
Showing posts from April, 2013

Thread: How to determine which Linux distro is running

if 1 wants know particular distro running on pc, command determine that? isn't there cli command this? also, if asking such question here inappropriate, how should noob find information? system>admin>system monitor> system tab or code: lsb_release -a Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] How to determine which Linux distro is running Ubuntu

Cannot watch flash movie on IE

greetings everybody! here have question flash in ie. when tried open online link embedded flash movie, can not see of them. quite sure flash player 9 installed properly. want know whether there other settings(flash/ie?) modified? below example: i can right click movie, "movie not loaded" grey , "about adobe flash player 9" valid. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

analogRead() always returns 0 [solved]

hello guys, i have problems @ project working on atm. build cocktail-mix-machine. therefore need analog values sensors. initialy works using analogread(), when reached point @ programm analogread() function returns 0 until reset board. it nice if maybe knows solution problem or tries me. greetings propagandapanda we need: pictures, schematic, code , detailed description of symptoms/problems. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > analogRead() always returns 0 [solved] arduino

WS2801 LED Driver Using No Library In C#

i have project in unity3d game engine requires me drive 125 ws2801 lights . i'm using plugin uniduino allows me talk board using standard firmata. there cpp library: so i'm trying achieve able control these lights inside unity using c#. i've been looking few days , pretty lost. have been nice if have created .dll of library , used doesn't there easy way of doing that. here product data sheet: any appreciated. unity3d runs on computer.  you running lights arduino.  if you, i'd send serial data unity3d engine com port has arduino connected.  i'd have sketch running on arduino reads , interprets serial commands sending control lights. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > WS2801 L

Want to help me design a rugged robot? - Raspberry Pi Forums

greetings everyone! have dedicated myself making outdoor surveillance robot. goals: -most importantly, has affordable (x < $300-ish). can't make can't afford. -it must traverse environments such backyard , trails. handle few inches of water , soggy grass areas. -can both radio controlled , autonomous. (where pi comes in) -fpv. -battery life current plans: ( ) tank, because tanks stuck , speed isn't requirement. starting @ point of motion, wheels , treads. i'm thinking sprockets , (double/duplex) rolling chains. chain leave me outer chain can insert small bolts , nits traction. can view image above example gear sizes aren't correct. tread setup about $70 alone. i'm crafty, i'm going build scratch besides majority of electronics. these parts should cover fpv of things: ... ennas.html

L2Cdev lib installation not working

i added l2cdev lib mpu6050 arduino library  (pretty sure nothing went wrong there , re did couple times) from here: when run mpu6050_dmp.ino example error code code: [select] arduino: 1.5.4 (linux), board: "arduino leonardo" /home/jan/tools/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/i2cdev/msp430_i2c.c:14:17: error: i2c.h: datei oder verzeichnis nicht gefunden /home/jan/tools/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/i2cdev/msp430_i2c.c: in function 'i2c_masterinit': /home/jan/tools/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/i2cdev/msp430_i2c.c:50: error: 'i2c_pxsel' undeclared (first use in function) /home/jan/tools/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/i2cdev/msp430_i2c.c:50: error: (each undeclared identifier reported once /home/jan/tools/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/i2cdev/msp430_i2c.c:50: error: each function appears in.) /home/jan/tools/arduino-1.5.4/libraries/i2cdev/msp430_i2c.c:50: error: 'sda_pin' undeclared (first use in function) /home/jan/tools/arduino-1.5.4/librarie

how to solve device signature is 0x000000 error.

hello!! i trying upload blink.hex code atmega328p using arduino uno (arduino isp) , avrdude. i uses below link making connection , uploading .hex file first time code uploaded atmega328p using internal rc oscillator, speed of led blinking slow then changes fuse bits setting 0xff using below command avrdude -p com4 -b 19200 -c avrisp -p m328p -v -e -u efuse:w:0×05:m -u hfuse:w:0xd6:m -u lfuse:w:0xff:m after blink code runs expected. now real problem started when tried burn code same atmega328p using avrdude -p comport -b 19200 -c avrisp -p m328p -v -e -u flash:w:hexfilename.hex -u lock:w:0x0f:m time error messege appear: device signature 0x000000 avrdude: yikes!  invalid device signature.      double check connections , try again, or use -f override      this check. i googled lot solution till not able fix it. bought new atmega328-pu wire (recheck it) again after uploading got same error mes

Bluetooth: serial instead USB? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, i'm bit confused bluetooth: using usb bluetooth dongle i've read should new tty interface (rfcomm tty?). use programs such bluez connect other bluetooth devices (such smartphone)..... ok, until i've understood there virtual serial port created bluetooth device. avoiding use external usb hub use oem bluetooth modules, modules i've seen (on sparkfun, rs-components, mouser, .....) works uart interface. so, should tell bluez use default uart port (disabling console)? haven't found clear examples around... thanks. hi, i'm asking same question, found hc05 serial bluetooth planned use add bluetooth raspberry pi 2 – retropie 3.0 console instead of using usb dongle connect bluetooth controllers. i’ve managed reconfigure bluetooth module work @ same baud rate raspberry, , can connect phone raspberry bluetooth terminal apps. there way use serial bluetooth module instead of usb dongle connect controllers? raspberrypi

Thread: Write Python bindings for QtIconLoader

hello, come small challenge had been programming gtk while, , used access stock icons easily. in qt, not come natively : released a sort of wrapper recently can fetched through svn: svn:// how difficult make available pyqt ? found sip, tool automatically generates python bindings c/c++ code... worth give try ? advices... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk Write Python bindings for QtIconLoader Ubuntu

Thread: Is there a command to delete all small files in a specified folder?

for example, there folder call "data" in home directory. if want delete files smaller 20kb in "data" folder (including sub-folders), parameter of mv command should run? code: rm `find /home/some/folder/ -size -20k -type f` you may want run find command first see you're looking @ deleting before it. code: ls -lah `find /home/some/folder/ -size -20k -type f` the -name option of find if want delete files *.jpg or something. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [all variants] Is there a command to delete all small files in a specified folder? Ubuntu

Displaytech 64128K with ST7565 driver

hi, trying use 64128k lcd display displaytech on arduino uno. i trying use driver adafruit lcd st7565, both suppose have same driver ic. however got upper , lower portions of display reverse. can wrong? in st7565.cpp have for code: [select] const uint8_t pagemap[] = { 3,2,1,0,7,6,5,4 } ; adjust order matches lcd. in case swap first 4 , second 4 pages. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > Displaytech 64128K with ST7565 driver arduino

millis() function not working properly? [SOLVED]

hello, come seeking because of weird behaviour of millis() function whenever use in self-made function. i trying create function make life easier working mirf libraries (using nrf24l01 2.4ghz transceivers) code: [select] ///// data reception function //////   unsigned long receive_data(int target){  int time = millis();  unsigned long received;  switch(target){    case 1: // watering_probe    mirf.settaddr((byte*)"watr1");    mirf.config();    break;        case 2: // rc_light    mirf.settaddr((byte*)"rcli1");    mirf.config();    break;    } while(!mirf.dataready()){ if((millis() - time) > 1500){  serial.println("failed receive anything");  return null;  }   } mirf.getdata((byte*)&received); return (received); } everything seem fine in code if((millis() - time) > 1500) part in reality doesn't work. oh sure work first few times after sketch has been uploaded (rebooting won't make work again) afterwards stra

MRF24WG0MA communication problem

hey guys, i want build wifi webserver mrf24wg0ma wifi module , arduino uno. connected modules follows: sdi - mosi (and pull 4,7k) sdo - miso sck - sck (and pull 4,7k) !cs - gnd hibernate - gnd !wp - gnd !reset - !reset  (and pull 4,7k) !int pin pull 4,7k resistor, , not connected arduino. mrf +3,3v powered arduino. regulated +5v +3,3v lm2937imp-3,3n. i used asynclab wishield library github. connect hardware pc, , open simple web server example. configure ip, gateway, subnet mask , security type. upload sketch, , wifi module not working. modify setup routine: code: [select] void setup() {     pinmode(5, output);      pinmode(6, output);      digitalwrite(6, high);   // set led on     wifi.init();     digitalwrite(5, high);   // set led on } after upload , start program led 6 on, , waiting long time, led 5 not lighten up. i measured spi bus oscilloscope. sdi - mosi wire measured square signal sdo - miso low sck - sck square signal i tried 2 different mrf modules. tested circuit

Thread: Computer Janitor broke AppArmor?

i ran computer janitor on ubuntu jaunty, , seems have broken apparmor. "fail" message during boot up. i've tried re-installing apparmor, hasn't made difference. looked @ man page , , seem to have requires, don't know i'm looking for. did notice /var/lib/apparmor folder empty. going uninstall , re-install it, synaptic wanted uninstall part of gdm when started uninstall, canceled it. any advice knows apparmor? i've got little 4gb asus eee running how want it, , don't want screw up. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Computer Janitor broke AppArmor? Ubuntu

bomba soft air

salve tutti , ultimamente mi sono sia avvicinato al mondo del soft air sia quello di arduino. allora mi era venuto in mente di creare un programma che simuli una bomba... sono già buon punto l'unica cosa che non fare è un timer che funzioni in ground sapete aiutarmi ? grazie anticipo jacopo quote from: jackeightgoods on may 29, 2014, 02:53 pm ... l'unica cosa che non fare è un timer che funzioni in ground sapete aiutarmi ? ... in background che     mica sei su un pc che ha un sistema operativo che gira assieme delle applicazioni eh !   sei su una piccola mcu, mono thread e mono task ... con 2 kb di sram ... quindi ... spiega cosa vuoi fare esattemente. guglielmo Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > bomba soft air arduino

nRF24L01 dopo qualche minuto si blocca

salve ragazzi! ho un problema con un prototipo, ho realizzato una piccola rete di "arduini"(ricevitori) che ascoltano un singolo master(trasmettitore), la comunicazione avviene in modo wireless tramite dei moduli nrf24l01, uno per ogni board. il master invia tutti gli altri un messaggio di 2byte e alla ricezione dello stesso ricevitori effettuano l'accensione di un led. il progetto sembrava andare alla grande, ma dopo un po, ho iniziato fare delle prove più lunghe, ho provato ad inviare messaggi per circa 2/3 minuti e come per magia il master si blocca e per sfreezarlo devo ricorrere al reset manuale della board... da cosa è dipeso secondo voi? il master è alimentato da porta usb, ho provato anche ad alimentare l'nrf24l01 con alimentazione esterna quella della board ma nulla... vi ringrazio anticipatamente ti invitiamo presentarti qui: e leggere il regolamento:

Observation About FreeHand and InDesign

i don't know if it's true, i've seen @ various freelance jobs illustrator users quark , freehand users indesign. know sounds crazy, know few die-hard illustrator fans not take indesign @ all! freehand users seem drawn indesign, such myself. i've used quark long of other people mentioned, happy switch indesign. did not indesign. maybe (even though know won't happen) indesign should bundled freehand! i'm strictly freehand/quark/photoshop man. know bugs , unexpected file corruptions, quark. it's fast, clean , easy learn. More discussions in Freehand adobe

RPI 2 not working on my AVR (Denon avr-1610) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everybody, i've got stupid question , hope can me. have installed openelec on raspberry pi 2 somehow no signal on tv when plugging av-receiver denon avr-1610. when plug directly tv, works, observe strange phenomena, because rpi2 works on 2 specific hdmi ports of television. own lg 55 ub850v , has 4 hdmi 2.0 ports (4k @ 60hz). lg has labeled them: hdmi 1 = hdcp 2.2 (works) hdmi 2 = arc (no signal, no sound) hdmi 3 = 10 bit (no signal, no sound, lg has noted port may have issues devices) hdmi 4 mhl = (works) problem? want rpi2 working on denon avr. doenst work on hdmi 2 , 3 of tv doens't bother me though, maybe helps finding error. , ofc when plug rpi avr, avr connected working hdmi ports 1&4 of tv have tried far: - different 1.4a hdmi cables (i dont own hdmi 2.0 cables though) - hdmi_safe=1 in config.txt - hdmi_force_hotplug=1 in config.txt hope can help. thank in advance. t. topic can closed... raspberry pi 2 defective. got new 1 , works p

Problema cu postarea! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

am postat problema si pe dar fara efect! instalat joomla pe un ftp cu gazduire de la godaddy. totul mers bine, instalarea tot, intrat in cpannel si incercat sa postez o stire, dar degeaba, cand dau sa apas save sau apply nu se intampla nimic  instalat forumul a2-a oara si nici atunci nu mers.. multumesc anticipat cred ca iti poate fi de ajutor discutia aceasta:,31497.0.html Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Romanian Forum

Publishing Site First Time Question

hi, i got dreamweaver 8 , have domain/hosting service godaddy.. understand can ftp site using dreamweaver defining site , moving folders there blue arrow in files menu. sorry basic question, happen if move index over? i'm not sure of process of it.. first site.. have dreamweaver experience, not publishing experience.. thank help.. > sorry > basic question, happen if move index on not sure mean- yes- if select local file, , click put, ftp's file remote server. puts copy of file on host. is link pdf file. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Help-Weird new template problem in IE...looks fine in Firefox - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

will please @ site? (i posted in performance board.) if view in firefox, looks fine. if view in ie, used same, until today. now, banner , main content has slid under main menu. i haven't made changes today. there isn't content on yet. totally stumped , have never seen before. i appreciate suggestions willing give me. thanks, marcia mke614 wrote: (i posted in performance board.) fyi moderators jump on if catch cross posting.  pick forum , if it's in wrong place moved. as far problem goes site seems ok me in ie7. @ least seems same in ff.  attached screenshot both of default joomla templates (and many of free , commercial 3rd party ones) break in 1 or more browsers when oversized content included or styles may clash templat_css.css (or other template sheets) applied content, modules or components. you don't have change in template or layout.  can caused changes in content, adserver scripts or styles, or browser updates.

Thread: Window manager Gnome works not properly after returning from Awesome

when tried use awesome window manager, found basic installation changed total user experience, when changed back, title bar missing. hotkeys gone. quite uncomfortable feelings. question how reset/configure gnome window manager? in advance. first, data dont want accidentally lost. through terminal, run command code: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop that should reinstall gnome, , 'out-of-the-box' setup have fresh install. there might have re-enter custom hotkeys setup, default ones should working. hope helps! tom Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Window manager Gnome works not properly after returning from Awesome Ubuntu

Arcade game main board replacment

i bought arcade game,( link below) hope easy fix, found psu bad turn out there issues main board, dead 5v rail, damaged regulators faulty motor driver , on, what im looking replace whole thing arduino, has 3 motors to control 1 move carousel left when button pressed 1 move arm when button pressed.  there small ir beam sense when game has paid win then there coin mech interface , 8 segment display show amount of plays i assume system has way detect carousel , arm location. it sounds alot of work im assuming available in shield form including sound fxs so what's question? you're not going find ready-made shield want.  can enough cobble components , write code make happen. you mentioned motor drivers bad.  need motor drivers arduino control.  motor shield.  how carousel know 3 revolutions have occurred?  assume there sort of encoder or opto-interrupter tell has made full revoluti

Thread: Ubuntu doesn't mount any removable devices?

hi there, noticed i've got problem usb sticks, cd / dvd's, external hdd's etc. wouldn't automount devices put in, use code: sudo mount /dev/something /media/something and work. put in phone via usb , wanted mount manually: code: daniel@daniel:~$ sudo mount /dev/sawk: cannot open /etc/fstab (permission denied) i typed "sudo mount /dev/sdb" , pressed tab, got "awk: cannot open /etc/fstab (permission denied)" text filled in?! strange... dmesg: code: [10720.003226] hub 6-0:1.0: unable enumerate usb device on port 1 [11079.904021] usb 2-2: new high speed usb device using ehci_hcd , address 3 [11081.510909] usb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen 1 choice [11081.538740] initializing usb mass storage driver... [11081.548022] scsi6 : scsi emulation usb mass storage devices [11081.548107] usb-storage: device found @ 3 [11081.548109] usb-storage: waiting device settle before scanning [11081.548115]

How to get someone interested in programming using Scratch? - Raspberry Pi Forums

a few weeks ago when used raspberry pi first time first thing used scratch. sister, ten years old , determined going chef, showed major interest in scratch. sister has managed find out how make on-screen sprites talk , move around. wondering if nurture interest sister catch 'programming bug'. don't have in common great way bond. wondering if knows of scratch projects done ten year old (with occasional helping hand 13 year old brother). hello, teach scratch in school 14 yr old kids, tutorials in german (the school in germany). 1 book found "super scratch programming adventure". tutorials on web ... tedv14.pdf 1 possible idea build birthday cards in scratch. in samples, there nice examples. (file, open, there 'samples' button on left side of open dialog). can share these cards through scratch web site, , send links friends , can open these cards through internet. ( ask parents if allow share on

No power to Rasberry pi 2. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i purchased used raspberry pi 2 on amazon. i've used many different combinations of usb cables , power adapters 5v 2a. cannot power on. 1 green flash , that's it. no red power light. used volt meter test pp1 pp3 , reading of 4.94v. i've used 2 different cards. samsung evo 16g. sandisk ultra 8g. out of ideas. think received doa. warm touch while plugged in. no video while plugged in. have read troubleshooting topic? viewtopic.php?f=28&t=58151 raspberrypi

LED an der Richtigen Stelle ?

hallo miteinander, ich habe je meine tropfenbox erstellt leider stelle ich fest das es nicht funktioniert wie ich es mir vorstelle. um eine besser fehlersuche zu machen würde ich gerne in meine hardware led`s mit einbauen, damit ich schnell und einfach sehen kann ob einer meiner lins geschaltet ist oder nicht. die frage ist nur ob ich mir dafür die richtigen stellen ausgesucht habe, für die led`s (rot), und ob ich die widerstände lassen kann oder verkleinern sollte da ja jetzt die led noch mit drin hängt. gruß schalte die leds bis auf die optokopplergeschichte parallel, nicht in reihe. dann vorwiderstand 220r und alles ist fein. beim optokoppler wirst du r1 verringern müssen schätze ich. einfach ausprobieren. Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > LED an der Richtigen Stelle ? arduino

cronometro con precisione 1/100 secondo

salve tutti. dopo un periodo impegnatissimo torno prendere mano ad arduino, sto cercando di realizzare un cronometro abbastanza preciso con arduino.  utilizzando il clock interno mi rendo conto che effettivamente dopo un paio di secondi lo sfasamento è abbastanza evidente anche ad occhio, vorrei sapere se esiste un modo per avere una precisione decente, ho visto che esistono integrati che danno un segnale preciso al secondo, mi chiedevo se esistessero anche che ne diano uno preciso al centesimo di secondo. in alternativa un 555 come astabile, con valori calcolati nel modo giusto, potrebbe funzionare? se ti serve un'alta precisione, metti un oscillatore esterno di precisione che attiva un interrupt su un piedino e nella isr incrementi il contatore del tuo orologio. per questa cosa puoi utilizzare il segnale generato sul pin sqw dei più comuni chip di rtc (ds1372 o ds3231). guglielmo Arduino Forum

Solar template: behoorlijke uitprint en wat breder? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

'lo iedereen, ik werk aan een site gebaseerd op de solar-template. dat lukt behoorlijk, maar als ik een printvoorbeeld oproep, dan wordt maar een deel van de banner getoond, daaronder zie ik dan het menu en daaronder de inhoud van de pagina. dat lijkt er niet op en het niet praktisch. heeft er iemand tips om er een behoorlijke print van te kunnen maken? als ik daarmee ook een bredere pagina kan tonen zonder dat de lay-out overhoop gaat, dan ben ik helemaal tevreden... paul kun je eens een url geven? ik heb het idee dat je print niet helemaal goed gaat en joomla de site opnieuw inlaadt in de popup. kan dat kloppen? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Templates 1.0.x

USB Micro not working on raspberry pi 2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have bought usb microphone interact vocaly raspberry. test microphone on windows , works charm. raspberry under raspbian. plug microphone on raspberry , in file "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" add lines code: select all options snd-usb-audio index=0 options snd-bcm2835 index=1 restarted raspberry. microphone recognized system code: select all pi@raspberrypi ~ $ lsusb bus 001 device 002: id 0424:9514 standard microsystems corp. bus 001 device 001: id 1d6b:0002 linux foundation 2.0 root hub bus 001 device 003: id 0424:ec00 standard microsystems corp. bus 001 device 004: id 0d8c:013c c-media electronics, inc. cm108 audio controller usb microphone before "bcm2835" card code: select all pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cat /proc/asound/cards 0 [device ]: usb-audio - usb pnp sound device c-media electronics inc. usb pnp sound device @ usb-bcm2708_usb-1.3, full spee 1 [alsa ]: bcm2835 - bcm2835 alsa bcm2835 a

Use of Vietnamees & European Languages in one Joomla site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, does have experience joomla modules and/or customisations use european languages , vietnamese in 1 joomla site ? know, can make our selves when there module, easier of course ,-) when there exist module it, module translate front out put language other used modules correctly (seo-friendly url´s, e-shop) thanks, patrick hello, just setup language xxxfile.php utf-8 , in .htaccess file, add line @ bottom: adddefaultcharset "utf-8" tnpa Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x

2 wifi , 2 devices: force wlan0 to use one specific - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi. i'm real beginner in linux networking , i'm trying connect pi 2 wifi @ same time. i've done far : buying 2 different wifi dongle (tp-link tl-wn722n , edimax ew-7811un) both work separately can connect pi 2 different wifi network using 2 dongles here's /etc/network/interfaces : code: select all auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp auto wlan0 allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid "wifi1" wpa-psk "pwd1" auto wlan1 allow-hotplug wlan1 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid "wifi2" wpa-psk "pwd2" here's output of sudo ip show : code: select all eth0 link encap:ethernet hwaddr b8:27:eb:8c:e2:10 inet addr: bcast: mask: broadcast running multicast mtu:1500 metric:1 rx packets:109 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 tx packets:58 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 ca

Create a counter with Tkinter based on GPIO - Raspberry Pi Forums

#!/usr/bin/python # emplacement de l’interpréteur python (sous linux) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # définition l'encodage des caractères tkinter import* import tkinter tk def counter_label(label): counter = 0 def count(): global counter counter += 1 label.config(text=str(counter)) label.after(1000, count) count() racine = label = tk.label(racine, fg="yellow") label.pack() counter_label(label) b= canvas(racine , width=1000, height=50) b.pack() b.create_rectangle(3,3,1000,50) w = canvas(racine, width=1000, height=1000) #définit les dimensions du canevas w.pack() #affiche le canevas w.create_rectangle(3,3,1000,600) b.create_text(500,20,text="pm industrie") w.create_text(166,25,text="poste 1") w.create_text(500,25,text="poste 2") w.create_text(826,25,text="poste 3") w.create_text(100,75,text="nbre piéces fabriquées =",) w.create_text(100,125,text=&qu

otro problema de codificación - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hola, como están? voy tratar de explicar el problema que tengo lo mejor posible. la versión de joomla es la 1.0.11. el hosting es pago,, php 4.* y mysql 3.2 el sitio es , esta bastante encaminado, solo que encuentro errores o cosas modificar con la marcha..... como por ejemplo que los acentos, tildes, ñ s , etc no son bien desplegados en los popups (adjunto impresion de pantalla), si uds hacen click en el botón entrar del formulario de acceso introduciendo datos erróneos.... el mensaje "nombre de usuario y/o clave incorrecta. inténtalo nuevamente." es desplegado en el popup (en el que no se ven bien los acentos/tildes) y en la propia página en la parte del mainbody....(bien en el segundo caso, con el tilde correspondiente) el php.ini default character set esta en 'iso-8859-1' al igual que el ecabazado del index.php del template. en php myadmin tambien esta seleccionado el mismo lenguaje.... en el único lugar donde no se ven bien los acent

Custom Split Menu php? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everybody, really lovin joomla - rocks ! lookin way of incorporating custom split main menu 1 here ... &itemid=35 i'd prefer not rely on extension/module , prefer include custom php query db main menu if possible. has done , nice point me in direction of source php? many in advance? i don't quite know mean 'split menu'. can elaborate little more mean? are talking having 2 different menus? to that, need 2 differnt menu modules. 1 @ mainmenu, other @ menu, say, topmenu. hope helps...if not, please clarify. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Why can i not slow charge a lead acid battery?

ive been trying figure out how can build simple charger 12v 7ah lead acid battery not understand circuits on internet. feel stupid feel there huge gap between people me barely know electronics , people know. explanations of diagrams leave me lost. feel people dont explain enough or cater people not have electronic background , assume know bare basics. ive been trying pass gap year , im still struggling frustrates me point feel forgetting electronics cause im not clever enough.......  =( anyways have read charge lead acid battery there 3 basic stages. complex me build want charge battery start till end. if correct slow charge @ 10th of batteries ah capacity. 7ah battery charge @ constant current of 7/10 = 700ma? now think can use lm317 regulate current 700ma using 2ohm resister give me 625ma, ok slower charge then. confuses me this: 1. can this, plug battery in charge @ 625ma 14hours? simple that? 2. voltage must amps at? if had charge battery in 3 stages must how can u know w

how to work out a capacity of a battery

hi, just brought few battery's (18650's li-ion) project brought them china im pretty sure not counterfeit seem heavy, 1 brought seemed light guess 1 has lower capacity. anyway wondering how work out capacity of it, im wondering if work out capacity of charging rate? im charging @ 500ma, if takes 6 hours charge can assume 3000mah battery? or can worked out on known current discharge rate? thanks for know there lump of lead inside battery (for feel-good weight) , low capacity battery give output.  1 way determine capacity charge conduct controlled discharge, measuring current , voltage @ specific periods of time.  data draw curve of watts versus time totalise readings watt-hours, divide results average voltage establish rough idea of ah capacity.   it better if discharge @ constant current little more complicated do. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Gen

Offline - Serwis tymczasowo niedostêpny. Zapraszamy jutro. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

witam wszystkich, posiadam pare stron www na jednej z nich chcialem zrobic upgrade strony. chcialem tak jak zazwyczaj sciagnac paczke z ³atka nadpisaæ stare pliki, ale ja przez zmêczenie po¶piech ¶ci±gne³em pe³ny zestaw plików instalacyjnych zamiast samej ³atki. prze³±czy³em stronê na offline, zacze³em nadpisywaæ pliki po skoñczeniu wesz³em na stronê, aby prze³±czyæ j± na online. niestety, nie moge tego zrobiæ.   nawet gdy wchodze w folder ../administartor, mam ca³y czas komunikat: serwis tymczasowo niedostêpny. zapraszamy jutro. mo¿e kto¶ ma pomys³ co zrobic dalej? juz po klopocie. gdyby ktos mial podobny problem w przyszlosci trzeba zmienic recznie w pliku configuration.php zmienna $mosconfig_offline z wartosci 1 na 0 bedzie dzialalo. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Polish Forum Instalacja i aktualizacja

Joomla_1.0.11LaiThaiUTF8-Stable-Full_Package ติดตั้งไม่ผ่านครับ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

มีปัญหาติดตั้งถึงตรงนี้ครับ จะมีวิธีแก้ไขอย่างไร ได้โปรดชี้แนะด้วยครับ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ขั้นที่ ๒ ชื่อเว็บไซต์ : มีข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่างในการเพิ่มข้อมูล เข้าไปยังฐานข้อมูล! ท่านไม่สามารถดำเนินการต่อได้. error log: sql=you have error in sql syntax near \'character set `utf8`  auto_increment=1\' @ line 23 sql=# $id: joomla.sql 677 2005-10-27 02:13:29z spacemonkey $\n\n# table structure table `ar_banner`\n\ncreate table `ar_banner` (\n  `bid` int(11) not null auto_increment,\n  `cid` int(11) not null default \'0\',\n  `type` varchar(10) not null default \'banner\',\n  `name` varchar(50) not null default \'\',\n  `imptotal` int(11) not null default \'0\',\n  `impmade` int(11) not null default \'0\',\n  `clicks` int(11) not null default \'0\',\n  `imageurl` varchar(100) not null default \'\',\n  `clickurl` varchar(200) not null default \'\',\n  `date` date

Updating an article behaves strangely - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i have noticed when update article, ie. add pixie or want change in text, new table etc. created pushes texblock further down webpage time. i investigate generated html, see new block of html table etc. created everytime. anyone else? or doing stupid or can not update articles  ? rgrds, pieter what editor u using ? Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

Thread: conky startup problems

i posted in desktop environment without response, hoping maybe here can help. conky configuration has been working fine quite time not auto starting. did "downgrade" 64-bit 9.04 32 causing many headaches. have script: #!/bin/bash sleep 30 && conky; chmod a+x , i'm referencing location of file in startup sessions manager. can manually execute operation command line via either "conky" or "sh" without issue. daemon.log file found following: sep 30 19:21:17 mycomputer x-session-manager[3506]: warning: application 'compiz.desktop' failed register before timeout sep 30 19:21:20 mycomputer x-session-manager[3506]: warning: not launch application '': unable start application: failed execute child process "/home/me/" (permission denied) i've changed permissions on desktop file both ro

[RISOLTO]mantenere temperatura per tot tempo???

ciao tutti, mi scuso anticipatamente se già ci sono topic simili ma non sono riuscito trovare niente, e anche se la domanda vi sembrerà sicuramente stupida... ho bisogno di mantenere la temperatura di una pentola per esempio 50 gradi per 10 minuti poi 60 per altri 10 minuti, e questo all'interno di un codice che fa anche altre cose, avevo pensato di utilizzare millis() ma non sono riuscito bene capire come ...come sensore di temperatura uso un lm35 classico tanto non mi serve chissà quale precisione, avete qualche idea su come fare? si potrebbe fare con un semplice if...else ma come fare farlo durare 10 minuti!??!? grazie ciao non sono il più indicato risponderti, millis sono difficili da tenere in mente in questo semplice codice il led 13 si spegne dopo 10 secondi, potresti lavorare su questo code: [select] int ciao = 13; int time; void setup() {   pinmode (ciao, output);   time = millis(); } void loop() {   if (time + 10000 < millis()) {     d

How to login from Office ? to home RPi. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have rpi @ home , can login, when home. want able login home rpi office network using ssh ? how can ip address ~ network accessible external source office network home rpi. you need setup port forwarding on router @ home. google find instructions or read manual router. -or- use remote service client such weaved: raspberrypi

SCORM Error and reporting to LMS

hi i have created lesson in captivate, , uploaded lms, , lms reporting half of results questions. had previous lesson , reporting fine don't know have done differently cause this. i completed debug session , sent lms tech team , reported have scorm error code 201 of elements. goes on head completely, know how can resolve this. thanks in advance michelle this duplicate post. forum glitch. please direct replies original post. may clicking here . More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Fading LED with Pause - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, make minimum of 3 leds fade simultaneously nothing full brightness quite stay full brightness 10 or 15 secs (duration not critical) fade down nothing , stay off 10 or 15 secs (duration not critical). run small motor short periods maybe 5 mins (timing not criticall) stop minute (timing not critical) electronic side not issue, programming side have no idea about. appreciated i'm running latest version of raspbian on version b ... ed-control try , increase pause time raspberrypi

Thread: Reinstall Xorg drivers at prompt

i have problem. while trying boot ubuntu in recovery mode used xfix option try , fix video problems. computer worked fine. have ubuntu 9.04 on dell insirion 530 ati radeon hd 3650. want use command prompt reinstall generic or default driver. look @ these, reconfigure dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver. ubuntu page ati: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Reinstall Xorg drivers at prompt Ubuntu

Thread: printing a pdf ...

i downloaded scanned book google books , want print it. individual pages quite small, a5 guess , if open document viewer , press f5 see 2 pages side side in landscape perfect. how print out same printed on page? reason seems can print individual page viewed single printed page , 2 ... if use document viewer press ctrl+p , click on tab page setup set no. page per page 2, works me Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] printing a pdf ... Ubuntu

Thread: Opening pdf files from Mozilla Firefox does not work

when click link pdf file in firefox pop can choose either download or open it. open linked evince, not work. getting error message evince not installed. not true - can open files ease if download them. problem caused missing pdf association in firefox? please help, tired of downloading files. see screenshots process in atachments (in czech language). attached images pdf_1.png (46.8 kb, 22 views) pdf_2.png (19.0 kb, 14 views) pdf_3.png (201.6 kb, 10 views) try pdf download extension. works me. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Opening pdf files from Mozilla Firefox does not work Ubuntu

Control loop times in swf file

hello: i have sprite swf framecount 45. how can control example loop 3 times , after stop animation?t what parameter have test? thank you test _currentframe property of flash sprite and count how many times see 45. something might job: -------- property mycounter property loopcount property totalframes property thissprite on getpropertydescriptionlist myproplist = [:] myproplist.addprop(#loopcount,[#comment:"number of times loop:",#format:#integer,#default:3,#range:[#min:1,#max:10]]) return myproplist end on beginsprite me thissprite = me.spritenum totalframes = sprite(thissprite)._totalframes mycounter = 0 end on exitframe me if sprite(thissprite)._currentframe = totalframes mycounter = mycounter + 1 end if if mycounter = loopcount -- you're done sprite(thissprite).stop() -- or sprite(thissprite).gotoandstop(1) end if end ---------- -- rob _______ rob dillon adobe community expert 412-243-9119 http://www.macromedia

Thread: gdm sounds

does know of decent site download gdm , system sounds (already got wanted gnomelook) thanks. there might more @ deviantart (though themes may duplicated @ gnomelook)... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] gdm sounds Ubuntu

Temperature Arduino

salve, ho da poco comprato un arduino uno ( rev3 ) e ho cominicato fare qualche piccolo progetto tanto per capire un pò il funzionamento. dopo un pò ho comprato l'ethernet shield che mi serve per inviare dati su di una piattaforma web. mi sono accorto ( sinceramente prima non ci ho fatto mai caso ) che varie parti delle schede ( sia arduino che l'ethernet shield ) si surriscaldano, in particolare : 1) se collego un alimentatore da 7,5v 1a il regolatore di tensione si surriscalda molto, stessa cosa non avviene se lo collego tramite usb. 2) l'integrato wiznet dell'ethernet shield si scalda molto, anche se stacco il cavo di rete ( sia alimentato da alimentatore che da usb ). si scalda anche il suo regolatore di tensione. 3) l'intregrato principale sulla scheda arduino invece non si scalda. attenzione con surriscalda molto non intendo che mi scotto o che si sente l'odore di bruciato, ma che sono abbastanza caldi da sentirne il calore anche distanza. non pe

KB917334 and list of fonts appearing

we encountered "list of fonts" issue after ms patch automatically installed on our machines. running windows xp professional, ms word 2003 , robohelp x5.0.1. we author in robohelp word , generate webhelp. happened whenever change made , saved in document patch installed on pc. list of fonts appear in generated webhelp in initial topic of document updated. we can confirm directly related patch because when patch uninstalled, problem disappeared. since our company automatically has these patches installed, had find workaround. post "minchou" on peter grainge's web site provided simplest solution ----- insert manual page break before first topic in document. works patch installed. text kimberly: i found removal of kb917334 did not work on system. i'm using win 2003 server, word 2003 , robohelp word x5.0.1. however, inserting manual page break before first topic in document did work. passingon tip. i still have kb917334 update removed , wonder happen if

ASP pages

afternoon :) i've made little front end access database, used principle testbed on company intranet. there 1 page, form on it, going single database - pretty simple. basically, page working fine when preview in browser - data going , forth - perfect. the problem is, , apologise in advance because it's not dw , i'm being stupid, when try open asp page in either ie or firefox, treats file , opens 'open' or 'save' dialog box i'm downloading it. dw doing when preview isn't happening when dw isn't running? cheers richard > problem is, , apologise in advance because it's not > dw , i'm being stupid, when try open asp page in > either > ie or firefox, treats file , opens 'open' or 'save' > dialog box > i'm downloading it. dw doing when preview isn't > happening when dw isn't running? dw using testing server. you can't open asp pages directly in browser, browser doesn't know what