joomlaxplorer not working after upgrade to Joomla 1.0.11 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

since upgrading joomla 1.0.11 cannot joomlaxplorer work. upgrading joomlaxplorer 1.5.0  brings page error below every item in directory

(joomlaxplorer 1.5.0)    warning: posix_geteuid() has been disabled security reasons in /home/xxx/administrator/components/com_joomlaxplorer/.include/fun_list.php on line 577

(joomlaxplorer 1.5.1)    warning: posix_geteuid() has been disabled security reasons in /home/xxx/administrator/components/com_joomlaxplorer/.include/fun_list.php on line 577

still getting same error after upgrading 1.5.1

any thoughts 



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