What\ / com_admin ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have made search not turned me problem have encountered.

i installed joomla! using fantastico , found 1.0.8 upgraded 1.0.11 using patch.  wanted add community builder found out how install components , went follow instructions via admin panel.  when looked menu bar @ top of page couldn't find one.  instead said, on left of page,

what\ / com_admin

i don't know whether after fantastico install or after upgrade didn't notice.

i wonder if has come across , can suggest solution?

many thanks

if understand correctly, stating not seeing menu bar across across top of admin site.

i suggest re-uploading patch files again, possible of files did not upload correctly via ftp , got corrupted during ftp transfer.

if have "concurrent" file uploads turned on in ftp client, suggest reducing number of concurrent file uploads or turning off.


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