
Showing posts from March, 2012

Correct use of if and boolean statement?

hi quick question. i driving servomotor on condition of 2 things. i want drive continuous rotation servomotor when temperature reaches setpoint want drive until condition changes on 1 of digital inputs e.g. goes low. plan this: code: [select] if (temp > 25 && digin == high) windowservo.write(90); this should drive servo until either digital input goes low or temperature below 25 degrees? any grealy appreciated. well,  if want keep doing something,  until criterion no longer true,   then need "while" statement,  not "if". but since whole loop( ) function of arduino runs on , over,  within while loop outside loop( ) function,   so "if" statement here should ok in context. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Correct use of if and boolean statement? arduin

Thread: EasyCap USB 05e1:0408

i've bought 4 ch external dvr, don't can working. i've installed svn syntekdriver (this 1 has support this). picture this: it's moving if move camera, think there settings problem, setting , where? attached images pic.png (127.0 kb, 76 views) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [all variants] EasyCap USB 05e1:0408 Ubuntu

Starting Rotter at startup. - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, use recording system rotter. attempts start rotter after booting automatically failed. rotter use jackd, start in rc.local. commandline can start rotter with: code: select all rotter -q -a -f flac -c 1 -d 250 -q -l flat /home/pi/archives & disown can put line start @ boot after jackd startup? regards thomas hello, have found problem. jackd shows after starting output , not release console. start jackd nohub , "2>/dev/null &" @ end. regards thomas raspberrypi

Browser to support Google Drive - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm evaluating rpi possible alternative use in our school's computer program. use google apps education extensively. disappointed see chromium doesn't support gdrive. there browser support gdrive? insync , other similar methods not solution due rpi's limited storage space. dheld wrote: i'm evaluating rpi possible alternative use in our school's computer program. use google apps education extensively. disappointed see chromium doesn't support gdrive. there browser support gdrive? insync , other similar methods not solution due rpi's limited storage space. version of chromium offered raspbian os repository ancient, out-of-date , lacking features. though iceweasel (firefox esr) browser available code: select all sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install iceweasel sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin there other operating systems ubuntu mate community projects not supported rpf unlike raspbian os rasp

Using a keyswitch to select a function (and announce the change..)

hi all, for new project have bought keyswitch 3 positions want use control project. @ moment idea use switch case construction can switch between 3 functions use. approach doesn't let me handle switch. for example send message lcd screen when switch 1 case another. code: [select] switch(mode) { case 2: menu2(); break; case 3: menu1(); break; default: readtag(); break; } where mode determined position of switch. how this? i don't see wrong little bit of code have posted don't understand question. maybe need post whole sketch and/or explain problem more clearly. ...r Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Using a keyswitch to select a function (and announce the change..) arduino

M24SR64 and arduino I2C communication

hi using arduino uno board make application read data of m24sr64 antenna using i2c protocol. problem don't know if communicating it. know datasheet address read m24sr64 0xad. here code of arduino uno can read data #include <wire.h> void setup() {    serial.begin(9600);      wire.begin();         serial.println(eepromread());     } void loop() { } byte eepromread() {   wire.begintransmission(0xad); // opens i2c communication m24sr64   wire.write(0);   wire.endtransmission();     wire.requestfrom(0xad, 1);     while(!wire.available())   {      }   return; } i have read in datasheet in order read ndef file have to  send selectndeftagapplication command, select cc file, read cc file, select ndef file , read ndef file. the problem here don't know how send commands using arduino , direction have send them. need interpret data datasheet. i attach image of oscilloscope when update code above when arduino , m24sr64 connected , asked address 0xad 1 byte. can s

start/end publish date format - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i'm italian user of joomla. i've little problem. i'm making site joomla customer . in italy date format dd-mm-yyyy (example: 08 - 12 - 2006 08 dicember 2006). with publisher account customer want insert end publish date in italian formate , view start publish date in italian format also. i not want "modify" how joomla save in db dates view , insert front-end publisher account only. sorry english. can me? thanx in advance please me  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Interrupt at shutdown(Solved)

hello. i've searched bit , found topics on this, objetive write eeprom @ shutdown, writing memory takes power needed battery backup, etc. case simple think. need send 3 bytes via serial @ 31250 baud rate when shutdowns. use interrupt in fall mode, ok? how make connection? voltage divider @ interrupt pin maybe? voltage takes few seconds reach 0v, before 7805  is +12/-12 power supply 4700uf filter capacitors. thanks your ideas sounds you're on right track, think time prototype right capacitor Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Interrupt at shutdown(Solved) arduino

Very strange masking issue...

okay, here links 2 separate .swfs. 1 of them has mask, 1 doesn't (as indicated swf name in url)... the "buttons" mcs bottom layer has green highlight , top layer has text of button (dynamically loaded xml file). idea why adding mask remove text buttons (but still keep green highlights)???: thanks... >>any idea why adding mask remove text buttons???: did embed font? not embedding that. dave More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Returning to LAST slide of PREVIOUSLY loaded movie

hello all! i stumped. have lengthy project needed broken apart 15 different captivate movies load seamlessly user. problem occurs when users click button. if on first screen of 3rd movie, clicking replays first screen again , again. need them able click button , load last slide of 2nd movie. make sense? i have tried using captivate player - great tool, way! has found way tweak player accommodate problem, or have other tools or suggestions? thank help! i've spent weeks trying figure out, , i'm pulling hair out! tracy hi tracyabney this isn't possible, nor aware of existing workaround. don't know everything. flash developer types pretty darn creative! if think worthwhile featue, request clicking here . cheers... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Can anyone help me? How do i specify a menu for the home page alone? AARGH! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

can me? how specify menu home page alone? sandpetra wrote: can me? how specify menu home page alone?  :'( for instance -> backend (administrator) -> modules -> site modules -> mainmenu -> right hand side under menu items link(s) -> highlight mainmenu|home. mainmenu appear on home page. (use ctl key select multiple items) regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

French JoomFish - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

where can find download french language? i'm using joomla 1.0.11 , can find joomla1.5-beta-fr on ... ranslation where download 1.0.11? i need install via site language manager site languages i have english , dutch , need add french ... thx ... ench_1_0_0 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x

Multiple event handlers for one button

i'm trying create button 2 event handlers, such when roll-over button, submenu pops up, , when click button, go frame. feel shouldn't hard @ all, it's not working. below actionscript have tried. both event handlers work want them if alone, on(release) functionality not work when try put them together.(i have flash 8). help! on (release) { _root.gotoandstop("one1"); telltarget (_root.navigation) { gotoandstop (1); } } on (rollover) { this.gotoandplay("links"); telltarget (_root.navigation.introduction) { gotoandstop (1); } telltarget (_root.navigation.overview) { gotoandstop (16); } telltarget (_root.navigation.coronary) { gotoandstop (1); } } this code ok, seems when u rollover on button, event fired , keeps on running time u r on it. think add delete this.onrollover inside rollover event. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Megadrive pad Arduino uno Code via Unojoy

hi everyone, i tried out few codes found on net nothing seems work (for me). either have buttons in state or (high: start /low b c) not together. every pin of db9 pad in digital inputof uno (except pin 0 & 1) pin 5:+5v pin 8: ground pin 7 select button (as output). anyone have idea ? thanks ok found out ! i used code : code: [select] [#include "unojoy.h" int = 2; int down = 3; int left = 4; int right = 5; int ab = 6; int slct = 7; //setting pin high/low reads a/b , start/c int startc = 8; void setup() {   (int = 2; <= 6; += 1){     pinmode(i, input);   } //pins 1-6 inputs   pinmode(slct, output); //'select' pin output   pinmode(startc, input);   setupunojoy(); } void loop() {   dataforcontroller_t controllerdata = getcontrollerdata();   setcontrollerdata(controllerdata); //unojoy loop taken example sketch } dataforcontroller_t getcontrollerdata(void) {   dataforcontroller_t controllerdata = getblankdataforcontroller();   digitalwr

Xbee Point to MultiPoint Network

hello, trying create point multipoint network. i did has downs. 1 of xbee coordinator and supposed receive data other xbees. it that, if, example, 2 xbees send data @ same time, only 1 received , oder 1 has wait abou 5-6 seconds untill it's possible send it's data. problem interval of 5-6 seconds. there solution minimize interval. increasing baud rate change anything? thank you quote is there solution minimize interval. yes. involves posting code , configuration information first, though. i'd guess, though, point using broadcast mode talk multi-points. then, multi-points scream out response immediately, , 1 message gets through. if case, visit kindergarten class, , see how teacher (the single point xbee) deals students (the multi-point xbees). students not allowed shout out answer @ once. teacher asks question, , students raise hands if want respond. teacher calls on 1 student answer. Arduino Forum

Using scikit learn to learn how to play video games. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i know there pieces of code play games if harnessing machine learning many not , pre programmed every possible combination don't every learn anything. can computer running scikit learn teach it's self how play simple game without human intervention or pre existing knowledge game? example of computer learning play mario. computer didn't know happen if mario came in contact goomba when did learned goomba enemy. here link scikit learn website i found video program called mari/o teaches it's self how play mario. here link raspberrypi

Noob....and obviously needing help! :) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, took plunge , bought 2 pi2 kits. both came noobs v1.4 (18 feb 2105) build. i'm totally , utterly new opensource stuff, might need pampering want use 1 box kodi. noobs install gives me 4 options openelec. 2 can ignore pi. other 2; rpi2 , pi2 guess ones need @ (pi2). tried pi2, had network icon right i'm assuming internet update/download , install deal. kept failing though had valid network connection. clicking button failed load webpage (tried raspbian , failed too). tried rpi2 installed , booted kodi 14.1. showed me ip know nic working fine. i'd use latest [stable] versions of both openelec , kodi. can current version update or new image need written on top? (no idea how have seen tuts on it) i'm wondering why failed connect internet unless port specific , may have create nat rule on our sophos utm router. initial advice in instance appreciated. in meantime shall continue trawl (not troll) forums answers. cheers hi , welcome forum. believe the

Thread: Logitech web cam support?

hello have installed ubuntu on system. never used before this. use sykpe lot , web cam feature. there way drivers usb logitech web cam. have looked @ tutorials none seems work write. please give me newbies guide. in advanced Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Logitech web cam support? Ubuntu

Thread: vob to dvd or iso

i have several dvd rips want burn onto dvd, in vob format. how can convert them? i've tried using mkisofs -dvd-video -o ybcr1.iso /home/user/dvd movies/ybcr1, path has movie i: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings) genisoimage: no such file or directory. invalid node - '/home/user/dvd'. can point me in right direction? try instead: mkisofs -dvd-video -o ybcr1.iso /home/user/dvd\ movies/ybcr1 program mkisofs doesn't spaces. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] vob to dvd or iso Ubuntu

Installing Bluetooth - Raspberry Pi Forums

i seem having problems install bluetotoh drivers (at least think they're drivers) on raspberry pi 2. trying run command, supposedly supposed install them: apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils blueman have sworn worked yesterday on model a+, today neither install drivers. problem seems related internet, know have working internet connection, i'm writing post on raspberry pi itself. here's error: code: select all need 1,969 kb/30.7 mb of archives. after operation, 84.7 mb of additional disk space used. err wheezy/main libcupscgi1 armhf 1.5.3-5+deb7u5 404 not found err wheezy/main libcupsmime1 armhf 1.5.3-5+deb7u5 404 not found err wheezy/main libcupsppdc1 armhf 1.5.3-5+deb7u5 404 not found err wheezy/main cups-ppdc armhf 1.5.3-5+deb7u5 404 not found err http://mirrordirector.rasp

Internet trouble - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, set berryboot raspiean , stuck internet problem. first of all, ocure ethernet , wifi. both connections shared, ethernet macbook, wifi iphone. till cold work around thous problems entries of dns , in /etc/network/interfaces file (looks right this:) code: select all auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet dhcp allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet manual dns-nameserver dns-nameserver wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf iface default inet dhcp can ping on wifi-connection, if try update error message: code: select all sudo apt-get update err wheezy release.gpg not connect (, connection timed out err wheezy release.gpg not connect (, connection timed out err wheezy release.gpg not connect (, connection ti

VirtueMart, Product Categories visas som TransMenu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

nu undrar jag vart man ändrar utéendet på transmenu? färgerna som används för denna passar inte in mot den template jag nu har så jag tänkte om man skulle ändra färgerna lite, men vart? update: har hittat php'n för den, det ser ut som en module men varför kommer man inte åt den administrator läget? (./modules/vm_transmenu/transmenu.php) hej du får ändra css filen modules/vm_transmenu/transmenuv.css Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Komponenter, moduler och Mambots

Thread: cd-rom is gone

hi couple of days ago switched of hdd (all sata), ubuntu doesn't find cd-rom anymore (when putt in cd nothing, doesn't mount cd @ bootup) /etc/fstab file # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # -- file has been automaticly generated ntfs-config -- # # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 # entry /dev/sda7 : uuid=7634ef3b-2acf-47cf-947d-44c4d3e76d24 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1 # entry /dev/sda6 : uuid=5d66d160-c960-4b23-92d4-6a1f7d73c24e none swap sw 0 0 /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0 /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0 /dev/sda1 /media/w ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_us.utf-8 0 0 /dev/sdb1 /media/t ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_us.utf-8 0 0 when in /dev/ folder there's no /dev/scd0 or /dev/cdrom can solve (sorry bad english)

Help with rainbowduino

i purchased rainbowduino , downloaded library ardino ide. have no problem getting rainbowduino example sketch load in blank sketch. when go download rainbowduino fails because of serial port not found. when go select serial port there no available usb port choose from. ideas? got :* had download drivers macbook recognize usb port rainbowduino. , running. son ran throuh of examples came <rainbowduino.h> library. taking time view post. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > Help with rainbowduino arduino

joomlaxplorer not working after upgrade to Joomla 1.0.11 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

since upgrading joomla 1.0.11 cannot joomlaxplorer work. upgrading joomlaxplorer 1.5.0  brings page error below every item in directory (joomlaxplorer 1.5.0)    warning: posix_geteuid() has been disabled security reasons in /home/xxx/administrator/components/com_joomlaxplorer/.include/fun_list.php on line 577 (joomlaxplorer 1.5.1)    warning: posix_geteuid() has been disabled security reasons in /home/xxx/administrator/components/com_joomlaxplorer/.include/fun_list.php on line 577 still getting same error after upgrading 1.5.1 any thoughts  graeme Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Can I connect 4 arduinos by serial?

greetings everybody! i'm new in arduino, i'm trying hard proyect (because easy proyects bores me) , think midi controller ableton live. want "clone" famous novation launchpad. so, need lot of memory layers change 4 buttons (session, user1, effects , mixer) , need lot of input. i'm thinking small launchpad, original design, think use 4 arduino pro mini interconnected, but, don't know if possible, make fast design paint (i attach it) my idea make 4 independent boards arduino each 1 process data , after put together. some help? thanks you! pd: sorry bad english topics "help" in title viewed particular disfavour many contributors here, implies substantial misunderstanding of purpose of forum. bad english on other hand, accepted little or no comment unless poster claims proficient in english.    Arduino Forum > Using Arduino >

RadioHead RF Communication libraries: Any Experience?

hi everyone, anyone used radiohead communications library nrf24l01 , arduino?? experience. looks good. quote this radiohead packet radio library embedded microprocessors. provides complete object-oriented library sending , receiving packetized messages via variety of common data radios on range of embedded microprocessors. it says following drivers provided: quote rh_rf22 works hope-rf rf22b based radio modules, , compatible chips , modules, including rfm22b transceiver module such bare module: , shield: , board supports gfsk, fsk , ook. access other chip features such on-chip temperature measurement, analog-digital converter, transmitter power control etc provided. rh_rf69 works hope-rf rf69b based radio modules, such rfm69 module, (as used on excellent moteino , moteino-usb boards lowpowerlab http://lowpowerla

Thread: booting ubuntu

i've downloaded ubuntu 9.04 , think i've created bootable disk useing infrarecorder suggested sight. few weeks ago gave me working computer work didn't give me password log in. wants me wipe hard drive installing new operating system. there way install ubuntu on computer without logging in? assuming have ubuntu cd, setup boot cdrom first. boot cd, , select install ubuntu. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] booting ubuntu Ubuntu

Non mi si connette arduino

ciao tutti. sto cercando di far partire una stampante 3d prusa i2. dopo aver comprato arduino e ramps 1.4 le ho collegate al computer con usb e installato arduito con la porta com4. però quando vado su prontface (programma che lancia le stampe) e faccio connetti non si connette. cioè rimane la scritta "connecting..." e non succede niente. come faccio? qualcuno sa come risolvere questa cosa? grazie 1000 prova chiedere qui --> e' un forum più specifico per le stampanti 3d. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Non mi si connette arduino arduino

I want to connect the followig togather : Andriod+arduino+Distance Sensor

i working on project critical keep phone 3 cm away object . , want allow andriod phone (samsung s4) communicate distance sensor through andriod. distance sensor inform andriod when object 2 cm away it. thus, application work follows: 1) open application ...2) sensor open , ask user close object 3 cm ....3) user keep moving till sensor tell aandriod user 3cm , andriod display user he/she can start application. want in making code , communication between android+arduino+senor .  using following sensor , arduino : sounds interesting. what's question? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > I want to connect the followig togather : Andriod+arduino+Distance Sensor arduino

How to Install OpenMediaVault? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have been looking around on google , on pi forums have had trouble getting omv installed. if can't omv installed know image pi has omv pre installed? may helpful: ... 4479?hl=en raspberrypi

Proxy configuration in AIR Application

flex/air applications use default browser's connection setting(proxy configuration) connect server/remote systems. this mechanism ok.. in case of browser based applications. but, in case of desktop based air application, application may need connect non-standard ports(not 80,443).. need use different proxy setting of browser. but, didn't find mechanism set proxy configuration in application. can please suggest me workaround this?? More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

STICKY: Astro Pi software and drivers installation - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi folks, if won astro pi kit phase 1 of competition have pre-installed sd card quite out of date (as of august 2015) , advised update sd cards latest version of raspbian . astro pi python module has been replaced sense hat 1 here . advised people migrate away old astro pi python module (which never updated again) using new sense hat 1 (which will). install: the module backwardly compatible old astro pi python module way of alias. have: code: select all from astro_pi import astropi ap = astropi() can change astro_pi sense_hat so: code: select all from sense_hat import astropi ap = astropi() , rest of code should just work . put in allow people large bodies of astro pi specific code migrate new module. it's way code self describe relates astro pi mission. if school or workplace uses web proxy may need tell git in order updates work. can type: code: select all git config --global http.proxy or co

Thread: Help with display settings

alrighty, installed ubuntu on new laptop, , im having problems display. have 1366:768 res. when restart computer, these problems im having: 1: display either shrinks 1024:768 res, or 2: icons on panels in places shouldn't be, , makes whole desktop ugly , out of place. things can maybe fix these problems? also, want add launcher onto cairo-dock launches nautilus root access. whats run command that? not sure resolution, launch nautilus root access not recommended--it makes easy break computer. if still want to, though "gksu nautilus" it. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Help with display settings Ubuntu

Thread: have to keep disconnecting and reconnecting w/bcm43xx driver

i have keep disconnecting , reconnecting school's ap randomly (sometimes frequently, infrequently) on hp pavillion zv6000 running kubuntu 9.09 jaunty , using bcm43xx driver. (i couldn't work @ ndiswrapper.) did not have problem linksys wrt54gl ap @ home nor did have windows xp on school ap. lspci output: code: 03:02.0 network controller: broadcom corporation bcm4306 802.11b/g wireless lan controller (rev 03) subsystem: hewlett-packard company device 12f8 control: i/o- mem+ busmaster+ speccycle- memwinv- vgasnoop- parerr- stepping- serr- fastb2b- disintx- status: cap- 66mhz- udf- fastb2b- parerr- devsel=fast >tabort- <tabort- <mabort- >serr- <perr- intx- latency: 64 interrupt: pin routed irq 21 region 0: memory @ b0200000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)

New 2.5D Game Released for RISC OS Written on the RPi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, i've spent last 10 months writing new game i've released through !store on risc os. full source code included tinkering , making new games. in bbc basic v, found surprisingly powerful ability call operating system swi's directly. 2.5d/3d space game in style of gyruss/tempest featuring ~45 minutes of original music (using mp3 streaming). game runs @ 60hz in 800x600. looked making game compatible other risc os systems , managed run on pandaboard, beagleboard, iyonix, arm x6, virtual acorn pi. having not used risc os before, found raspberry pi nice cheap way experiment it. released games in 90's amiga shareware using amos , experience similar bit more low level. intend share basic library makes easier write games. kind regards, tony this sounds great! can't wait try it, didn't tell game called. raspberrypi

Developer Documentation in readable format? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm new joomla , trying speed possible. navigating through developer documentation barrier doing this. this follow-up "developer manual in pdf format"... not possible query database of text in sequential order , post text or html? if contents changing rapidly, putting cron script work fine. i'm not concerned how pretty is, need can page through quickly. hi instance, the developer documentation bit spread out @ moment, working bring together. the documentation joomla! 1.0.x on the hand-written documentation joomla! 1.5 on the automatically-generated documentation joomla! 1.5 on there little or no further work done on documenting joomla! 1.0.x.  dev doc team working hard produce developer documentation joomla! 1.5 work in progress.  have been able up-to-date , set-up have updated every few days latest svn code.  next step make same information available in additional formats.  ea

Thread: ISP not accepting SMTP password after update

hi all, e-mail working fine yesterday today error message "unable authenticate smtp server. bad authentication response server." thing know has changed ran update manager morning. have 2 different accounts, 1 uses evolution , 1 uses thunderbird. neither accept password. logged in via web mail , verified passwords work there. have xp box , verified connects correctly not believe isp @ fault. isp roadrunner , running ubuntu 9.04. have suggestions? thanks. dan you'll need resolve discrepencies advanced settings in both email programs , might check network settings also seems there many strange things happening on interwebs these days . Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] ISP not accepting SMTP password after update Ubuntu

showing only a component output - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i've component has google map part of content. i want add "enlarge map" link shows map without rest of content , surrounding modules. i've tried setting format "raw" in url, doesnt allow map model add required css/js document head. what best way achieve i'm after? cheers rob as far understand want 1 specific "design" 1 page. imho easy implementation specific template being assigned page calls want , nothing more (strip modules, components , down bare minimum). fiddling around components, plugins , @ runtime looks far dangerous , complicated me. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

Raspberry Pi Robot - Raspberry Pi Forums

i make raspberry pi robot control remotely travel particular route , save route travel without assistance of remote in future. instance might use remote control take around garden , save route "around garden" , next time click on route , provided put @ same starting point each time know go. possible , if how this. thank it depends on length of route, , how big field route takes place in is. google: odometry gps robo magellan hannah12328 wrote: i make raspberry pi robot control remotely travel particular route , save route travel without assistance of remote in future. instance might use remote control take around garden , save route "around garden" , next time click on route , provided put @ same starting point each time know go. possible , if how this. thank raspberrypi

Form Variables blank after logon

hi i new dreamweaver 2004 mx , web development please bear me. have index page (index.htm) has been split 3 frames. login frame (php page), navigation frame (php page) , main text frame (php / html page). within login frame there form asking username & password. "login button" has server behaviour assigned of log on user , authenticate username , password against registered users table in mysql database. if login successful, should open login_successful page (php) in main text frame of site. part of page says "welcome <username", username form variable. problem never seems pass through username. if dont authenticate against database table , load page username variable shows ok looks once has authenticated database clearing down username variable. has got ideas causing happen need a) authenticate details , b) have username variable available need to query mysql database return specific matches username. does know why happening. info & guidance appre

consiglio libro per imparare a programmare

ciao ragazzi sono nuovo su questo forum e volevo gentilmente farvi una domanda. mi potete consigliare un libro per imparare programmare arduino (premetto che in elettronica me la cavo),possibilmente spiegato in modo facile. grazie in anticipo io ho letto questo ed è molto utile come guida rapida di referenza ma per imparare ho guardato dei videotouturial su youtube ti metto due link tutorial 1 - imparare arduino:   (sito del video)   (sito del libbro) Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > consiglio libro per imparare a programmare arduino

stability issues after updating the bootloader on a mega2560

hi, i have few arduino megas here updated bootloaders on. after doing ran sketches utilize ethernet library , whole system seems lock after 30-40 seconds of operation requiring manual reset. originally updated support watch dog timer. running scrips written , tested previous bootloader seems fail. this happens when connected ethernet , has made connections. sitting on desk no ethernet connection seem loop endlessly no prob, once can make connection though things hairy , system typically locks within seconds. again sketch tested number of other mega2560s (running factory bootloader) , day have been running without hitch. suspecting new bootloader culprit. has else ran similar issues or know of way resolve it? i updated bootloader in ide 1.0.5 , cant find reference bootloader version number anywhere? i use stk500v2/stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex (but not sure if version ive installed or not). thanks anyones help! Arduino Forum

I want to make a remote-controlled AC thermostat. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i want smartphone connect web page can tell r pi wirelessly tell a/c thermostat adjust temperature. don't want pi thermostat since want use wirelessly tell other home electronics stuff. parts need achieve a/c idea? have rpi, smartphone , modem/router. else need? here place start. viewtopic.php?f=37&t=95682&p=761490&hil ... st#p761490 raspberrypi

Roll Overs Not Working on Some Windows PCs

i've created site uses roll overs: <> these roll overs work fine when viewed mac safari, explorer & firefox. on windows pcs i've tested looks fine in firefox & explorer. however, i've received complaints windows xp users tell me roll overs don't work. can tell me need make these roll overs universally? thanks, john on fri, 29 sep 2006 14:21:47 +0000 (utc), "icac" <> wrote: >i've created site uses roll overs: > > <> > > these roll overs work fine when viewed mac safari, explorer & >firefox. on windows pcs i've tested looks fine in firefox & >explorer. > > however, i've received complaints windows xp users tell me >the roll overs don't work. > > can tell me need make these roll overs universally? > > thanks,

Thread: How to back up files through Live CD?

how gain access copy files ubuntu hard drive? cuz bootscrene hangs , can't use anymore. can access see files through live cd how copy them? says need permission. press alt+f2 , type: gksu nautilus open nautilus file browser administrator permission copy/paste files ever want them. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] How to back up files through Live CD? Ubuntu

Can't Log in through SSH - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, set rpi 2. changed default password, rebooted several times , managed log in. went raspi-config , made sure ssh enabled. used step 2 of following guide give rpi2 static ethernet ip ... eb-server/ dowonloaded putty exe file on win7 laptop. start exe file, following step 2 of guide: ... pberry-pi/ after hitting pi user goes , asks me password. once type password says access denied... tried again same. after pondering changed password 123456 , worked normally. problem on first password had @ character. bug or wasn't supposed use special character? try typing '@' character on rpi keyboard in place see type. see '@' or quotation marks or else? same remote keyboard on ssh. if don't see same character both times, conclude 1 of people never reads guides , hasn't configured rpi os use non-british english keyboard. raspberrypi

What\ / com_admin ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have made search not turned me problem have encountered. i installed joomla! using fantastico , found 1.0.8 upgraded 1.0.11 using patch.  wanted add community builder found out how install components , went follow instructions via admin panel.  when looked menu bar @ top of page couldn't find one.  instead said, on left of page, what\ / com_admin i don't know whether after fantastico install or after upgrade didn't notice. i wonder if has come across , can suggest solution? many thanks if understand correctly, stating not seeing menu bar across across top of admin site. i suggest re-uploading patch files again, possible of files did not upload correctly via ftp , got corrupted during ftp transfer. if have "concurrent" file uploads turned on in ftp client, suggest reducing number of concurrent file uploads or turning off. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Thread: Black screen on a Daewoo DLT-22W4T monitor

i'm experiencing issue described in: can me work around it? thank much. i have confirmed problem wrong autodetected resolution, described in bug comments. know how change resolution terminal? in advance. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Black screen on a Daewoo DLT-22W4T monitor Ubuntu

Problem trying to burn bootloader in arduino

hello. i'm new in forum i have  problems trying burn bootloader in new atmega328 i following 2 ways. normal connection between boards using digital pins (8-10)  , icsp pins i have same problem. after few seconds can read next lines. code: [select] avrdude: stk500_program_enable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x50 avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1          double check connections , try again, or use -f override          this check. avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51 someone can me? how preventing auto-reset on uno being used programmer?  use 1 10 microfarad capacitor between reset (+) , gnd (-). Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Problem trying to burn bootloader in arduino arduino

Parsing JSON data from Ethernet

hello! i've been trying parse json data gather time , current bitcoin value in usd. have been able raw json formatted data web service cannot parse it. have been using library parse data. here's current code: code: [select] #include <jsonarray.h> #include <jsonhashtable.h> #include <jsonobjectbase.h> #include <jsonparser.h> /*   dns , dhcp-based web client circuit: * ethernet shield attached pins 10, 11, 12, 13 */ #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h> // enter mac address controller below. byte mac[] = {  0x00, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xde, 0x02 }; char servername[] = ""; char json[] = ""; jsonparser<64> parser; string location = "/~v1/bpi/currentprice/usd.json"; // initialize ethernet client library ethernetclient client; void setup() {   // start serial library:   serial.begin(9600)

Deciding which wysiwyg editor to use - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i'm still new joomla. while trying resolve problem (the seemingly common issue of dark background) in wysiwyg editor i've been seeing lot of references jce editor. i've been using tinymce editor comes basic install of joomla 1.0.11. lot of posts praise jce there seem lot of posts problems it. so how 1 decide editor use? know, know, "personal preference." understand that. guess i'm asking "do have different functionality other 'look , feel'?" thanks! of course these decisions come down personal preference. use jce, have found easier , offered more features, of plug-ins such advance link , image manager. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

Serial port blocked

hey, all! i have problem serial port. so have attached usb cable pc, , when compiled code, error says serial com8 not found , suggested me set serial port. (tools>serial port) but apparently, serial port grey out. not able com 8 setting up. does has ever got similar issue? please tell me, how overcome issue! thank you! stella check whether drivers being updated or not. goto manage-> device manager.-> check ports. here check when arduino board when connected happens in port section . if highlighted in yellow means need update driver. my path : code: [select] d:\arduino-1.0.5-r2\drivers here. whereever have ide . search driver update relevant drivers Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Serial port blocked arduino

Quiz engine the link above has quiz open source. having trouble editing it. says "this simple quiz program developer just has set given parameters typing questions , respective answers. in movie script have change value of variable declared "qnt" according number of questions. click "proceed" continue..." basically, want simple quiz application there multiple choice questions. don't have time easy option will recommended. the download below file i'm trying edit. how change questions etc... download: thanks in advance. pip! if in score, there bunch of frames numbered starting 0. each numerically labeled frame has script on called "question behaviour". if click once on behaviour, in behavior inspector, click little gear icon enter parameters. here have options. on each answer, there script can click gear icon set if right or wrong answe

Taller de arduino en Sevilla (10/06/2014)

buenas tardes todos. vamos celebrar un taller sobre arduino el próximo 10/06/2014 en sevilla (españa), enmarcado en el ciclo de conferencias "[sic] debates sobre tendencias de la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento" . estamos buscando personas que quieran contar sus proyectos personales con arduino en este evento, preferentemente de manera presencial. si te apetece participar y contarnos tu iniciativa, contacta con nostros en: dm twitter: @debatesic e-mail: tenéis más información en: acerca de [sic]: debatesic es una iniciativa abierta y participativa puesta en marcha en 2012 por la universitat oberta de catalunya (uoc), el institute prospective technological studies (ipts) y la junta de andalucía (ceice). actualmente, la oportunidad de estos debates es indiscutible. la irrupción y generalización de las llamadas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic) han modificado no sólo la forma en que accedemos

Captivate Image Quality after Resize

does have tips or tricks keeping image quality of captivate movies after resizing? seems quality of movie shrunk down below 85% of orginal degrades rapidly. trying 45% size reduction onscreen text in movie essential unreadable. missing preference setting, there trick, third party solution? useful suggestions welcome. thanks, chris hi chris unfortunately, degradation in quality occurs when resizing. because @ end of day, when said , done, captivate movies series of bitmap images display in succession , provide illusion of fluid movement. one way avoid size movie before recording resizing isn't necessary. know isn't possible. another thing hits me maybe referring text captions inserted. can retain existing size of these aren't scaled along movie. there option can select. (pulling memory here don't have captivate in front of me @ moment) think check box or option button labeled along lines of "rescale captions , objects". hopefully helps... rick More disc

Neigungskompensierter Kompass (tilt compensated magnetometer/compass)

hallo liebe community, ich versuche einen neigungskompensierten kompass mit hilfe eines arduino's, eines hmc5883l magnetometers und eines adxl335 zu bauen. leider funktioniert es nicht wie erwartet und den fehler kann ich nicht entdecken... ---------------------------------------- zum beschleunigungssensor adxl335: es ist ein analoger sensor, weswegen ich zuerst die volt-werte lese. code: [select] float xacc = xread; float yacc = yread; float zacc = zread; dann wird ein offset subtrahiert, damit die x- und y-achse auf 0 volt liegt, wenn der sensor horizontal liegt. und ein offset bei zacc abgezogen, damit dieser 0 liegt, wenn die z-achse horizontal liegt: code: [select] float xacc = (xread-327); float yacc = (yread-333); float zacc = (zread-334); nun noch die werte skalieren, sodass sie in g (erdbeschleunigung) ausgegeben werden: code: [select]   float xacc = (xread-327)/69.00;   float yacc = (yread-333)/69.00;   float zacc = (zread-334)/69.00; liegt der sensor gera