problem with sim900 gprs


today trying connect sim900 v1.4 gprs shield arduino uno working fine turned off tried opening again stays on while again , when put on fxt stays on until close can fix


the code:

/*note: code demo how using gprs shield send sms message, dial voice call ,
 send http request website, upload data tcp connection,

 the microcontrollers digital pin 7 , hence allow unhindered
 communication gprs shield using softserial library.
 ide: arduino 1.0 or later
 replace following items in code: number, don't forget add country code
 2.replace access point name
 3. replace pachube api key personal ones assigned
 to account @

#include <softwareserial.h>
#include <string.h>

softwareserial myserial(7, 8);

void setup()
 myserial.begin(19200);               // gprs baud rate  
 serial.begin(19200);    // gprs baud rate

void loop()
 //after start program, can using terminal connect serial of gprs shield,
 //if input 't' in terminal, program execute sendtextmessage(), show how send sms message,
 //if input 'd' in terminal, execute dialvoicecall(), etc.

 if (serial.available())
    case 't':
    case 'd':
    case 'h':
    case 's':
 if (myserial.available())

///this function send sms message
void sendtextmessage()
 myserial.print("at+cmgf=1\r");    //because want send sms in text mode
 myserial.println("at + cmgs = \"+973********\"");//send sms message, careful need add country code before cellphone number
 myserial.println("a test message!");//the content of message
 myserial.println((char)26);//the ascii code of ctrl+z 26

///this function dial voice call
void dialvoicecall()
 myserial.println("atd + +973*******;");//dial number

///this function submit http request
///attention:the time of delay important, must set enough
void submithttprequest()

 showserialdata();// code show data gprs shield, in order see process of how gprs shield submit http request, , following purpose too.



 myserial.println("at+sapbr=3,1,\"contype\",\"gprs\"");//setting sapbr, connection type using gprs


 myserial.println("at+sapbr=3,1,\"\",\"cmnet\"");//setting apn, second need fill in local apn server


 myserial.println("at+sapbr=1,1");//setting sapbr, detail can refer @ command mamual


 myserial.println("at+httpinit"); //init http request


 myserial.println("at+httppara=\"url\",\"\"");// setting httppara, second parameter website want access


 myserial.println("at+httpaction=0");//submit request
 delay(10000);//the delay important, delay time base on return website, if return datas large, time required longer.


 myserial.println("at+httpread");// read data website access



///this function send sensor data pachube, can see new value in pachube after execute function///
void send2pachube()


 myserial.println("at+cstt=\"cmnet\"");//start task , setting apn,


 myserial.println("at+ciicr");//bring wireless connection


 myserial.println("at+cifsr");//get local ip adress




 myserial.println("at+cipstart=\"tcp\",\"\",\"8081\"");//start connection


 myserial.println("at+cipsend");//begin send data remote server
 string humidity = "1031";//these 4 line code imitate real sensor data, because demo did't add other sensor, using 4 string variable replace.
 string moisture = "1242";//you can replace these 4 variable real sensor data in project
 string temperature = "30";//
 string barometer = "60.56";//
 myserial.print("{\"method\": \"put\",\"resource\": \"/feeds/42742/\",\"params\"");//here feed apply pachube
 myserial.print(": {},\"headers\": {\"x-pachubeapikey\":");//in here, should replace pachubeapikey
 myserial.print(" \"_cxwr5le8qw4a296o-cdwouvfddfer5pgmarigpsio0");//pachubeapikey
 myserial.print(" {\"version\": \"1.0.0\",\"datastreams\": ");
 myserial.println("[{\"id\": \"01\",\"current_value\": \"" + barometer + "\"},");
 myserial.println("{\"id\": \"02\",\"current_value\": \"" + humidity + "\"},");
 myserial.println("{\"id\": \"03\",\"current_value\": \"" + moisture + "\"},");
 myserial.println("{\"id\": \"04\",\"current_value\": \"" + temperature + "\"}]},\"token\": \"lee\"}");


 delay(5000);//waitting reply, important! time base on condition of internet


 myserial.println("at+cipclose");//close connection

void showserialdata()

how powered ?
usb not enough, need external power supply, able deliver 2a when needed .
(when tries connect network etc... , sim900 may need 2a . )

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > problem with sim900 gprs



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