hi need help in getting pwm code to work on leonardo

hi guys,

i found disappointment leonardo has no pwm higher 500hz or so. when bought it, thought  had pwm pins have docs "libs" handle them far search there no one.

guys question how can make pwm timers , register without screwing up  usb connection. tried the  code bellow. compiles fine after uploading, lost usb connection , leonardo not recognized. pressed upload , after compiling finished pressed reset on board new empty sketch uploaded , have leonardo recognized again:



#define timer4_resolution 1023ul
#define pll_freq 48000000ul

unsigned long pwmperiod = 0;
isr(timer4_ovf_vect) {}

void enable_intr(){
    timsk4 = _bv(toie4);

void disable_intr(){
    timsk4 = 0;

void initialize(unsigned long freq) {

    /* init internal pll */
   pllfrq = _bv(pdiv2);
   pllcsr = _bv(plle);
   while(!(pllcsr & _bv(plock)));
   pllfrq |= _bv(plltm0); /* pck 48mhz */

   tccr4a = (1<<pwm4a);
   tccr4e = (1<<enhc4);
   tccr4d = (1<<wgm40); //set phase , frequency correct mode   
   tccr4c = 0;   
void setpwmduty(unsigned int duty) {   
   unsigned long dutycycle = pwmperiod;   
   dutycycle *= duty; 
   dutycycle >>= 9;
   tc4h = (dutycycle) >> 8;
   ocr4a = (dutycycle) & 255;

void start() {
  tccr4a |= _bv(com4a1);
void stop()  {
  tccr4a &= ~(_bv(com4a1));

void setperiod(unsigned long freq)  {
unsigned long cycles = pll_freq / 2 / freq;
unsigned char clockselectbits = 0;

        if (cycles < timer4_resolution) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs40);
        pwmperiod = cycles;
    } else
    if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 2) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs41);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 2;
    } else
    if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 4) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs41) | _bv(cs40);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 4;
    } else
    if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 8) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs42);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 8;
    } else
    if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 16) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs42) | _bv(cs40);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 16;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 32) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs42) | _bv(cs41);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 32;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 64) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs42) | _bv(cs41) | _bv(cs40);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 64;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 128) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 128;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 256) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs40);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 256;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 512) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs41);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 512;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 1024) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs41) | _bv(cs40);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 1024;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 2048) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs42);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 2048;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 4096) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs42) | _bv(cs40);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 4096;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 8192) {
        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs42) | _bv(cs41);
        pwmperiod = cycles / 8192;
    } else
        if (cycles < timer4_resolution * 16384) {        clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs42) | _bv(cs41) | _bv(cs40);        pwmperiod = cycles / 16384;     }  /*else           clockselectbits = _bv(cs43) | _bv(cs42) | _bv(cs41) | _bv(cs40);        pwmperiod = timer4_resolution - 1; */            tccr4b = clockselectbits;             tc4h = pwmperiod >> 8;
        ocr4c = pwmperiod;


void setup() {

pinmode(13, output);
initialize(123456);  // frequency generate in hz
setpwmduty(512);     // duty cycle 0-1024, 1024 100%, 512 50%

void loop(){

any appreciated. started arduino gentle me smiley-wink.


well, first thing put put code in code tags avoid crap being displayed

if (cycles < timer4_resolution  * 8){

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > hi need help in getting pwm code to work on leonardo



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