Thread: 4-hour offset between Desktop Jaunty and UNR Jaunty
here's weird problem:
have old laptop (thinkpad r50) use home pc, , netbook (msi wind u123), dual-booted, want use occasional work while traveling. installed jaunty 9.04 on both (desktop , unr, respectively). want exchange files using usb flash drive formatted under windows (i need able access @ work). there 4-hour difference between 2 machines, prevents rsync synchronizing changes.
example of ls -l on 1 file, created on r50, seen on r50:
-rwx------ 1 ap root 83481 2009-09-19 16:03 outline1.pdf
, same file seen when usb stick plugged u123:
-rwx------ 1 ap root 83481 2009-09-19 20:03 outline1.pdf
each machine sees correctly own time, not other's. tried reverse -- creating file on u123. time stamp appears correct on u123. move usb stick r50, , it's 4 hours earlier. either there time warp in middle of desk, or 2 machines encoding time stamps differently (at least when writing dos filesystem).
last test, plugged same usb stick windows machine, , agrees u123, not r50. if there's bug, it's in desktop edition of 9.04 (at least applied r50), not in unr.
both machines running on same time , time zone (eastern daylight time).
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] 4-hour offset between Desktop Jaunty and UNR Jaunty
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