
Showing posts from May, 2015

Processing 3 is running for the first time on a Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

processing 3 running first time on raspberry pi using eric anholt's mesa3d vc4 driver! video of processing 3 rgb cube demo running on raspberry pi using eric anholt's mesa3d vc4 opengl 2 driver: ... 912325.mp4 free software mesa3d vc4 driver, raspberry pi turned mobile opengl es 2 system "desktop" opengl 2 system. processing 3 using jogamp jogl tap opengl hardware acceleration on armv6 raspberry pi 1 , armv7 raspberrypi 2 systems. hold on going on here, how can setup free software vc4 driver on raspberry pi system? collaboration eric anholt, anholt, , gottfried haider, gohai, processing 3 running on raspberry pi. eric anholt has worked year implement full opengl 2 mesa3d driver use on raspberry pi using video core 4, vc4, gpu. getting eric anholt's mesa3d vc4 driver running on raspberry pi done work gohai. gohai started out following eric's notes here: http://dri.freedeskt...

Aide à propos d'un asservissement [urgent]

bonjour, j'ai efféectué un petit programme arduino pour gérer un asservissemement en position qui ne marche pas  =( je n'arrive pas à résoudre le problème. et je  ne sais pas comment m'y prendre du coup je m'adresse à vous dans l'espoir de m'aider svp. mon programme consiste à :   a chaque fois que j'appuie sur un bouton poussoir je passe du gain proportionnel au gain pi et à prochaine fois fois que j'appuie je passe du gain pi au gain pd ainsi de suite jusqu'à ce que j'arrive au tau2 ensuite je repasse au gain proportionnel et dès que je tourne le sélecteur rotatif je change la valeur du menu en cours (gainp, pi, pid....) j'ai aussi des fonction gérantes la saturations et un choix du correcteur voici une partie de mon programme. quote   int gainp1;   int gainp2;   int gainp3;   int tau1; int tau2;   const byte egainp1 = 0; const byte egainp2 = 1; const byte egainp3 = 2;...

Can't test the camera board using HDMI - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi i'm trying test camera example after installling userland , raspicam libraries following link : ... when typing startx , open terminal , type ./raspicamtest message : : cannot connect x server plz i'm using ubuntu 14.04 opencv 3.0.0 nb : camera works fine when tested raspistill , raspivid need cipy image , video mu pc using scp command view them raspberrypi

Macchinina con Arduino va a scatti

salve tutti, come tesina all'esame porto una macchinetta che monta arduino comandata da un pc, il tutto è fatto, fino ieri ho eseguito le prove con le ruote della macchinetta sospese in aria, finchè scrivevo il programma in c# il tutto funzionava, le ruote giravano avanti, indietro, destra e sinistra, tutto perfetto, ieri mattina mi sono arrivati jumper maschio-femmina grazie ai quali finalmente potevo collegare la motor shield che ho fatto con due ponte h l293ne(ne ho usati 2 perchè la macchinetta per girare le ruote destra e sinistra non usa un servo motore ma un'altro motore dc, quindi con uno controllo due motori per l'accelerazione e con l'altro il motore per sterzare) e quindi potevo mettere la macchinetta terra e farla correre, mia sfortuna per terra la macchinetta non funziona...   di preciso il problema è che appena inizio farla correre funziona, però dopo qualche secondo inizia ad andare scatti. sulla macchinetta ho 3 led che accendo e spe...

No Horizontal Scrollbars

i have built webpage @ work dreamweaver 8 using percentage based table 3rows , 3 columns. text in left , right columns , big image in middle. when display in browser ie expanded displays ok when minimize browser content right column moves on top of image in middle , not give horizontal scrollbar. i know not have horizontal scrollbars due large image must displayed @ large size can't helped. does know how fix this? thanks alot help. got url can see you've decribed? -- regards john waller More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Arduino YUN problemi serverweb Ethernet

ciao tutti, mi sapete dire per quale motivo non riesco fare girare qualsiasi skatch con impostazioni ethernet ad esempio questo code: [select] /*   web server simple web server shows value of analog input pins. using arduino wiznet ethernet shield. circuit: * ethernet shield attached pins 10, 11, 12, 13 * analog inputs attached pins a0 through a5 (optional) created 18 dec 2009 david a. mellis modified 9 apr 2012 tom igoe */ #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h> // enter mac address , ip address controller below. // ip address dependent on local network: byte mac[] = {   0x90, 0xa2, 0xda, 0xf8, 0x1d, 0x5b }; ipaddress ip(192, 168, 1, 107); // initialize ethernet server library // ip address , port want use // (port 80 default http): ethernetserver server(80); void setup() {   // open serial communications , wait port open:   serial.begin(9600);   while (!serial) {     ; // wait serial port connect. needed leonardo on...

Thread: How to trace this bug?

hi all, have problem shut down. (i'm not able reproduce it) shut down procedure hangs permanently. solution hard switch off. annoying not have enough information describe problem because screen frozen and, @ successive turn on, i'm not able find log message associated problem. can describe frozen screen. full of messages , (yes, copied hand) last 3 lines contain code: [32609.00] rip [<ffffffff806999cc>] thread_return + 0x97/0x36b [32609.00] rsp <ffff880116033b50> [32610.00] -- [ end trace 68d4b5e33ad0f556 ] --- (to precise know numbers in first square bracket time turn on did not copied). know quite hermetic description appreciated. bug occurs since 9 months, kernels updated , both kubuntu , ubuntu distributions. thanks, g. the next time happens, boot , save next-to-last syslog file. problem documented right @ end of log file. they're kept in /var/...

Thread: data recovery experiment using dd

i loaded windows small drive , erased 4 files , deleted them out of trash can. made dd image of (3.2g) , want try mount image or use other utility in ubuntu 4 files. here command mount image used: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/somefile.img /media/image thinking testdisk or photorec not sure how this. cause noob. to recover deleted files, want access image directly, not mount it. code: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs man ntfsundelete Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] data recovery experiment using dd Ubuntu

Popup menu

i have used popup menus , inserted them not many problems time when tried happened links visible under buttons, please can help, going mad. have done wrong? src="/webforums/forum/images/i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"> off top - 1. @import url("file:///c|/documents , settings/jean/my documents/bar234new.css"); your css link broken. 2. function mmloadmenus() { you've used fw pop-up menus. not ready prime time. and, there better ways. check uberlink , macfly tutorials @ pvii ( and navbar tutorial/articles @ thierry's place ( or done fast, go here - -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! http://www.proje...

Kompass Kalibrierung

ich möchte den kompass hmc5883l kalibrieren. es sollen soft und hard iron eliminiert werden. das ziel ist es, die rohdaten zu berechnen, dass ich ende einen plot (x,y,z) als kugelförmige wolke zu erhalte. durch internet-recherche habe ich herausgefunden, dass man den sensor um 3 achsen rotieren muss und dann alle maximalen und minimalen werte ermitteln. das steht zum beispiel hier: jedoch weiß ich nicht, wie ich diese maximalen und minimalen werte ermitteln soll. ich habe den sensor schon um alle 3 achsen rotiert. für jede rotation um je eine achse erhalte ich für die anderen beiden achsen jeweils ein minimum und ein maximum. nach drei rotationen würde ich für jede achse jeweils 2 minimum und 2 maximum. in diesem datenblatt wird eine 2d-kalibrierung erklärt: (ab seite 21). wie kann ich eine 3d-kalibrierung genau durchführen? ...


i have looked @ little on new cf tags getprofilesections , getprofilestring. the more have looked @ tags more confused have been. what purpose of these tags? i thinking of create setup.ini file containing setup features of application. including database parameters, file locations etc. but found out tags must have absolute path inifile. means have hardcode location of inifile in application. think takes sweetness away of using inifile setup file. what read ini files? best regards, morten kruse i solved problem in way: <cfset cur_dir = getdirectoryfrompath(gettemplatepath())> <cfset inifil = getprofilesections("#cur_dir#\test.ini")> More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

3rd Raspberry Pi 2 which fails to boot - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, have been using multiple raspberry pi b models couple years now, never had problems not resolve searching forums. i've been running many different software openelec, raspbian, raspbmc etc. while i've been running kodi , pi musicbox @ same time, using guide:!topic ... 5cl25gq3-e running these things @ same time not fast, works fine. i've bought raspberry pi 2, trouble starts. first rpi2 received booted once, 1 second. after that, never again. plugged in power supply, complete pcb became burning hot, seems me there short circuit, rma'd , ordered new one. since farnell had rpi2's noobs included on stock, ordered one. new rpi2 arrived, formatted included noobs sd, installed kodi , pi musicbox again using guide shown above, fine, instant boot, configured , happy. 1 day able listen spotify , watch movies using kodi (much faster response previous rpi). due low power consumption don't switch off rpi, leave on @ tim...

Thread: pidgin,evolution,bash - annoying console sound

when press arrow key (or backspace...) when there no text, makes annoying beepy sound. how turn off ? turn off system bell in system/preferences/sound. click "sounds" tab. disable "play alert sound". Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] pidgin,evolution,bash - annoying console sound Ubuntu

Thread: Ubuntu9.10 in forums

hi guys, karmic have different forums? can't find post related karmic problems? or yet started? if latter case can found answer few things? switched pulseaudio esound skype doesn't work pulseaudio esound dies after while in alpha6 appreciate suggestions thank Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Ubuntu9.10 in forums Ubuntu

Thread: Modem hookup

i have installed ubuntu 9.04. can not modem working. have tried many different instructions , ready remove program , go vista. sending through windows mail. modem usr v.92 usb , on com4. have dns address, isp ph #, user name , it's password. need step step instructions...type slow in 60's. live in area has extremly slow dial up. great welcome linux......don't let age in way.....i'm 61! you're in exciting takes bit other os out of system. after year won't go back.....i'm sure. don't fast jump ship.....there may sharks in water.... if have usb modem should easy.....but first need to check see if wvdial included in 9.04. (wvdial should find proper port etc....) plug in usb modem..... in terminal window type following: (cut & paste prevent errors!) code: sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf lsusb post output of above commands. if wvdial isn't instal...

flash player

i have last version of flash player different site tell load lastest version , happening. please explain fix . using ie 6 winxp home mcafee firewall/virus could explain bit more problem experiencing? -- dan mode *the online radio* *must read* *flash helps* "tbear228" <> wrote in message news:e9om1a$431$ >i have last version of flash player different site tell load >lastest version , happening. please explain fix . using ie 6 >winxp home mcafee firewall/virus More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Looking for a better VNC client... - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm looking better vnc viewer runs on pi. using "vnc" pi (other pi running x11vnc). using "tightvncviewer" (installed "vncviewer", via "apt-get install vncviewer"). works ok, have admit, pretty basic. none of bells , whistles of, say, clients available on windows or mac. 1 thing (and 1 example; don't fixate on much), alt/tab isn't captured vnc client - is, alt/tab displays windows running on local machine, not running on remote machine. bugs me because use alt/tab navigations a lot . don't see other way list of windows running on remote machine. so, anyway, i'm wondering if has recommendations better vnc client pi. tia, , that! joe schmoe wrote: i'm looking better vnc viewer runs on pi. using "vnc" pi (other pi running x11vnc). using "tightvncviewer" (installed "vncviewer", via "apt-get install vncviewer"). works ok, have admit, pretty basic. none of bells , whistl...

Small survey: What makes a 'good' OS community? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

for short article series opens source communities on txp magazine , ask you: what makes open source community 'good' community you? obviously organized forum precondition build community ahead of that, what expectations of driven open source community? i did ask same question on other os forums/communities well. having been involved os projects more 3 years myself, curious other people think. [txp mag online magazine founded 2 years when involved blogcms textpattern. more authors joined , write more other recommended open source software , communities. go through redesign , restructure content.] btw. congrats on packt pub award! joomla love  brothers , sisters, have arguments , disagreements, kiss , make up.  Board index Other Forums The Lounge

Front page says 'The page you are trying to access does not exist' - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been doing new layout new site , message on front page; 'the page trying access not exist' you can see here i have tried using old template see if had messed doing also.  have searched forum no avail, 1 post did seem have problem when add 'other menu' module. what can sort out.  have seen problem posted in forum before no 1 has posted answer. thanks mark hammersm wrote: i have been doing new layout new site , message on front page; 'the page trying access not exist' you can see here i have tried using old template see if had messed doing also.  have searched forum no avail, 1 post did seem have problem when add 'other menu' module. what can sort out.  have seen problem posted in forum before no 1 has posted answer. thanks mark two possibilities. first menu item in mainmenu definition home page. did change it? second possibility. turn off opensef or whatever third party sef using , see ...

problem with msgeq7 audio analyser chip

hello, i using msgeq7 chip project, , seems of bands intertwined how. if example run sound test goes 20 20000hz (for example this: @ first band slow rise in values, slow descent, the second band values start rising, @ points, example while third band starts going down, , fourth starts rising, third bands values jump somewhere near maximal values, , after few moments jump down near zero. same kind of thing happens in of higher frequency bands well. my code reading chip seems fine: code: [select] void eqread(void){ digitalwrite(msg7reset, high);     delaymicroseconds(1); //not necessary     digitalwrite(msg7reset, low);     (int x = 0; x < 7; x++){         digitalwrite(msg7strobe, low);              delaymicroseconds(36);         int spectrumread = newvalues[x] = analogread(msg7dcout);         digitalwrite(m...

Thread: Lost menu.lst boot entries

i dual booting computer , having vista installed first. using tutorial, . in beginning of step 4 says dump boot entries copied , pasted of menu.lst , made text file , saved tell complete idiot saved menu.lst , filetype changed. reinstalled vista bootloader , wasnt till tried configure neogrub realized problem. when reboot can choose vista longhorn bootloader or neogrub when go neogrub says cannot find file , forces me boot vista. you may able repair grub here if not might have reinstall ubuntu personaly had no luck trying repair reletively new os luck post results if can Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Lost menu.lst boot entries Ubuntu

RFID signal strength

some friends , working on arduino project class in school. trying make arduino robot uses rfid tag find keys, go keys, , let off alarm when keys found. possible tell if arduino getting closer tag (like hot cold type idea) know robot heading in right direction? see discussion: Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > RFID signal strength arduino

[Résolu] Raspberry PI 2 ne démarre plus - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour à tous et à toutes, j'ai depuis peu une raspberry pi 2 et j'ai un énorme souci : elle ne démarre plus j'ai essayé de réinstaller l'os , de changer de carte micro sd, rien à faire. quand je la branche sur l'alimentation, j'ai les deux voyants vert et rouge qui s'allument en fixe, puis plus rien. sur mon écran (hdmi natif), je n'ai aucun signal. je suis très inquiet. que puis-je faire ? d'avance merci pour votre aide. essai une autre alim pour voir .. on ne sais jamais raspberrypi

Fondo reproduciendo video con omxplayer - Raspberry Pi Forums

por fin encontrado un reproductor de vídeo para ver las pelis que funciona, el omxplayer que viene por defecto en raspbian pero que no es nada fácil de encontrar (todo por línea de comandos), aunque encontré un tutorial para conseguir que arranque haciendo sólo doble click. ... ktop-menu/ pero el caso es que aunque las películas se ven bien, si no ocupan toda la pantalla, las partes que no ocupa sigue mostrando el escritorio... ¿hay modo de que esa parte se oculte mientras se reproduce una peli? gracias en este hilo preguntan por lo mismo ver si te ayuda, lo que está en inglés viewtopic.php?f=38&t=67969 raspberrypi

no puedo entrar en administracion - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hola todos, despues de juntar joomla y smf con el brigee, algo no funcionaba bien y me daba error al pinchar en el foro, asi que cuano lo fui quitar o bien puse mal la contraseña, o tambien fallaba esta. total que no pude entrar la administracion y aqui empezo el lio. pensado que el brigge este era el causante, (supongo que lo sera) me dispuse borrar los usuarios de la tabla "users" de la base de datos, pero por erro elimine la tabla en lugar de vaciarla, total que al buscar la copia de seguridad de la semana pasada me encuentro con la sorpresa de que el foro (lo hago con este) solo saca "sus" datos y no toda la base de datos como hacia mi antrior phpbb2. como no hay forma de encontrar una copia subo un joomla nuevo y lo instalo, ahora solo tengo que cambiar el nombre la tabla y esto tiene que funcionarr, pues no y no hay forma de funcionarlo, tambien quitado con cuidad los briges y los componentes subidos pero salen errores y los colocado de nuevo. si no hay tabla ...

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Browse to File Recording Problem

when recording https site, when click browse select file has uploaded, ends recording. i'm using xp, ie 7, pop blocker turned off, captivate 3. thanks! hi kristikchas if using auto recording, suggest turning off , using prntscr capture screenshots. if doing capture problem screen manually outside captivate , paste on blank slide background, build in captions, mouse, click boxes etc needed. please post if doesn't work. andrew More discussions in Recording adobe

PI project for University - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'm looking suggestions dissertation. want involving raspberry pi2 i'm not sure do. suggestions relating computer science, maybe computer security or forensics. suggestion can't easy or done death. suggestions welcome. cost no issue either. prefer can give community. thanks. if ask around in science departments might find prof or grad student wants set involves data collection, analysis, imagery, control , forth. rpi can of these things, chances people talk won't have clue. thing can think of talk sale reps , buy big **expensive** system. may able solve problem $100 worth of hardware (and considerable 'sweat equity'). need software framework tie pieces together. have @ . scripting system laboratory instrument control, data collection, analysis , archiving. have running on linux pc's , rpi. 1 instrument uses 'cell poker', sort of atomic force microscope. there many demos in release package give idea of capa...

Attendees Picademy North - May 2015 - Raspberry Pi Forums

good afternoon all, first forum post! thought start thread attendees of forthcoming picademy north in york on 26-27th may 2015. thought might people introduce themselves. founded schoolpiclub in 2013 @ secondary school worked @ time. popular little lunch club , had 40 mins our projects raspberry pi , learn how code. learnt each other, young people taught me stuff great! unfortunately had no funding school, did not deter us, brought our own equipment in home. club successful , impact had on student's learning so, parents of y9 student donated raspberry pi, camera , accessories school. left school in nov 2014 , joined nhs full time have continued blog, tweet , attend our local raspberry jam (preston). miss working young people have since handed in notice @ nhs, taken on small part time job allow me involved local schools , keep school pi club going. news of place on course has come @ perfect time volunteer 2 local primary schools , help/introduce them raspberry ...

PWM preset state issues ("not declared in this scope")

hi everyone, i in middle of designing fast idle controller project car , cannot work out issue is, im still pretty novice in programming , may simple issue, of pros on here please on code , see if there mistakes? thanks in advance mike //pwm engine idle valve controller mike quirke 2014 "jupiterengineering" username on arduino forum. //the code below designed control 2 or 3 wire air idle valve used in many fuel injected cars. //operating on pwm, in similar fashion servo, valve opens various positions, depending on engine conditions allow throttle //compensation heavy electrical or mechanical loads @ idle speed, pevent engine stall should a/c power or, in condition of //cold engine small percentage of throttle needed . //the device takes 5v signal either, or both of a/c controller or compressor solenoid , cold idle pinout either cars //engine management unit, or seperate temperature sensor , provides throttle compensation based on state/s or 2 inputs. //if 2 inputs r...

Thread: Dell 9100 blank screens after standby

i installed 9.04 on dell 9100 in dual boot xp. have 2 monitors in twinview mode on nvidia graphics card, , have tried both free driver , recommended proprietary driver, , in cases when system comes out of standby both screens blank. way can going again hold down power button until reboots. there various posts problem going years every 1 has different solution , none can find mention ubuntu 9. should do? it's important me working, since burning 100+ watts time when i'm not using terrible waste. hi had similar problem dell, solved using fn key plus f5 alternate displays, , needed crt+alt+bsk return login screen. see ya... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Dell 9100 blank screens after standby Ubuntu

Arduino rifà la setup

salve tutti, inizio dicendo che questo è il mio primo post e spero di averlo messo nella sezione giusta.. sto implementando con arduino uno un sistema di rilevazione delle presenze per delle attività extrascolastiche che utilizza la rfid shield e la wifi. la rfid la utilizzo per rilevare quando un tag con un microchip viene utilizzato, mentre la wifi per poter impostare il progetto che viene svolto.. in questa maniera viene deciso priori quale attività si sta svolgendo e poi verrano avvicinati tag e verrano scritte su file le presenze.. il mio problema è che mentre lo sviluppo con un portatile scuola funziona.. quando vado casa invece e utilizzo il mio pc, appena viene impostato un progetto e inviati una request al server, arduino rifa la setup e il server smette di funzionare.. benvenuto.   ti invitiamo presentarti qui: e leggere il regolamento: - qui un...

Thread: External HDD doesn't work in Windows

hi! 8 months ago, started using ubuntu, dual-booting vista, had earlier. have external harddrive (seagate 500 gb, ntfs), both operating systems have been able see , use. time i've been using ubuntu (well, it), when booted in vista, doesn't recognise external hdd longer, says "the drive not formatted, want format now?", i'd rather not... ubuntu sees , writes without problem. have tried put in several different usb jacks, shouldn't problem. sorry if question more related windows ubuntu, feeling problem has arisen due has been done ubuntu (or me using ubuntu...) posted jolindbe hi! 8 months ago, started using ubuntu, dual-booting vista, had earlier. have external harddrive (seagate 500 gb, ntfs), both operating systems have been able see , use. time i've been using ubuntu (well, it), when booted in vista, doesn...

Problem with motor connecting to Arduino

hi ! i have problem robot. when connect motor directly power supply, wheel , motor works. when connect power supply arduino, , after connect motor digital output, motor doesn't work, , think code ok. saw on topic problem comes power supply not enough strong give power motor needs receive. where problem comes if doesn't comes power supply ? thank answer. j'ai un problème avec mon robot. lorsque je connecte mon moteur à l'alimentation, il marche, mais quand je passe via la arduino, en connectant l'alimentation à la plaquette, et les ports séries digital output à mon moteur, ça ne marche plus. j'ai vu sur un autre forum que la cause vient peut-être de l'alimentation qui n'est pas suffisante pour les roues lorsqu'on passe par arduino. d'où vient le problème selon vous ? merci de votre réponse. hello salut ! si tu connectes directement les moteurs sur les sorties digitales de l'arduino, au mieux il ne se pa...