
Showing posts from April, 2012

Pi Webserver Probleme, Hilfe! (Heimnetz) - Raspberry Pi Forums

guten tag, ich habe ein kleines problem. ich besitze seit kurzer zeit einen pi2 und kenne mich nur wenig mit rasbian aus. nun habe ich auf meinem rasberry einen webserver laufen, der schon mehrere tage ohne probleme läuft. doch nun bekomme ich in meinem eigenem heimnetz, egal welche url ich eingebe, nur die seite des pi´s die mir sagt das diese html datei nicht auf dem pi zu finden ist. hier eine dieser meldungen: not found requested url /de/x not found on server. apache/2.2.22 (debian) server @ port 80 hat jemand eine idee wie ich das heimnetz wieder hin bekomme? rückfragen einfach in die antworten schreiben. mfg maxilo311 ps: ich habe 2 wlan netze vom gleichem router. das wlan indem der router ist funktioniert ohne probleme, es handelt sich um das 2. wlan. raspberrypi

Como usar uma função

olá! por favor, alguém pode me dizer qual é maneira correta de chamar uma "friend class"  no código? esta é função que quero usar: aqui o local onde quero inserir: a intenção é limitar uma requisição para um determinado ip. eu tentei mover função "remoteip" para classe "uipclient" mas, função retorna um ip errado. grato. fernando garcia infelizmente não consigo ajudar. eu sou mais de c que de c++. sei o básico c++, mas "classe amiga", já me ultrapassa. ainda assim fui espreitar o código, e realmente, não vou lá. espero que consiga resolver o problema. cumprimentos. Arduino Forum > International > Portugues ...

Thread: Upgrade question

hi forum guru's: first installed jaunty free cd 9.04, love it, absolutely rock solid, worked perfectly, no challenge @ all. downloaded karmic on machine, @ stage not going system tester, challenges there me learn ubuntu. started out 32 bit , after reading forums decided explore 64 bit in spite of driver issues, has been fun. enough babble, question: after few fresh installs started place /home file on separate hard drive. want upgrade 32 bit jaunty machine 64bit karmic , karmic machine lynx 64bit how effect /home folder? backup, should format /home , install fresh? advice here appreciated. anyway fun. without forums struggling, great job million. you can leave /home if prefer. when ext4 came out many users weren't comfortable (and still aren't) , kept /home partition formatted ext3 while running / ext4. sure don't format /home when upgrade/install. i've had no problems ext4 still keep ba...

How can i make a segway that i can ride with raspberry pi? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i know making robots raspberry pi easy, , want go more advanced. how able make vehicle can ride on? (exclude components) wanna know how can make 1 raspberry pi. desperate make segway , don't want failure. take long time make one? yeah. please share experience if have made 1 , can provide links if have website can me this. your question in category of "if expertise @ level requires seek answer else @ level won't able implement answer." raspberrypi

Generating random numbers takes too long!

my led multiplexing code operates @ rate of 20-30 µs per column. want add random behavior, random() function takes as 130 µs per call. if try call while multiplexing, last column appears flash brighter. my temporary workaround generate large number of random ints array beforehand, during setup, limited paltry flash size. does know of quicker way generate random numbers on fly? maybe: quote these replace arduino random() slow stop audio. can used generate audio noise. i not know how granular library is, not know if there bloat issue... but, try it. ray Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Generating random numbers takes too long! arduino

Thread: Virtually mounting .ISO files?

the titles pretty explains it, running ubuntu 9.04, , need program allow me virtually mount iso file. since don't have dvd drive, pathetic little cd drive had since windows 2000 days , isn't mounting distros, iso files larger standard 700mb disk.. so have dvd iso on hard drive need mount drive? 1) create folder want mount it. personally, mount drives in home folder because eliminates permission issues. however, ubuntu defaults /media folder when automounting drives. it's you. i'm going write assuming use home directory code: mkdir desktop/mount can put somewhere else (besides desktop) , rename mount else, remember alter commands below if do. 2) mount iso code: sudo mount /path/to/iso desktop/mount -o loop the /path/to/iso part iso location. example, have xbmc linux iso, , here's command use sudo mount /home/justin/desktopxbmc_live.iso desktop/mount -o...

Setup help - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have difficulties in getting astropi drivers/software work. i've used: code: select all wget -o - --no-check-certificate | bash install several times on clean raspbian have expanded partition on, chosen localisation settings, turned on camera support , rebooted, everytime looks works, asks me reboot doesn't turn off led matrix on reboot. running example programs things. not sure wrong, have logs if helpful. using model b pi. i've seen once or twice @ school when sense hat not connected. needed push down bit more , reboot fixed it. other thing can think of you're using old image of raspbian doesn't support device tree. can suggest re-download latest raspbian our downloads page opposed holding down shift during boot reinstall raspbian? raspberrypi

4051 pins reading from wrong input?

i have 2 4051s reading digital i/o ports 7,8,9. output a0, a1. the 4051 that's connected a0 works across 8 inputs. 4051 that's connected a1 works 4,5,6,7, , they're registering 0,1,2,3. schematic attached. i love ideas on try. have switched chips make sure isn't chip. i'm @ point it's program, can't find hole there either. thanks in advance. ok, have swapped chips; now swap wires a0 , a1, changing nothing else.  if problem migrates other chip, in code.  if stays chip, in wiring. your comment on drawing doesn't match have typed - it? you need post code if want find problem you. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > 4051 pins reading from wrong input? arduino

small ethernet problem - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, after conventional installation raspbian noobs v 1.4 raspberry pi 2 . how can configure internet connection on raspberry me download apt. (my ethernet cable connected directly ethernet switch (i'm @ university)) attached configuration of pc internet connection. thank much, google configuring rpi static ip address. use same ip numbers see on pc. not try have both pc , rpi connected network @ same time. raspberrypi

Laser Communication

i know how can stablish communication between 2 arduinos, transmisor has laser , receptor has foto-resistance. need both arduinos communicate each other serial port video indicates:  alot colaboration . just aware photo resistors react slowly.  take time have been exposed light "dark resistance". a photo transistor better solution in case. this might interessting: try google "arduino laser modem" should give go with. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Laser Communication arduino

Mot de passe perdu, user : pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour à tous, j'ai un raspberry pi qui tournait bien. je ne sais pas ce qu'il s'est passé mais je n'arrive pas depuis un terminal éloigné (en ssh) ou connecté directement avec écran/clavier à m'y connecter. le mot de passe est refusé. par contre les deux serveurs web qui tournent dessus fonctionnent normalement. j'ai voulu suivre les suggestions de : ... -carte-sd/ mais sur le mac que j'utilise pour lire la sd card (j'ai l'appli. paragon qui permet de lire les partitions ext3 et ext4) sur la sd card dans /etc/, il n'y pas le fichier shadow. il n'y que le fichier shadow- (le - , c'est un tilde, mais je ne sais pas le faire) quand depuis un terminal ou avec finder, j'essaye de copier ce fichier sous le nom de shadow, je n'ai aucun message d'erreur mais le fichier n'apparait pas, ni avec ls -la dans le terminal ni dans le finder. donc cette suggestion ne marche pas. ...

LED RGB - Transición del espectro del arco iris

hola todos: en este post, explicaré todos los elementos necesarios, como conectarlos y el sketch para el correcto funcionamiento. el hardware necesario es el siguiente: placa arduino (en este caso due rev3) led rgb (5mm) 3 resistencias (el cálculo de valores lo explicare más adelante) 4 cables de conexión macho-macho placa de pruebas (donde se realizará el montaje) también es necesario conocer las especificaciones de todos los elementos utilizar, en este caso, sólo es necesario la hoja de especificaciones del led rgb. en esta hoja encontraremos los datos necesarios para el cálculo de las resistencias utilizar y para que se utiliza cada pin del led. en la imagen 140836.jpg, aparece rodeado de rojo el esquema con los pines. se trata de un led de ánodo común, esto quiere decir que, con un solo cable se alimentará los tres colores, y las resistencias se tienen que poner en los pines de los colores. para entenderlo simplemente ...

Thread: Does Linux support "FAT"?

i know linux supports fat32, i'm dealing curve ball here. 2 flash drives. 8gb - fat32 - works. 512mb - fat - doesn't work. however, 512mb flash drive not work in linux. it's not recognized. gparted sees no existence of it, 8gb fat32 drive works fine. in windows, 512mb flash drive noted "fat". linux support "fat"? posted roasted does linux support "fat"? yes. post output while device connected. code: sudo fdisk -l Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Does Linux support "FAT"? Ubuntu

Thread: NTFS Partition Input/output errors - corrupt?

i've got external drive (well, desktop ide drive in usb enclosure), that's divided 2 partitions, both formatted ntfs. 1 works fine, while input/output errors trying access files on other. can mount partition , see of files, cause problems when trying view or copy them. gets part way through copying files , freezes , gets no further, other times won't work @ , gives me input/output error. i've tried drive through enclosure on both linux , windows on laptop, , similar problems, , i've tried removing disk enclosure , using in linux desktop. same problem. suggestions fixing partition or recovering files welcome. try this: 1. create new ntfs partition gparted or (or command-line) 2. move files problematic ntfs new ntfs (or ext4 if wanna switch) using "sudo cp -a [old drive mount point] [new drive mount point] 3. check if new partition works, if so 4. can delete old pa...

Quick Questions on clock "Arduino Uno"

i want know how time arduino uno atmega328 16mhz clock take complete program. have calculate number of instruction , apply formula? for example how time take run blink led code shown below: int led = 13; // setup routine runs once when press reset: void setup() {                  // initialize digital pin output.  pinmode(led, output);     } // loop routine runs on , on again forever: void loop() {  digitalwrite(led, high);   // turn led on (high voltage level)  delay(1000);               // wait second  digitalwrite(led, low);    // turn led off making voltage low  delay(1000);               // wait second } 2. , happen if clock lower 16mhz, micro-controller execute program slower? 3. how long take 1 instruction example digitalwrite executed? instruction take same amount if not can see how long instruction t...

N-Channel MOSFET with wide ohmic region

as projects have become more involved, have  branched out making digital circuits interfacing , designing analog circuits, still neophyte in analog.  @ moment,   i trying design audio amplifier automatic gain control, using opamp peak detector output fed n-channel mosfet operating in ohmic region.   i prefer particular circuit wide ohmic region  (i.e., gate voltage excursion turnoff near saturation).   using simulation,  found bsd214 n-channel mosfet has 1.2 volts of gate voltage variation across ohmic region,  not readily available except in quantities, , in sot-23 package.  other transistors have simulated show narrower ohmic regions. so, if familiar n-channel mosfet 1 v. or more ohmic region, available in small quantities , in standard thru-hole package, i'd sure appreciate suggestion. thanks in advance help. john doner perhaps want transconductance opamp? ...

android to arduino communication

hello all, i'm trying set communication between android phone , arduino on bluetooth. using modified version of googles bluetooth chat sample able connect arduino mega outfitted rn42 bluetooth chip. using following code able send messages phone phone unable send arduino. code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> int bluetoothtx = 2; int bluetoothrx = 3; softwareserial bluetooth(bluetoothtx, bluetoothrx); void setup() {   //setup usb serial connection computer   serial.begin(9600);   //setup bluetooth serial connection android   bluetooth.begin(115200);   bluetooth.print("$$$");   delay(100);   bluetooth.println("u,9600,n");   bluetooth.begin(9600); } void loop() {   //read bluetooth , write usb serial   if(bluetooth.available())   {     char tosend = (char);     serial.print(tosend);   }   //read usb serial bluetooth   if(serial.available())...

Arduino plus reconnue par mon pc sans raison !

bonjour à tous . je me présente car ce post est mon premier sur votre forum. je suis assistant électronicien, dans un labo de recherche et en ce moment je fais de la robotique, notamment un bras robotiser, commander via arduino uno voir plus ! mon souci est le suivant: tout marcher très bien un vendredi soir (carte allumer, transfert ok et programme fonctionnel ) mais lorsque je suis revenue lundi impossible de reconnaître l'arduino ( port com invisible). :0 (surement un étudiant qui passer par là  ) je penche instinctivement pour les pilot, les désinstalle et réinstalle. cela n'a aucun effet. je regarde sur votre forum et vois un post casi similaire on l'on demander de vérifier le fusible de l'alim usb. fusible ok je me penche sur l'usb lui même, câble ok et connecteur ok. j'affirme que le câble et ok, car j'ai programmé une autre uno avec, depuis la panne. ma question est toute simple, que me reste il à faire ? morte pas morte ? merci ...

Delay Without Delay

hi, i doing timing specific project, , wondering how delay arduino board without using delay or delaymicroseconds functions. , i'm not talking using millis or micros. want use code delay functions use, because i'm guessing directly coding in specific clock cycle monitoring more efficient using pre-built functions. so how can it? thanks. might keep flow ( common question ) , point out age old example. check out blink without delay sketch provided in ide Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Delay Without Delay arduino

conditional cfdocument?

i have page displays basic text information inside interface of website. offer printable version text. thought having link <a href="#cgi.script_name#?print=true">printable version</a> and tried putting following code around text: <cfif #isdefined("url.print")#> <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="portrait"> </cfif> text output goes here <cfif #isdefined("url.print")#> </cfdocument> </cfif> but doesn't seem work - says </cfdocument> tag requires matching start tag. i know this: <cfif #isdefined("url.print")#> <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="portrait"> text output goes here </cfdocument> <cfelse> text output goes here </cfif> but need type text twice - lot of text thats not practical. is there other way this? also 1 other question cfdocument. seems whenever use cfdocument output text pdf this, text in p...

Ubuntu laptop suddenly does not recognize arduino (mega) anymore

hello people, run strange today. my arduino mega cannot seen ubuntu laptop. nothing in serial port when connect standard usb cable (tried different ones in case). lsusb not see as used to . dmesg not return different when plug , when unplug it. "vanished"! :/ it functional arduino, since when turned on it's supposed , more strangely enough, when use usb ttl converter, connect (serial1 being used functional apparently) can see serial port in ide, converter when lsusb. i won't have arduino try connecting instead , see happens until tomorrow. any clues on going wrong here? apparently particular arduino mega not recognized in other computers either, while other arduinos work on mine. considering works should , communicates through serial1 fine, think problem?! serial0 , or usb connector fried?! (i haven't done in particular cause such damage) Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

help needed to store a string array in the EEPROM

hi everyone, i have programmed rfid reader: can erase list of authorized cards/tags, add them , validated if card authorized or not, etc ... works fine. my problem, power off nano, lost ! figured save authorized list in eeprom. ids read rfid tag 12 bytes long transformed string comparison, etc ... have provision max of 50 tags (mytags[0] mytags[49], type = string). even if length 12 bytes long, want store last 10 bytes, first ones same: way, each tag's byte store address xx0 xx9 (i when things aligned ...). 50 tags x 10 bytes = 500 fit in internal eeprom ! i totally lost on how !!! i need help, : - on boot, load list of authorized tag's id allowed (as mytags[0] mytags[49}) - when button pressed, re-write whole list of who's authorized eeprom eventually, want use external eeprom (so can replaced when written/read many times) now, if can me internal one, can figure out external 1 !!! thanks in advance ! just write bytes of each stri...

Updating Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello. first post. definate new user. friend in state helped me started on project. pi b+... configured time server repsond ip address works fine. built in june of 2014. presently no access internet, in month or so, router , gateway arrive, , access via gateway @, entered @ point during install , configuration. note system configured/updated on different ip system being used now.. once system configured , tested, clone of sd card made, , tested.. @ least i've backup known work in case screw system! believe login , password time server use/login only... when enter su asks password , password enter login not accepted. different login used for: (sudo apt-get update)? if so, default, notes not indicate changed (at least took notes!) remember trying update when did have router , gateway connected, , gives same cannot connect replies update when there no gateway or hardware attached, , timeserver isolated internet. so, questions: 1. default su...

Need help in choosing hardware and software.

hi all, i thinking of building adjustments seat. i seat have number of memories , chasing memory seat go position. so thinking of  using a  touch screen. with touch screen. i have number of option think best way? 1. use r-pi , python program it. 2. use 4d system screen shilled , program. 3.    use arduino , touch screen. i not know how right in pyton language knew c so need find platform easy learn , nice hmi/gui so, best+easy way go? or if have other ida? thanx   i can write arduino , touch screens. recently added touch screen support m2tklib. created small tutorial, discusses design principles: . currently m2tklib supports monochrome character (liquidcrystal lib) , graphics displays (glcdv3 , u8glib). if decide monochrome graphics display, list of controller types, supported u8glib listed here: a display vendor offers both, display , cor...

parallel port for cnc - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi every one, since time wish build own cnc. bought breakout board , drivers based in tb6550. nevertheless, based in parallel port many other options. emc2 in linuxcnc has parallel interface well. after many hours surfing in internet mind mess. starting point use rpi2. in order use breakout board here first question: has developed , interface convert gpio header in parallel port can comunicate breakout board emc2 ? of course need 3.3-5vots converter, conscient. second idea that, if stepper motor driver needs 4 gpios, rpi2 has enough several, so... why not avoid breakdown board , connect drivers directly header. has developed control motors directly emc2 through headers?. again 3.3-5vots converter. 3rd option interface parallel2serie can conect usb of rpi2 breakout board through usb2parallel converter wire. read re usb not adequate real time control. nevertheless people has developed like: needs arduino , not more boards....

auto calibrate zero for ps joystick

result sent on zigbee, everything's working fine, feels more concise because have more axises want control , feels clunky, if have 3 or more time per loop... oh , way controlling motion @ point... the gist if don't want dl .ino the analog value (really hoping it's @ rest @ point) captured in setup loop, , mapped  against more granular output (0-5000), set midpoint virtue of couple re-maps (0-setup val = map1  & setup val - 1023 = map2    combine map1&2 , map less granular desired range) how do more efficiently... or thinking wrong go? thanks in advance rtfm okay got code embed now... code: [select] /* circuit: controller pinout 1  right button    (red stripe) 2  right x    a2 3  right y    a3 4  gnd 5  vcc 6  left x    a0 7  left y    a1 8  left button bottom view:                 ...

Lilypad light sensor giving inconsistent readings when using conductive ribbon

i'm having issue lilypad light sensor , readings. have connected 7 leds randomly twinkle when reading under threshold. when connected alligator clips, code executed correctly , leds go on when condition met. i have got hooked in garment using conductive ribbon of 7 inches. i've checked connection on both ends. read on sensor extremely high around 900-1012 vs alligator clips @ 0-50. shining light or covering sensor seems have no affect now. my assumption there resistance , need move sensor closer board? if out there has advice, i'm ears! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Lilypad light sensor giving inconsistent readings when using conductive ribbon arduino

Google checkout in ECJoomCommerce - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this trying do, don't know if it's been done before.  have installed ecjoomcommerce joomla , working fine.  trying install google checkout level 2 oscommerce payment module ecjoom.  cannot work.  have followed install instructions module oscommerce (guess same ecjoom except different directories).  when editing google checkout module in admin area come error.  "file not found: administrator/modules.php"  file in administrator/components/com_oscommerce.  if add manually /administrator/ come blank screen.  how can fix this? thank help. it looks don't have path right.  take @ other payment modules in ecjoomlacommerce see path use. i'm working on getting google checkout installed on virutemart haven't gotten far enough try yet.  luck!!!  let know if working. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Integration & ...

madeyourweb Login Resize - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

greeting all! joomla 1.0.11 stable, madeyourweb template (blue). mysql 5 fresh install, no mods of yet. i have problem text within log in mod/com/box or whatever called. 1. text ( lost password?, no account yet?, register,  username, password, remember me) resize . keep happening. 2. static font size big (lost password?, no account yet?, register,  username, password, remember me) , change it. could 1 me please? i have looked through many files (including css) , have not been able find way of correcting or changing font size or behavior. again, curtis ctrl mouse scroll firefox feature.  built browser, not website.  purpose allow site viewers opportunity change text sizing if web designer did not choose size particular user can view easily. if default text sizes big in login form big everywhere since login form not use special tags resize text.  want change font size everywhere or in login box? Board index Joomla! Older Versio...

Servir un archivo al PC (como si fuera un pendrive)

buenas! acabo de empezar con arduino y me estoy embarcando en mi primer proyecto. en él necesito que la arduino genere un pequeño archivo (menos de 200 bytes) y este sea accesible por el pc. la idea es que el aparato vaya enchufado un usb y funcione como un pequeño pendrive en el que aparece este archivo si se cumplen una serie de condiciones y desaparece si no se cumplen. estado buscando pero no encuentro información clara sobre si se puede o no, en algunos foros leo que no se puede porque el usb de la placa es en realidad como un serial adaptado usb y en otros sitios que se puede, pero que como sería de un tamaño ínfimo no sería muy útil (aunque en mi caso por muy pequeño que sea me sirve...). mi idea es mantener el proyecto tan simple como sea posible, pero si tengo que añadirle algún módulo tampoco me importaría. ¿alguna sugerencia o indicación de por donde tirar? gracias ^^ hola: me parece que te estas metiendo en algo complicado. la parte de comunic...

Thread: WLAN 9.10 BETA Asus 701 4G solved

i not able add wireless connection (nmsettingwireless error). intalled wicd instead of network-manager according info . wicd able enter wireless connection info, wlan , running i had reinvestigate network-manager problems, because wanted connect via (medion s4011) huwai usb umts stick. 2 steps: 1.) disabled access-list function in router (wep security still active). not know why necessary. way network-manager-applet showed wireless network, allthough mac address correct in router access list. 2.) did not enter connection in network-connections tool, connected via network-manager-applet (only possible after step 1 on setup) , entered access key way. wlan , running now gladly huwai usb umts stick connected without problems. 9.10 netbook remix rocks far on asus 701 g4, contributing regards Forum The Ubunt...

Thread: nutilus lags when accessing an ntfs drive but thunar doesn't?

pretty said above have multiple partitions , drives in system split into 1. windows xp pro (ntfs) 2. ubuntu 9.04 (ext3) 3. fat32 data partition 4. giant ntfs partition whenever access either of ntfs partitions , wine windows folder on ubuntu nautilus gets laggy.... i've installed thunar doesn't suffer issue. question though why happening , know can fix this? is possible thunar handles ntfs extension better in xfce enviro coding? no idea honestly. if works better though, why not stick thunar browsing ntfs regions... blah... posted unknown go nautilus preferences, , on list view columns use default columns , remove "size" column. makes things faster on network share browsing. maybe try when browsing ntfs in nautilus... may speed bit on part. can't promise much. Fo...

Dropbox-Uploader Script - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, have configure raspberry pi 2 model b work small camera trap amphibians , reptiles. setup basic: raspberry pi 2 model b, raspberry camera, power bank (15000 mah), solar panel (16 w). on software side, camera running motion-mmal, dropbox-uploader, apache web server, , dropbox-uploader. works wonderfully, including motion-mmal starting @ boot, except python script run automatically dropbox-uploader. in theory uploader should upload images , clean folder these ones located. make sure each time runs, not copy same files, command -s added. script should upload pictures , delete files once; does, run script many times number of pictures in folder. so, if there 40 pictures, upload 40, re-run, skipping existing files, , each cycle delets 1 picture of folder. on aforementioned example, run 40 times, uploading 40 pictures, before deleting pictures. if command -s eliminated script, "update" each picture , run many times number of pictures. other problem, lines such path=...

Help with Arduino, motors!

hello, i making robot crossing guard. when robot senses motion (pir sensor), play low note on piezo buzzer, , light red led light. pir sensor runs on 5v. , motors run on 6v. problem have jumpers , input cables plugged arduino. , motor shield operate, need pins on arduino available. dad says of them needed motors operate power 2 motors, bought special seeed cables. how can this? seeed motor shield: (message me if want see source code) thanks, mac Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Help with Arduino, motors! arduino

Pop Menu Magic...pixel level control of menus?

anyone using know if can move sub-menus around bit? want drop down sub menus move 10 pixels, , on left 10. i've messed around settings in pmm window, not effect in browsers. site in question is: > using know if can move sub-menus around bit? want > drop > down sub menus move 10 pixels, , on left > 10. i've > messed around settings in pmm window, not > effect > in browsers. site in question is: > i see liked example showed yesterday :-) we need seek support on our proper channels. support free , unlimited licensed users. cannot support on adobe forums. please email us. you'll find our email address , phone number here: once again, not provide support our products on adobe's forums because cannot verify whether poster here valid license holder. -- al sparber pvii "designing css barrelin...

download (método

hello! i writing colombia, hope forgive me english basic , aid translator. my question this: i need use method: download ( method) to updated number of flv have computer disadvantage customer asked me hidden without participation of user keyboard or mouse, can perform task? thanks you can't force download on user without active participation (using kind of interface device keyboard/mouse/joystick/etc). More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Win10 IoT won't boot on Pi2 - stuck on rainbow screen - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello , try run rpi 2+ windows 10 either missed or there problem:-) install windows10_insiderpreview_x64_fr - fr_10074 (1) .iso on old pc ( it's slow runs ) followed procedure : 1. put micro sd 16g 10 in class player on pc , windows 10 ( ... mp16da/apc ) 2. code: select all wmic diskdrive list brief see : code: select all caption deviceid model partitions size hitachi hts545032b9a300 \\.\physicaldrive0 hitachi hts545032b9a300 2 320070320640 generic- sd/mmc/ms pro usb device \\.\physicaldrive1 generic- sd/mmc/ms pro usb device 1 16014620160 after : code: select all dism.exe /apply-image /imagefile:flash.ffu /applydrive:\\.\physicaldrive1 /skipplatformcheck card " created" see file on card put in rpi ( after having safely remove ) plug ethernet cable, hdmi , keyboard / mouse , plug power supply , , have pretty rainbow screen , nothing not boot ... rpi on yellow led flashes 2-3 times , red led on , not move ( l...

Executing Code With a Switch

hey, i'm new using arduino, , i'm in process of creating track, marble rolls down onto copper switch. when marble on switch, executes code turn on led. don't understand how execute code using switch. know quite vague, useful right now. thanks. have written sketches yet? if not should start running of simple example sketches included in arduino ide. should study code examples see how functions work , steadily able write own simple sketches. arduino never designed plug , play solution peoples projects, rather simple effective platform 1 acquire knowledge , experience create own projects. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Executing Code With a Switch arduino

Thread: Can't do a backup

i have tried file systems no externals mount or mount , randomly unmount. trying mount 2gb flash drive used automount. type sudo su in terminal , mount don't know how designate drive isn't mounted find it's path tried sudo su mount media no luck can should type in terminal? error: cannot mount volume detailsbus error org.gtk.private.remotevolumemonitor.failed: operation pending no permission errors when signed in root. have ntfs config manager, storage device manager, , ntfs-3g installed. have set permissions in authorizations . there way working need , way keep them permanently mounted , permissions permanent. don't have them plugged in though, thanks. kinds of input/output errors in short time manage mount something. afraid tweaks , fixes have tried has made things worse. what version of ubuntu? specs of machine? have tried booting live cd , see if can access drives? i ...

Choosing a DC motor

hi, planning on doing new project (not sure yet) involving dc motors.  wondering if on here had links or other information on start , how choose dc motor.  focusing on things how mass motor able move , @ speed.  appreciate information may have help. thanks you need define requirements first , should easy find suitable motor. ...r Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Choosing a DC motor arduino

Thread: Downloads in ubuntu don't finish

hi, i'm new ubuntu, dual booted windows xp , unbuntu on acer aspire one, netbook. i've gotten working fine, things such flash, atheros wireless, , pretty in working order. there's 1 problem can't solve, , annoying one, dealing downloads. through default download manager, add , remove app, update manager, , firefox, downloads don't finish. have restart them many times, until finish. method works fine on canonical ubuntu apps, on else on couple mbs, messes point won't work. , on firefox, problem worse because can't restart download because says done, though isn't, means can't use file, such rar, , extract it. please help. also did test make sure ubuntu specific problem, , not wrong wireless. tried download file through ubuntu, , file didn't finish, start going @ 500 kbs, , failed 12 mb in. tried same download on windows xp, , downloaded @ steady rate of 150 kbs, downloaded, , fil...

photoresistor solar tracking problem

hi, have arduino uno , doing project, solar tracking 5 photoresistors , 2 servos , going until had take cirquit apart , make again.. have scheme , program worked after fixed again cirquit, program passes arduino when put light on photoresisters servos move 0.1 inch lets say.. tried 2 photoresisters , same thing, servos tend go right way stop immidiately. did burn analog inputs or digital or servos?? tested analog inputs potintiometer , work fine..  please help.. hello alehandro, this happens many of sometimes. "everything right not work".  this means "no, not right. don't know is". disconnect , assemble again, in kind of case. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > photoresistor solar tracking problem arduino

Thread: Limit time usage for my kids

hi there. i'm father 2 kids use pc @ home. often, in opinion. can give suggestions on how limit time user can connected. i'd able "this week, you're allowed no more xx hours of use". limiting access time, lu-su 16:00-17:30 has drawbacks. think solution allow issuing voucher time, permit use more hours in day, if needed. well, hope you've understood needing. i have been googling quite while before stumbling on this: haven't tried it, kid still 6 months old, feedback if works, save tutorial future reference.... ps: timeoutd in repos Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [all variants] Limit time usage for my kids Ubuntu

RF24Network, order in power up the nodes

hi all, i'm working whit 3 nodes wireless connected. each 1 arduino , nrf24l01+. the first, 00 node (granfather). second 01 (father). , third 011 (son). when power in order: 00, 01, 011, no problem, if power 011 before 01, or fault the second power of , return, third can't speak whit others. solution reset 01 node. i don know if normal or problem of sketch. somebody have got same issue? thanks. jaume nogues vall hebron tech school barcelona Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > RF24Network, order in power up the nodes arduino

Thread: FreeNX will not connect

hello there, have 9.04 ubuntu machine onto installed freenx , have been trying work few days now. far can tell installed , working, when try connect xp laptop following errors: nx> 203 nxssh running pid: 3644 nx> 285 enabling check on switch command nx> 285 enabling skip of ssh config files nx> 285 setting preferred nx options nx> 200 connected address: x.x.x.x on port: 22 nx> 202 authenticating user: nx nx> 208 using auth method: publickey hello nxserver - version 3.2.0-74-svn os (gpl, using backend: 3.3.0) nx> 105 hello nxclient - version 3.2.0 nx> 134 accepted protocol: 3.2.0 nx> 105 set shell_mode shell nx> 105 set auth_mode password nx> 105 login nx> 101 user: madmaze nx> 102 password: nx> 103 welcome to: madmaze-desktop user: madmaze nx> 105 listsession --user="madmaze" --status="suspended,running" --geometry="1680x1050x32+render" --type=...

Allvideos Plugin v2.x-->Not solved yet but when using [youtube] it is working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. i have installed mambot -but having problems streaming content. i have used ftp upload 2 mp4 files images/stories/videos/ i have included code {mp4}laughingbabies{mp4} content. but no luck.... the screen black , film not showing. the file on 4.9 mb. what have done wrong? why not working? ... &itemid=54 thank , thank developing such supernice extension!!!! best regards, gina hi, i stream flv, noticed missing / in closing tag, i.e.  {mp4}laughingbabies{mp4} should {mp4}laughingbabies{/mp4} Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Plugins/Mambots

Arduino Uno PCB

hello, there! wondering if there kind of arduino pcb in order print , build chipset. i'm looking arduino uno pcb, specifically, i'd thank arduino pcb. i'd tell me components pcb requires. i'm kind of noob @ electronics, please don't laugh @ me if i'm saying nonsense   . see ya , in advance! yeah; of design files can found attached board descriptions here: if you're looking @ making own pcb in kitchen, should @ "severino", or "single sided bare bones board" ( ) various companies offer kits ( ) or bare boards in varying levels of "compatibility" (

Liverpool FC Fansite - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

website url: joomla! version: 1.0.11 template: element red, joomlashack (branding removed) additional extensions (components, modules, plug ins):docman, expose 4, ijoomla magazine, js lightbox, j'shack flash banner rotator, site map, custom development: custom graphics, edited rss feed take stories news page. other features: invision power board integration three (at least) specific areas of site i'd feedback on (design, code, graphics, etc.): i'd love feedback on forums, downloads section , wallpapers therein, lightbox effect on swuad profiles page , on general design. additional comments: this first attempt @ joomla.  aware there few bugs , teething problems idea. any ideas improve site welcome thank taking time. peter hi, site looks great , there touches, amazon affiliate integration. easy on eye, work. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/I...

Error when attemptin to edit static content - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have installed joomla , lets me edit/select within admin site, not "static content" link menu and/or front page link of admin site. when do, shows error below. all file permissions 755 , files have been uploaded in folder com_typedcontent (twice) has else experienced issue or has ideas be? server details : php : 4.4.1 joomla : 1.0.10 stable [ sundown ] 26 june 2006 here error: warning: main(/home/www/ failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/www/ on line 18 fatal error: main(): failed opening required '/home/www/' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php4/share/pear') in /home/www/ on...

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

I am having trouble with my servo operated mirror

hi guys , girls, as may have noticed new forum. i basic programmer. there tips of can give me become better programmer? still in high school don't have quite time on hands still have enough time work on arduino projects. i have come idea or 2 don't know how put these code (any tips?). if of give me hand appreciated. i make program go laser tripwire have built using normal electronic components works quite well, laser built part of can't move laser separately point onto photo resistor. if of don't understand how laser tripwire works please ask. please @ attached picture want do. not sure how make of these things work together. if can want move servo 1 degree when button pressed.  thanks heaps in advance, nathman1 i'm sorry, crystal ball has crashed, can't see code. if post code, between code tags (the # button above smileys) here, maybe tell you've gone wrong or need. until do, can make uninformed guesses waste our time , yours....

Thread: Prevent package from being upgraded - how?

i running version of package not want upgraded. i'm running jaunty amd64 on desktop computer. upgrade manager keeps asking me upgrade package , keep declining. not hassle, concerned 1 day forget uncheck suggested upgrade (and screw system). avoid problem, alter installed package upgrade tool thinks newer in repos. how this? there better way? way it? know nothing how go accomplishing goal. tips appreciated. synaptic --> lock package. that's it. easy. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Packaging and Compiling Programs [SOLVED] Prevent package from being upgraded - how? Ubuntu


hi: i've been asked work in server w/o ftp server, ssh 1. can recommend ssh client graphical interface for osx? they're using ssh tectia client wich doesn't seem have mac version 2. ssh neccessary "normal" sites? because if is, guess of internet sites in danger tia, jdoe ssh secure terminal connection , nothing more. when someone says use ssh connect server, mean connect via terminal prompt (command line). there's no graphical tool this. now, if talking sftp (secure ftp) there number of options available you. dreamweaver's built-in ftp client connnect via sftp, panic's transmit ( transmit ftps (ftp on ssl). is ssh/sftp necessary? guess depends on ask , how secure they prefer networks be. lot of times it's preference on part of host. ssh , sftp connections encrypted, whereas telnet and ftp not. best regards, chris More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver ...

projet de controle des digital led strip avec arduino en hf

bonjour à tous, nous sommes une cie de spectacle de rue, et nous travaillons sur un nouveau projet de spectacle avec des costumes lumineux. nous n'avons aucune notion d'arduino, mais après quelques recherches sur la toile, il semblerait qu'avec cette technologie, il serait possible de faire quelque chose de bien. voici le projet: -7 artistes échassiers et musiciens. - 1 structure technique mobile, sonorisée et lumineuse, manipulé par un comédien régisseur son et lumière. chaque costume est équipés de 30 modules led ws2811 ic reliés les un aux autres  et de 5 mètres de led strip ws2811 ic. led strip: module led: la structure est équipée de la même manière que les costumes, ...