Need Help with IR Sensor Speed Control for Large DC Motor

hello all,

i'm having issues speed sensor subsystem shaker i'm building.  i'm using 180vdc motor move shelf between 60 , 240 rpm.  @ end of shelf have ir emitter , photo-transistor interrupted metal plate attached shelf.  now, code counts number of times sensor interrupted, few calculations display rpm. 

when motor turned off, , sensors turned on; able interrupt senors notecard , count works immaculately. however, when motor turned on (regardless of speed), unable display on serial monitor.

the following code i'm implementing on arduino
code: [select]

#include <avr/interrupt.h>

float motor_speed = 0; //speed control, range 0 - 255, 255 being fastest speed

void setup()
  pinmode(9,output); //pwm output speed control
  pinmode(2,input); //ir sensor input
  digitalwrite(2,high); //assign pull-up resistor pwm output
  analogwrite(9,255-motor_speed); //write speed motor
  attachinterrupt(0, speed_calc, rising); //activate interrupt

void loop()

void speed_calc()
static int count = 0; //count number of times sensors interrupted

the following specs of related equipment problem

arduino mega


speed control:

speed sensors:
(i've attached image of how speed sensors set without enclosure)

any or input has appreciated, thank you!

why code display anything?  going run loop nothing in it, never calling speed_calc() function.

looks working written me.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Need Help with IR Sensor Speed Control for Large DC Motor



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