
Showing posts from July, 2011

Voltage dependent resistor - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi! building project need part cannot find. need sort of varistor 4 pins 2 used set voltage on , between other 2 have variable resistance. can use led , ldr uses quite bit of energy in project.. thanks! you need explain want do, , not how think should done. post incomprehensible. haduvokone wrote: hi! building project need part cannot find. need sort of varistor 4 pins 2 used set voltage on , between other 2 have variable resistance. can use led , ldr uses quite bit of energy in project.. thanks! raspberrypi

Connect to two website on same server

my client has 2 websites different domain names on same server. set-up 1 contribute connection next connection set-up refused "you have connection server". despite message, contribute cannot edit second site. contribute cannot apparently set-up 2 connections websites on same server. possible? surely contribute has been used multiple website owners? help.... do sites have different root folders on server, , different logins? see being problem if don't. have connections 4 web sites on same server, though using cps manage them. More discussions in Connection/Administration adobe

Thread: Lost network contact after install.

i have following network @ house under windows. satellite modem @ linksys router @ w home server "shop" @ xp pro desktop "house" 2 nics bridged @ acer laptop "acer" @ nothing fancy, numbered dhcp. works fine. want use ubuntu 9.04 on "house" no matter try, cannot connect network or internet. i've used ubuntu before either using 1 nic , connecting internet, or using brctl enable bridge. don't want linux expert, want quit using windows , overpriced software. supposed go **##\/@ crazy trying connect internet? does computer have physical switch wifi? if go system> administration> hardware drivers> click on drivers listed if , add reboot. had last nite after new install. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Fla

Thread: password doesn't work, can't do ubuntu reinstall

ubuntu 9.04 installed on laptop. edited password , cannot in @ all, using old 1 or new 1 - error message says have wrong password or username no matter try. so, tried reinstall ubuntu cd- keeps going , asking password. i'll try password suggestions on forums - if doesn't work, advice next clean reinstall works? many thanks. mike Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] password doesn't work, can't do ubuntu reinstall Ubuntu

FHEM mit CC1101 Transceiver von Busware - Raspberry Pi Forums

sehr geehrte damen und herren, zur zeit bin ich dabei zu hause ein fhem-server einzurichten. dazu habe ich mir ein raspberry pi 2 und busware cc1101 transceiver ( ) zugelegt. ich verwende auf dem raspberry pi 2 die aktuelle rasbain version und fhem 5.6.0. nun zu meinem anliegen: ich versuche den fhem einzurichten. ich komme der stelle nicht weiter wo ich den cc1101 transceiver konfigurieren muss. ich habe es schon mit der online zuverfügung gestellen anleitung ( ) probiert, leider kann ich damit nichts anfangen. kann mir jemand euch weiter helfen und mir es vielleicht schritt für schritt erklären? gruß christian raspberrypi

Remote Shared Object

hi....i created script hoping create remote shared object when in flash media server 2 admin console under shared objects catagorey see connection don't see object. wrong code? i'm new flash , if correct code i'd appreciate it. btw i'd simplest remote shared object possible....if feel writing remote shared object i'd appreciate it. vedocs_parts&file=00000607.html More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

tell a friend script

i have been trying implement following "tell friend" script: not sure im doing wrong. pop form appears when complete form , press send, getv message host server tell me has used form, doesnt collect sender or receiver email address. peroson whom tell friend supposed go doesnt arrive. i havent got thank page" in tellafriend.php file. make differnece. i real newbie , love drop me code give similar thankyou page 1 in example. is there need on server side email part work. any appreciated. regards pete many pete > have been trying implement following "tell friend" script: > > give link page have done complete step step implementation of script instructions. from quick read of article- there these parts it: step one: tellafriend.php which stuff <?php part: # after submission, target url header("location

Pi 2 B and video - Raspberry Pi Forums

folks, have 5 pi devices, 4 of used specific functions. latest thew quad core pi 2 b have tried ubuntu mate on. brief experience positive video still seems problem. bbc news videos not play reporting not compatible device. trying receive video stream using vlc unsuccessful. know video work fine using kodi/xbmc on other devices video still wee bit of problem on quad pi? geffers install livestreamer code: select all sudo pip install -u livestreamer play bbc news command code: select all livestreamer '' best --player-http --player omxplayer --fifo raspberrypi

can someone help me fix problems with retropie remotely? - Raspberry Pi Forums

two of problems still have: not buttons of controller working (it simple snintendo controller) secondly, n64 not playing games smoothly. in fact never play game it. if anyway can check files remotely (in case safe) appreciate it. don't have money give in rertun tho. i not able help, relatively safe if have password. better solution might upload whole /etc folder (or whichever files relevant) somewhere examine. raspberrypi

Thread: lost access to login

i installed ubuntu 9 week ago , did try make backup of files simple backup files not accessed belonged root, tried change access them sudo chmod. did manage remove file restrictions. surprise no more access user map, after trying more chmod gave , wanted restart. turned out impossible because no more access $home/.dmrc please me log in again. know how in terminal session, type there ??? try code: chmod 644 /home/username/.dmrc if in root recovery shell. if in own failsfe shell need sudo. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] lost access to login Ubuntu

Intercom through wifi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, new raspberry world. part of problem not knowing search for. have 2 separate shops, walking distance, far enough bothersome. both shops have wifi. 1 shop doesn't have phone line. way communicate @ other shop via cell phone isn't reliable due noise/silenced phones. i'm looking way can press button @ desk , voice heard @ other shop on loudspeaker , maybe flashing light. way person on receiving end doesn't have wash hands or drop doing answer simple question. thank in advance, jp raspberrypi

Thread: Recomendations on webserver permissions setup?

i have user account (gbrent) sudoer. using vsftp ftp server. whenever upload files via ftp, group adm , not www-data. folders have many permission issues when uploaded. furthermore, adding 2 more user accounts (danielk,gabeb) not sudoers. them have write access file upload via ftp in /var/www/ directory. user groups should set on users? should chmod /var/www/ to? , how set vsftpd auto chmod uploaded files can read write? -brent can me out on this? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [all variants] Recomendations on webserver permissions setup? Ubuntu

Reading Neurosky Blinking and Arduino

in project use arduino receiving data neurosky mindwave headset. my problem is: i'd use eye blinking light led can not data. searched answer , nothing came up. did find youtube video of man achieving ( have program works control , led using neurosky mindwave headset, uses attention feature. how can use headset light led up? what code blinking work? thank you hi, video not show neurosky connected to. the arduino connected usb programming , monitor cable, of neurosky processing being done in pc, not arduino. in fact can see tx/rx leds flashing data passed between arduino , pc. do have data sheet on neurosky , how output configured? i suggest research..... tom...... Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions

Verity Spider

i trying setup vspider 1 of sites , no luck far. got far: i running cfmx7 iis 6 on win 2003 server web edition. eeach site has it's own internal ip address. i made sure site trying index has localhost host header when type http://localhost site. i made batch file: vspider.exe -style c:\cfusionmx7\verity\data\stylesets\coldfusionvspider -collection c:\cfusionmx7\verity\collections\rhspider -include "*/cfdocs/htmldocs*" -start http://localhost/ then went cfadmin , added new collection englishx language. i've tried doing different things every time collection coming 0 documents! what missing???? anyone? More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

lees verder.. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik heb in eens? als je tekst hebt in het tweede content-veld zodat je door kunt gaan naar lees verder..op de voorkant en vervolgens moet je inloggen? heb ik een instelling niet goed staan?  kijk onder het tabje parameter van het des betreffende artikel, of in de global configuration. daar kun je de instellingen wijzigen. mocht het daar niet kunnen dan moet er een andere oplossing komen. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Algemene vragen

Email registration in Flash and blog update

hi i'm creating site has 2 things must contain. 1.) registration page user must enter email address(which forwarded site owner's email address) they must enter access section of site. 2.)a blog can updated site owner whenever without having edit fla. file. any ideas or pointers in right direction appreciated. cheers i'm trying develop site exact same needs. for 1st query cheat , create folder on server has password protection via htaccess example. put site section / content require in folder , link via flash site. browser ask user username / password , take user content. perhaps not elegant of solutions it's far quickest deploy. as far blog query - i'm using wordpress blogging engine ( i'm using flash skin load in swf found here - otherwise use these take xml output blogging sw , display in flash page. hope helps in way More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General

Apache URL redirect? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys. i'm trying reflect custom url on clients browser no matter url type on browser. have http requests coming pi going directly apache server ip using dnsmasq. think might have found way canonical hostnames explained here code: select all <virtualhost *:80> servername serveralias redirect "/" "" </virtualhost> <virtualhost *:80> servername </virtualhost> how redirect wildcard url display on client browser? raspberry pi 2 model b apache 2.2 dnsmasq date raspbian thanks! raspberrypi

[has become SUGGESTION] Load a different model (title changed again ;p ) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. some functions use same model , not have individual one. so trie load model by: "$model =& $this->getmodel('box')". (file path: component / models / box.php) immidiatly when function requested view.html.php receive error: fatal error: call member function gettotalmessages() on non-object in c:\program files\wamp\www\components\com_jms\views\inbox\view.html.php on line 69 i trie execute function by: code: select all $total = $model->gettotalmessages($where); so codes again: code: select all // @ start $model =& $this->getmodel('box'); //this requested function in de jmsmodelbox class    /**    * total number of messages    *    * @parram array      $where. contains string (without 'where')    * @access         public    * @return         int    */    function gettotalmessages($where)    {       $db      =& jfactory::getdbo();       $where   = implode( "\n , ", $where);       $query   = "select count(*) \n #__jms \

Big Problem, Complete site deleted - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok on night, playing our webserver. he deleted whole site, data anyway. make worse looks our back-ups stored in root of our webserver, hence of deleted. only thing have left database. i love tips on start. e.g. gather have reinstall scratch, how take on our old database nomisg wrote: only thing have left database. that key part! make clean install , copy old database on new one. if don't have necessary permissions, web host's admin you. reinstall components/modules/pulgins, configure before. assuming content (in database) unaffected, should ok. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Trying to turn on pro mini 5v with transistor

i put arduino on pcb board , after power saving techniques going sleep, , 3.3v, 8mhz, etc, able bring down power draw 2.5-3.0 ma 4 aa cells in series. i have nrf24l01 connected , tried use nrf power saving techniques, still  drew 2.5ma.  i removed nrf24l01 radio , power dropped .6ma (may have been lower). anyway, changing tactic now, instead of arduino being in sleep mode, thinking of keeping off entirely, no loop, needs in setup, external turns off.  this thinking note have power 5v should 6v the transistor used 2n2222 maybe should using mosfet, not calculate proper r1 value, electronics foo weak. also read somewhere base voltage , collector voltage need same,  they not, pir needs powered @ least 5v , signal 3.3v. anyone have better ideas or thoughts?  the promini 5. nrf24l01 draws 40ma thanks, la circuit should work, try 1k r1. 6v absolute max supply voltage microcontroller. transistor drop couple tenths fresh aa cells deliver bit more 6v. it's clos

Boot hangs when DeviceTree trailer added to image - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, built kernel using instructions ... , , installed onto freshly imaged sd card raspbian 2015-05-05. system booted, , seemed work fine. wanted enable devicetree support, required use of mkknlimg apply trailer image. now, when try boot new image, boot process freezes on following line: code: select all [ 3.286805] smsc95xx 1-1.1:1.0 eth0: register 'smsc95xx' @ usb-bcm2708_usb-1.1, smsc95xx usb 2.0 ethernet, b8:27:eb:d3:04:47 know why adding trailer cause issue? in advance - am what happens? full output help, not last line. files present on /boot, aside kernel? raspberrypi

Thread: Arch Forums

i taking @ arch forums morning , saw thread exactly because it's simple question why should little more effort answer 1 smile. google or forum search long way - use please. welcome forums btw - sure read forum rules smile. i'm closing one. it breaks heart every time see these responses question. the moderator didn't provide link rules ! remember not long ago when first tried ubuntu 4.10. ubuntu new searching google no help. quoted response above forum user had posted 4 times on forum. it's not don't agree - by means need utilize search function of forums. saves time , allows solve more problems instead of repeating same answers. part of mentality hate expect these new users know forum rules , treat them negatively not following them. quick glance @ reveal no forum rules link on front page, nor subcate

Wat kan je nou precies met een Raspberry Pi? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hoi allemaal, ik ben al enige tijd geïnteresseerd in een rp, maar ik blijf iedere keer de aanschaf uitstellen, omdat ik simpelweg me niet kan voorstellen wat ik er mee kan doen. ik heb en der een aantal topics gelezen waar bijvoorbeeld praktisch het hele huis met een rp aangestuurd wordt, en dan krijg ik een beetje zo'n gevoel van "hoe zou ik in godsnaam iets met zo'n ding kunnen als het zo ingewikkeld is?" toch blijf ik van alle kanten horen dat een rp in feite heel simpel is, en dat het bijna niet voor te stellen wat je er allemaal mee kan. daarom hoop ik dat iemand met meer ervaring mij hier wat wijzer kan maken on de toepassingen van een rp. -------- om maar een baseline te geven (zodat mensen die eventueel willen reageren niet zoiets hebben van "waar moet ik beginnen") zal ik een tweetal toepassingen beschrijven die ik graag in mijn huis wil toepassen, waarvan ik vermoed/hoop dat ze met een rp ook te bereiken zijn. het eerste het schakelen v

12v sennse and a button

ok have 2 questions id input; 1st need arduino sense when circuit has activated 12v circuit how safely connect 2? 2nd question need momentary switch go hgh , stay high no matter how many times pressed ideas? here code not tested yet because i'm still waiting parts. [quote//#include <liquidcrystal.h> //liquidcrystal lcd(13,12,11,10,a5,a4) // input pins int pirpin = 8; int doorpin = 7; int setpin = 6; int disarmpin = 5; //output pins int sirenpin = 4; int siren2pin = 3; int strobepin = 9; //var void setup() {   pinmode(pirpin, input);   pinmode(doorpin, input);   pinmode(setpin, input);   pinmode(disarmpin, input);   pinmode(sirenpin, output);   pinmode(siren2pin, output);   pinmode(strobepin, output); } void loop() {   if (digitalread(setpin) == high && digitalread(pirpin) == high)   {     digitalwrite(sirenpin, high); digitalwrite(strobepin, high);     //delay(900000);     //digitalwrite(sirenpin, low);   }   else   {     digitalwrite(sirenpin, low);   }  

Flash nav targeting html frames...

i have no idea why, i've read posts having flash nav menu target frame within html frameset. set quick test... (i'm using flash mx2004 professional know) ok, did.... i created framset in dreamweaver using fixed top frameset. there's top nav frame, , bottom content frame. the frame holding flash nav called header.htm. content frame called main.htm (or default htm page opens in frame) frameset master of course called index.htm. i created test flash nav 2 quick buttons. code on first , second buttons... first button: on (release) { geturl("test1.htm","mainframe") } second button: on (release) { geturl("test2.htm","mainframe") } as can see i'm targeting content frame named "mainframe" in index page this: <frameset rows="119,*" cols="*" framespacing="0" frameborder="no" border="0"> <frame src="header.htm" name="topframe" scrolling="no&

New camera+Rpi2 - No data received from sensor - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi i've bought raspi2 , noir camera , led of camera lights on raspistill, vcgencmd shows cammera supported , connected doesn't work. camera corrected correctly board. code: select all $ raspistill -v -o image.jpg raspistill camera app v1.3.8 width 2592, height 1944, quality 85, filename image.jpg time delay 5000, raw no thumbnail enabled yes, width 64, height 48, quality 35 link latest frame enabled no full resolution preview no capture method : single capture preview yes, full screen yes preview window 0,0,1024,768 opacity 255 sharpness 0, contrast 0, brightness 50 saturation 0, iso 0, video stabilisation no, exposure compensation 0 exposure mode 'auto', awb mode 'auto', image effect 'none' metering mode 'average', colour effect enabled no u = 128, v = 128 rotation 0, hflip no, vflip no roi x 0.000000, y 0.000000, w 1.000000 h 1.000000 camera component done encoder component done starting component connection stage connecting camera previ

Moving to jrun4

-logger (debug/info/...) doesn't work: entries written long delays. -same problem on new created server, via browser. -no errors in log on start server. -jrun.xml contains: <service class="jrunx.logger.loggerservice" name="loggerservice"> <attribute name="format">{date mm/dd hh:mm:ss} {log.level} {log.message}{log.exception}</attribute> <attribute name="errorenabled">true</attribute> <attribute name="warningenabled">true</attribute> <attribute name="infoenabled">true</attribute> <attribute name="debugenabled">true</attribute> <attribute name="metricsenabled">false</attribute> <attribute name="metricslogfrequency">60</attribute> <attribute name="metricsformat">web threads (busy/total): {jrpp.busyth}/{jrpp.totalth} sessions: {sessions} total memory={totalmemory} free={freememory}<

Thread: How to share email between Ubuntu and Windows Vista?

i'm using windows vista 64-bit , dual-booting ubuntu, i'm determinedly working toward goal of making ubuntu 9.04 (and successors) primary os. a stumbling block has turned out email program: thunderbird i'd able share accounts, past , future messages, folders under inbox, address book, etc., between vista , ubuntu. searching advice on how this, i've found such urls following: "sharing profile between windows , linux " ( ) "how share mail between windows , linux " ( ) " dual boot sharing: firefox 3 bookmarks thunderbird 2 default directory sunbird calendar 0.9 default directory " ( firefox-thunderbird.shtml ) the first of these links quite general; second dates february of 2005, , out

Component (Joomla 1.0) aanpassen en dan komt 1.5 eraan - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo, ik heb een vraagje en ik weet niet wat nu wijs is. ik heb een evenementen component voor joomla 1.0 in gebruik en ik wil nu allemaal functionaliteit hieraan toevoegen. hebben dit namelijk hard nodig en kunnen niet echt veel langer meer wachten. nu zit ik met het dillema of ik dit wel moet doen. het gaat dus dan een eigen component worden op basis van een bestaande echter door de vele aanpassingen zal het een totaal nieuw iets gaan worden oa een "koppeling" met een artiesten database! kan ik ergens stukken vinden wat er moet gebeuren om dit component ook 1.5 compatible te maken? of kan iemand mij hier meer on vertellen. ik wil eerst een duidelijk beeld hebben dat ik dadelijk niet alles dubbel moet gaan doen. iemand ? thnx enige wat je kan doen 1.5 downloaden en kijken waar de verschillen in zitten qua module. het zou kunnen zijn dat hij er gewoon op werkt. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International

Dynamic Message of the Day - Raspberry Pi Forums

the message shown when ssh'ing pi's not informative, , after seeing few hundred times wondered ubuntu style 'message of day' (motd), provides useful information when log on terminal interface after research , lot of other sites, changed log on information this: linux rp2 3.18.7+ #755 preempt thu feb 12 17:14:31 gmt 2015 armv6l programs included debian gnu/linux system free software; exact distribution terms each program described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. debian gnu/linux comes absolutely no warranty, extent permitted applicable law. to this: message of day rp2-motd.png (33.03 kib) viewed 695 times idea came , although implementation different , think more straightforward. many of lines of code creating detailed messages such free memory, came site. share how can done , discuss of issues. quite easy do, , following step step

TabNavigator style

my application: <mx:style> .a1{ backgroundimage: embed("image.png"); } </mx:style> <mx:tabnavigator tabstylename="a1"> <mx:vbox label="accounts" width="300" height="150" > <!-- accounts view goes here. --> </mx:vbox> <mx:vbox label="stocks" width="300" height="150"> <!-- stocks view goes here. --> </mx:vbox> <mx:vbox label="futures" width="300" height="150"> <!-- futures view goes here. --> </mx:vbox> </mx:tabnavigator> i want put in tabnavigator's tabs background image. setting -backgroundimage: embed("image.png");- in tab's style doesn't help. should change in code? i having same problem trying set background image on tab style. i noticed, tabstylename="tabstyle" , selectedtabtextstylename="selectedtab" both work, firsttabstylenam

Using two different Arduino boards for one pc

i looking yun can send out email when force sensor pressed. have program uno stacked adafruit motorshield controlling stepper motor. want replace uno yun can have wifi.  i'm reading on other forums might not possble ( yun + motorshield ) if not,  can use 2 different arduinos same pc ? having arduino yun connected force sensor. , arduino uno connected motor shield? possible? meaining yun using arduino 1.5.6-r2 beta ide , have uno using arduino 1.0.5 ide - (which have installed) why use 2 different ides? work, on pretty arduino boards (with exception of intel galileo) latest version of 1.5beta ide... and switch between different arduino boards , forth, though use yun, mega2560 or leonardo of work... ralf Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > Using two different Arduino boards for one pc

Controlling an actuator via seeed motor shield

hi everyone, i trying wire actuator motor shield off of arduino uno. having issues figuring out how hook actuator motor shield. have been searching through tutorials, haven't found directly relates project. would better off buying figelli's lac board? any or guidance appreciated! actuator motor shield well don't believe arduino specific, perhaps try posting type of question in motors section next time? i'm not trying mean/rude. you'd better support in right area all. posted here accident too. lol but don't quite know issue you're having. plug on actuator doesn't fit shield? also have seen these pages? & you should able locate pinouts there and, if necessary, may need make custom plug.

connect mysql resolve problem und zuweisung der IP für ethernet

hallo ich versuche gerade ein paar lösungsansätze für lese/schreib-aktionen auf einer im lokalen netz befindlichen mysql-db zu finden und bin dabei auf die bibliothek mysql.h  von gestoßen. ich vermute das diese eigentlich das macht ich suche, direkt in eine mysql-db schreiben und werte aus dieser holen ohne dabei umständlich ein php-script mit url-Übergaben benutzen zu müssen. leider stoße ich gerade jetzt auf probleme mit der zuweisung einer festen ip-adresse für den arduino ich benutze folgende hardware - arduino mega r3 (dieser sollte die ip haben) - raspberry pi (dieser hat die ip auf dem raspberry läuft die mysql-db und der webserver die user sind in der mysql-db angelegt und lassen zugriffe von und localhost zu. den mysqld habe ich mit bind-address und gebunden. folgende probleme tauchen auf. obwohl in meinem sketch byte

How to control output of connected monitor remotely? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, got raspberry pi 2, , connected monitor in our company's reception lobby, show marketing videos, etc. our smart tv isn't smart, wanted give added functionality. used tutorial here ... pberry-pi/ xrdp control rp remotely computer, via wireless. problem using allows me login rp using session. i'm not changing on connected monitor. i'd have same functionality of team viewer remote control. team viewer isn't supported on raspbian, thought xrdp work. suggestions? help. replying i, too, might hear answer this. raspberrypi

caratteri su display

ciao sto usando il programma di esempio incluso nella libreria liquidcrystal, con gli schemi delle schede di pighixxx,con un display 16x2 ma ho problemi di visualizzazione dei primi 8 caratteri sulle due righe, ho scoperto che se commento questa riga code: [select] //lcd.begin(16, 2); i caratteri vengono visualizzati bene ma non riesco posizionare diversamente il cursore avete suggerimenti code: [select] /*   liquidcrystal library - hello world demonstrates use 16x2 lcd display.  liquidcrystal library works lcd displays compatible hitachi hd44780 driver. there many of them out there, , you can tell them 16-pin interface. sketch prints "hello world!" lcd , shows time.   circuit: * lcd rs pin digital pin 12 * lcd enable pin digital pin 11 * lcd d4 pin digital pin 5 * lcd d5 pin digital pin 4 * lcd d6 pin digital pin 3 * lcd d7 pin digital pin 2 * lcd r/w pin ground * 10k resistor: * ends +5v , ground * wiper lcd vo pin (pin 3) library added 18 apr

i want to change the display of the content, frustrated - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi; i having problem in diplaying content, using joomla 1.0.8 when add new content displayed blog. it messy, site working on somehow resource oriented. i want content diplayed list. how can done??? this list similar content list on frontpage of joomla. any highly appreciated. i tried modify css, didnt work. help help. best shadi first, suggest upgrade joomla latest version. if understand correctly, want content list posted in frontpage latest news module. you can copy latest news module , edit parameters. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

zlib + in memory compression - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, looking documentation or example on how use zlib in memory compression. have multiple buffer save, each of them 2.5 mb. compress them before saving them disk. trying (in pseudo code ) code: select all [...] char sourcebuffer[2500]; char destbuffer[2500]; [...] //--- in way sourcebuffer has been populated data zsize=compress(sourcebuffer,destbuffer); //--- expect in way have size of zipp'd buffer fwrite(destbuffer, 1, zsize, myfile); thx all! nicola something along lines of code: select all /* should point memory compress, , it's size */ char *srcbuf; unsigned long srcsize; /* allocate memory compressed data */ char *dstbuf; unsigned long dstsize; /* compressed data can larger uncompressed, returns largest size should needed in worst case. */ dstsize = compressbound(srcsize); dstbuf = malloc(dstsize); int status = compress(dstbuf, &dstsize, srcbuf, srcsize); if (status == z_ok) { /* dstbuf pointer compressed version, dstsize have been updated how

Worpress - DCHP New IP Address - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've run bump. i've installed apache , wordpress router has assigned pi new ip address instead of when try log wordpress admin paged auto routes .10. i've check , router doesn't allow me assign ip addresses without doing bunch of networking voodo , model isn't supported dd-wrt. there place can update ip address in wordpress php files or have them updated across board? any machine runs server on lan should have fixed ipv4 address. can in 1 of 3 ways 1. on router control panel pages 2. on dhcp server (if run 1 independent of router) 3. hard coding address on rpi option 1 best if router supports it. option 3 can done gui or hard coding in /etc/network/interfaces. raspberrypi

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Thread: add start up program using console

hello all, i'm in process of building htpc using basic install of ubuntu 9.04 (no gnome) , xbmc. working great. la pièce de résistance decided add wiimote navigation. can working fine if run command wminput -c xbmc 00:19:1d:83:38:fc each time boot up. loads automatically on start need add command wminput -dc xbmc 00:19:1d:83:38:fc list of startup programs. how done via console can't systems, preferences, sessions, add. in advance d you can add call /etc/rc.local or take simple startup script in /etc/init.d/... template own script. create symbolic link e.g. /etc/rc3.d/ startup script in /etc/init.d , should start during next startup. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] add start up program using console Ubuntu

Sending Sensor Data to Internet via Wifi Shield

so have tomato plant measure moisture level of , send values internet.  want simple webpage or local ip address that  can type browser , view. here code sensor: code: [select] int moisturesensor = 0; int moisture_val; void setup() { serial.begin(9600); //open serial port } void loop() { moisture_val = analogread(moisturesensor); // read value moisture-sensing probes serial.print("moisture sensor reads "); serial.println( moisture_val ); delay(500); } i use code instead of viewing info on computer hooked to, set arduino on power source , wirelessly send info ip or website. i have future plans add light sensor display amount of sunlight , add support second tomato plant. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Sending Sensor Data to Internet via Wifi Shield arduino

Virtuemart - pokazivanje proizvoda - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pozdrav, imam problema sa pokazivanjem broja proizvoda u magacinu kod virtuemarta u fajlu browse_1.php , tu bih htio da mi se pokazuje broj proizvoda koji se inace pokazuju u fajlu flypage.php. fajlovi su u direktoriju /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/templates/browse/ i /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/templates/product_details/ hvala Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Bosnian Forum

Thread: Dual GCC

hello, long time linux user.... well.. kinda.. know way around, let's that. running hardy on old p4. true intention build beowulf off of openmosix , old vanilla 2.24.26 kernel cisco project. have patched , configurated off of , tried compile , install alas, shut down fact openmosix kernel require 2.95.3 , i'm still using whatever hardy came (not compiler.. firefoxer), anyway, downloaded tarball mirror, , have been using guide installing gcc-2.95.3. problem compiling errors bootstrap command. last few lines of output being: code: /usr/local/gcc/2.95.3/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ -c -g -o2 -i. -i/home/skynet/gcc-2.95.3/libio -d_io_mtsafe_io /home/skynet/gcc-2.95.3/libio/iogetline.c -o pic/iogetline.o /home/skynet/gojb/gcc/xgcc -b/home/skynet/gojb/gcc/ -b/usr/local/gcc/2.95.3/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ -c -g -o2 -i. -i/home/skynet/gcc-2.95.3/libio -d_io_mts