
Showing posts from June, 2015

Thread: Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 Beta

can upgrade ubuntu 9.04 9.10 beta, without having go download , burning iso? when karmic finished @ end of october, you'll see upgrade button in update manager window. can upgrade now, highly discouraged other testing purposes. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 Beta Ubuntu

how to do a get request by a website from the arduino

hi, i'm known arduino , c. but have no knowledge of websites. so started html 5 document create same screen same code , routines use in arduino code. so far good. i see after playing around can same website tft screen on tft screen update values during loop. but how can without refreshing complete page. on website. i have idea can javascript , additional js file. files found pretty big. i don't want use sd store data  want minimize overhead adding complete java file code. i tried read java file unreadable way save it. miss the  request values arduino. i build loop within website overwrite data updates values on site without refresh of page. anyone yidea how request values once in while website. without adding java source files. johan you can put simple refreshing data pages in frames in static main page. can little more elaborate in below tutorial.

How to power 16 channel relay

i want buy 16 channel relay. according specs says needs 12v relay energize. noticed arduino uno using has max output of 5v. how power relays work? here link..... that's not datasheet... it looks has 16 opto isolators takes 16 signals plus ground the microcontroller , 12v supply (several amps probably) power relays. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > How to power 16 channel relay arduino

Thread: Gigabyte GA-MA785GM-US2H and ATI Hybrid CrossFireX

i bought new motherboard, gigabyte ga-ma785gm-us2h , apparently has onboard ati hybrid crossfirex video card. can't seem video card work. i've tried ati driver either maximum of 800x600 resolution or screen misaligned it's unreadable. when boot cd, perfect 1280x1024 resolution way want it. can't figure out how configure when boot hard drive. checked xorg.conf file when booted cd didn't driver using. hate think i'd have reinstall ubuntu, choice or not @ all? running version 8.04. according this link gigabyte, have inbuilt ati radeon 4200 graphics chip on one. advice go this website ati better drivers. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Gigabyte GA-MA785GM-US2H and ATI Hybrid CrossFireX Ubuntu

Fråga gällande Art Banner - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

har instalerat art banner men tyvärr visas bannerna som ligger rakt under varandra på höger sida alldeles för tätt. hittade på ett ställe att man kunde lägga till detta (se nedan) template_css . har gjort det men det fungerar ändå inte. vore jättetacksam om någon vet hur man gör. } .artbannersplus { width:100%; text-align:center; } .artbannersplus img { padding-bottom: 10px; } har du provat med margin? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Komponenter, moduler och Mambots

Demo activation won't work - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

got new demo activation code today, ... 4e09f2849f says either invalid or activated, when enter username/pwd combo says incorrect.  tried copy , paste browser link in email. man, may databases has been emptied, try again, or install joomla anywhere or in machine, easier demo  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Creating a dynamic list

need help. i'm trying create pull down menu populate dates between start , stop date i provide. for example: start date 10/01/06 end date 10/05/06 the pull-down menu should provide following date options: 10/01/06 10/02/06 10/03/06 10/04/06 10/05/06 i can when querying table, can't seem use date function build dynamically. note, i'm using cf version 5 on server new features on cf7 not available me. any appreciated. working on short timeline. thanks. if have starting , ending date date objects, can use dateadd increment day @ time. you can use cfloop conditional keep doing until end date. within loop, create select options. More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

How to Control 8x8 Led Matrix using 4017 decade counter?

how control 8x8 led matrix using 4017 decade counter, 8 digital arduino outputs, , 8 resistors. hello, have circuit wired on breadboard, scavenged internet such topic , examples i've seen max chips/micro controllers, , code out there not correspond hardware i'm using. input appreciated! a quick google search turned tutorial: unless have special 4017 can sink current of 8 leds on each pin need transistor drivers shown in schematic.  if want 8x8 instead of 8x10 leave out last 2 rows. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How to Control 8x8 Led Matrix using 4017 decade counter? arduino

I2C connection issue with Arduino Due Urgent

i trying use ms5611a2 barometer arduino due there problem i2c connection of due board. connected mpl3115a2 due , not work. when connect both of these baros arduino uno, work fine. please need urgently. if has experience using due i2c, appreciate help. thank you. arduino due + mpl3115a2: i've same problem. with arduino mega works fine using same code (mpl3115a2 lib - example sketch). i try install last ide nighly build updated wire.cpp barometer still doesn't work. any ideas? mpl3115a2 lib: Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > I2C connection issue with Arduino Due Urgent arduino

Servo Question about Torque (Physics/Mechanics Problem)

hi, i total beginner. bought arduino month ago. first projekt automated nerv-gun turret. so far have got basic setup , coding covered. next step getting parts , building it: so big question right is: how torque should 2 servos have? so far specs: size of gun 0.8m; weight 1.4kg i want control rotation (180°) , tilt (90°) 1 servo each. after google/wikipedia/etc. came this: torque = * "alpha" the moment of inertia = 1/12 m * l² (i figuered assume gun long stick equal mass distribution serve needs of accuracy. plan on mounting @ center of gravity) so if want gun turn fast , stopped quickly, without wobbling have observed in many similar projects, how strong servo must get? quote torque = * "alpha" "alpha"? Arduino Forum > Topics > Robotics (Moderator: fabioc84) > Servo Question about Torque (Physic

Stumped by error messages - pulling from separate library

i building own variation of project found here: it includes library tones: i got rid of switch selecting time , alarm setting , replaced them separate buttons. i removed capacitive switch snooze button , replaced physical button. due original author writing in tabs, code in several posts here modified code: code: [select] /* ==========arduino binary alarm clock========== | author: martin forsgren                    | | date:   15-11-2009                         | ============================================== */ #include <capsense.h> // library touchsensors #include <tone.h>    // library soundgeneration #define debug 0     // set 1 debugging output via serial. // display pins: int hour_pins[]   = {18, 17, 16, 15, 14};    // hour pins pins 14 18 int minute_pins[] = {13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8}; // minute pins 8 13 // values in falling order because

Do you write your own summaries of news?? to avoid copyright? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok read on google news item.. hot.. want on site.. obviously cant cut , paste copyrighted.. so do?? write everyday news items? you have able provide same news without copyright infringement.. how go doing it.. being there many hours in day , noone wants sit summarising in own words news have read right? sadly tam, precisely have avoid copyright issues.... there news services available let post content on site subscription services... ap type of service... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: Trying to modify an MP4 video to play on XBOX360

i use xbox360 play sorts of videos usb storage devices , until has worked every time. problem i've run file doesn't like. gives error code 69-c00d36be i've done googling , discovered can solved in cases without re-encoding simply re-packing mpeg-4 file . there's program called mpeg-4 modifier . gui version said require windows , .net framework, further investigation reveals there command line version . supposed work in linux aid of called mono. later in cl version thread there post author showing screenshot of gui version running in ubuntu, , download link fixed version. i've downloaded fixed version , extracted , tried run command line using: code: mono mpeg4modifier.exe but error: code: * (mpeg4modifier.exe:8356): warning **: following assembly referenced /media/byte of terror/archive/apps/mpeg4modifier.exe not loaded: assembly: (assemblyref_index=0) version: publi

Mega2560 SPI with accelerometer

i trying use adxl345 accelerometer. sparkfun has great user guide, specific arduino uno. it here ----> the problem uno uses pins 10-13 cs, sda, sdo , scl. however, mega2560, using, uses pins 50-53. apparently, spi.h library takes care of of pins according type of arduino have, except cs (chip/slave select). have defined cs 53 in sketch , changed in sparkfun's beginner sketch. theoretically should sufficient given spi.h takes care of other pins according arduino type. getting output of "-1" such device not connected. please help, in advance. ..not sure, have read somewhere pin 10 must defined output Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Mega2560 SPI with accelerometer arduino

AIUTO - HELP WITH lcd shield for arduino mega (HY-TFT280_262K)

io ho arduino uno, ma mi hanno regalato l' lcd shield per arduino mega (hy-tft280_262k) ; come posso renderlo compatibile? i have arduino uno, parents present me lcd shield arduino mega (hy-tft280_262k) . how can use without buy arduino mega? instructions on web page mega , uno Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > AIUTO - HELP WITH lcd shield for arduino mega (HY-TFT280_262K) arduino

Thread: Red dots caused by high temperature?

hi, have problem , hope of may me. surfing internet today saw several red dots on display. when closed window disappeared, afterwards new dots appeared elsewhere. these dots not appear anywhere else other ubuntu (neither in bios nor in windows). afterwards checked bios temperature , high (70 celsius), not sure standard temperature. can temperature cause dots? config: ubuntu 9.04 core 2 duo radeon x1950pro if problem, have suggestions decrease temp in bios? if running core 2 duo @ 70c, headed trouble. may operating above max, depending on particular model. make sure home smoke detectors working properly. (not sure if issue display, need address issue before else.) let machine cool down several hours (!) , post results of code: top while running browser? can press cntl+c stop update , c&p results. don't know if can use frequency scaling in intrepid core 2 duo thr

How to chosse a mottor

how choose motor i bought 1 arduino starter kit , exited it. so far played around servo , led. i decided best way learn have goal , strive archive it. i have few years of programing in having trouble hardware part. my goal build replica of tiger v tank , after conquer world! if no mistaken main body of tank around 80 cm wide, 120 m length , 40 cm height, without main canon. that makes tank heavy. guessing around 50kg few motorcycle batteries power it. i start motor part of project. i don't know choose motors, don't know buy! should go step motor? dc motor? i thinking in using 1 motor each track of tank. any suggestions? alternatives? first you'll need sealed deep-cycle batteries, not standard vehicle batteries. secondly you're going have work out mechanics in order estimate torque , speed motors - factors include gearing ratios, friction losses, maximum incline required climb, maximum speed on flat.   have ideas drive gearing etc , frictio

increase browser cache (i guess) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi eveyrone, im playing videos in chrome browser on desktop (not raspberry), , when want play video again, browser doesnt re-download video (it's cool) because if internet go down, browser still playing video because download done, when i'll try on raspberry, little videos (less 4mb) it's works, if video has size more 4mb, browser try redownload video, if connection up, ok, no problem, it's down, doesnt work. guy has same problem viewtopic.php?f=29&t=110604&p=759454&hilit=4mb#p759454 i'd play videos on tv. know how it? all for epiphany? try dconf-editor: code: select all sudo apt-get install dconf-tools depending on whether or not shows in main menu lxpanel, can run going system tools>dconf editor - or - run dconf-editor terminal emulator (or "run" dialog in lxpanel menu). use hierarchical tree menu on left side of dconf editor window navigate org>gnome>epiphany>web>cache-size. should able change default value 50

Thread: Any body facing this problem?

i using ubuntu 9.04. when using internet(with 6 tabs) , rythymbox music player , system goes slow , not responding? whether ubuntu not reliable while performing these type of cuncurrent executions? does 6 pages use flash? problem face me @ beginning of ubuntu experience.. when choose better plugin works fine.. try open 10 tabs of ubuntuforums [who don't have flash] , see if u facing problem anyway .. sysc, Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] Any body facing this problem? Ubuntu

direct me to menu/site structure post - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

what have been doing last 4 months joomla? i have found don't understand how structure site properly, layout, fighting menu i tried link static content , unable find link address, not surewhen use static or not. i found home component link item1 #item94 , seo on pictures not working think story. have read beginners post time ago, still not clear. can kind soul pleas advise necessary post links. kr, here resources might find worthwhile browsing through. don't know skill level start @ beginner level through experienced. minidoc: anna's joomla tips,5503.0.html (excellent set of tips, written in easy understand english) absolute beginners guide joomla! :,47524.0.html joomla! 1.0.11 user manual available downloadable joomla site faq section :,49.0.html faq: i'm joomla end-user newbie, best place start? http://forum.joomla.or

Thread: Grub restarts to command prompt

i'm running notebook dual boot of windows xp , ubuntu. after recent linux-header update notebook boots "grub>" prompt. i've had problem before , able fix doing following: grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,4) grub> root (hd0,4) grub> setup (hd0) grub> reboot. problem having above command sequence not affect the menu.lst. did "sudo fdisk -l" using livecd , have following output: code: disk /dev/sda: 80.0 gb, 80026361856 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes disk identifier: 0x41ab2316 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sda1 * 1 4555 36588006 7 hpfs/ntfs /dev/sda2 4556 9668 41070172+ f w95 ext'd (lba) /dev/sda3 9669 9729 489982+ 82 linux swap / solaris /dev/sda5 4557 9668 41062140 83 linux it looks linux part

door lock with Arduino and a servo

hi doing code want change servos going other way , time before locks again getting longer? code: [select] /* doorsystem lock controller sketch language: arduino sketch open door if receives signal the processing sketch handles rfid part. there two buttons allow user open door (from inside) and disconnect servo short periode of time (from outside) can open door key. created 23 march 2013 tjalling tolle uses servo library arduino */ #include <servo.h> const int buttonpin = 2;     // number of pushbutton pin const int powerpin = 4;     // number of pushbutton pin int currentangle = 0; int requiredangle = 0; servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo int buttonstate = 0;         // variable reading pushbutton status int timer = 0; void setup() {   pinmode(buttonpin, input);        pinmode(powerpin, output);   serial.begin(9600);   myservo.attach(9);  // attaches servo on pin 9 servo object   myservo.write(currentangle); } void loop() {   if(timer>0

Thread: No sound through netbook speakers

hi, running karmic koala 9.10 beta on asus eeepc 1000 , sound comes built in speakers decided stop working. headphone jack has sound built in speakers don't. issue when running jaunty jackalope 9.04 , seems back. have tried experimenting various sound settings no success. appreciated. thanks. here lspci output: 00:00.0 host bridge: intel corporation mobile 945gme express memory controller hub (rev 03) 00:02.0 vga compatible controller: intel corporation mobile 945gme express integrated graphics controller (rev 03) 00:02.1 display controller: intel corporation mobile 945gm/gms/gme, 943/940gml express integrated graphics controller (rev 03) 00:1b.0 audio device: intel corporation 82801g (ich7 family) high definition audio controller (rev 02) 00:1c.0 pci bridge: intel corporation 82801g (ich7 family) pci express port 1 (rev 02) 00:1c.1 pci bridge: intel corporation 82801g (ich7 family) pci express port 2 (rev

Thread: EZ-12 parabolic Antennae -- Does this really work!

ok -- admit did testing on windows machine, results should os independent router: linksys 54wrtgs goal increase router strength antennae ez12 made aluminum foil "shiny side" pointing toward center of parabola: testing apparatus: windows - network inssider: netstumber used on linux install measuring signal db: no difference antennae on or off. tried pointing parabolas in different directions. antennae, measuring device (inssider), or did mess up?? should measuring signal strength different way? thanks. posted kevdog ok -- admit did testing on windows machine, results should os independent router: linksys 54wrtgs goal increase router strength antennae ez12 made aluminum foil "shiny side" pointing towar

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 Error

hello all, i not able upload firmware azteeg x1...  second x1 same issue.  error: binary sketch size: 86214 bytes (of 131072 byte maximum) avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51 axteeg x1 w/ atmega 1284p 16mhz marlin 1.03 ardino 0023 serial port 5 i did find dont follow or know how apply x1 problem auto reset arduinos auto reset capabilities(i.e. diecimila, duemilanove) need have auto-reset functionality disabled. when program(i.e. avrdude) connects serial port dtr line set , unset, triggers reset. avrdude (as of v5.6) connects arduino before has booted. problem may manifest error message "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x15". problem may manifest withe error message "avrdude: verification error, first mismatch @ byte 0x0000 0x3f != 0x00". happens when avrdude connects arduino bootloader on host. arduino bootloader supports subset of same stk500 protocol mega isp use

Limpiador de paneles solares automatico

buenas, estoy viendo como hacer un sistema de mantencion (limpieza) para paneles solares aqui en chile, y me hice con una placa de arduino uno. tengo pensado hacer algo similar las plumillas de automoviles, o algo como un paño que limpie solo el panel y luego se "guarde". no soy experto en electronica, pero identifique como variable el tiempo (que tengo que determinar aun) en que el panel se ensucia y asi se realize la accion, por lo que tengo un datalogger para eso. de momento pienso realizar la limpieza con agua, en periodo de prueba, y ver si hay una diferencia respecto el agua desmineralizada. se como llegar fijar el tiempo en que se realiza la limpieza, pero no se como llegar un programa adecuado que haga la accion del limpiado (las plumillas, o algun paño como "telon"). hecho los tutoriales de artuteka y espero que me ayuden tecnicamente con la programacion. saludos. quieres la programación completa? bueno básicamente eso es bast

Sending data from DHT11 to Xively using Xbees [SOLVED]

hello, i trying send temperature , humidity data dht11 sensor between 2 arduino mega 2560's using xbees.  the code transmitter follows code: [select] #include "dht.h" #define dhtpin 2     #define dhttype dht11   dht dht(dhtpin, dhttype); void setup() { serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { float h = dht.readhumidity(); float t = dht.readtemperature(); serial.print("<t:"); serial.print(t); serial.print(">"); delay(2000); serial.print("<h:"); serial.print(h); serial.print(">"); delay(2000); } the code receiving arduino follows:- code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h> #include <httpclient.h> #include <xively.h> // mac address ethernet shield byte mac[] = { mac address }; int hum; int temp; char indata[24]; // reading serial tx byte index;  // reading serial tx boolean started = false; // reading serial tx boolean ended  = false; // reading serial tx // xively key let upload dat

Photocell Tracker Help

hi, new arduino learning lot in short time have been playing it.  my project antenna tracker used differently may think.  have photocell measuring amount of light coming in.  if sees no light uses sweep sketch move , forth has antenna attached it.  once photocell detects light servo holds current position. what , have tried every way once photocell detects no light again.  continue current position sweep.  of right resets starting position , begins sweeping. i know related "break" command giving in middle of script have tried other commands no success.  appreciated. code: [select] // sweep // barragan <> // example code in public domain. #include <servo.h> servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo                 // maximum of 8 servo objects can created int potpin = 0; int val; int servo; int pos = 0;    // variable store servo position void setup() {   myservo.attach(9);  // attaches servo on pin 9 servo object   s

Raspberry Pi Desktop problems - Raspberry Pi Forums

not sure if right forum... when logged pi recently, desktop odd. frist time, fresh raspbian disk image. taskbar had disappeared , flashing white @ top of screen. tried rebooting, logging off, logging on, same thing. buggy white box @ top, disapperaing , reappearing. problem user, (not pi), or x graphics server? suggestions appreciated. hi. experienced same problem when attached pi cheap usb audio card. mixer applet on panel seems problem. raspberrypi

Changing Admin Password - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

greetings, how go changing admin password? looked in "user" table , don't know if can change directly there since in special format. i have question latest version of joomla.  downloaded , installed  telling me "your version of joomla! [ 1.0.11 stable ]" , 90 days olds. can't discern if there upgrade or not. version downloaded inclusive of sunbow security release? thanks assistance. hadi you can create new password, see: the faq:,114190.0.html and,74345.0.html Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Thread: 4-hour offset between Desktop Jaunty and UNR Jaunty

here's weird problem: have old laptop (thinkpad r50) use home pc, , netbook (msi wind u123), dual-booted, want use occasional work while traveling. installed jaunty 9.04 on both (desktop , unr, respectively). want exchange files using usb flash drive formatted under windows (i need able access @ work). there 4-hour difference between 2 machines, prevents rsync synchronizing changes. example of ls -l on 1 file, created on r50, seen on r50: -rwx------ 1 ap root 83481 2009-09-19 16:03 outline1.pdf , same file seen when usb stick plugged u123: -rwx------ 1 ap root 83481 2009-09-19 20:03 outline1.pdf each machine sees correctly own time, not other's. tried reverse -- creating file on u123. time stamp appears correct on u123. move usb stick r50, , it's 4 hours earlier. either there time warp in middle of desk, or 2 machines encoding time stamps differently (at least when writing dos filesystem). last test, plugged same usb stick windows

HTML koder i joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg ville gerne indsætte en html kode content, nærmere betegnet en mp3 afspiller man normalt bruger til myspace. men jeg synes ikke rigtig @ det vil virke. fandt mod_html, men det er jo ikke lige det jeg skal bruge, da jeg gerne vil kunne have afspilleren content. hvis det ikke er noget man kan, er der så nogen der kender til en metode hvorledes @ jeg kan indsætte en mp3 afspiller content. jeg er ved @ lave et site til et band booking firma, og der vil han gerne have @ hver beskrivelse af de forskellige kunsterne kunne indeholde en afspiller så man kan høre eksempler på deres musik. jeg har umiddelbart bare ikke kunne finde en lettere metode, end @ smide sådan en myspace afspiller på hver kunstner. nogen idéer??? hejsa, der er flere muligheder. du indsætte din html kode et modul. hvis du så installerer load module positions bot, så kan du indsætte moduler content. der er også denne bot, som læser alle mp3 filer som ligger en mappe og laver en adspilningsliste,

Thread: Error compiling gcc 4.4.1

hello, trying compile gcc 4.4.1. downloaded core package , package c++ language(gcc-g++-4.4.1.tar.bz2). unpacked first core package , second 1 in same directory. ./configure command run cflags=-m64 parameter. when issued make command @ point: /usr/local/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib/ when searching -lc /usr/local/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib/libc.a when searching -lc /usr/local/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching -lc /usr/local/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libc.a when searching -lc /usr/local/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lc collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[5]: *** [] error 1 make[5]: leaving directory `/media/data/work/gcc-4.4.1/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/32/libgcc' make[4]: *** [multi-do] error 1 make[4]: leaving directory `/

New to Arduino, Have what might be an over ambitious project NEED HELP!

hello, everyone.  asked if create arduino-controlled e-hookah.  clarify, 4 heating elements controlled 4 buttons, leds , pretty stuff that.  i'm new arduino said, , i'm not sure how go it, delaying me buying board until know need.  here's specifics: i need source (4) 3.7 volt outputs(one each heating element) , whatever i'd need run leds.  need separate batteries this, know, how control voltage going each heating element? beyond that(and being ambitious), how difficult make each output variable voltage, in controlled dial, within given range(roughly 3-4.5 volts).  add low power cut off well, these things can wait until figure out if works @ all! i'm thinking of 4 separate circuits, basically.  1 circuit each heating element each power supply. so i'm asking is:  i'm thinking possible?  can control voltage secondary power source?  how difficult be, 4 separate sources necessary, , having more 1 heating element make more difficult, if so, how much?

Library of character motion

i've simple question (i hope) i'm trying create simple character controlled via actionscript 3.0 application. using flash 9 public alpha it's possible define movieclip series of motion of character (like "walking", "running", "talking"...) using set of frame loop? for example: - frame 1, label "walking"; frame 1-10 graphics of walking character loop; frame 10 gotoandplay("walking"); - frame 20, label "running"; frame 20-30 graphics of running character loop; frame 20 gotoandplay("running"); - etc. for now, can see movieclip frame in sequence in final application without gotoandplay() effects. it's non possible do? can add frame script @ runtime using actionscript 3.0? thanks lot -g More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Else..if problem, I think. :( [Robot Rover]

hello! i'm building little robot rover , stumped on something: works great going forward, reverse, , doing 0 degree turns; however, when tell 1 motor or other go, either both or not depending on motor.    =( the left motor if that's has done, not after has gone forward or reverse, both go. right motor doesn't when asked go itself. behavior between motors trades places when copy , paste  "if(rcount<sr) {.....}" after " if(lcount...){...}" instead of before. don't it. (why isn't there smiley face banging one's head against wall?) any appreciated!    also, disclaimer, i'm pretty new this; so, hope code isn't embarrassing.  thanks! code: [select] volatile int lcount = 0; volatile int rcount = 0; //motor l 1 int stby = 10;  //standby //motor l int pwma = 6; //speed control int ain1 = 9; //direction int ain2 = 8; //direction //motor r int pwmb = 5; //speed control int bin1 = 11; //direction int bin2 = 12; //direction int echo =

what is the output current going to led., schematic given?

what maximum current peak-peak going led. schematic given br1 bridge rectifier made of 4 1n4007 diodes ---max forward voltage 1000v , piv 700v ac supply wrongly given 220 v 230v ( rms voltage) , freq 50 hz the resistors of 30 k each. will led light @ current or not? max forward current led 60ma , minimum dont know. quote max forward voltage 1000v . i doubt that. reverse voltage perhaps, otherwise need @ least 2000v make sure bridge conducts! if a.c. sine wave should be, peak voltage 230 x sqrt(2) 325v.  call 320v round numbers, , allow small drop across diodes , led.  320v dropped across 2 30k resistors.  ohm's law 320v/60k = 5.3ma. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > what is the output current going to led., schematic given? arduino

field test results - RFM69HW wireles module range test w/ GPS (see map)

i got around doing range test 2 rfm69hw modules.  if haven't come across them, they're pretty similar nrf24l01, come in 915mhz frequency instead of 2.4ghz.  the -hw chip high power 20db version.  one complication rfm69hw not 5v tolerant.  but, cool thing rfm69 chips antenna can hook-up wire solder onto chip, it's customizable.  knowing nothing antennas, use 6" section of hookup wire shaped in spiral.  these modules seem have greater distances pa version of nrf24l01.  i use different, less congested frequency wifi. the gps chip ublox 6m.  the gps arduino has ublox gps , rfm69hw wired it, transmitting every second.  but gps location requested every 3 seconds.  not sure if makes sense...i wanted more transmissions of signal gps requests. the base station arduino connected computer @ home, via usb, serial monitor displaying every time receive location transmission gps arduino.  the struct gps arduino sending time stamp, longitude, latitude, , basestation prints o

right column disappears when blog list is used - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

what change right column on 3 column layout doesn't disappear when view blog format of content items category? right column instance, has extcalendar , ads. extcalendar, in it's module setup, selected show. so, overriding removing right column. i'm using template put together. ... &itemid=32 check see if there "if" around right column commands in template. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

NVU e joomla, guida - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ciao ragazzi, volevo cambiare grafica al mio sito e perciò anche il template.non ci sarebbero problemi di sorta da parte mia creare un template normale per un sito. l'ostacolo sono nei tag di joomla e nel pachetto di installazione. detto questo ho scoperto che con nvu e il plugin per joomla è possibile superare questi problemi. ho installato tutto, ma non come farlo funzionare.. qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?se voelte vi linko il programma (che lo trovato sullo stesso sito di mozilla) e l'estesione (basta una googlata) grazie in anticipo  il template occupa solo una piccola porzione di joomla. e' difficile, lo so, concettualizzare joomla soprattutto quando si cerca di confrontarlo con un sito statico. ricordati solo che il template non è altro che un foglio html farcito con qualche stringa di codice php... che dire il vero è sempre lo stesso. quindi tag di joomla non sono altro che un'aggiunta da fare al sito; per esempio se in una pagina statica sei abituato scrivere .....