madeyourweb Login Resize - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

greeting all!

joomla 1.0.11 stable, madeyourweb template (blue).
mysql 5
fresh install, no mods of yet.

i have problem text within log in mod/com/box or whatever called.

1. text ( lost password?, no account yet?, register,  username, password, remember me) resize . keep happening.

2. static font size big (lost password?, no account yet?, register,  username, password, remember me) , change it.

could 1 me please?

i have looked through many files (including css) , have not been able find way of correcting or changing font size or behavior.

again, curtis

ctrl mouse scroll firefox feature.  built browser, not website.  purpose allow site viewers opportunity change text sizing if web designer did not choose size particular user can view easily.

if default text sizes big in login form big everywhere since login form not use special tags resize text.  want change font size everywhere or in login box?


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