COM Connection problems

we running mx 6.1 developer addition built in web server on xp pro machine. installed on machine api connecting sybase db through com+. receiving error below , appreciate insight might have how solve problem.

error occurred while processing request
an exception occurred when executing com method.
the cause of exception that: automationexception: 0x80004005 - [sybase][ole db sybase provider][sybase]ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: net-lib protocol driver call connect 2 endpoints failed in 'sybase ase ole db provider[clsdataaccess] execsqlin2rs [on debapi version 3.0.0][clsdataaccess] getconnectionstring [on debapi version 3.0.0][clsdataaccess] getfreesqlhandle [on debapi version 3.0.0][cuserprofilelogin] login [on debapi version 3.2.0][cuserprofile] login [on debapi version 3.2.0]'.

here cfm test code:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en">



<cfobject action="create" name="getlogin" class="energyapi.cuserprofile">
<cfset semailaddress = "">
<cfset spassword = "test">
<cfset lretcode = "">

<cfset resultset=getlogin.login(semailaddress, spassword, "webuser", lretcode)>

<cfdump var="#resultset#">


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