Processing 3 is running for the first time on a Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums
processing 3 running first time on raspberry pi using eric anholt's mesa3d vc4 driver! video of processing 3 rgb cube demo running on raspberry pi using eric anholt's mesa3d vc4 opengl 2 driver: ... 912325.mp4 free software mesa3d vc4 driver, raspberry pi turned mobile opengl es 2 system "desktop" opengl 2 system. processing 3 using jogamp jogl tap opengl hardware acceleration on armv6 raspberry pi 1 , armv7 raspberrypi 2 systems. hold on going on here, how can setup free software vc4 driver on raspberry pi system? collaboration eric anholt, anholt, , gottfried haider, gohai, processing 3 running on raspberry pi. eric anholt has worked year implement full opengl 2 mesa3d driver use on raspberry pi using video core 4, vc4, gpu. getting eric anholt's mesa3d vc4 driver running on raspberry pi done work gohai. gohai started out following eric's notes here: http://dri.freedeskt...