MRF24WG0MA communication problem

hey guys,

i want build wifi webserver mrf24wg0ma wifi module , arduino uno.
connected modules follows:
sdi - mosi (and pull 4,7k)
sdo - miso
sck - sck (and pull 4,7k)
!cs - gnd
hibernate - gnd
!wp - gnd
!reset - !reset  (and pull 4,7k)
!int pin pull 4,7k resistor, , not connected arduino.
mrf +3,3v powered arduino. regulated +5v +3,3v lm2937imp-3,3n.

i used asynclab wishield library github.
connect hardware pc, , open simple web server example.
configure ip, gateway, subnet mask , security type. upload sketch, , wifi module not working.

modify setup routine:
code: [select]
void setup()
    pinmode(5, output); 
    pinmode(6, output); 
    digitalwrite(6, high);   // set led on
    digitalwrite(5, high);   // set led on

after upload , start program led 6 on, , waiting long time, led 5 not lighten up.
i measured spi bus oscilloscope.
sdi - mosi wire measured square signal
sdo - miso low
sck - sck square signal

i tried 2 different mrf modules. tested circuit arduino uno , mega2560, problem same.
what problem?


if solved problam pls reply me: have same problem yours.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > MRF24WG0MA communication problem



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