Mega2560 SPI with accelerometer

i trying use adxl345 accelerometer. sparkfun has great user guide, specific arduino uno.

it here ---->

the problem uno uses pins 10-13 cs, sda, sdo , scl. however, mega2560, using, uses pins 50-53.

apparently, spi.h library takes care of of pins according type of arduino have, except cs (chip/slave select). have defined cs 53 in sketch , changed in sparkfun's beginner sketch. theoretically should sufficient given spi.h takes care of other pins according arduino type. getting output of "-1" such device not connected.

please help, in advance.

..not sure, have read somewhere pin 10 must defined output

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Mega2560 SPI with accelerometer



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