
Showing posts from September, 2012

LMS KO and IE 7

i have downloaded ie7 , used launch our aw7 lessons. lessons use lms ko data tracking (status, time, student, session etc...). with ie6 lessons launch fine. go right content no hanging. data recorded correctly. in ie7 lessons ko , hang 30+ seconds (white page no background or message). know it's ko because i've tried launching , without ko. it's not problem between lms , ie because same thing launching locally. are configuration settings (in ie7 or authorware) issue? thanks mallseitz is lms providing javascript api adaptor, or hacp connection? thirty-second timeout occur if it's looking latter , not finding it. in javascript of page embeds authorware application (you have use html page goes lms kos, or derivative of it), insert judicious alert() calls see finding (or not). More discussions in Authorware adobe

hi need help in getting pwm code to work on leonardo

hi guys, i found disappointment leonardo has no pwm higher 500hz or so. when bought it, thought  had pwm pins have docs "libs" handle them far search there no one. guys question how can make pwm timers , register without screwing up  usb connection. tried the  code bellow. compiles fine after uploading, lost usb connection , leonardo not recognized. pressed upload , after compiling finished pressed reset on board new empty sketch uploaded , have leonardo recognized again: code: #define timer4_resolution 1023ul #define pll_freq 48000000ul unsigned long pwmperiod = 0; isr(timer4_ovf_vect) {} void enable_intr(){     timsk4 = _bv(toie4); } void disable_intr(){     timsk4 = 0; } void initialize(unsigned long freq) {     /* init internal pll */    pllfrq = _bv(pdiv2);    pllcsr = _bv(plle);    while(!(pllcsr & _bv(plock)...

Page Size

hi; i'm sure can me this, made of site 3 colum 1 row table. need of pages same size when go thru website same size. in properties tab of pages have same height , width whe previw still diferent size. what's showing in sources <table width="943" height="602" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#fdb54c"> is there can want, pages same size thanks in advance > i'm sure can me this, made of site > 3 colum 1 row table. need of pages same size > > when go thru website same size. in > properties > tab of pages have same height , width whe previw > still diferent size. the content area of web page wide make it. it's tall needs to accomodate content. so, don't worry setting specific heights. btw, 943 pixel wide site wide. -darrel More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Why is my raspbian interface different from others? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have bought raspberry pi 2 element. , 16 gb class 10 sd card. followed , element 14's tutorials. have found bug interface different other not having many features pi store python , many others.please me out! saksham2001 wrote: i have bought raspberry pi 2 element. , 16 gb class 10 sd card. followed , element 14's tutorials. have found bug interface different other not having many features pi store python , many others.please me out! raspbian desktop had makeover in may 2015 ... ace-update raspberrypi

ServoMotore con errore Porta COM

salve tutti, sto facendo un programma con 2 servo motore che, seconda di che numero scrivo sul monitor seriale, va avanti o indietro.. e mi stampa la stringa su un lcd il problema è che, volte, quando premo uno dei due numeri, fa il suono di una periferica che si scollega(tipo quando togliamo una penna usb dalla presa) e in quel frangente non posso fare nulla, altrimenti si blocca e mi dice che la porta com2 non esiste.. il servo è stato modificato per 360°, quindi non fate caso hai valori "strani". qui sotto includo il codice del file: code: [select] #include <servo.h> #include <liquidcrystal.h> liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); servo servodestro; servo servosinistro; int serdx; int sersx; int ser; void setup() {  servodestro.attach(10);  servosinistro.attach(9);  serial.begin(9600);  lcd.begin(16, 2);  serdx=89;  sersx=91;  servodestro.write(serdx);  servosinistro.write(sersx); } void loop() {  ...

[Solved] How to remove title from content in frontpage? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm trying use joomla produce web site content on each page produced through using editor, there individual control of formatting without having alter template.  means i'd hide title of each article.  joomla's built-in options of hiding title, section, category works great on pages except frontpage, since page isn't actual main page of content.  there way this? thanks, -eric this should help... cant hide page title on frontpage-items:,75993.0.html Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Synced movement LED and SERVO

hello, i trying make 2 servos move , have each servo fading led strip. using varspeedservo library create sequence of positions each servo. further triggering sequences capacitive touch sensors using cap1188 breakout board. i figured out need transistor 12v led strips make them fade. problem not sure how sync them servo movement. thanks , appreciate help. if more precise information needed, happy tell more. code: [select] #include <wire.h> #include <spi.h> #include <adafruit_cap1188.h> #include <varspeedservo.h> // reset pin used i2c or spi #define cap1188_reset  52 // on mega/adk/due, sda == digital 20, scl == digital 21 // use i2c, no reset pin! adafruit_cap1188 cap = adafruit_cap1188(); varspeedservo myservo1; varspeedservo myservo2; const int servopin1 = 11; const int servopin2 = 12; servosequencepoint sqa[] = {{60,20},{100,10},{155,30}};// go position 60 @ speed of 20... servosequencepoint sqb[] = {{155,120},{60,120},{155,120}}; servos...

Remplacement de caractères accentués

bonjour, je récupère une chaine de caractère via un http (réponse en iso-8859-1) et je souhaite l'afficher sur un écran lcd. cette chaîne de caractère pouvant contenir des caractères accentués, je cherche à les remplacer par des caractères non accentués en utilisant string.replace avant d'afficher sur mon écran. cela ne fonctionne pas. ci-dessous mon code (expurger de toute la partie extraction / lcd): 1 - en fin de setup je remplace des accents dans une chaine de caractère accentuée, cela fonctionne. 2 - dans le loop j'essaye de faire la meme chose sur les caractères que je récupère de ma réponse http. cela fonctionne quand j'essaye de substituer un "d" par un "x" cela ne fonctionne plus quand j'essaye de substituer un "é" par un "e" je ne comprends pas quelle différence il y entre mes 2 tests, mais j'imagine que j'ai un problème d'encodage quelque part. auriez vous une piste s'il vous plait ...

Function calling problem

hi, i created class file , in constructor loading xml file , on load of xml calling different function in same class, not executing can please tell me problem. here code given below. class myclass { private var myxml:xml; public function myclass() { myxml = new xml() myxml.load("myxml") myxml.onload = function() { displatext() // function not calling } } public function displatext() { trace("welcome") } } inside call handlers class members out of scope. either use local reference current object or delegate class solve this. see attached code examples. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

Thread: Shiretoko Firefox 3.5?

kubuntu 9.04, kde tried following commands, have failed in attempt install shiretoko firefox 3.5 code: ii firefox-3.0 3.0.14+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 ii firefox-3.0-branding 3.0.14+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 ii firefox-3.5 3.5.3+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 ii firefox-3.5-branding 3.5.3+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 please help, those not commands. try installing apt-get apt-get install firefox-3.5 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [kubuntu] Shiretoko Firefox 3.5? Ubuntu

How to Increase the Resolution of analogRead()! (from 10-bits up to 21-bits)

hello, i wrote library 21-bits of precision (user-specified 10 21 bits) when reading in analog voltages arduino's built-in adc (analog digital converter).  this useful when need precision reading in analog sensors, thought i'd post link library here.   realistically, based on limitations of oversampling, & fact single 21-bit reading takes ~500 seconds (8.33 minutes--refer table @ link below), i'd stick 16-bit resolution or less (where single 16-bit reading takes ~0.5 sec).  however, specify "up 21-bit precision" because library accepts precision value of 21-bit without breaking.  i'm not saying adc give reliable 21-bit result, i'm saying won't break code.  having said that, think 16-bit precision results returned library valid, , have watched , compared them other commanded precisions while seeing them read potentiometer.   doing in example codes can run come library when download it.  i recommend r...

HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor at an angle

so, i'm using hc-sr04 ultrasonic distance sensor project, , i've run peculiar problem.  when face sensor straight ahead, works wonderfully, , has range of 3 meters.  works when faced straight or straight down.  however, once put @ angle greater or equal 30 degrees, begins giving bad readings , has range of 50 cm (when faced @ thirty degree angle, should reading little more 100 cm, instead reading 270).  has else run problem before? if so, have found solution?  in advance. post photo of drawing showing dimensions of 2 test scenarios. show walls or flat surfaces within 300 mm of sensor in direction facing. give shape , dimension of test object or target used test. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor at an angle arduino

Meta Tags

hey! my web site done in flash, google , yahoo have nothing read site narrow search... need put meta tags on, im not sure how work, or put them. any apprecaited! thanxs :) -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "ebturner" <> wrote in message news:e9udi9$1pj$ > hey! > > web site done in flash, google , yahoo have nothing read > > site narrow search... need put meta tags on, im not > sure how work, or put them. > > apprecaited! > > thanxs :) > More discussions in Dreamweaver s...

Db Connection_Access

hello, longtime dw user (drumbeat)..xp pro, iis 5.1, cfmx7.1 can verification thru admin, entering path, 'browse server' i/o error... trying connect via dw rds error "testing server url error' or cf not running. put compasstravel files in http://localhost/compasstravel... created page 'date' code , fires... indicating app , web servers functioning together... (created sys dsn via odbc)(suddenly thinking since did first out of habit, should delete , current admin entry , go thru admin only....) when creating dsn thru admin browse server i/o server error. can't past rds testing server url error or cf not running me please!!! thanks, builder357 More discussions in Database Access adobe

Is this feasible? What parts do I need?

hello there, first post on here, registered see if idea can happen , if i'm doing right stuff far. i eventually: -make design small possible using custom printed board -input 120v wall outlet -have display on board -potentiometer or button input selecting heating temp anyway, trying use pid program on arduino board precisely control , monitor temperature of coil heater. familiar pid tuning. coil is  250w-120v , has thermocouple(temp sensor) built end. assume need ssr control , supply power coil. looking at: 5a ssr                                    input voltage 3-32vdc output voltage    380vac switch method    zero-cross turn on i need putting together. how connect thermocouple arduino? how output arduino heat coil? to connect thermocouple  arduino should use signal conditioning ic max31855.  see tutorial: https://le...

Formatting a date in a DataGridColumn

hi, i've dategridcolumn binded xml date field don't fnd wat format in dd-mm-yy in datagridcolumn property formatstring not accessible. idea?? seb i'm not sure how kick off event, there's dateformater object. give try... <mx:dateformatter id="datedisplay" formatstring="dd-mm-yy"/> 22%66%6f%72%6d%61%74%22%20%22%64%61%74%65%22%20 More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: old laptop which version to use

i have laptop install ubuntu or 1 of variations on. has pentium ii processor , 256 mb ram. running windows 98se. compaq armada e500. version best. tried live cd did not work on laptop. suggestions appreciated. jeff could try xubuntu or unr Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] old laptop which version to use Ubuntu

Micro controllers

ohkk!!! im new arduino & i've got 3 boards 1 has atmega328 moicrocontroller , other 2 have atmega8 , atmega 32 microcontrollers in it so question  : 1) atmega32 , atmega 8 supports atmega328 programs.   and 2) basic difference 3 :. look @ datasheets. atmega8 & atmega328 similar 28 pin dips, 328  has more memory. atmega32 more atmega1284, 40 pin dip, 1284 has more memory. read summary other differences. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Micro controllers arduino

Arduino IDE 1.6.4? - Raspberry Pi Forums

did ardiuno ide 1.6.4 running on raspbian? in repository there version 1.0.1 , if try compile 1.6.4 ( ) error message: build failed /home/pi/arduino-master/build/build.xml:61: following error occurred while executing line: target "${platform}-build" not exist in project "arduino". since have no clue ant , building java apps have give here. need current ide getting grbl onto arduino though. :/ i've got 1.6.3 running believe. viewtopic.php?p=736227#p736227 didn't know 1.6.4 out yet, maybe i'll play weekend. have great day shortie raspberrypi

Dreamweaver CS3 Network Setup

i have dreamweaver (the whole creative suite cs3 product line) installed on pc's in lab @ high school. students use different machines. students login novell server , receive "h" drive. machine's "my documents" folder has been routed student's h drive. such no longer student logs in, documents folder follows them. students experiencing issues in dreamweaver page have set , saved no have broken links. of links work, not. frustrating. don't publish these pages. students need create files , save them server drives. missing? thanks. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Opdelt træstruktur i menuen - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hejsa nu har jeg leget med joomla et stykke tid. det kan meget, er pænt og nogenlunde lige til. men jeg kan ikke helt hitte rede hvordan menu/kategori/sektion er opbygget. forhold til det data en standard installation af joomla 1.0.11 giver, er det ikke sådan menustruktur jeg leder efter. jeg vil gerne have implementeret en menustruktur som denne her: ... iagram.png på har jeg nogle html skabeloner, som jeg forestiller mig skal trækkes ned on joomla. er det muligt @ lade menu-niveauerne være splittet op forskellige steder på siden? se ... dhold.html sådan så 1. niveau er de 5 øverste faneblade. når man trykker på en af dem fremkommer 2. niveau den vandrette bjælke under fanebladene. 3. niveau fremkommer venstre lodrette menu. er der noget specielt jeg skal være opmærksom på, når jeg vil oprette templatet? med venlig hilsen johnny hej du kan muligvis bruge s...

connection to DB w/ Dreamweaver and GoDaddy

i'm taking dreamweaver class right now. tells me setup database on server. on godaddy got databases, go access (that i'm using) , create dsn.. name same database , names "access_mydatabasename" i got dreamweaver, open .asp page , in database panel press "+" sign , chose connection name , book says dsn name use 1 name.. i've tried, plus i've tried use the dsn name created on godaddy. books says create database "using dsn , testing server" have been able database load using "using local dsn", can't work when try upload it. i'm geting http error code 400 bad request and error 80004005 - datea source name not found , no default driver specified. (which have gone control panel/administration tools , followed instructions added system dsn. and error i'm getting: files on machine named ftp....... not executed testing server. testing server site not map url. verify url prefix mapped root of site. i've tried vario...

Module for managing Recent Articles? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hiya joomlites, i've searched high , low thru extensions repository addon allow me configure kinds of recent articles display in "recent news" module. i want recent news display articles 1 particular section on site (ones submitted guest contributors) , ignore other articles other sections. is there such beast? can guide me right addon, or suggest way can hack existing one? thanks reading , in advance replies. cheers, zana you try module content links list,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,1332/itemid,35/ it can manage presentation of links 1 section, category, item list etc... if there other features may useful, i'm open suggestion development of next release version. cheers, dt Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Problemas ¿Largo de Programa?

estimados, estaba desarrollando un controlador para mantener vuelo estable de aero-modelos. tengo problemas con el largo del programa (al parecer), escribo una linea más y el procesador deja de trabajar correctamente y eso llevo recién 12kbytes de mi arduino-uno. la verdad que es como darse con la cabeza contra la pared, no lo puedo resolver. lo comparto para que lo puedan revisar, creo que es interesante y también les puede servir de algo, tiene: - un mini sistema operativo - manejo de string - temporizador (interrupción) - eeprom - float2string y al reves. es programa de 3 sketch el problema lo deje en el ultimo: - test_pi_funciones_02.ino - las ultimas dos lineas - lo ejecuto sin problemas, pero le pongo las ultimas 2 linea y al ejecutar la instrucción pistart (a través del monitor serial) el arduino colapsa o entra en un loop en alguna parte. - si ejecutas pihelp salen todas las instrucciones disponibles. de antemano gracias saludos josé miguel hola j...

Folder Help

so i've made simple site in dreamweaver "" , i'm sure beginner, question how make each page in root folder appear webpage search engine? when website critique, shows home page? there can cause of pages recognized? because chose use flash navigation, opaque search engines, should replicate navigation using plain old html, perhaps in footer. way ses can spider pages, starting home page. -- e. michael brandt standards-compliant scripts , dreamweaver extensions justso picturewindow justso photoalbum, et alia -- More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Re: serial.write is not writing

bonjour tous je suis nouveau sur le forum  je ne parviens pas à connaitre l'état de mes sortie  et par le biais de la communication avec labview j'aimerais connaitre le code qu'il faut réaliser savoir toute les e/s du module arduino 2560 merci pour votre aide cdlt il faut que tu nous donnes plus d"informations que ça et que tu détailles ta demande. Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Re: serial.write is not writing arduino

Simple Help Needed. I am a noob.

im pretty new dreamweaver, trying learn things. familiar photoshop. anyways, problem explained in following. created simple example show trying , listed here: so want is: when hover mouse on "accessories", sunglasses show in gray area. when hover on "press", other image appears in gray area. any appreciated. thanks in advance. hi, use dreamweaver behaviours. has want do. gaurav More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe


salut tous, j'ai un projet en tête pour faire un drone autonome. le seul problème, c'est que je ne sais pas comment le programmer. je sais qu'il faudrait utiliser un module gps mais je ne sais pas comment faire en sorte qu'il se guide d'un point à un point b ! merci de votre aide  salut, le prend pas mal, mais vu la teneur de ta question je te conseille vivement de commencer par les bases, ou tout du moins déjà de regarder comment contrôler un module gps d'une part, et d'autre part un drone Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > DRONE AUTONOMe arduino

Your opinion - why should we (or should we not) use flash as our primary platform for video delivery?

hi, i work @ college delivering courses online @ distance. currently, using windows media streaming server our main platform video. want able stream, our students on world , have many different connection speeds - t3 way down dial up. windows media streaming, can configure video @ multiple bit rates, within single file, address these various speeds. file delivered @ speed appropriate each user's connection. can choose force authentication given fie, while still having of our video clips available anyone. we evaluating our setup , looking various options. lot has been said flash. love hear pros , cons using flash our primary platform. have heard 1 advantage flash there way of setting files, no player needed. know if true. sense not - had removed flash computer, , not play swf extension. suspect, computer had no idea without flash player installed. i have heard concept of streaming inherent within flash technology - flash files automatically stream in similar manner our current s...

Aiuto sui commenti - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ciao ragazzi questo è il mio primo posta su questo forum che lseguo oramai da un paio di settimane cioè da quando sono approdato joomla... il problema che mi attanaglia pomeriggi è quello della possibilità di inserire commenti ad alcune notizie nel mio progetto di blog. ho appreso che ci sono due componenti fondamentali per far ciò. akocomment e joscomment..bene io che sono ababstanza asciutto di codici e stili sono risucito nell'impresa di non centrare l'obiettivo con entrambii . tra due quello che mi sembra più carino e joscomment (per la presenza del foglio di stile integrato), ma qui o altrove ho appreso che sia pagamento (me lo confermate????) per cui ho lasciato perdere..tra l'altro, ah dimenticavo per il momento opero in locale, mi riempiva la home di errori e warning e non sapevo dove sbattere la testa. veniamo ad akocomment...l'ho iprelevato ed installato da un sito insieme ad altri due programmi handcash e security immage (altrimenti non andava e mi riempiva a...

How to convert tree Int to one Int?

hello, i converted 3 int: int = 12; int b = 10; int b = 11; how 3 joined int? int abc = 101211; i need please! thanks! first of int won't hold number big. code: [select] int = 12; int b = 10; int c = 11; long = (a * 10,000l) + (b * 100) + c; Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How to convert tree Int to one Int? arduino

Thread: LaTeX issues

hi all, i'm noob unubtu .... using gedit latex writing, , far test docs don't seem work. in terminal type code: latex test.tex my test old miktek premable use template 2 packages commented out, amsmath , geometry, , code: $int$ no compiler errors, no integral shows up.... appreciated since i'd write school reports home... of course once done, have matlab install ... posted wannabegeek hi all, i'm noob unubtu .... using gedit latex writing, , far test docs don't seem work. in terminal type code: latex test.tex my test old miktek premable use template 2 packages commented out, amsmath , geometry, , code: $int$ no compiler errors, no integral shows up.... appreciated since i'd write school reports home... of course once done, have matlab install ... im not...

Flash in Director issues

i have 12 swfs need put director shell , when buttons on swfs link other swfs work fine buttons in swfs link web don't work @ (neither quit buttons on swfs). know it's (hopefully anyway) simple lil brain fried trying. appreciated. in advance. when use geturl in flash it's anticipated there browser present hosting swf can react properly. in case there isn't, need have director catch commands. drop behavior on flash sprite , see flash saying you, , decide how react: -- on geturl me, tdata put tdata end More discussions in Director Lingo adobe

Arduino toy car with 2 sensors. small code issue

hello people! part of highschool science fair project running simple rc car arduino. using light sensor can display in terms of voltage light intensity , ultrasonic sensor. problem code doesn't work. now, tested code individually, each separate segment code works. car motor pwm works. light sensor works, sonar sensor works. however, when put them in single code, both sensor work because connected them led check, motor doesn't move. of please me because it's first time using arduino , don't know if code logic good, used samples , examples reference. code: [select] int echo=9; //sonar sensor int trig=8; //sonar sensor int led=7; int enb=2; //enables motor int forward=10; // + on side makes motor go forward int back=11; void setup() {   pinmode(echo, input);   pinmode(led, output);   serial.begin (9600);   pinmode(trig, output);   pinmode(enb, output);   pinmode(forward, output);   pinmode(back, output);  } void loop() {...

Flash Video Gallery

flash video gallery @ the videos have way big preview window. have being able adjusting position of description dynamix text box. looked @, .xml file, , everywhere else think of not success help plz More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Serial Com on Uno

i trying perform serial com arduino uno , 4d system touch screen. possible arduino communicate both touch screen , serial monitor? or there read/write issue? quote is possible arduino communicate both touch screen , serial monitor not @ same time. use software serial library bit bang serial port. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Serial Com on Uno arduino

academic version of studio mx

i purchased academic version of studio mx. has experience software? im hoping full version reading. just wondering if can colaborate? thanks progressive_learning wrote: > purchased academic version of studio mx. has experience > software? im hoping full version > reading. > > wondering if can colaborate? > > > it identical full version; difference eula. it's not used commercial purposes. -- bonnie in california 8 ^ ) More discussions in Fireworks adobe

Thread: Update fails to install

on oct 2 did update. when installed update got emailmerge , quit. waited few minutes , quit update , update not work. message when try run update. screenshot.png appreciated. you try: code: sudo apt-get -f install Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Update fails to install Ubuntu

iplayer outside UK - Raspberry Pi Forums

iplayer installed on raspberry pi wheezy. after installing ran command: code: select all get_iplayer --cat film , got long list of films. when issued same command again, did not give list, message @ end of list on previous run follows: code: select all get_iplayer 2.94-ppa23, copyright (c) 2008-2010 phil lewis program comes absolutely no warranty; details use --warranty. free software, , welcome redistribute under conditions; use --conditions details. info: 0 matching programmes --cat film command same successful because used arrow avoid retyping. tried download film using number first run , got error message though found film code: select all matches: 1160: scottish parliament - alcohol, bbc parliament, default info: 1 matching programmes warning: 'default' programme version not determined warning: no programme versions found warning: may receive message if using get_iplayer outside uk film list problem , version problem because of being outside uk? there els...

Controllin a motor brushless by RF 433mhz

hi guys! i'm new here , need in problem! i don't program can control brushless motor rf 433mhz , potentiometer control yor velocity. whatever informations, programs , others welcome! thank much! the brushless motor part easy. have buy esc (electronic speed control) , connect small 3 pin servo cable arduino . can find esc @ hobbyking.  red=> no connection (this output bec 5v regulator built esc) black=> arduino gnd yellow (or orange)=> connect whichever pin use servo library  i can't rf link because don't have 433mhz radio pair. don't know format these. suggest try google put word "arduino " @ beginning of search screen out pic , basic stamp examples. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabi...

Thread: gksu nautilus error message

*running ubuntu 9.04 on laptop *all software updated *open gnome terminal 2.26.0 *type "gksu nautilus" cmd @ shell prompt *result follows (excluding dashes define terminal text): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xyz@xyz-laptop:~$ gksu nautilus sense key: 0xf0 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0b 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 nautilus-share-message: called "net usershare info" failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. error no such file or directoryplease ask system administrator enable user sharing. led: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. error no such file or directory ** (nautilus:5847): warning **: unable add monitor: operation not supported ---------------------------------------...

Thread: How do I run terminal commands in VALA?

hello. i'd run gksudo commands in vala. how do that? thanks!! use glib. glib platform when using vala, , there convenient website (though not complete) browse documentation here: glib.process.spawn_command_line_async Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk How do I run terminal commands in VALA? Ubuntu

How to make arduino recognize a pair of numbers and turn on an led.

hello all, title may bit confusing have 2 numbers. rowstate ranges 1-5 , columnstate ranges 1-5. program first detects if "row button" hit. if 1 of 5 row buttons hit state of variable "rowstate" changes either 1-5 depedning on button hit. same columns. once hit row button , column button tell program print both of states see if works , does. question how light led 5 5 grid (max7219) using coordinates speak. if rowstate = 1 , columnstate = 1 , want have led (1,1) turn on. ideas, im still kind of beginner in arduino , i'm surprised got far project thankfull. my code below if wondering. code: [select] #define referencevoltage a0 #define buttonrow a1 #define buttoncolumn a2 #define ledb 2 #define ledc1 3   int voltage = analogread(referencevoltage);   int whichrow = analogread(buttonrow);     int rowstate = 0;   int columnstate = 0; void setup() { serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {       while(rowstate == 0){ ro...

[Processing - Arduino] Send multiple data with Serial from Processing to Arduino

hey guys, i know subject problem recurrent didn't find solution problem. i want "stream" picture rainbowduino link arduino uno. that, use processing analyse et getpixel rgb value each 8x8 pixel of image. till this, there no matter. now have send these datas arduino , there matter. didn't manage send data 1 per 1 arduino. it's arduino didn't understand processing data corresponding arduino data. here code, maybe me newbie problem arduino code : code: [select] i#include <rainbowduino.h> int xwidth; int yheight; int color; void setup(){   serial.begin(9600);   rb.init(); } void loop(){   if (serial.available() >= 3){     xwidth =;     yheight =;     color =;     //serial.println (xwidth);     //serial.println(yheight);     serial.println(color);     rb.setpixelxy(xwidth, yheight, color, color, color);    ...

rtd interfacing with arduino

dear sir,        i using pt100 wheatstone bridge circuit measure change in resistance. input voltage wheatstone bridge circuit  5v arduino. output voltage @ 33 degree celsius 0.19 0.20v. can't measure voltage arduino uno. , wheatstone bridge balanced properly. i haven't added amplifier. have connected wheatstone bridge circuit directly arduino have attached code here... please reply me ... in need of urgently code: [select] int in_pin = a0; void setup() { serial.begin(9600); } void loop(0 { int val = analogread(in_pin); double voltage = (5.0 / 1204.0) * val; serial.println(voltage); delay(500); } code: [select] void loop(0 { you haven't compiled this, have you? code: [select] double voltage = (5.0 / 1204.0) * val; what "1204" refer to? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > rtd inte...