exporting swf into a video file


i'm working on cartoon , it's finished. have found when test in flash player or html plays fine. when export windows media player file movie clips nested in movie don't play unless sequence i've keyframed in timeline. able export entire movie video program sony vegas post production. first time tried timeline objects play movie clips imported movies appear stationary.

i use help! thanks!


mistaloo wrote:
> hi!
> i'm working on cartoon , it's finished. have found when
> test in flash player or html plays fine. when export
> windows media player file movie clips nested in movie don't
> play unless sequence i've keyframed in timeline.
> able export entire movie video program sony vegas
> post production. first time tried timeline objects play
> movie clips imported movies appear stationary.

hi there mistaloo

in future, please try check forum archives before posting.
it's common question , have been dealing on many

archives :
http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search?q=group:macromedia.flash.*&hl=en&lr=&ie=utf -8

search "movie clips export video" or of keywords find related issue,
set date beginning of 2006 latest replies , first reply
shows :

http://groups.google.com/group/macromedia.flash/browse_thread/thread/dd43a3fc96ae54a3/960a 2f4b4cfa7a9f?lnk=st&q=movie+clip+export+video+group%3amacromedia.flash.*+author%3amudbubbl e&rnum=1&hl=en#960a2f4b4cfa7a9f

best regards



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