want know how install software setup...? read this: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] software installation in ubuntu Ubuntu

Puredata with USB in/Midi out - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, i'm interested in doing custom built-in stuff raspberry pi. use byron (usb board) take in analogue signal , take outgoing usb signal , read pc , puredata. use puredata generate midi notes out of usb signal. works great need portable, hence idea of using pi this. understand puredata can run on raspberry pi. question is, if use b board, able use puredata still 'read' incoming usb signal, , send out midi (through usb interface well)? maybe can drop byron board , read analogue signal raspberry pi directly bonus. advice or tips appreciated! bob no, not simply. raspberry pi usb ports host only, can plug devices them, can't plug them host. options entail building/buying gpio midi-out board, or interfacing microprocessor can act usb device. raspberrypi

Pregunta fácil - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hola todos! una pregunta que seguro que casi todos sabéis responder pero en la que yo no me aclaro.  soy totalmente nueva en joomla, lo conseguido instalar sin problemas. el problema es que ahora, al acceder mi portal, solamente veo una pantallita de fondo azul oscuro con un el arbol de directorios de mi portal. ¿a qué se debe esto? ¿por qué no veo la página de inicio normal de joomla? lo curioso es que sí que puedo ir la carpeta de administración y logarme como administrador. entonces sí veo las pantallas de administración normalmente. pero no entiendo porque la página de inicio tiene que ser esta tan fea. ¿cuál es mi problema? ¿cómo puedo solucionarlo? gracias todos. pues me imagino que tienes el listado del directorio principal habilitado, deberías deshabilitarlo o decirle al servidor que interprete index.php como el documento mostrar de manera predeterminada (ahora probablemente sea index.html, al no encontrarlo y permitir el listado del directorio, es lo que hace, enseñarte los

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Thread: Development to Production Database Merging Package

for purpose of post "mysql" database type refer too, though problem effect users of other types well. wondering if here knows of software merging changes have taken place in development site environment , production site, if minor , or major changes made test site, while data in general entered production site, 2 seamlessly become 1 without loosing anything. quite important such software usable limited database/shell/development experience. issue appears problem many uses of drupal , other cms systems alike. have found datasync @ , other options shown here plus other options k database magic found @ software options above appears need don't want buy not suitable. not understand enough know sure, without asking of others have more experience sort of thing. ps: use ubuntu not windows running on ubuntu important me. wine works

Serendipity blog integration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm super-new joomla , eager explore can do!  wanted simple way users logon own private area , generate own content - simple text & images.  don't need full blog-type functionality.  important each user's content entirely private.  have not been successful @ getting work in joomla or add-ons maintains privacy between users. however, placed installation of serendipity blog software in wrapper , appears work.  downside far users must log onto serendipity site , don't need log on joomla site.  dumb idea?  wrapper designed for?  problems encounter plan?  there better , simpler way using joomla? thanks  have looked community builder? think find want (and more) right out of box. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Replacing an encoder with a magnetic sensor ( I have the code)

so goal build program robot. have rotary encoder (or potentiometer) attached wheel , every time wheel spins, friction turns encoder , calculated distance me.  but more accurate results, have since put magnet on wheel , taped sensor everytime magnet passes 1 revolution, magnetic sensor can record it. have replaced potentiometer on wheel (controls steering) motor both motor , has encoder on top. i have simple code lights led whenever magnet comes close. can guide me next? code: [select] circuit: * potentiometer connected analog pin 0.   center pin of potentiometer goes analog pin.   side pins of potentiometer go +5v , ground * "p" channel on motor driver connected digital pin 9 * "d" channel on motor driver connected digital pin 7 */ // these constants won't change.  they're used give names // pins used: const int analoginpin = a0;  // analog input pin potentiometer attached to const int analogoutpin = 9; // analog output pin "p"

IR emitter and receiver problem

so here goes 1st post i thought of building line following robot using arduino uno rev 3 (on windows 7 laptop, incase necessary) following gathered required parts , theres ir emitter/detector (which both of them on single pack) gives me problem. i thought of testing on breadboard before actualy beginning build it. connected ir sensor instructed in tutorial, long leads +5 of arduino , gnd gnd of arduino through resistor. wire inbetween gnd of detector , resistor analog pin of arduino. update : gives me 0 or 1 , when cover finger, increases upto 25. tried other ir sensors of same type, nothing changes. same. note - can use analog pins since have use motorshield. heres code : (very sorry, putting whole code) code: [select] // linus line-bot // follows black line on white surface (poster-board , electrical tape). // code jdw 2010 – feel free modify. #include <afmotor.h> // includes afmotor library motor-controller af_dcmotor motor_left(1); // attach motor_left a

My Flame detector is constantly sending a high to digital out..need HELP!!

#include <afmotor.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <avr/io.h> #define flame_detect_ana a0 // select the  input pin flame detectors analogue output #define flame_detc_dio 2    // select input pin flame detectors digital output af_dcmotor motor(1, motor12_64khz); // create motor #1, 64khz pwm af_dcmotor motor2(2, motor12_64khz); // create motor #2, 64khz pwm int led = 13;              // 555 timer: select input pin led void setup()                // initialize serial , dio   {                  serial.begin(9600);           // set serial library @ 9600 bps    pinmode(led, output);   pinmode(1, motor12_64khz);   pinmode(2, motor12_64khz);   pinmode(flame_detc_dio, input);  // configure dio pin sensor's digital output connected to     motor.setspeed(255);     // set speed 255/255   motor2.setspeed(255);    // set speed 255/255   }  void loop()                        // main program loop   {    serial.print(analogread(flame_detect_ana));    if (digitalread(fl

Static Holding force

i'm hoping control static holding force of full size autogyro simulator. motor gearbox automatic door closer (heavy duty stallable motor, built in encoders, drivable, 1deg backlash). joystick spends of time around neutral point being able control static force important. i'm anticipating either using current draw and/or strain gauges measure force feedback. the original controller worked @ 20khz , kemo #m171 pwm (spec sheet 10-20khz) controller seems work well. i've been told best way control holding force use both forward , reverse pulses. before attempt reinvent wheel advice forum have on selection of arduino; motor driver chip (max 10a); setting , controlling pwm frequency/pulse length; feedback loop; etc. any advice gratefully received. is "holding force" intended stop simulator sliding around on floor? how motor used? ...r Arduino Forum > Using Arduino

Component Access Restriction - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying restrict access component not appear support access restrictions natively.  more clear want members have access component.  flash video gallery.  currently, hide menu item.  however, not block direct linking thought would.  i'm afraid have not been able find anywhere. any appreciated., ... s_of_users Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Security - 1.0.x

Text Weight Curiosity

so… knocking around in dreamweaver development center trying out few tutorials , came upon laying out list of font weights (100, 200… 900) see did. found of course, there 2 font weights 9 choices assume these supported in future browser versions. i did find, ie (no surprise) , opera (somewhat surprised) rendered 600 weighted fonts extended width while ff & ns did not. (screen shot) any insights here anyone? > insights here anyone? use normal , bold. that's can rely on. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "michael hager" <> wrot

CRON ne fonctionne pas !? - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour, après trois jour d'essais je craque !!!!!!!!!!!! cron ne fonctionne pas . j'ai essayer des centaines de tuto rien n'y fait. * * * * * php -f /home/toto/control_home/timer.php >/dev/null 2>&1 * * * * * /usr/bin/php -f /home/toto/www/control_home/timer.php >/dev/null 2>&1 * * * * * /usr/bin/php -f /home/toto/timer.php >/dev/null 2>&1 en ligne de commande cela fonctionne très bien mais ce foutu cron que dalle. en root comme en user en ligne de commande cela fonctionne. ma config est pi2, raspbian (firmware et update à jour), ngnix, mysql, php5-fpm, phpmyadmin, php-cli. grep -w cron /var/log/syslog ------> may 23 11:37:40 toto /usr/sbin/cron[3668]: (cron) startup (fork ok) may 23 11:37:40 toto/usr/sbin/cron[3668]: (cron) info (skipping @reboot jobs -- not system startup) le status dit running ok si quelqu'un pouvait me venir en aide ce serait super merci. cron ne fonctionne pas . tu fais bien de nous p