
Showing posts from February, 2010

[Solved] Time elapsed since event triggered

i having trouble measuring amount of time has passed since event has occurred.  i thought understood how use millis() function measure elapsed time, not. i trying measure amount of time has passed since voltage value strain gauge greater "activationvoltage" (which determined using potentiometer). if elapsed time greater specified interval value, want event occur. please @ code below , let me know doing wrong. thank you. code: [select] // transmitter code #include <virtualwire.h> int elapsedtime;   int interval = 1000; unsigned long previousmillis; void setup() {    serial.begin(9600);  // debugging only    serial.println("setup");    // initialise io , isr    vw_set_ptt_inverted(true); // required dr3100    vw_setup(2000); // bits per sec    vw_set_tx_pin(3);            pinmode(8, input);   } void loop() {  char *msg;  int straingauge = analogread(a1); //read input strain gauge  int potvalue = analogread(a0); //read input potentiome

Interrupt code not working as supposed to.....

hello, i got stepper motor running code , works fine. trying write code enable me pause , turn on led on pin 13, when press button , have continue running left off when release button. i tried attaching interrupt didn't work. modifications made in bold. know did wrong? i'm using arduino mega 2560. here code below. appreciated. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //©2011 bildr //released under mit license - please reuse change , share //using easy stepper arduino //use rotate and/or rotatedeg controll stepper motor //speed number .01 -> 1 1 being fastest - //slower speed == stronger movement ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <avr/interrupt.h> # define led_pin 13 # define switch_pin 5      // pin 18 interrupt on arduino mega 2560[/b] #define dir_pin 2 #define step_pin 3 void setup() {   pinmode(dir_pin, output);   pinmode(step_pin, output);   pinmode(led_pin, output);   // switch input   pi

Pilotare Stepper Motor Aircore

buongiorno tutti, ho da poco acquistato dei motori aircore per un progetto di un cruscotto da collegare al pc. sono dei x27 128 che piloto con dei driver . ho utilizzato uno sketch per farli muovere tramite la libreria accelstepper code: [select] #include <accelstepper.h> // define stepper , pins use accelstepper stepper(1, 11, 12); // 1 means 2 wires. 3 step pin, 2 dir pin. int halfrev = 800; void setup() {   stepper.setmaxspeed(7200);   stepper.setacceleration(14400); } void loop() {   if (stepper.distancetogo() == 0)   {     delay(10);     halfrev = -halfrev;     stepper.moveto(halfrev);   }; } e tutto funziona. il mio problema è che motori non ruotano

serial communication between arduino and opencv using python

i beginner arduino. tryin make project opencv used face detection , find centre coordinates of detected face . wish send these coordinates opencv arduino arduino can further control servos , point toward face . unable serial communication between arduino , python . please help the demo sketch in this thread might help. ...r Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > serial communication between arduino and opencv using python arduino

[solucionado] transformar función a libreria (buscar keyword y pasarlo a int)

hola estimados, estuve investigando por hay y si con ciertos códigos que uni y modifique para lograr lo que necesitaba. tomar la cadena que envía el navegador el famoso ("") y que me leyera el valor del key sensorx y me lo devolviera como un int para poder usarlo como set de alguna variable. ahora quiero hacerlo una librería para incluirlo de manera mas fácil la función pero tengo error, al pasarlo librería, les agradecería una orientación, los códigos son: funcion code: [select] void setup() {  // put setup code here, run once: serial.begin(9600); } //define largos de variable  "?sensor1=001&sensor2=022&sensor3=303&sensor4=444&sensor5=005&sensor6=006" int lenvarname = 7; //largo del nombre de la variable, len name of variable ej: "sensor1" len = 7 int lenvardig = 3; //largo de comando de la variable, len name of command ej:

[SOLVED] Genuine UNO R3 resets every ~10 seconds (random)

hello, come seek of community because arduino uno had fried it's atmega328 last month (replaced) starts show serious unstability i left entire night running heavy sketch (my mini-domotics controler project - display , rf control through nrf24l01s) check script's stability, , now: resets every , then, randomly. first thought maybe went overboard on whole "being asshole ram", since display libraries assholes ram. free of wire , without code keeps on resetting randomly ..... i've become caring of uno don't could've gone wrong? i tried few different wall outlet supplies, desk computer, 2 laptops, macbook air ... nope still resets, not power supply issue. any hint causing behavior? in advance. ~ lost newbie. edit: re-flashed bootloader - problem still persists. quote from: pixelsafoison on jun 11, 2014, 08:59 pm running heavy sketch my first guess running out of memory.  heap collides stack , function returns go off strange places

Importing Word Documents Hanging

i installed robohelp x5 , looking import old framemaker files. after converting .fm files word documents (xp operating system), went ahead , tried import (word document files) using robohelp x5. each import returns message; 'word not responding @ time'. reason why problem occurs? have tested same imports on multiple pc's , same problem. welcome forum. a number of possibilities first how managing to test on multiple pcs? have installed 1 copy on multiple pcs? ask not because of licence issues because 1 of causes logon using. rh must installed using logon , admin rights attached @ time. there's topic on site this. the other possibility using word 2003 , have not installed updates well. if doesn't fix it, @ print issues topic. know importing rather printing number of word issues have same effect. More discussions in RoboHelp HTML adobe

Thread: Nvidia card driver issue

hi screensaver seemed run clicked system/admin/hardware drivers, told me nvidia driver version 180 available, clicked 'activate' , errors on boot-up. when try activate driver again thinks couple of seconds , stays inactivated. i've tried running driver installer nvidia says i'm running xserver , therefore fails although did drop terminal ctrl+alt+f2 , stopped gdm first. please out here? don't know info guys need. i'm running jaunty 9.04 , nvidia geforce gtx295. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Nvidia card driver issue Ubuntu

Master Clock Mk2

i have been building new arduino dcf77 master clock time now. clock uses 1" (25mm) green 7 segment displays, yellow lcd display, leds , bluetooth monitor time, decoding , clock pulses. clock drive various slaves , clock chimes. mock of approx design the clock has auto display dimming , pir detection turn 7 segment display , lcd back-light on , off when triggered entering room. i have fitted blue tooth board can program/update clock remotely windows pc.  blue tooth module means can read clock stats , test pir detection android mobile. the dcf77 signal decoded using fantastic new dcf77 library written udo klein. see site here more details on clocks progress including test videos  here completed master clock the dcf77 signal decoded using fantastic new dcf77 library written udo klein. latest 1 min test video shows cl

Thread: invisible text and pictures

i tried edit text file , cannot see text. i'm sure text there b/c when try close file, asks me save changes. can see text in terminal , on web browser, not in text editor. also, tried view pictures , window opens view it, file name , such top, indicating open, cannot see anything. can correct this. don't think it's graphics card. have ati radeon on toshiba satellite a-215. 3bg ram, amd turion processor. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] invisible text and pictures Ubuntu

Battery Management System (SMBUS,I2CBus)

hallo zusammen, ich habe eine smart intelligent battery und ich aus dieser diverse daten auslesen. auf der kleinen platine im inneren dieser battery befindet sich der µ-controller pic14000. die adresse des i2c busses habe ich bereits herausgefunden ! und zwar ist dies 0x0b. leider stehe ich jetzt vor einer wand und weis nicht weiter. wie bekomme ich jetzt aus diessem µ-controller die nötigen informationen (spannung, strom ...serialnummer, baujahr etc) heraus. ich bin dankbar um jede hilfe die ich bekommen könnte ! mfg was für eine battery ist es denn? hersteller, model? Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > Battery Management System (SMBUS,I2CBus) arduino

how to modify a library

i having difficult time getting arduino make ethernet connection (i.e., hangs on "ethernet.begin(mac)") , want implement change dhcp.cpp library file recommended else on forum; however, didn't how go modifying library file, rather told me line insert where. tried google issue of how modify library file using arduino ide, , found --,37294.0.html.  but it's not working me, i.e., copy .cpp , .h lib. files sketchbook directory , restart ide.  then can find .cpp file within ide using file/open menu (i.e., file not in sketchbook), , when try open message: "processing can own sketches , other files ending in .ino or .pde". once above problem solved, i'm still not sure how compile revised library file , ensure 1 gets loaded. any suggestions on how appreciated -- can tell, it's first project!! find source file want change. standard libraries shipped ide, under libraries folder in arduino s

/dev/video0 permissions - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everyone. called 1 webcam raspberry , have python script calls command fswebcam php exec(); function. can run fswebcam command php not working. code: select all <?php echo exec('fswebcam /home/aos/4.jpg'); ?> how best way enabling /dev/video0 user without having call sudo? note: added user , apache user video group still need sudo. code: select all $ $ grep video /etc/group video:x:44:pi,aos,www-data $ id aos uid=1001(aos) gid=1002(aos) groups=1002(aos),20(dialout),44(video) $ id www-data uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data),20(dialout),44(video) output code: select all $ fswebcam img/4.jpg --- opening /dev/video0... trying source module v4l2... error opening device: /dev/video0 open: permission denied trying source module v4l1... error opening device: /dev/video0 open: permission denied unable find source module can read /dev/video0. maybe add udev rule such as: code: select all subsystem=="video0", group="video",

Problems controlling 74HC595 from a Library, Logic Error Somewhere? Please Help

i'm trying take code works expected , turn library can reuse throughout projects. have taken code , created library compiles fine, gives unexpected results leds. can see i'm doing wrong? please if can. thanks! the code works expected: quote int ser_pin   = 11;   //pin 14 on 75hc595 // data pin int rclk_pin  =  8;   //pin 12 on 75hc595 // latch pin int srclk_pin = 12;   //pin 11 on 75hc595 // clock pin //number of shift registers p   resent. #define number_of_74hc595s 1 //define number of output pins based on number of shift registers present. #define numofregisterpins number_of_74hc595s * 8 // accelerometer connected analog pins 0, 1, 2 (x, y, z) #define xpin 0 #define ypin 1 #define zpin 2 boolean registers[numofregisterpins]; void setup (){     serial . begin (9600);   pinmode (ser_pin, output );   pinmode (rclk_pin, output );   pinmode (srclk_pin, output );     pinmode (xpin, input );   pinmode (ypin, input );   pinmode (zpin, input );     //reset r

Thread: Problem playing x264

i'm trying play x264 movies using mplayer , vdpau. have nvidia quadro nvs 140m board hardware should enough. following error when playing movies code: [vdpau] failed creating vdpau decoder: system not have enough resources complete requested operation @ time. very few movies work. appreciated. ...bump... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Problem playing x264 Ubuntu

Thread: Getting online

hello, new , have problem trying wireless usb adapter work. have been on absolute beginners , suggested come here. if can ask instructions basic took me day find how open terminal window. anyway have installed ubuntu 9.04 , trying azurewave gu210 adapter work, have found , installed driver it, not activate. advised run command 1susb , got result bash : 1susb: command not found advised run iwconfig , got following result paul@paul-desktop:~$ iwconfig lo no wireless extensions. eth0 no wireless extensions. wlan1 ieee 802.11g essid ff/any mode:managed frequency:2.412 ghz access point: not-associated bit rate:54 mb/s tx-power:20 dbm sensitivity=0/3 rts thr ff fragment thr ff power management ff link quality:0 signal level:0 noise level:0 rx invalid nwid:0 rx invalid crypt:0 rx invalid frag:0 tx excessive retries:0 invalid misc:0 missed beacon:0

Wifi wont start at reboot - Raspberry Pi Forums

i having kind of wierd problem, if reboot pi upon boot wifi dongle wont start if shut down pi unplug , replug works perfectly..?? ps. running minimal raspbian-ua net install. ric96 wrote: if reboot pi upon boot wifi dongle wont start if shut down pi unplug , replug works perfectly..? dongle using; chipset, driver? of weirdness due usb, of due wifi chipset/driver. notice if unplug dongle , plug in , reboot work. usb gets 'mode' (for lack of better word) prevents working correctly unless re-powered... same thing can happen dongle. out of curiosity, when reboot without re-powering, lsusb show, iwconfig show? raspberrypi

RNG driver/access - Raspberry Pi Forums

anybody know if there windows 10 driver onboard rng , associated code access via c++/c#? if not... suggestions on start on developing such driver? rutt wrote: anybody know if there windows 10 driver onboard rng , associated code access via c++/c#? if not... suggestions on start on developing such driver? viewtopic.php?f=105&t=109056 raspberrypi

Peculiar problem with IE and opening a flash page in a new window.

hello, i have portfolio located here: if click portfolio button taken section can check out of work. clicking on first icon (the black , white splattered "s") open 1 of older sites in _blank window. if in firefox works fine. if however, open old site in ie first page work, second page loads several swfs doesn't load anything. but, if you're in ie , hit refresh button , go through site again, works. what's deal? appreciated i'm recent grad , want start sending portfolio out there. thanks. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Scanner - permission to rw usb port

i have epson all-in-one printer-scanner have installed iscan. however, iscan not work because says cannot authenticate (i.e. permission) read-write /dev/bus/usb/001/xxx xxx number changes every time switch on scanner. can solve doing sudo chmod 777 /dev/bus/usb/001/xxx have number (i.e. xxx) of file has appeared in /dev/bus/usb/001/ every time scanner switched on. how can make give me permission rw automatically? not seem in user management dialogue give me rights. can tell me how. there config file somewhere usb devices sets default permissions? why don't other people have problem? (i running karmic had same problem in jaunty - have posted here.) paste output of code: ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001/xxx before chmod 777. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Scanner - permission to rw usb port

Launcher Programming

hello! sorry trouble need guidance in programming arduino. here's arena. on far left platform is, place put our launchers. i need regarding on how should read multiple sensors... each of them have own identity? how should program on launcher/shooter? , light barriers?? infrared sensors? thanks! need asap way. have no idea talking . launching , missiles ? quote how should program on launcher/shooter?  obviously , new here let me explain drill. you start giving summary of project. for example" "i building {whatever] "i using following sensors: [list sensors] "i have no programming experience , need direction on or how start" "i using [identify arduino ucontroller using] "please advise if need else" post datasheets , /or vendor links sensors using. if have circuit, draw schematic pen , paper , take photo cell phone , post it" if have code , post using "#"

'if' problem

hi in arduino area. new world , handyman facinated this. *first of there complete guide learning arduino programming? now point. have issue (i want control esc): if (signal1 = high); {     servo1.write(70);   }   else {     servo.write(defpos);   //defpos set @ 40 degrees   } and error @ else part ('else' without previous 'if') if it's answered plese redirect post. thanks in advance mike there should no semicolon @ end of if. also, want == Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > 'if' problem arduino

{req}cari free web hosting - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

gue dah sukses bikin web gue dgn joomla gue msh belum nemu free hosting yg ada fasilitas free email spt ,please kasih info dong!! mengenai free web hosting yg servicenya mendekati (space storage besar n bandwidth unlimited) he thx 4 all silahkan baca-baca di,11304.0.html Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Indonesian Forum Bantuan

symbol stage is not centered

just starting, forgive question, when select make movie clip, , enter movie clip, stage huge , when zoom out stays in upper left hand corner. cannot move middle. appriciated if more clear problem, appreciate it. however, think know problem is. when create new symbol (or edit 1 library), stage disappears because you're not editing on stage anymore. edit on stage, drag symbol library onto stage, or convert shape symbol on stage , work there. i hope answered question. if not, please give more details problem ;) More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Raspberry Pi 2 Opencv interface with RaspiCam using C++ - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi has got success in interfacing raspicam raspberry pi 2? struggling since last 2-3 months. went through several post didn't worked far. totally disappointed now. need help... think after giveup board , move other board please me make work. regards amit hi, did try this? or can use command: code: select all sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 , have access picam normal usb camera... raspberrypi

problem with sim900 gprs

hi today trying connect sim900 v1.4 gprs shield arduino uno working fine turned off tried opening again stays on while again , when put on fxt stays on until close can fix thanks the code: /*note: code demo how using gprs shield send sms message, dial voice call ,  send http request website, upload data tcp connection,  the microcontrollers digital pin 7 , hence allow unhindered  communication gprs shield using softserial library.  ide: arduino 1.0 or later  replace following items in code: number, don't forget add country code  2.replace access point name  3. replace pachube api key personal ones assigned  to account @  */ #include <softwareserial.h> #include <string.h> softwareserial myserial(7, ; void setup() {  myserial.begin(19200);               // gprs baud rate    serial.begin(19200);    // gprs baud rate  delay(500); } void loop() {  //after start program, can using terminal connect serial of gprs shie

SD Card Shield - Required Pins

hi all i have sd card shield seeed studio (v4.1 - , lcd shield linksprite ( from of things ports overlap on shields wondering if assist highlighting ports sd card shield uses (i'm not able determine schematic on sd card shield) , if possible me change ports required on shield? at stage playing "cardinfo" sketch within arduino software. using mega 2560. edit - should add, can see poirt 4, 11,12,13 in use not sure if else in use (isp ports?) regards stephen pin 10 should set output pin, enable spi, involves pins 11, 12, , 13. chip select pin, define spi device active receiver pin 4., pin use in sd.begin() call. the lcd shield uses pins 4 9. why moronic piece of crap example software uses pin 13 in constructor mystery. pin 13 (fortunately) not connected lcd shield. Arduino Forum

how i can become a certified trainer - Raspberry Pi Forums

dear sir/madam, passionate technical trainer(embedded systems). of our students engineering students, provide hands on training in pic, avr , arm based embedded system development. realized not sufficient in planes of technology, explore vast scope , application of raspberry pi in embedded system designing. iam in programming raspberry pi python, there lot of students love develop projects in raspberry pi, problem facing of them wanted raspberry pi's certificate participation in our workshops.(certified courses have more value our local certification). since iam india,so please let me know that, there option certified via online? , possible provide raspberry pi certificate students completed workshops? kindly let me know that, things have do? thank you, hopefully, sivaprasad sm if interested in becoming certified trainer, take few easy steps certification.always speak local personal trainers in getting certified , answering questions may have. raspberrypi


in programming languages have terms such array , object. the main difference how 1 addresses array (as associative) access method , object (as property) method. how express object or collection of object, example if want group elements like... using javascript example... code: [select] obj = new object(); obj.collection = new array(); obj.collection[0] = new object(); obj.collection[0].position = new object(); obj.collection[0].position.left = 100; obj.collection[0].position.right = 1000; obj.collection[0].position.bottom = 1000; obj.collection[0] = 100; obj.collection[0].position.status = ""; // empty string obj.collection[0] = "hand"; obj.collection[1] = new object(); obj.collection[1].position = new object(); obj.collection[1].position.left = 45; ... how able express data collection of objects or collection of objects , arrays? for want struct Arduino Forum

Help Screens - Administrator - Joomla! 1.0.x Updating - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, just let people know working through screens 1.0.x version of joomla! try , them 1.0.12 level possible. these screens available within joomla! site. note: progress updates please see: information & changelog if has content feel appropriate please let me know. items new or updated - whilst whole thing completed - marked double asterisk '**' in menu title. work in progress have wip marked well. have not been reviewed yet 'unmarked'. i looking standardize format, style, , layout, update existing content , include new content needed. regards andy thanks andy!  hope there willing write missing content you. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Documentation

Thread: removed from panel

i removed panel (jaunty) space allocated (i think) internet configuration near volume control , date , hour.and in space showed firestarter when started , stardict. have recuperate it? lot.i not see in add panel window though not know what's name. it's in add panel -> notification area Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] removed from panel Ubuntu

Load Cell, INA128, Uno : Counting coins by weight

good evening, i have been using tutorial: to use load cell kitchen scales , measure analogue output reading when increase pressure load cell. counting coins weight. i have wired says , installed firmata software. however, readings analog5 fluctuate between 18 , 19 without pressure applied. have looked @ similar problems on forum , getting myself confused. (i absolute novice @ this...op amp theory still getting head around). from gathering, rg should less 10k ohms due gain formula  g=1+{50kohms / rg]. perhaps need higher gain decreasing resistance on pins 1 , 8 of amp? what reasonable resistance then? am missing basic tutorial? could soldering cause of problem? here data sheet texas instruments: ultimately want plot data on graph correlates voltage on number of coins, that's few steps ahead now. any advice appreci

Thread: Home Folder on Network

currently have home folder on drive different rest of operating system. possible have external raid device connected gbit router home folders there creating appropriate entry in fstab in same way doing? if can mount remote drive file system, can have home directory on it. home directories on network devices common in business. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Home Folder on Network Ubuntu

shutdown -s Restarts Rasperry Pi 2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

i followed instructions put "windows 10 iot core insider preview image raspberry pi 2" onto raspberry pi 2. followed instructions here change administrator password: ... rshell.htm when tried shut off rp2, restarts. given past experiences windows, i'm reluctant pull power cord. tried shutdown command through web interface , "shutdown -s -t 0" powershell. either way, rp2 restarts instead of shutting down. doing wrong? "shutdown /s" maybe? raspberrypi

Digital Voltmeter with 7 segment display

code: [select] /* read me use information @ own risk, hold no responsibility , indirect or dicrect damage arduino, hardware , software of pc, electronic devices if choose use information. this meter can measure 5v this meter cannot measure negative voltage , make sure connect probes battery in correct way (red probe(a0) positive side of battery , black probe(gnd) negative side of battery) */ int a=13; int b=12; int c=11; int d=10; int e=9; int f=8; int g=7; int deci = 3; int gnd1=6; int gnd2=5; int gnd3=4; int inp=a0; float reading; int onedigit, tendigit, hundreddigit; void mask(int num, int aa, int bb, int cc, int dd, int ee, int ff, int gg) { switch (num) { case 0 : digitalwrite(aa, high); digitalwrite(bb, high); digitalwrite(cc, high); digitalwrite(dd, high); digitalwrite(ee, high); digitalwrite(ff, high); digitalwrite(gg, low); break; case 1 : digitalwrite(aa, low); digitalwrite(bb, high); digitalwrite(cc, high); digitalwrite(dd, low); digitalwrite(ee, low); digitalwrite

Counting contact bounce

i have no real experience microcontrollers or programming, i'm looking possibility of using arduino in reliability testing. have not purchased arduino yet, described here hypothetical. desired process:  1. starting low, button pressed sends high signal input of arduino. 2. upon release (change high --> low) want check switch activiation (low-->high-->low) within given time (will count bounce). 3. if switch bounces, send digital output true 1/2 second. it seems simple, hoping rough outline of program base mine off of. also, arduino product recommendations or helpful tips appreciated. you bounce on both press , release. for switch input, each time there change in state increment variable. on first change start timer if there more count of 1 within time set 1/2 second o/p. what doing? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance

flux audio vers un ampli en wireless - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour, je m'intéresse au raspberry pi mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé une solution pour l'usage que je souhaite en faire. j'ai chez moi un videoprojecteur, que je ne peux malheureusement pas laisser en place de façon permanente. je dois donc le mettre en place chaque fois que je veux l'utiliser, et tirer un long cable hdmi. j'ai donc envisagé de lui coller un raspberry directement pour éviter d'avoir à tirer un cable hdmi à chaque fois. cependant cela implique que j'arrive à envoyer mon flux audio vers système audio, et le tout sans fil bien entendu (sinon ça n'aurait pas de sens). il faudrait donc que le raspberry puisse lire une video en balançant : - flux video sur hdmi - flux audio sur wifi / bluetooth / airplay / .... à destination d'un ampli que ce soit en wifi ou en bluetooth, voyez-vous des solutions pour faire ça ? merci pour vos avis sur la question. personne niveau ampli j'étais intéressé par ce marantz nr1605

aiutoo problemi arduino

salve sono nuovo di questo forum ho un problema su cui ci lavoro da deu settimane e non riesco ad uscire fuori. allora ho un database sul mio portatile che dovrebbe ricevere attraverso un script php valori di un sensore, il sensore è mq-7, ho provato mandare la varabile con il metodo post e ma non ce la faccio non riesco capire proprio dove sbaglio... aiutoooooooooo  please è per un progetto con le indicazioni che dai, noi possiamo solo   ...    indica prodotti che stai usando, come li hai collegati, le configurazioni e metti il codice che stai provando ( ... mi raccomando, racchiuso tra tag code che, in fase di edit, ti inserisce il bottone # ... terzultimo della seconda fila ). guglielmo Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > aiutoo problemi arduino

Castle Link Live on Arduino

hi, i new arduino programming, have project putting together.   this project based on rc aircraft motors , castle creations escs motor/prop testing.  goal pass telemetry data castle esc through castle serial link board , pc through arduino.  arudino receive analog input external sensor , pass pc.  data post-processing done @ pc. here link castle link datasheet, explains communications protocols. i use spi protocol.  have been doing reading on spi , trying pick through various example programs, can't work.  if community point me in right direction on how talk device, appreciated. thanks! have read ? - - Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Castle Link Live on Arduin

PaP, Mega, error en los pasos

estimados, tengo una placa arduino mega 2560, un driver con l298 y l297,  un motor modelo 24hs1830 (bipolar 1,8deg) y una fuente switching de 12v  y 5v. estoy usando el código de ejemplo de stepperonerevolution. el motor indica que tiene 1.8 grados por paso. con lo que configure 200 pasos en el codigo. con esto logro que el motor gire pero hace aproximadamente 1/4 de giro para cada lado. si cuando llamo la funcion mystepper.step(200); hago algo así mystepper.step(2000); el motor da una vuelta completa, no entiendo este comportamiento. estuve buscando en google y no encontré que nadie haya tenido este problema. ni encontré una punta para empezar resolver el problema. abajo copio todo el codigo utilizado por si algo no está como devería. gracias por su tiempo. #include <stepper.h> const int stepsperrevolution = 200;  // change fit number of steps per revolution                                      // motor // initialize stepper library on pins 8 through 11: stepper myste