Can't Log in through SSH - Raspberry Pi Forums


set rpi 2. changed default password, rebooted several times , managed log in.

went raspi-config , made sure ssh enabled.

used step 2 of following guide give rpi2 static ethernet ip ... eb-server/

dowonloaded putty exe file on win7 laptop. start exe file, following step 2 of guide: ... pberry-pi/

after hitting pi user goes , asks me password. once type password says access denied...

tried again same. after pondering changed password 123456 , worked normally.

problem on first password had @ character. bug or wasn't supposed use special character?

try typing '@' character on rpi keyboard in place see type. see '@' or quotation marks or else?

same remote keyboard on ssh.

if don't see same character both times, conclude 1 of people never reads guides , hasn't configured rpi os use non-british english keyboard.



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