Bitscope Micro – A Cautionary Tale Epilogue - Raspberry Pi Forums

not tech tales have happy ending; however, this 1 does!

pleased report bitscope micro working on pi b+, , expect, on a+ , b models resting on bench well.

issues/concerns outlined in previous post (bitscope micro – cautionary tale) have been, or resolved.

problem - unable adjust grid-line intensity easy viewing – bitscope issue software update.
bitscope dso | color control [fd27c-02]
bitscope dso software updated allowing control on selection of colours (and brightness) used various display features including channels, graticule (aka grid) , digital phosphor.

previews of release made available platforms (planned june).
bitscope support
problem – unable bitscope micro , raspbian wheezy image dated 2015-02-16 play – when bitscope-dso installed on pi bitscope icon did not load desktop – , appears uninformed attempts correct problem resulted in bitscope-dso freezing.

this issue has been resolved new release of raspbian wheezy dated 2015-05-05 (this may or may not have contributed resolution of issue) , introduction in may of drum roll – bitscope support on-line hosted trello 1 can arrive @ page following link @

regardless how arrive @ support site, if navigate general questions on support site find information on how add (bitscope) desktop icon on raspberry pi. information provided karl-ludwig butte (the person authored 3-part series featuring bitscope in magpi). followed karl's guide, rebooted , presto bitscope-dso works expected.

more news in addition bitscope having proper support page (link) there proper bitscope community hosted element 14!

appears bitscope has strong commitment supporting raspberry pi/electronic hobbyist community/market , thing, indeed! 3 cheers mates @ bitscope!




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