
Showing posts from June, 2012

Serial.print cause Uno to lockup if USB not connected?

hello all! i having freezing issue uno.  24-30 hours after program started run arduino lock , think found problem want see if solution found reasonable. i had couple lines using serial.println command neglected remove, there nothing plugged usb port.  found on web saying thought in case data buffered waiting ability transmit.  if buffer fills uno locks up.  this explanation meet symptoms exactly, person said wasn't sure,.. , article written on v 1.0 of software not current version.  wondering,.. possibly cause of problem? i have pulled lines, , arduino plugging along week before i'm totally sure worked. thank you! whiskey you using ram. removing print lines might solve problem saving ram, printing without usb should not cause that. uno throws bytes away. besides serial transmit buffer 64 bytes. did take month print much? are using strings? memory might getting fragmented. Arduino Forum ...

Marque Tool

whn use marque tool , not click off onto else unselect selected , switch different tool can't until again reselt marque tool , unselect selected. this extremely annoying. there away make auto unselect when switching new tool? anyway edit in xml config files or something? don't know how setup anyway talking about? thanks the opposite twice annoying - if area had reselected because wanted change tools. a quick way unselected use ctrl+d keystroke. alex secret_warrior wrote: > whn use marque tool , not click off onto else > unselect selected , switch different tool can't > until again reselt marque tool , unselect selected. > > extremely annoying. there away make auto unselect when > switching new tool? > > anyway edit in xml config files or something? don't know how > setup anyway talking about? > > > More discussions in Fireworks adobe

Registration Questionnaire - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, i want able create questionnaire when nmew users registering site have complete survey before can have account. have idea how set up? look forward hearing have say. ollie please check out extensions @ i recommend community builder, there other extensions. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

My map values are going over their highs and lows!

i'm mapping 2 ultrasonic sensor readings pwm (255). raw sensor reading between 0 , approximately 15, in centimeters. after readings taken, subtracted pwm value. problem reading on highest limit of map! code below.. code: [select] #include <newping.h> #define trigger_pinl  3 #define echo_pinl     2 #define trigger_pinc  5 #define echo_pinc     4 #define trigger_pinr  8 #define echo_pinr     7 #define max_distance 500        // centimeters newping sensorl(trigger_pinl, echo_pinl, max_distance); newping sensorc(trigger_pinc, echo_pinc, max_distance); newping sensorr(trigger_pinr, echo_pinr, max_distance); const int numreadings = 2; long readingsl[numreadings];      // readings ping sensors long readingsr[numreadings]; long readingsc[numreadings]; int index = 0;                    // index of current reading long totall = 0;     ...

Where do serial print characters go?

if use serial.print or serial.println command, can see characters? my understanding characters printed serial monitor, can see contents? in other words, if make sketch in arduino told serial.println(65) should send ascii character 65 (which should "a") serial monitor. want see character somewhere on computer. running mac. can see character? i not have arduino connected lcd or tft screen. thanks. you have serial monitor in arduino ide. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Where do serial print characters go? arduino

Can I remove the bottom box in the editor? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i want site act bullitin board front end useres want different editor. 1. wanting simpler editor site there 1 box submit text in. there 2 boxes , bottom 1 optional text. want rid of botom box. how can this? 2. looks when people login submit article has access same file folder uploading/storing pics. can set each person automaticaly has own folder , no access elses? if not rid of picture loading editor. how can this? maybe need simpler editor joomla has if can recommend one? regards kevin 1. in joomla! 1.x isn't possible. contentitem (except static contentitem) splitted in introtext , maintext. in joomla 1.5 different. still possible have introtext , maintext, there 1 editor). 2. not possible native joomla! know such component or plugin editor (such jce or tinymce) if recommend editor you, jce. in opinion, it's 1 of advanced mambots aviable. settings-component can strip functions don't want use. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infr...

My learner project must store & display Japanese and up to 10K of unicode chars.

i language geek. want buy arduino kit develop basic skills in programming , electronic circuitry, unicode support , capability display 10,000 unicode characters needed basic japanese, chinese, korean on decent graphic display must. recommendations getting 'mostly' kit satisfy ee novice part of me? thanks although may technically possible on arduino using external storage, not correct platform this. use raspberry pi Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > My learner project must store & display Japanese and up to 10K of unicode chars. arduino

Authorware installation issue

hello, when trying install authroware, throwing error. error number: 0x80040706 description: object refrenence not set set terminate. can me in fix it? thanks rashmi i've never seen error before (or, if have, don't remember it). have searched see if it's been posted before? you installing authoring package, right? or mean web player? either way, need have administrator rights machine during either install. you? erik rashmi13 wrote: > hello, > when trying install authroware, throwing error. > error number: 0x80040706 > description: object refrenence not set > > set terminate. > > can me in fix it? > > > rashmi > -- erik lord adobe community expert - authorware ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - samples, tips, products, faqs, , links! *search a'ware newsgroup archives* http://groups.go...

COM Connection problems

we running mx 6.1 developer addition built in web server on xp pro machine. installed on machine api connecting sybase db through com+. receiving error below , appreciate insight might have how solve problem. error occurred while processing request an exception occurred when executing com method. the cause of exception that: automationexception: 0x80004005 - [sybase][ole db sybase provider][sybase]ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: net-lib protocol driver call connect 2 endpoints failed in 'sybase ase ole db provider[clsdataaccess] execsqlin2rs [on debapi version 3.0.0][clsdataaccess] getconnectionstring [on debapi version 3.0.0][clsdataaccess] getfreesqlhandle [on debapi version 3.0.0][cuserprofilelogin] login [on debapi version 3.2.0][cuserprofile] login [on debapi version 3.2.0]'. here cfm test code: <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <title>test</title> ...

Thread: How to unistall FireFox Flash Plug-in?

hello people. have installed ubuntu, , automatic firefox plugin flash movies (for example: youtube videos) not work like do... want remove system install plug-in. tryed using janitor app , doesn't find it. might newb know how uninstall synaptic package manager tool. appretiated. thank in advanced. code: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree but wonder why it's not working you. works well. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] How to unistall FireFox Flash Plug-in? Ubuntu

SEFadvance driller :( - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ej dælen nu går jeg snart ud af mit gode skind. jeg kører sefadvance på alle vores sites og er nu ved @ lave et nyt - på samme server. her kan jeg saftsusemig ikke få det til @ virke. det er ligegyldigt hvad jeg vælger (artikler, menupunkter osv.) så finder den det ikke, når sefadvance er installeret. hvad kan det mon skyldes? nåh satan - det er fordi sakic igen igen igen igen har lavet noget om uden @ være helt skarp til @ dokumentere det. nu skal man udskifte den originale .htaccess med en ny fil. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Komponenter, Moduler og Mambots

Problem streaming from webcam - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, having problem think should simple process. aim use pi 2 track objects via opencv, have seen plenty of videos of working. now, try run simple script open webcam through opencv , display onscreen all. tried using code form link ... ideos.html . however, when try compile it, gives me this.: code: select all /tmp/ccxez8tv.o: in function `cv::operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, cv::mat const&)': testvid1.cpp:(.text+0x68): undefined reference `cv::formatter::get(char const*)' /tmp/ccxez8tv.o: in function `main': testvid1.cpp:(.text+0xe4): undefined reference `cv::videocapture::videocapture()' testvid1.cpp:(.text+0xf4): undefined reference `cv::videocapture::open(int)' testvid1.cpp:(.text+0x118): undefined reference `cv::videocapture::get(int)' testvid1.cpp:(.text+0x15c): undefined reference `cv::videocapture::get(int)' testvid1.cpp:(.text+0x190): undefined refere...

Missing LAME audio encoder in OSMC (Kodi 14 "Helix") - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm using official osmc operating system (kodi 14 "helix" media center). lame audio encoder missing in osmc cannot rip audio cds mp3. aac , wma available. when clicking "more..." no addons shown. advices here not working: code: select all sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install kodi-audioencoder-lame just ends in: unable locate package kodi-audioencoder-lame searching "kodi" or "lame" in apt packages doesn't seem (see below). any ideas how can lame audio encoder rip audio cds mp3? code: select all sudo apt-cache search kodi brings up: osmc@osmc:~$ sudo apt-cache search kodi rbp1-mediacenter-osmc - media center package osmc rbp2-mediacenter-osmc - media center package osmc vero-mediacenter-osmc - media center package osmc code: select all sudo apt-cache search lame brings up: audex - audio grabber tool kde libavifile-0.7-bin - toolkit libavifil...

Yun, curl and process: error? [urgent]

i've got big stupid problem , need solve today for our project @ makerfaire torino: expose tomorrow... so if can appreciated , start of love, beer, presents, goods, , on!   and if in turin, tomorrow, yes, give really!!!  xd xd so, problem: need send file (anemopark.csv) mysql database on altervista, if write command in shell inside linino code: [select]  curl -f file=@anemopark.csv it works charme if insert in arduino sketch, this code: [select]  p.runshellcommandasynchronously("curl -f file=@anemopark.csv"); it doesn't work anymore, if use test sketch without else command (and related declarations, obviously). i tried runshellcommand instead of runshellcommandasynchronously , same failure no result. i'm going mad! if works inside linino shell why doesn't work inside arduino sketch? same command, same sintax...

FLVPlayback Sound Does Not Auto-Start

i've built small flv player using flvplayback component. works fine when first video laods, except when new video loads , starts playing, sound not start. if toggle sound button off , on again, sound indeed start playing, of course i'd sound start video... right now, code is: on (release) { import*; this.attachmovie("flvplayback", "my_flvplybk", 10, {_width:320, _height:240, x:50, y:50}); my_flvplybk.contentpath = "\\filename.flv"; } any thoughts appreciated. thanks! bill g. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

PHP Serial e comunicazione con Arduino

salve tutti, sto lavorando ad un progetto per la scuola con arduino uno, il quale si interfaccia con un sito in php (tutto questo in locale). il tutto funziona correttamente se il codice php invia un singolo carattere o cifra (es.: 1, 2, 3... oppure a, b, c...) ad arduino e mi fa accendere/spegnere il led correttamente. il problema viene quando voglio inviare una stringa o un numero intero ad arduino, ovviamente imposto sia lo sketch che il codice in php con la stessa variabile, esempio: "100". il monitor seriale di arduino mi restituisce seguenti valori (che è il codice ascii): 49 48 48 invece di "led accesso" vi posto il codice della pagina in php: code: [select] <?php error_reporting ( e_all ); ini_set ( "display_errors" ,  1 ); define ( "port" , "/dev/ttyacm0" );   if (isset( $_get [ 'action' ])) {          include  "phpserial.php" ;      $serial ...

ADSL et cable

bonjour je le sais cela n'as rien à voir avec l'arduino mais au regard des compétences des membres du forum . je tente. je suis abonné en adsl chez frxx  en non dégroupé et j'ai des déconnections intempestives de ma box et cela depuis plusieurs années mais comme c'est très irrégulier (15-20 jours par an) cela me dérange moyennement. la box est hors de cause j'ai fais des tests avec un routeur et c'est pareil, et je suis raccordé directement à l'arrivée ft de ma maison et tout le circuit des autres prises de la maison  est déconnecté. lors de la visite d'un technicien france télécom il avait refait les raccords sur le câble enterré qui fait la liaison entre le poteau sur la rue et  l'arrivé dans la maison (environ 50m et date de 1981). mais pour lui le câble pouvait être  défectueux. il m'avait dis aussi dit que le câble était coincé dans le fourreau et qu'il faudrait  certainement déterrer les 50m pour le remplacer mais sans ètre qu...

Thread: Port Windows theme Novus Black?

i wish can port wonderful theme novus black gtk2 . although permission need ask author. novus black: installed theme @ work on windows computer , 1 of beautiful theme ever seen. mix of colors, glossy button wow! i've seen similar stuff on, name made me think of nuvo theme maemo...odd. mixed of theme (can't think of name off top of head) similar name of theme internet tablet. if see anything, i'll post here. in meantime, i've got dinner go buy. jesse~ Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Art & Design Port Windows theme Novus Black? Ubuntu

TLC 5940 and pushbutton control

hi! i'm trying hard control individual leds hooked tlc 5940. 1. use push button turn led on , off (i can of course regular sketch using solution (from book), i'd access individual led controls within tlc 5940:  if (val == high) {  digitalwrite(led, 1); }else{  digitalwrite(led, low); 2. keep line of 16 leds running 1 (or more leds) on - each controlled own push button. here's sketch far, , - i've taken out parts don't work, line of leds works way i'd to, , i've added dial potentiometer control speed of leds. code: [select] #include "tlc5940.h" #define analog_pin1      1 #define button 2 #define led 7 int val = 0; //me int val2 = 0;  //me void setup() {  tlc.init();  pinmode(button, input);      pinmode(led, output); } void loop() {  for (int channel = 0; channel < num_tlcs * 16; channel += 1)  {    int direction = 1;    tlc.clear(...

Marketplace och AdsManager länk till Primezilla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hejsan, jag skulle behöva lite kod hjälp det är 3st komponenter som du bör ha kännedom av: marketplace/primezilla och ads manager marketplace och primezilla skapades hos adsmanager skapades hos marketplace och primezilla fungerar utmärkt ihop eftersom de är av samma skapare. marketplace är en slags annons component och primezilla är en slags privat meddelande component. i marketplace, där man ser själva annonsen som någon har skapat, finns det en kontakt länk. vanliga fall leder den till den e-mail adressen som angavs vid registreringen. men med hjälp av primezilla kan man skicka ett privat meddelande som om man har en egen mail låda på sidan. detta är utmärkt för att slippa låta användarna lämna sidan och ha allting där tillgängligt istället. ok nu då med en annan annons component vill jag gärna ha det likadant. att länka till primezilla för att kunna skicka ett privat meddelande görs enkelt med en vanlig href länk. problemet jag har är ...

Arduino WiFi Sheild - Aduino lockup

hi all, i'm using arduino shield , working "wifichatserver" example test out interactive control via tcp/ip. i've updated firmware latest version - in fact, posted beta arduino software v1.5 beta release see if fixes issues. but issue after connect/disconnect, arduino locks in 5-15 minutes (i have counter displaying every second). also, when don't connect @ all, doesn't lock up, after 15 minutes or no longer accept connection request. if there way reset stack or whatnot after connect/disconnect or reset periodically prevent lockup or no response? i have r3 uno i'm running on... i'm working on tcp-ip monitoring & contol examples makerplot graphical scada software. working great except issues posted thanks, martin the wifi shield server firmware not stable. has been known weird things, send wrong page client, or send corrupted files. happens when multiple clients trying connect @ same time. code below shows server ...

Help - Install of Debian - Raspberry Pi Forums

i know isn't place post raspbian , debian similar... okay, trying install debian via usb , have image debian 8 net install, have pc ethernet connection , usb inserted , set boot device. boot pc , get: code: select all start booting usb drive syslinux 6.0.2 edd 2013-10-13 copyright (c) 1994-2013 h. peter anvin et al failed load ldlinux.c32 boot failed: please change disks , press key continue please help, have trawled internet multiple times no luck, have reset bios , still no joy, appreciated. blueshadow<3 wrote: i know isn't place post raspbian , debian similar... okay, trying install debian via usb , have image debian 8 net install, have pc ethernet connection , usb inserted , set boot device. boot pc , get: code: select all start booting usb drive syslinux 6.0.2 edd 2013-10-13 copyright (c) 1994-2013 h. peter anvin et al failed load ldlinux.c32 boot failed: please change disks , press key continue please help, have trawled internet multiple times no luck, ha...

Poll - css vs tables

is there out there continues use tables instead of css , thinks ok so? i find using css layout exercise in frustration , takes me 50 times longer create page using css (that's if ever finished inevitably frustrated , build page using tables). any ideas on how can around frustration, including recommended books (i have sitepoints css book) , appreciated many julie ukjooles wrote: > there out there continues use tables instead of css , > thinks ok so? > > find using css layout exercise in frustration , takes me 50 > times longer create page using css (that's if ever finished > inevitably frustrated , build page using tables). > > ideas on how can around frustration, including recommended > books (i have sitepoints css book) , appreciated > > > many > julie > i've asked recommendations of books css, haven't had response yet i'm starting switch css layout - , finding frustrating. More discussions in Dre...

My Install Problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

after installtion,when login,it's show following following php server settings not optimal security , recommended change them: php register_globals setting `on` instead of `off` joomla! rg_emulation setting `on` instead of `off` in file globals.php `on` default compatibility reasons how should do? greetings, that's warning, not error. you may set 0 opening globals.php on joomla's folder, locate: code: select all define( 'rg_emulation', 1 ); and change to code: select all define( 'rg_emulation', 0 ); please note switching off emulation modules or components may not working. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Ethernet se queda congelado

hola gente del foro, hace tiempo no pregunto nada  ] estoy con un proyecto para el control de un jardín hidroponico, el mismo consiste en mostrar en una pantalla lcd los datos relevantes y guardar esos datos en una base de datos, para esto uso un ethernet shield como cliente web mandando datos por medio de al servidor que esta dentro de la red de mi casa. el sistema funciona bien, pero luego de unas horas de uso no se conecta y no pasa los datos al servidor, y queda congelado el programa de arduino. alguna ayuda? hola sin ver el codigo, se me ocurre que podria ser: podría ser un bufer lleno. el desbordamiento de  millis() desbordamiento de la memoria ram. etc. Arduino Forum > International > Español > Software (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > Ethernet se queda congelado arduino...

Thread: How to show old mixer panel Ubuntu 9.10

in karmic there new interface volume control , mixer (indeed in debian sid too, maybe newest gnome ) hate pulse audio, till succeed combined pulse alsa work fine toghether on system. sound in karmic terrible, remove pulse audio, seems works fine (even system sounds) ((see screenshot) gone remember when new mixer come in debian, google , find command show old panel, forgot , maybe starts gstreamer or alsa_something, please command code: 01:08.0 multimedia audio controller: creative labs sb live! emu10k1 (rev 0a)uname -a linux foo 2.6.31-11-generic #38-ubuntu smp fri oct 2 11:55:55 utc 2009 i686 gnu/linux before removing pulseaudio smplayer (mplayer) work fine alsa output , crystal sound, without defects. work fine stereo , 5.1 output (just magic app mplayer ) edit: i'm not alone attached images screenshot-С...

How to: get ID-20LA RFID and SIM900 to communicate with UNO (software serials)

hello forum i working on project have send out sms when specific rfid tag scanned. have id-20la , sim900 shield hooked arduino uno, , both of them working fine on own. both rfid reader , gsm shield communicates uno via software-serial library. this shield this current sketch. should have functioned way. "when 2 known tags gets scanned, send sms" - can't scan rfid's @ all, , no sms gets send. code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> #include "sim900.h" #include "sms.h" smsgsm sms; softwareserial myserial(4,a2); // rx, tx int rfidresetpin = 5; //tags tilføjes her, de kan findes seriel monitor, nÃ¥r et tag scannes. char tag1[13] = "01002dc7d03b"; char tag2[13] = "01002dc6678d"; void setup(){  myserial.begin(9600);  serial.begin(9600);  gsm.begin(2400);  pinmode(rfidresetpin, output);  digitalwrite(rfidresetpin, high);    myseri...

Relay Board, dubbi...

salve tutti, mi è appena arrivata una relay board che avevo ordinato. ho quindi subito provveduto testarla e da allora ho avuto qualche dubbio sul suo funzionamento : questa infatti la collego direttamente ai 5v di arduino in quanto assorbe solo 60ma max. tuttavia non appena accesa si eccita la bobina e rimane così anche se imposto il pin digitale su low. si stacca soltanto quando stacco l'alimentazione. e' l'alimentazione arduino da pc che non è sufficiente? oppure è l'intera scheda che non va? se volete (e se posso) vi allego il link del negozio ebay dal quale l'ho acquistata. e' possibile? buona giornata,  ma quote from: masterarchi on apr 30, 2014, 01:30 pm se volete (e se posso) vi allego il link del negozio ebay dal quale l'ho acquistata. e' possibile? non solo è possibile, ma ... è d'obbligo se vuoi un qualche aiuto ...   e metti anche come l'hai collegata ad arduino ...   guglielmo ...

Can't use FHT library

hi there! i'm new on arduino, , i'm trying use fht library. installed library , when open fhb_adc example , verify it, says this: fht_adc.pde: in function 'void loop()': fht_adc:35: error: 'fht_input' not declared in scope fht_adc:37: error: 'fht_window' not declared in scope fht_adc:38: error: 'fht_reorder' not declared in scope fht_adc:39: error: 'fht_run' not declared in scope fht_adc:40: error: 'fht_mag_log' not declared in scope fht_adc:43: error: 'fht_log_out' not declared in scope the library appears in ide, guess wrong! please me after installing library need restart occurrences of ide. might help. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Audio > Can't use FHT library arduino

Bitscope Micro – A Cautionary Tale Epilogue - Raspberry Pi Forums

not tech tales have happy ending; however, this 1 does ! pleased report bitscope micro working on pi b+, , expect, on a+ , b models resting on bench well. issues/concerns outlined in previous post (bitscope micro – cautionary tale) have been, or resolved. problem - unable adjust grid-line intensity easy viewing – bitscope issue software update. bitscope dso | color control [fd27c-02] bitscope dso software updated allowing control on selection of colours (and brightness) used various display features including channels, graticule (aka grid) , digital phosphor. previews of release made available platforms (planned june). bitscope support problem – unable bitscope micro , raspbian wheezy image dated 2015-02-16 play – when bitscope-dso installed on pi bitscope icon did not load desktop – , appears uninformed attempts correct problem resulted in bitscope-dso freezing. this issue has been resolved new release of raspbian wheezy dated 2015-05-05 (this may or may not have co...

Need Advice on Max Length of GPIO Input Leads - Raspberry Pi Forums

my home controller system spreading on house... gpio outputs go via short leads driver boards, inputs come buttons , other sensors 10m away, , need go further. long cables go simple buttons, or mechanical relays (e.g. in pir motion detectors.) configured internal pull-up resistor. add electronic pir detectors have direct 3.3v output; came without specs, don't know how far can reliably go, issue. far seems work ok. there should doing protect inputs damage or filter out noise? should using opto-isolators? a series resistor of few kohms @ rpi end prudent protection. pull-up (or -down) should @ non-rpi end of resistor. if inputs low frequency toggles capacitor gpio pin ground can reduce noise. possible, earth rpi's ground not elsewhere. raspberrypi

I deleted /usr/share/themes folder... - Raspberry Pi Forums

yep.. wanted delete theme had installed, instead accidentally deleted entire themes folder.. 'no problem' thought, 'i reinstall them "apt-get install openbox-themes".' did, selected 1 of themes, rebooted, , should work fine, right? nope! don't have colored 'program name bar' @ top of every open window, running programs don't show in task bar, cant resize windows don't have resize icon on botton right, , when type small box pops , can type in box, else.. how way it's supposed be? appreciated! er.. well... remembered there trash bin... yeah... working again.. feel stupid right now.. raspberrypi

php code not working in index.html - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have php code in index.html. code: select all $result = $mysqli->query("select * todolist"); '$result' '$mysqli', code works fine,but after '->', not work. not treated code text , printed in webpage. how can solve this? alreay installed php5-mysql. showing short piece of code without context not enough see wrong. raspberrypi

Physical Pixel

hello everyone,  just came report issue in code of introductory arduino exercise "physical pixel". tried processing 2.1.2.   added little delay in first case of if in method draw().           quote just came report issue in code of introductory arduino exercise "physical pixel". what it? quote i added little delay in first case of if in method draw(). where? why? Arduino Forum > Development > Suggestions for the Arduino Project > Physical Pixel arduino

Thread: Clock problem

i figured put , couldn't find similar problem. dual booting ubuntu , vista on laptop phase out vista. every time boot clock set wrong on either os , changing in 1 changes in other. ubuntu automatically fixes itself, vista doesn't. suggestions??? nothing important weird nevertheless. i think clock synchronises 2 different time servers. may should diable synchronizing time servers in both oses or one.... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] Clock problem Ubuntu

Need help with finding a buzzer / audio device

hello guys. need finding sort of audio device project. need buzzer can use arduino uno. don't know alot electronics hoped me? we have limited websites choose components in denmark, have 2 different buzzers. 1 should pick, or have better idea buzzer / audio device. has able make beep sound. should choose this: buzzer pcb continuous tone 12vdc 97db or this? buzzer pcb 75db 3000hz 1.5-24vdc the main thing see ac right? work arduino? sorry being noob it looks either of work. quote the main thing see ac right? work arduino? let's start this:   an  arduino digital output-pin puts-out (about) 5vdc when on , (about) 0v when off.  i/o pins rated 40ma maximum, , actual current depends on impedance/resistance of "load" connect ( ohm's law ). what need piezo device works @ 5v ...

Need Help with IR Sensor Speed Control for Large DC Motor

hello all, i'm having issues speed sensor subsystem shaker i'm building.  i'm using 180vdc motor move shelf between 60 , 240 rpm.  @ end of shelf have ir emitter , photo-transistor interrupted metal plate attached shelf.  now, code counts number of times sensor interrupted, few calculations display rpm.  when motor turned off, , sensors turned on; able interrupt senors notecard , count works immaculately. however, when motor turned on (regardless of speed), unable display on serial monitor. the following code i'm implementing on arduino code: [select] #include <avr/interrupt.h> float motor_speed = 0; //speed control, range 0 - 255, 255 being fastest speed void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   pinmode(9,output); //pwm output speed control   pinmode(2,input); //ir sensor input   digitalwrite(2,high); //assign pull-up resistor pwm output   analogwrite(9,255-motor_speed); //write speed motor   attachinter...

Thread: wallpaper-tray problem (1 sec wallpaper change)

i accidently set time of wallpaper 1 sec in prefrences. panel frozen , speed of pc very slow when running. tried reinstall wallpaper-tray problem continues when ever start wallpaer-tray. there way solve this. plz help. if installed through synaptic or aptitude, try removing purge : code: sudo apt-get purge wallpaper-tray then install fresh. removing purge removes configuration files can remain if use remove or re-install . Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] wallpaper-tray problem (1 sec wallpaper change) Ubuntu

Arduino IDE: Error: expected `}' at end of input

hi everyone, just tell first: i'm using teensy 2.0 12" resistive touch panel. i problem when try compile code, , error is: expected `}' @ end of input. i've checked parts added/changed, tried fix them, nothing. my code long had attach file, sorry. thanks in advance! line 820 guess: code: [select]   if(space==2){     keyboard.set_key1(key_backspace);     keyboard.send_now();     keyboard.set_key1(0);     keyboard.send_now();     keyboard.print(". ");     space = 0;   } } //    ------------------------------- curly brace missing if(x > 774 & x < 855 & y < 289){   space = 0;     keyboard.print(",");     delay(100); } if(x > 856 & x < 950 & y < 289){   space = 0;     num = num + 1;     delay(100);     if(num==3){       num=0;   } ...

Bluetooth shield help

i have arduino uno seeduino shield running code code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h>   //software serial port #define rxd 7 #define txd 6 #define debug_enabled  1 string retsymb = "+rtinq=";//start symble when there's return string slavename = ";bluetooth_bee_v2";// caution ';'must included, , make sure slave name right. int nameindex = 0; int addrindex = 0; string recvbuf; string slaveaddr; string connectcmd = "\r\n+conn="; softwareserial bluetoothserial(rxd,txd); void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   pinmode(rxd, input);   pinmode(txd, output);   setupbluetoothconnection();   //wait 1s , flush serial buffer   delay(1000);   serial.flush();   bluetoothserial.flush(); } void loop() {   char recvchar;   while(1){     if(bluetoothserial.available()){//check if there's data sent remote bluetooth shield       recvchar = bluetoo...

Thread: Postfix dovecot unable to receive messages in Outlook

hi gurus, unable messages outlook inbox ubuntu 9.04 postfix mail server. can telnet port 25 of mail server windows client. when telnet get:- 220 ubuntuserver esmtp postfix (ubuntu) mail.log entries are:- oct 8 13:11:09 ubuntu postfix/smtpd[2749]: lost connection after connect unknown[] oct 8 13:11:09 ubuntu postfix/smtpd[2749]: disconnect unknown[] working on problem more week no near solution. in anticipation. regards, deepak postfix sending mail. access inbox have use imap or pop3 (dovecot can provide this). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Postfix dovecot unable to receive messages in Outlook Ubuntu