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Thread: Modem hookup

i have installed ubuntu 9.04. can not modem working. have tried many different instructions , ready remove program , go vista.
sending through windows mail.
modem usr v.92 usb , on com4. have dns address, isp ph #, user name , it's password.
need step step instructions...type slow in 60's. live in area has extremly slow dial up. great

welcome linux......don't let age in way.....i'm 61!
you're in exciting takes bit other os
out of system. after year won't go back.....i'm sure.

don't fast jump ship.....there may sharks in water....

if have usb modem should easy.....but first need to
check see if wvdial included in 9.04. (wvdial should find proper port etc....)

plug in usb modem.....

in terminal window type following: (cut & paste prevent errors!)
sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf lsusb
post output of above commands.

if wvdial isn't installed going have either have wired
connection, or use computer download packages, then
install wvdial , dependencies.

once wvdial installed need edit /etc/wvdial.conf
file add isp's telephone number, login & password etc.
can edit personal information with:
sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
a step step guide posted here (posting #4)
starting @ "these work wonderful wvdial, etc."

so, check see if wvdial installed, post outputs of 2 commands.

here dependencies wvdial.
debconf(>=0.5.00) | cdebconf

system -> administration -> synaptic package manager

use synaptic , search each of these (minus (>=2.7-1 etc))
see ones need download. (the ones installed
have box beside them filled in color....
green......if system.....)
find 4 missing.......

if using windows consider using keryx.
download dependencies you.
i'd suggest downloading gnome-ppp, wvdial first.


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