Quick Questions on clock "Arduino Uno"

i want know how time arduino uno atmega328 16mhz clock take complete program. have calculate number of instruction , apply formula?
for example how time take run blink led code shown below:

int led = 13;

// setup routine runs once when press reset:
void setup() {                
 // initialize digital pin output.
 pinmode(led, output);    

// loop routine runs on , on again forever:
void loop() {
 digitalwrite(led, high);   // turn led on (high voltage level)
 delay(1000);               // wait second
 digitalwrite(led, low);    // turn led off making voltage low
 delay(1000);               // wait second

2. , happen if clock lower 16mhz, micro-controller execute program slower?
3. how long take 1 instruction example digitalwrite executed? instruction take same amount if not can see how long instruction take executed?
4. how many instruction executed in 1 second? how can calculated amount of time take clock ticks, 1/16mhz=6.25*10^-8?
5. got website example of clock calculations?

you'll have dig out spec sheet chip (e.g., http://www.atmel.com/images/doc0856.pdf) , @ clock cycles each instruction generated compiler if need actual count. instructions take 1 clock cycle, while others may take 3 clock cycles.  in short, there no simple answer question gives precise answer without plowing through generated assembler code. approximation timing several hundreds passes through loop , calculating average, if that's close enough.

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