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Thread: Development to Production Database Merging Package

for purpose of post "mysql" database type refer too, though problem effect users of other types well.

wondering if here knows of software merging changes have taken place in development site environment , production site, if minor , or major changes made test site, while data in general entered production site, 2 seamlessly become 1 without loosing anything.

quite important such software usable limited database/shell/development experience.

issue appears problem many uses of drupal , other cms systems alike.

have found datasync @ , other options shown here plus other options k database magic found @

software options above appears need don't want buy not suitable. not understand enough know sure, without asking of others have more experience sort of thing.

ps: use ubuntu not windows running on ubuntu important me. wine works installing windows apps can distort text content etc making things hard read. wondering if there may .deb package available doing this.

thanking in advance helps me , other in community resolve common , important issue.

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