Pressing button draws a shape

hello everyone!

i'm new processing , arduino , trying sounds simple, guess not. (or maybe , i'm not getting it...)

my goal have breadboard 12 buttons attached arduino, , when press button shape drawn in processing. each button draw different shape.

this code tried adapt button , led example doesn't work. please me! :d

   import processing.serial.*;
    import cc.arduino.*;
    arduino arduino;
    int btpin = 2;
    boolean buttonpressed=false;
    void setup() {
      size(1200, 700);
      arduino = new arduino(this, arduino.list()[4], 57600);
      arduino.pinmode(btpin, arduino.input);
      int buttonpressed=arduino.digitalread(btpin);
    void draw() {
      if (buttonpressed) {
        println("the button pressed!");
        buttonpressed = true;
        rect(random(1200), random(700), random(300), 10);

how switch wired @ arduino.  here accepted switch wiring (note low digital input when button pushed).  running firmata on arduino.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Pressing button draws a shape



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