Else..if problem, I think. :( [Robot Rover]


i'm building little robot rover , stumped on something: works great going forward, reverse, , doing 0 degree turns; however, when tell 1 motor or other go, either both or not depending on motor.    =(

the left motor if that's has done, not after has gone forward or reverse, both go. right motor doesn't when asked go itself. behavior between motors trades places when copy , paste  "if(rcount<sr) {.....}" after " if(lcount...){...}" instead of before. don't it. (why isn't there smiley face banging one's head against wall?)

any appreciated!  :)  also, disclaimer, i'm pretty new this; so, hope code isn't embarrassing.  thanks!

code: [select]
volatile int lcount = 0;
volatile int rcount = 0;

//motor l 1

int stby = 10;  //standby
//motor l
int pwma = 6; //speed control
int ain1 = 9; //direction
int ain2 = 8; //direction
//motor r
int pwmb = 5; //speed control
int bin1 = 11; //direction
int bin2 = 12; //direction

int echo = 4;
int trig = 7;

//parsed serial
int sl=0;   //encoder counts covered left motor.
int dl=0;   //direction of left motor
int sr=0;   //encoder counts coevered right motor.
int dr=0;   //direction of right motor
int theta=0;  //extent of desired 0 turn
int deltas=0;  //number of encoder counts covered after 0 turn.

void setup()
  attachinterrupt(0, count_1, rising);
  attachinterrupt(1, count_2, rising);
  pinmode(stby, output);
  pinmode(pwma, output);
  pinmode(ain1, output);
  pinmode(ain2, output);
  pinmode(pwmb, output);
  pinmode(bin1, output);
  pinmode(bin2, output);

void loop(){
  if (serial.available()){
    char c = serial.read();
    if (c == 'm'){               //"m" movement
        sl = serial.parseint();
        dl = serial.parseint();
        sr = serial.parseint();
        dr = serial.parseint();
    if (c == 'p'){                  //"p" polar, 0 turn, forward motion.
      theta = serial.parseint();
      deltas = serial.parseint();
      if (theta < 0){
        sl = theta*7.74;      //7.74 encoder counts per degree.
        sr = theta*7.74;
        sl = theta*7.74;
        sr = theta*7.74;
void count_1()    //isr left motor; counts encoder ticks.
  lcount += 1;

void count_2()    //isr right motor.
  rcount += 1;

void move(int motor, int speed, int direction){
//move specific motor @ speed , direction
//motor: 0 b 1 a
//speed: 0 off, , 255 full speed
//direction: 0 clockwise, 1 counter-clockwise

  digitalwrite(stby, high); //disable standby
  boolean inpin1 = low;
  boolean inpin2 = high;
  if(direction == 1){
    inpin1 = high;
    inpin2 = low;
  if(motor == 1){
    digitalwrite(ain1, inpin1);
    digitalwrite(ain2, inpin2);
    analogwrite(pwma, speed);
    digitalwrite(bin1, inpin1);
    digitalwrite(bin2, inpin2);
    analogwrite(pwmb, speed);
void stop()   //enable standby
  digitalwrite(stby, low);

void start()   //disable standby
  digitalwrite(stby, high);

int move2(int sl, int dl, int sr, int dr){
  lcount = 0;   
  rcount = 0;
    if(rcount<sr){                //this problem must be...i believe.
    if(lcount<sl){                 //should keep motors going @ same rate.
  serial.println("left motor: " + string(lcount) + " right motor: " + string(rcount));
  serial.println("sl: " + string(sl) + " sr: " + string(sr));


code: [select]
  if(direction == 1){
    inpin1 = high;
    inpin2 = low;

and, if isn't? nothing hardly seems reasonable.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Else..if problem, I think. :( [Robot Rover]



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