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Thread: Scanner - permission to rw usb port

i have epson all-in-one printer-scanner have installed iscan. however, iscan not work because says cannot authenticate (i.e. permission) read-write /dev/bus/usb/001/xxx xxx number changes every time switch on scanner. can solve doing sudo chmod 777 /dev/bus/usb/001/xxx have number (i.e. xxx) of file has appeared in /dev/bus/usb/001/ every time scanner switched on. how can make give me permission rw automatically? not seem in user management dialogue give me rights.

can tell me how. there config file somewhere usb devices sets default permissions? why don't other people have problem? (i running karmic had same problem in jaunty - have posted here.)

paste output of

ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001/xxx
before chmod 777.

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