
Showing posts from January, 2012

configuring pins 0 and 1 other than serial communication

im working on project requires of pins on arduino uno. however, pins 0 , 1 dont work same way other pins. know because serial communication, there way configure these pins (or pin in general) used other serial communication? of course. can use normal digital pins. preconfigured serial communication. ...and analog pins can use digital. atmega has several functions on pins. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > configuring pins 0 and 1 other than serial communication arduino

Meaureing low frequency vibrations - Raspberry Pi Forums

i wish measure vibrations come sound - or else, connected me laptop. sound under 100 hz since can never heard. felt mild pressure sensation. may refer "sound", perhaps better call else. goal not extremely accurate level of whatever unit, rather accurate - , consistent reading - if 'sound' remains same each time measured. had used vibrometer app on smart phone (a samsung galaxy s4). able see 'ordinary' events within building used resulted in relatively low reading, 'sound' - knew present due feeling produces, produced higher reading. so, saw work. on time characteristics of 'sound' changed, , although still feel it, reading on phone app noticeably lower. suspect frequency lowered rather power or amplitude. so, looking better way measure sound. i've been told best not view measuring 'sound', since implies 'audio' frequencies on 200 hz, , equipment available purpose not suited low frequencies. ideally, i'

What is this component?!

i have googled crap every way can, , cannot figure out these things are! good question. now give proper photographs, less bitwise resolution (1024 768 or less) properly focused.  (you need camera "macro" function.) in particular, view of top lettering, , bottom (of things) understand how put together. looks rather capacitor. where from? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > What is this component?! arduino

Multiple Uplink Router using 3G Sticks - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, becouse of circumstances im stuck without inet connection.. since noticed on android lte tablet called "speed downloads using lte , wifi" function, ive been thinking of setting similar speed own connection.. here´s promising solution ive found: lets assume can apply kernel patches without problem... ----------------------------------- : as stated @ beginning, make use of patches , the configuration described here, need relatively high number of connections , remote servers. i've tried bitterly, wasn't able achieve effect alone. started several simultaneous downloads, ran mozilla on several computers @ same time, opening different big sites, no avail. when regular users came, things showed work correctly. not setup single box, , then, we'll need address translation. 1. has guess why a

IF doesn't work

hi, i have code: quote #define e1 8  // enable pin motor 1 #define i1 53  // control pin 1 motor 1 #define i2 52  // control pin 2 motor 1 #include <wire.h> int status = 0; char data; void setup(){   serial.begin(57600);     //direction pins   pinmode(e1, output);   pinmode(i1, output);   pinmode(i2, output);   digitalwrite(e1, high); } void loop() {     if (serial.available()){     data = char(;     serial.println(data);     serial.print("status:");     serial.println(status);     char test = 1;     if (data == test){        serial.println("funciona");     }     if(data == test || status==1){       digitalwrite(i1, high);       digitalwrite(i2, low);       status = 1;     }         if(char(data == 0) || status==0){       digitalwrite(i1, low);       digitalwrite(i2, low);       status = 0;     }       } //more code } the problem arduino does't goes throw if code. know data equal 1 because in line code: [select] data = char(serial.r

Thread: Lost synaptic package manager and other similar after automatic update

i new ubuntu , have not used read quiet lot , use main o/s. have on dual boot @ present win98se. seemed working on 9.04 yesterday accepted automatic update , have no software listed in synaptic package manager. following error message shown if try open it: e: encountered section no package: header e: problem mergelist /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_packages e: package lists or status file not parsed or opened. e: _cache->open() failed, please report. not know enough , not know how or whom should report it. can offer advice please. simply remove file , run update, file recreate itself. code: sudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_packages /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_packages.old sudo apt-get update

Thread: Triple Boot

i want install ubuntu 9.10 on laptop has windows vista , fedora 11 on it. 1. possible install grub on first sector of boot partition during fedora install? 2. if have installed grub while installing fedora, ubuntu need install again? appreciated. 1. possible install grub on first sector of boot partition during fedora install? grub should automatically install on first sector of hard disk. 2. if have installed grub while installing fedora, ubuntu need install again? grub reinstalled , should see fedora , windows. default os ubuntu. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Triple Boot Ubuntu

Ajuda-me no meu projecto

boa tarde pessoal!! como eu sou novato nisto, estou precisar  de um empurrão para tentar acabar meu projeto que consiste em eu criar um web server  que vai apresentar dados de temperatura e humidade, eu estou utilizar os seguintes shield enc28j60"para conectar com net para depois monstra no browser" o sensor dht11" para dar os dados de temperatura e humidade ". eu já tentei fazer um código mas tá ter um erro nos dados e não estou conseguir  corrigir o erro. :~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <dht.h> #include <ethercard.h> #define dht_dpin a1 dht dht; // ethernet interface mac address, must unique on lan static byte mymac[] = { 0x74,0x69,0x69,0x2d,0x30,0x31 }; static byte myip[] = { 192,168,1,203 }; byte ethernet::buffer[500]; bufferfiller bfill; float   rh, rt; void setup () {   if (ether.begin(sizeof ethernet::buffer, mymac) == 0)     serial.pri

Top menu based on "Group" - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, ok, missed somewhere, have been searching way have "top menu" change based on "group" members fall into. for instance,  if new visiotr site , unregistered, top menu shows basic company info.  after have registered top menu "changes" , has member specific links. this seems possible , feel over-thinking this. can help? -or point me in direction. thanks in advance, jason brinn jasonbrinn wrote: ok, missed somewhere, have been searching way have "top menu" change based on "group" members fall into. if want whole top menu visible registered users (like users menu), can set userlevel @ modules > site modules > top menu module. if want set links, goto menu > topmenu > select link set (or click on "access" in list) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

RPi as printserver for EPSON L1800 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have problem installing specific (pretty new) printer, epson l1800. printers connection outside world usb, , due lack of space had moved room, decided go out, buy rpi , set print server. pretty first time linux user managed sucessfully instal noobs , set networking, installed cups, pretty intuitive, problem printer have new developers catch on , put exact printer on list of available epson printers. there drivers available directly epson website, architectures plus source. afraid, might need compile source, knowledge , skills bit out of reach. @ point need help, or smart suggestion. thank you zegwadekh wrote: hi, have problem installing specific (pretty new) printer, epson l1800. printers connection outside world usb, , due lack of space had moved room, decided go out, buy rpi , set print server. pretty first time linux user managed sucessfully instal noobs , set networking, installed cups, pretty intuitive, problem printer have new developers catch on , put exact prin

Thread: Error 17 - Cannot mount

hey, when grub , hit ubuntu im getting error 17.. im booting usb stick , im not sure change (hd0,0) thing to.. here sudo fdisk -l disk /dev/sda: 250.0 gb, 250059350016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes disk identifier: 0x3ff80c2c device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sda1 1 1561 12538701 7 hpfs/ntfs /dev/sda2 * 1562 30402 231657472 7 hpfs/ntfs disk /dev/sdb: 4009 mb, 4009754624 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 487 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes disk identifier: 0xc3072e18 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sdb1 * 1 459 3686886 83 linux /dev/sdb2 460 487 224910 5 yextended /dev/sdb5 460 487 224878+ 82 linux swap / solaris ideas? lot.

ODBC Question

control panel data sources (odbc ) add (create new entry) sql server third box... "which sql server want connect to?" server drop down box ok..... here question..... in list of servers choose from, getting 1 duplicate entry - list come from? or how generated? most of them (data sources, drivers) come pre-installed on windows. also, can happen application install on windows requires database. may install own data source(using existing driver) or own driver. there versions of same driver in other languages, sharing same name in drop-down list, , on. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

[FIXED] Problema con mambots: Todos quedan Check Out - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hola todos: tengo un problema con mi sitio (joomla 1.0.11) resulta que cada vez que quiero editar un mambot, me lo pone check out con mi usuario (administrator) y no me permite editarlo. le saco el check out con el global check in y pruebo editarlo con otro usuario con derechos de super admin y lo mismo. solo pasa con los mambots y no tengo idea de que puede ser.  si pudieran darme una ayuda. muchas gracias realiza lo que te dicen aqui:,96780.0.html ahi te colocan el archivo subir para solucionar tu problema ruta donde debes depositar tu archivo: to install attached file, unzip , place "/administrator/components/com_mambots" saludos Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Extensiones

RPI Camera to remote motion server - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, i'm trying work on project long time various degrees of success. want number (in end, around 10) raspberry pi systems camera each streaming video single motion server. reasons are: 1) keep hi-res / low latency video 2) avoid recording on local sd card 3) avoid trying motion detection limited cpu on raspberry pi want motion server able display (or group) of camera's @ same time, typical security camera setup, maybe 3 x 3 or 4 x 3 format (depending on number of cameras). also, keep motion events (full hd video @ 20fps) @ least week, , keep snapshots taken once per second during motion events longer period of time. can use raspivid stream video out of raspberry, i'm not sure how motion "connect" , consume video. i'm sure has been done before, if has hints, please let me know. using raspberry pi model b hints or ideas raspberrypi

Query Falsly Returns Zero Records

i have access db on local machine - set dev web server running cf dev edition. the exact same access db (i copied it) running on testing server using cf dev edition. on local machine, query returns 3 records (correctly). testing server, query returns 0 records. how can exact same database return 2 different results when db's identical , query same? here cfcode , shows in debugging section on browser. would helpful if attached code local machine getevents (datasource=wcrcalendar, time=0ms, records=3) in c:\inetpub\calendar\index.cfm @ 13:51:31.031 <cfquery name="getevents" datasource="#db#"> select * tblcalendar evt_date >= ###dateformat(startdate,'mm/dd/yyyy')### , evt_date <= ###dateformat(enddate,'mm/dd/yyyy')### , evt_approved = 1 order evt_date, evt_time </cfquery> select * tblcalendar evt_date >= #07/01/2006# , evt_date <= #07/31/2006# , evt_approved = 1 order evt_date, evt_time testing server

Give script access to restricted pages

i need provide search function within members section of large, dynamically-generated site. trying use sphider purpose, product not set password protected pages. i took @ sphider code , seemed easy fix. went main authorization file , set standard dw session variables (mm_username , mm_usergroup) appropriate username , access level. made sure sub-files had "session_start". know session variables correct because added echo statements in sphider test them. every time run indexing script password protected pages kick script out not logged in. any suggestions welcome! still hoping of php experts can point me in right direction! : ) More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver adobe

Backend - content manager - blank articles! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

help!we're on joomla 1.010 we hit crisis: in back-end see full admin manager - in content items manager see 900 articles listed - when try edit them blank page... in front page get:notice:    , whole lot of other lines also this started yesterday 1. backup all, in case 2. update 1.0.11 3. check if problem still exists - if provide "a whole lot of other lines" , debug info site (backend starters should enough) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

DoorLock Cycle Device

i wondering if can give me guidance. want build process cycle door know until failure. planning use stepper motor rotation of door knob , stepper motor leaner action, move door knob in , out. want able count cycles, time, torque, having green , red led indicating test on or off, , possibly other sensors.  i know lot appreciate help: my questions what: type of arduino should get? uno more enough? what size/power stepper motor should get. from more information on sensors arduino? any other thoughts or suggestions? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > DoorLock Cycle Device arduino

problema comunicazione seriale.

salve tutti, sono passati diversi mesi da quando feci il mio primo post chiedendo suggerimenti per la costruzione di un braccio robot. in questi mesi mi sono dedicato molto alla parte hardwear del mio robot, ottenendo ottimi risultati ora mi trovo ad afrrontar , con degli strumenti quasi nulli, la parte che riguarda il softwear. il funzionamento è ,molto semplice , dato che è dotato di 4 servi motore che gestiscono tutti movimenti... ho cercatoun po' su internet per quanto riguarda la gestione da pc e mi è sembrato di capire che processing è un ottima soluzione. in particolare pensavo di gestire ogni  servo motore con due lettere della tastiera, 'q', 'a'; 'w', 's'; 'e','d'; 'r'; 'f'; ho trovato un tutorial che mostrava come fare una cosa molto simile ma poi quando ho provato ad addattarlo alle mie esigenze qualcosa non ha funzionato. penso sia un probema di comunicazione seriale , in quanto il messaggio mostr

Thread: 8.04 upgrade

i trying upgrade system, not getting lts.. when try update manager, got error: w: failed fetch not resolve '' w: failed fetch not resolve '' w: failed fetch w: failed fetch w: failed fetch w: index files failed download, have been ignored, or old ones used instead. when uncheck "ubuntustudio" entry 3rd party software, not updates. , tells me system date! "medibuntu" entry not checked! ideas? - george i'm not sure you'll need medibuntu-repository active when upgrade, maybe ca

Flyout Menus

any suggestions creating flyout menus studio mx? website has been constructed css , .php, messing css out , integration .php must. website . i'm on verge of giving , rewriting site (i not original coder), suggestions fantastic. check out products t "nickj120" <> wrote in message news:ea8ug0$qse$ > suggestions creating flyout menus studio mx? website has > been constructed css , .php, messing css > > out , integration .php must. website > i'm on verge of giving , > rewriting > site (i not original coder), suggestions > fantastic. > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: new to ubuntu cdlive

i downloaded ubuntu cdlive reboot pc window xp os. system fails boot after power failure , have been unable initiate recovery of boot files. ubuntu member recommended use of cdlive. have cd, do? what trying do? checking out ubuntu using live cd? remove live cd; start computer; alright existing xp install? shut down system; insert live cd , power system? if alright, see ubuntu screen , see option "try ubuntu without changes system". cheers.. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] new to ubuntu cdlive Ubuntu

Lounge LED controller

lounge led controller pro rgb led controller can used make own programs rgb led strips. make friends "i want that!" 1 arduino mega 1 w5100 ethernet shield 1 rgb amplifier ( $3 on ebay ) or 3  n-channel mosfets such stp16nf06 1 rgb led strip ( $15 5m on ebay ) some wiring eepromex  library rtc   library some debugging knowledge android app arduino sketch please, leave comment after download / install. favorites 4 favorites buttons can't removed can't long pressed when clicked program stops , the led fade selected color in approximately 500 ms two ways store color 1 click left circle, select color, click inner circle, choose favorit 1 - 4 2 select color sliders, click right circle, choose favorit 1 - 4 program loop max. 6 programed colors colors can removed in 2 ways 1 long clicking them buttons can't clicked buttons have indicator see in color program is. 2 store them color "black" two ways store color 1 click left circle, select color, click i

restricted access? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok load joomla fresh install following annas tutorial @,5503.0.html and bit says tinymce. joomla comes wysiwyg editor called tinymce. activate it, got mambots -> site mambots. unpublish “no wysiwyg editor” , publish “tinymce wysiwyg editor.” well both in published mode.. unpublished no wysiwyg editor .. , tried move next step was "click on tinymce wysiwyg editor. on right, under parameters, should see functionality option " so click on tinymce link , wont let me in.. in fact now.. both tiny , nowysiswyg have lock signs on them.. , started trying click on of other mambots , everytime comes , says restricted access and locks it. what heck??? meant on default install on mambots? how fix this? dont worry fixed it.. found fix in search.. by way there anyway delete msgs create on forum if need too? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1

MMS BLOG - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej jeg har tidl anv. mms blog uden problemer... men sÃ¥ skete der et @ mit site gik ned efter en opdatering hos surftown og er nu ved @ have styr pÃ¥ sitet igen... meg jeg kan ikke fÃ¥ mms blog til @ virke - vil ikke hente mail´s fra min mmsblog mail.... er der nogen der kender til problemet?.. mvh frydendal min mms mail box virker jeg kan sende og modtage e-mail og jeg har brugt følgende konfig. mailbox                                    {}inbox user                               password                                  ********* path                                        /images/mmsblog/ maximum width on images          580 mail info to                       number of entries on page          8  include html messages              ja  delete messages server      ja men mms blog vil ikke hente mail fra min mms mail box - hvad har jeg gjort galt?... jeg har som sagt haft det til @ virke ti

Thread: German citizens: I need help with a project.....

i'm doing project on internet censorship , privacy. how guys feel privacy of internet there? feel civil rights privacy being infringed upon? thank helping this!! why directed @ germans when in english? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe German citizens: I need help with a project..... Ubuntu

Flash 8 Video Encoder

ich versuche nun schon längere zeit auf windows vista ultimate 64 bit den flash 8 video encoder (die testversion, damit ich mir das mal anschauen kann) zu installieren und bekomme immer nur folgende meldung: 1: failed install iskernel files. make sure have appropriate privileges on machine. kann es sein das der encoder auf 64 bit nicht läuft? ist das erste programm das mir probleme macht. bitte dringend um hilfe. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

SVN Commit Failed - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm trying "svn commit" , i'm getting follow error: transmitting file data .......................................svn: commit failed (details follow): svn: merge request failed on '/svn/repos/joomlabrasil/1.1' svn: 'pre-commit' hook failed error output: exceptions.unicodedecodeerror: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 7: ordinal not in range(128) svn: commit message left in temporary file: svn:    '/home/fabricio/joomla/1.1/svn-commit.tmp' how can fix ? thank's. fabmak i've asked people if know mean. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla Forge - Archived

Thread: wget help

hey guys, i'm trying used using wget download files. learning purposes i'm trying download karmic-koala iso file server when download finishes image size on 1gb. command i'm using code: wget -c . i'm pretty new @ using wget might missing option or something. can tell me i'm missing? i've searched around , far nothing. appreciated. in advance. hey, noticed using "-c". causes wget "continue" already-started download. works fine if file on server remains unchanged, if file changes on server, end garbled file (and oversized file). in words of wget man page: ...if file bigger on server because it's been changed, opposed appended to, you'll end a garbled file. wget has no way of verifying local file is valid prefix of remote file. you d

Scratch does not start over VNC - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have headless pi setup vncserver running on pi, , tightvnc viewer on windows laptop. working perfectly, except scratch. vnc viewer, when click on scratch icon, nothing happens. if try run terminal (using sudo scratch ) following error: pi@rpib ~ $ sudo scratch executing: /usr/bin/squeak-stack -memory 128m -vm-sound-alsa /usr/share/scratch/nuscratch140115.image client not authorized connect servercould not open display `(null)'. vnc started using --> vncserver :1 -geometry 1600x900 -depth 24 other programs mathematica, wolfram, etc work flawlessly on vnc. also, when connect monitor , keyboard pi , run scratch directly, works fine. suggestions ?? hello, can't verify this. in environment, have installed tightvncserver, , start (pi no monitor attached, logged in pi through telnet session) "vncserver" r command have given. then, tightvnc-viewer windows pc, connect machine, can start scratch , edit scripts. presentation mode ok. use latest raspbian down

Noob Motor Sheild Question

hello, first arduino project , have (likely daft) question. using dk electronics motor shield not offer passthrough digital ports. solder wires soldered digital ports  enable passthrough? thanks in advance , sorry if obvious or has been covered many times. hundo yes pins not being used shield can have wires soldered on them use them other things. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Noob Motor Sheild Question arduino

piTeach-Audio??? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm 7th grade public school teacher. i've purchased, raspberrypi2b. use pi2b, come september in classes. have things working. 1 issue audio pi2b. after pi2b boots gui, click. menu/preferences/audio jack control app opens called - jack audio connection kit. has 4 tabs. settings-options-display-misc. must admit, these exhausting , scary tabs at. looking @, don't see guidance given. pi2b still being developed , not ready play audio files? can play audio files? kind of files? know need 2 items. -an audio file -help audio jack if not best audio sound. if pi2b play audio. use it. audio jack app? not friendly looking. beg anyones help. pi2b have audio files in noobs? before considered pi2b. preparing use older pcs. teaching several subjects. range 7th - 10th grade. -linux -scratch -html,css,javascript,python. -wolfram -sonic audio -graphics editing -video camera applications pi2b though has sold millions. pi2b doesn't have blanket averag

Thread: Multi-card reader problems

im having bit of problem multicard reader came built pc no matter o/s try use im having same problem, read card throw @ memory stick duo, transflash etc etc, sd card slot work read 1 of cards, 2gb never heard of brand card got cheap wond read other sd card doesnt acknowledge they've been plugged in , have 2 2gb cards (sandisk) , 128mb card none of work. ive tried resseting bios, unplugging reader motherboard none of them seem work still read 1 card, ideas cause im @ loss now. , let know card work fine on friends card reader of them thats why im @ such loss Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [all variants] Multi-card reader problems Ubuntu

Template Issues

hey all! new forum , new dreamweaver. cs degree paying off though, i'm making pretty sweet site band. having major problem though, haven't been able slog thru. when create page off 1 of 2 nested templates have created, looks fine if option f12 (preveiw in browser mac), save page seperate page (i.e. podcast.html). when link page anywhere now, css doesn't show on page. on place, , disjointed, , doesn't carry background colors or text style or anything. what doing wrong?! thanks in advance! two nested templates? ugh. > doing wrong?! it's impossible without seeing code. cs degree, readily understand answers are. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "overman27pj" <> wrote in message new

Intranet, no images - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i'm gp interest in it. i'm trying set joomla general practice intranet practice can add articles. i've installed wamp the server name oldclinical , ip if on server @ http://oldclinical:8080/ or see correct joomla page. if workstation @ same addresses text none of graphics or layout. i think must doing fundamental wrong. any ideas any appreciated. dave hi, check faq,57363.0.html should out fixing problem. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Parallel <--> Byte value

high, i've 8 pins digital input , 8 other pins digital output. for example: byte in_pins={22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29}; byte out_pins={30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37}; a) how convert quick possible value defined 8  input pins byte value? b) how convert byte value quick possible output pins? thanks! do pin state bytes need stored or transferred? if transferred : code: [select] for(int n = 0; n < 8; n++) { digitalwrite(out_pins[n], digitalread(in_pins[0])); } Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > Parallel <--> Byte value arduino

DataService fill method BUG

i have application 2 dataservice objects, each 1 associated different destinations (java assemblers) , each 1 has different arraycollection asociated: <mx:dataservice id="sistemasds" destination="sistemas" autocommit="false" autosyncenabled="true" automerge="true"/> <mx:arraycollection id="sistemaslist"/> <mx:dataservice id="rolesds" destination="roles" autocommit="false" autosyncenabled="true" automerge="true"/> <mx:arraycollection id="roleslist"/> the first dataservice works fine, can make call dataservice.fill( ) method , arraycollection filled list obtained java assembler, can insert, delete , update items , arraycollection autorefreshed normally. the second 1 not working correctly, 1 have 2 possibilites fill method, 1 parameter , 1 without parameters, this: flex code if (some condition) { rolesds.fill(roleslist, sistemaobj); } else

Installare Moduli e Componenti in modo alternativo ! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

salve, ho da poco installato joomla sul mio nuovo sito ed ho grossissimi problemi nella configurazione di alcune sezioni, così come ho enormi probmeli nell'installare nel modo classico e più agevole, moduli, componenti e templates ! mi dicono che problemi dipendono dal fatto che il mio sito sul server di natan e in safe mode on, invece che off ! fermo restando che non poso farci nulla ormai, fra un anno alla scadenza cambio server e passo joomlahost, ricordo che si possono installare moduli o componenti o template, caricando manualmente file nella cartella "media", dopo di che dal relativo pannello di controllo, in corrispondenza della riga "carica pacchetto" inserire il percosro in locale dove risiede il file xml, poi nella roga sotto "cartella installazione" bisognerebbe inserire il percorso del solito file ma sul server...mi dite, parte laparte strinza necessaria da inserire ? inizialmente la strinza e la seg

My Arduino Uno L LED light keeps flashing orange HELP PLEASE?

hey my l led light keeps blinking since have pluged board computer! none of code put microchip workes! have connected paralax ping sensor , have used code sofware has come , still not work! please help? , l led light keeps blinking? please me? thanks jcrifffel sounds arduino came blink sketch pre-installed. what example ping sketch using? does appear upload correctly? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > My Arduino Uno L LED light keeps flashing orange HELP PLEASE? arduino

Thread: Problemas con grub despues de actualizar Ubuntu 9.04

buenos dias gente, les queria contar lo que me paso cuando actualice ubuntu 9,04 para que si alguien le paso lo mismo sepa como solucionarlo. luego de instalar las actualizaciones que tenia, no me arrancaba ubuntu, grub me tiraba un error 11 algo con "invalid string" o algo parecido y cuando precionaba una tecla que me lo pedia volvia al grub. entonces entre editar la linea de grub con la tecla e y resulto que al lado de la linea de root aparecia el numero de serie de mi rigido, lo cambie por 'root (hd0,0)' y pude entrar en ubuntu, luego ahi edite el menu.lst (/boot/grub/) y cambie root ..... por root (hd0,0). espero que le sea de utilidad, acuerdense de entrar editar este archivo como root (su o sudo). un saludo "nunca el peon se come al rey" divididos posted heroesfg buenos dias gente, les queria contar lo que

Thread: xorg.conf Is missing

well, i'm using radeon hd open-source driver , going go tweak of settings in xorg.conf , it's empty o.o didn't think big of thought maybe if blank it'd defaults continue changes , says can't save because xorg.conf doesn't exist. there anyway restore it. posted postchache well, i'm using radeon hd open-source driver , going go tweak of settings in xorg.conf , it's empty o.o didn't think big of thought maybe if blank it'd defaults continue changes , says can't save because xorg.conf doesn't exist. there anyway restore it. are sure looking in right place? open terminal , input code: locate xorg.conf , see gives you. or code: cd /etc/x11/ ls -l x has uppercase , l lowercase. command generate xorg.conf code: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg luck

VPN problem with router & Pi2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have router provides vpn service allowing connection nexus network. read network files use total commander app on nexus , working. have pi2 connected router , have configured vpn service on , may have gone wrong. perhaps should use router vpn because using same credentials router , pi2 connection unsuccesful. in addition not sure how make directory available or app use read it. appreciated please. you didn't tell use vpn attempting set up? using openvpn? i've set openvpn, there's several stumbling blocks setting vpn. should attack problem bit @ time. first set vpn using local addresses , attempt connect local network. once know working worry getting port forwarding working on router. other difficulty had figuring out how set built in firewall access resources on local network devices not connecting through vpn. raspberrypi

Thread: Firefox 3.5 Update ?

is there reason firefox comes in standard installation of 9.04 has "check updates" menuitem greyed out [under help] ? if we'd update firefox 3.5 ? there linux (generic) version out there on firefox site... updates among ubuntu literati... after installing firefox3.5 specific repo (i dont have off hand) alot of firefox settings changed , annoyed me alot.. i've searched , gonna try myself Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Firefox 3.5 Update ? Ubuntu

Look at this picture and try to help me please :(( - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

so here picture : in #1 wanna put counter stats in #2 wanna put links is possible ?   how ? can me please ? thanks the #1 position called 'top', whatever module use display counter stats, if set published , point 'top' should display correctly. as #2 position, think linked banner possition , cannot seperated other banners unless edit template you're using. alfred Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.0 Coding

D-pad LED display

hi, i tried typing out long , detailed post, reason didn't post , lost whole thing. my friend , in class high school experiment , learn arduinos (mechatronics) , wanted build similar before got motors wanted make "diagnostic display" illuminate led based off of button pressed. it's simple concept, having write digitalwrite() 72 times seemed bit excessive , unnecessary. figured there must way simplify code, , thought arrays way go. creating array modified within cases , @ end of loop, way digitalwrite( maxval, high) , digitalwrite(minval, low) or along lines. on right track? there other methods shortening code? i'm not looking shift registers, want solution come code if possible. included poorly done fritzing diagram show project kind of like, , visualize goal. code: [select] int left = 2; int = 3; int right = 4; int down = 5; int pinsetuparray [9]={6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13}; int seq =

Servo motor amps

i planning use 6 servo's , have found 1 servo max amp draw 1-2 amps(at rated 7 volts). if use 6 of these servo's on same power line, mean need 12 amp (max) , 7 volt supply or mean need 2 amp 7 volt power supply 6 servos. what best way make power supply? i have designs adjustable regulators suitable voltages  regulators can take around , above 1.5 amps, have design 5 amp positive terminal adjustable regulator , 10 amp positive terminal adjustable regulator. if need current best make perhaps 3 4 amp regulators 2 servo's each on power supply line? if don't need increase current more servo's saves me lot of effort. i going use aa batteries, convenience, other ideas please tell me, because stuck right now. p.s. reason want use positive terminal voltage regulators because want able vary voltage. if feel easier out please tell me, not feel ideal. (i don't want cause fires if there risk) anything help thankyou you need enough amps meet nee