
Showing posts from April, 2011

Problem with Serial control of multiple servos

hey, so year 12 student using 2 arduino unos create wirelessly controlled robotic hand via 5 flex sensors , 5 servo motors. able 2 servos working @ same time 2 flex sensors, moment try 3, incorrect data gets sent servos , spaz out. for serial communication using apc 220's. as mentioned, both arduinos uno's. attached tx arduino code (used flex sensors data , send rx arduino via serial), quite long due calibration code make motors less jittery, ive attached it. and here rx arduino code: code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky; int thumbpin = 9, indexpin = 10, middlepin = 11, ringpin = 12, pinkypin = 13; int ledpin = 2; void setup() {   serial.begin(19200);     pinmode(ledpin, output);   thumb.attach(thumbpin);   index.attach(indexpin);   middle.attach(middlepin);   ring.attach(ringpin);   pinky.attach(pinkypin); } void loop() {   if (serial.available() >= 5){     digitalwrite(ledpin, high);         delay(1);         byte thumbp

erase setting after restart - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi set time raspberry , it's shows correct, after restart it's shows wrong time should run code code: select all sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart , it's fix again, should every time after restart!!!! have same problem samba setting every things disconnect after restart, , after code: code: select all sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart fixed :/ raspberrypi

Grouping problem

hi have query below works need group output playerid have tried adding query output groups playersname not totalpoints different table can group 2 playerid each table? ie <cfoutput query="getplayers" group="hh.playerid, ff.playerid"> if understand correctly, should able do<cfquery name="getplayers" datasource="crick"> select ff.playerid, hh.playername, bonusmom, bonustrs, bonustwt, sum(ff.points) totalpoints from playerstable hh, pointstable ff where hh.playerid > 1 , hh.playerid = ff.playerid group ff.playerid, hh.playername, bonusmom, bonustrs, bonustwt order totalpoints desc </cfquery> ken More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

Help with servo (first time use)

hello this first time use servo , think miss understanding i want servo move right or left according compare for example int enternumber=200 int comparenumber=100 if (enternumber<comparenumber) { //servo go right 1 sec } else if (enternumber=>comparenumber) { //servo go left 0.5 sec } thanks , personally, don't think makes sense move servo specific length of time: rather move number of degrees, or position. distance moved in time depends on load; servo apps witih position, moving linkage unlock door example. when sketch starts, centre servo 90 degrees; move "left" 45 degrees say, or "right" 135 or whatever. edit: @ servo sweep example coding..... Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Help with servo (first time use) arduino

Thread: Moving /home to a separate partition

i asked question in thread. getting bit off-topic, decided post answer here. there seem several threads topic (of course haven't read them all) seem specific 1 or other person's problem. attempt @ more generic post on subject. corrections, etc welcome. putting /home on different partition biggest advantage allows upgrade/re-install os without having re-install user files in home directory. if @ time of installation, it's easy moving /home @ later date not faint-hearted can done. because process involves modifying system on (like cutting branch sitting on) @ point need either drop system single-user , of root or, if you're not expert or easier life, live cd . following intended simple check list -- don't rely on alone, read other references first , make own plan. main stages of process [software in brackets]: take complete copy (backup) of current /home [ cp -a or rsync ] re-partitioning disc can damage

Anyone who knows about this Arduino clone...

i don't know if right place post request need arduino clone... or should have post on "general discussion" instead...  has used arduino clone: it has ch340t chip instead of std ftdi , can used proper driver... has 2 buttons in middle named, key h , key l couldn't find use of... there 2 jumper headers associated key buttons... user manual in chinese...  any appreciated... never seen 1 use genuine one... can't follow silk lines see h , l going to? maybe 2 buttons connect gnd key_l , key_h pin in middle easy prototyping. do know connect 10 pin usbasp connector? the row of pins can handy although have preferred double row of female connectors Arduino Forum > Community > Products and Services > Anyone who knows about this Arduino clone... arduino

Thread: Hp mini 1150nr

alrigh guys im kinda new here , linux system im starting work in computer security , want closer linux. bought hp mini 1150nr verizon , have contract connect via mobile broadband. wondering if u guys had drivers here or software can download vzacess able work on ubuntu. appreciated :] remember im new linux! as rule of thumb, easiest way find drivers and/or software hardware on linux first opening terminal , running lspci or lsusb , depending on whether device internal (pci) or external (usb). once recognize device listing, ask google , you'll find plenty of tutorials/help installing said software, since aren't first person asking question. not can't ask on forums, don't know better hardware you're talking about, when give model of computer, @ least, more information required. , it's easier doesn't have said computer find it, since commands posted earlier tend give lot more spe

Souce Code Control Tools

hi all, just ask oppinion source code control tools. currenlty i'm using visual sourcesafe. have tools better vss. please let me know @ provide me link. regards shaffiq subversion easy use, better vss, , free. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

E-mail Registeration Does Not Work, Please Help, I've looked Everywhere - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i've searched through many posts , have found people have similar problems me no 1 responded them. i can't email settings work correctly. when signs up, told email activation link never do. email address have under contacts same email have set in global configuration settings. here screenshot any advice appreciated. i've spent time trying figure out , can not "open" site until resolved. think many other people having same issue helpful many if figure out thank you, terry i start checking hosting company mailing systems support.  example, host, phpmail function works , others not. brendon Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

SPI and NRFL01

hi all,   trying connect nrlf01+ arduino due. i tried both libraries mirf , rf24 without success. for rf24, used and getting started example. but when programs starts , supposed print configuration, 0xff so suppose not communicating radio chip. anyone managed make work? what pinout? i used 3.3v, gnd, , pin 9 13 (miso, mosi, clk, ce, csn) thanks, marco hi marco i think on due, pins not work spi. look @ topic: regards ray Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > SPI and NRFL01 arduino

Boot Log - Raspberry Pi Forums

when start pie in raspian, bootup log goes past me see details of small fault have, given in red. start log stored anywhere can access read, or if not ,is there way pause screen boots through @ startup? once found aking how repair or remove fault think when put in dodgy line of data, otherwise pie working great. appreciated. roger the dmesg command show messages shown @ boot. should pipe through less because it's quite long. raspberrypi

Escape character

hi, does know if coldfusion contains escape character double quote (") characters? (it's got to) i've got web page form text box , i'm trying pre-load value. i'm able fine using value attribute of input tag, whenever data attempt load contains double quote, data not rendered correctly in html. because input tag's value attribute interprets first double quote encounters in data end of text needs include in attribute. so thought try replace double quotes in data appropriate html double quote escape character (&quot;) , pass corrected string value attribute. so far code looks this: replace(my_string,"need here","&quot;") but of course need determine cfml escape character can plug in "need here" above. anybody know? thanks! nevermind! no sooner post question, try new search , find answer. hope didn't waste anyone's time this. the function htmleditformat(stringtoformat) takes care of making string html friend

Looking for Cliant Money management component/module/mambot - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i want setup site firend, share broler , mutual fund adviser/invetor. i want component/module/mambot give me service : 1) add user admin. no direct signup link on login or else. 2) mamber's investment in company's list, current rate (i upate rate everyday) example. : have 100 comany's share , sell different company's shares members. after that, member login can chek current status of investments. 3) must opensource. modify requirement. thats want.. lot moving thread extensions directory forum --> 3rd party extensions / components forum Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

How to clone my joomla website? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been looking around info on how clone joomla website, found nothing far. must basic thing do, must have been looking in wrong places... anyway, want do: i have joomla website , running. have been testing , getting used it, , have made more or less way want look. however, have set on test domain, proper domain still empty. if , when i'd make perfect copy (and put on proper domain) of joomla site, including settings, template and... everything, how do that? must make copy of database, there more things copy across? info/settings stored in regular files? if so, which? also, mambots - have reinstall them? anyone? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Sysctl.conf not loaded at boot? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i using raspberry pi in part ipv6 gateway, run issues launching radvd, since complains "ipv6 forwarding seems disabled". running ' sysctl -a | grep net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding' see set '0', though have set '1' in sysctl.conf file. running 'sudo sysctl -p' loads sysctl.conf file , set parameter '1'. suggests me sysctl.conf file not being loaded @ boot. current run level 2, changing 3 changes nothing. right way ensure sysctl.conf loaded @ boot, such radvd start correctly? i did in /etc/init.d/radvd code: select all #! /bin/sh ### begin init info # provides: radvd # required-start: $syslog $remote_fs $network # required-stop: $syslog $remote_fs $network # default-start: 2 3 4 5 # default-stop: 0 1 6 # short-description: router advertising daemon ### end init info path=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin daemon=/usr/sbin/radvd name=radvd desc=radvd config=/etc/radvd.conf piddir=/var/run/radvd pidfile=$piddir/radv

Replacing specified colors with others (in depth)

yea, i've been trying have answered.... either program or technique my question is, there such way can manipulate array of colors, can choose selection of colors, , have them replaced other colors may or may not of type of color @ all.. example if had image had several types of blues , yellows, , had image had several types of reds , greens, , wanted image red , green have exact corresponding colors image blue , yellow has, possible replace red , green image colors want have in it....? know sounds vague, way can word it... maybe if can explain further... i'm trying create cool little box.. lets call border image has range of reds in it, , name few colors in it, numbers read couple of them #511500, #b62a00, , #ea3700... , there bright , lighter reds have in border image different transparencies too... alright, wanted merge different image curent one, or add onto it, colors in image has colors border image doesn't have; picture has different blues, reds, yellows

arduino ethernet auto post need HELP!!

hi! use arduino ethernet , real time module ds3231. i need send request server every 60s. not working:s use in ethernet web server code: code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h> #include <ds3231.h> #include <wire.h> byte mac[] = {0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed}; ipaddress ip(192,168,1,177); ds3231 clock; bool century=false; bool h12; bool pm; byte aday, ahour, aminute, asecond, abits; bool ady, a12h, apm; int siurblys = 0, = 0; string readstring = string(30), readstring1; double tempc = 0, dregn = 0; int yourarduinodata = 999; string yourdatacolumn = "yourdata="; string yourdata; ethernetserver server(80); void setup() {   wire.begin();   clock.setsecond(1);   ethernet.begin(mac, ip);   server.begin();   serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {   // listen incoming clients   ethernetclient client = server.available();   if (client) {     serial.println("new client");         boolean currentlineisblank = true;     while (

Arduino PNP driver free HID

probably, wrong place in forum ask, here goes; possible program mega 2560 board act driver free plug , play device? in other words, possible program device act joystick controller or other hid without having install arduino drivers on target machine. possible have relevant  system tray information (on windows based machine of course) pop when arduino plugged first time. thanks in advance, chris   a mega no. with an  arduino leonardo , mini there keyboard , mouse hid driver. with teensy - not official arduino - can add midi list. for others need usb shield. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Arduino PNP driver free HID arduino

Thread: bzr initial setup / question

we have 8 webservers in production , old servers using subversion (centralized). these servers have been re-staged, , running ubuntu-server 8.10 , working great. wish setup kind of version control make life easier (right have few apache vhost changes) , rather changing, copying files, or changing each, done in past. change 1 file, commit , have update other webservers. reading far, commit local machine. questions, bzr setup on each of servers. have setup /etc/apache2/sites-available on each machine using bzr init (this 1 think yes!) next, if or wants update, matter of servers goto make change? lastly, once change saved, , commited, looks it's still local, how initiate new 1 replicate other servers? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] bzr initial setup / question Ubuntu

Inserire la neve in un sito Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ciao ragazzi , vorrei sapere un 'informazione , ho dei siti joomla , in cui alcuni clienti chiedono che gli metta la neve , come si vede in tanti siti , alcuni usano javascipt ecc , io mi chiedevo se qualcuno sapesse come fare , se con componenti , moduli o altro grazie tutti  sono semplicemente dei moduli, una volta attivati vedrai la neve nella pagina desiderata. si tratta di script in java con l'uso di una gif leggera. unico problema che potrebbe sorgere è che non tutti browsers visualizzino questa neve, prova quindi diversi moduli. per trovarli devi cercarli in giro, non credo sia difficile trovarli ma nel caso eccoti in allegato questo che mi risulta essere uno dei migliori da me testati. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Italian Forum

Share Content between databases? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, have magazine separated in sub domains, because site videogames. so wonder if can link each database another, example, main site link latest articles of subdomains, in case each section, ps3, xbox360, wii, etc. , if posible each subdomain linked aswell. main site: sub domains:                  best regards you can syndicate each subsite content via rss. portal site (mainsite) can dispay 4 rss-feeds. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

8+ two LED functions off one pin

hi everyone. check out build of 2 led module has 8+ functions off 1 arduino pin. watch youtube video at: code: [select] /* module_2_leds 17 may 2014 jds  :) make module: 1) 1" x 1.5" perf board 1) male 3 pin header 2) female 2 pin headers 1) 220 ohm reststor 1) 74ls04 ic or inverter ic 74ls02 etc. 2) leds wireing module: 3 pin male header pins are: signal, 5 volts, ground. connect signal pin inverter input , 1 pin of each 2 pin female headers. connect inverter output other side of the 2 female 2 pin headers. connect 5 volt male header ic pin 14 of 74ls04 connect ground male header ic pin 7 of 74ls04. plug 2 leds 2 female 2 pin headers, one cathode, , on anode, signal side. that's it! connect signal arduino pin 3 'in example'. connect 5 volt pin arduino 5 volts connect ground pin arduino ground. load , run program. */ int i; int j; int sig

ACS712 Current Sensor Not Working

hello everyone, have acs712 current sensor trying measure current of 220v ac. keeps giving same value though on load. have both tried multimeter , ardunio. what doing wrong? edit: according 'jremington''s answer, because sine wave , multimeter show average zero. want update question; how can measure 220v ac acs712 +-5a , arduino? possible? how current flowing though it? if no current flowing output halt of power supply, if power 5v no current flowing vout 2.5v. if see datasheet there graphic(output voltage versus sensed current)  there shows that. it's located @ page 8.,d.zgu&cad=rja Arduino Forum

Thread: No sound after Mythbuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Install

hi all, configured spare pc media center , installed mythbuntu 9.04. after install, appeared work decent; video bit sluggish, , on air hdtv reception worse $40 zenith dtv converter box. managed speed video decreasing video quality; guess hardware not fast enough it. amd athlon xp 2800+ 2gb ram nvidia 512mb video card pchdtv 5500 flash video looks better brand new intel centrino notebook, video no problem, there no sound. had sound couple of days prior standard ubuntu 9.04 install, not function mythbuntu 9.04. tried several comprehensive sound guides no success. here information on problem: code: $ aplay -l **** list of playback hardware devices **** code: $ sudo asoundconf list [sudo] password user: please note attempting run asoundconf privileged superuser, may have unintended consequences. names of available sound cards: cx8801 i've tried purging: code: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils sudo

3D Parts? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi; bit of random post here goes. have opportunity 3d printing free of charge need finding bits print: have found few bits looking @ comments there appears issues sizes etc, not sure if should looking 3d items or laser cut parts? items have found not sure if ok linked below. can locate following: 1. robot arm (to run off of 9g micro servos), this: . 2. pi case, this: 3. raspberry pi / dr orientated such tardis or dalek pi case? 4. robot head abc warrior preferred, need big , needs in parts. need big , needs in parts 3d print files can resized whatever in slicing software. nice tardis have printed model raspberrypi

[SOLVED] Module position breaks layout - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, wrote new module displays table images , links in it. all pretty basic stuff. when publish it breaks site... well, breaks in firefox , ie, opera displays fine. know why is? using custom module position, moved user 3 above "top" , forced displayed guests only. if can offer on i'd thankful! the module works absolutely fine when placed in "top" posiition didnt't create, there no distortion or anything. but when place module in user3, position created, template goes screwy. the code  in template index.php main table follows: code: select all <td valign="top" width="100%" class="a2center"><div class"main">               <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">                 <tr valign="top">                   <?php if (moscountmodules('top')) { ?><td colspan="3" style="border-top: 3px solid

Need Help with Popup menu

hello all, i using fireworks 8 , creating popup menus page. works fine except cannot seem figure out how keep triggering item in nav (that calls popup mouseover) stay in rollover state while mouse on corresponding popup layer. whenever move mouse main nav item popunder subnav, main nav item loses rollover state. have tried various behaviors , cant right. short of changing actual code in script, there way functionality? thanks in advance > using fireworks 8 , creating popup menus page. > works > fine except cannot seem figure out how keep triggering > item in > nav (that calls popup mouseover) stay in rollover > state while > mouse on corresponding popup layer. whenever move > mouse > main nav item popunder subnav, main nav item loses > rollover > state. have tried various behaviors , cant right. short > of > changing actual code in script, there way > functionality? the fireworks 8 menu little better previous versions, not call eff

Wie kan mij helpen aan het juiste mailinglistcomponent - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo, ik ben op zoek naar een component wat het volgende moet kunnen en weet niet of er zoiets voor joomla bestaat. ik heb tussen de extensies gekeken en niet gevonden wat ik zocht. aan de front-end het een normaal contact-formulier. je moet zelf het aantal velden kunnen bepalen. in de backend wordt alle data uit die velden opgeslagen. en er een  overzichtelijk management systeem beschikbaar om deze records te beheren. - een opzoeksysteem - zelf records kunnen toevoegen in de backend - de e-mailadressen moet je allemaal tegelijk kunnen selecteren (copy/paste) voor de mailing. het mag ook een component zijn wat hierbij in de buurt komt. thnx gaudi hoi gaudi, volgens mij kun je gewoon een component als yank nemen, de bezoeker kan zich zelf aanmelden voor de nieuwsbrief. jij kan de records (aangemelde mensen opzoeken en selecteren en evt in verschillende "groups" plaatsen) en je kan alle mensen of per group een mailing doen. volgens mij voldoet dat dan aan jou eisen? robert

MySQL and Flex Data Services

i'm trying figure out how access mysql , serve data clients through fds. have friend says thinks tomcat answer this, he's not sure how. here have suggestions? time. fds not connect database. instead have use either http, webservice, java pojo, java spring, java hibernate, coldfusion, or php. said, need application server well, fds installed on application server. can use tomcat (this use), jboss, jrun, etc. More discussions in LiveCycle Data Services adobe

Joomla and blogging:How you do blogging with Joomla ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have seen thread started bluesaze joomla's blogging support.i wish see sites that using blog efficiently.if have website have blog joomla please post here , how done that.i know there wp bridge joomla integrate wordpress joomla.i want know how reliable this? hoping active participation the front page of site setup blog style.  i'm using jomcomment comments, other it's pure joomla.  other pages in site act differently, front page blog. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Comment changer le volume haut parleur bluetooth - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour tous, comment modifier le volume de mon haut parleur bluetooth en ligne de commande, sur un morceau en court de lecture via cette commande : code: select all mpg321 -a bluetooth -g 15 yourmp3.mp3& je voudrais augmenter ou diminuer le son de mon hp bluetooth à tout moment sur ce périphérique. merci de votre aide. bonjour, tout hasard, si le lecteur est vu comme une carte son dans alsa code: select all alsamixer amixer cset numid=1 -- 20% a+ raspberrypi

IE blocks my own Flash files

internet explorer blocks own flash elements. however, when visit other sites flash, computer doesn't stop flash material. have don't. don't want ie block stuff. help me. you're being hit active content bug in ie. can either use adobe's solution or 2 others have found tend easier implement: i'm using second , seems working fine. ryan "swedishgirl" <> wrote in message news:ea3c8q$qkk$ > internet explorer blocks own flash elements. however, when visit > other > sites flash, computer doesn't stop flash material. > > have don't. don't want ie block stuff. > me. > > More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

WHRHQ - web host review HQ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey how's going all. new web hosting review website: . i've been working on template quite while, , done it, having problems other things. website url: joomla! version: 1.1 (the stable version, w/e is) template: mbt_biz additional extensions (components, modules, plug ins): html module, other than core stuff custom development: looking modify tables sortable , interactive (need this) other features: reviews different web host sites three (at least) specific areas of site i'd feedback on (design, code, graphics, etc.): 1. template design 2. code (with table) 3. overall site interface design i want create table top 10 webhosts (with ability add new hosts later review them). want able have table users can sort ascending or descending on different factors such as: 1. price/month 2. data storage 3. data transfer 4. # of mysql databases offered 5. overall reviewed rating. for #5, reviewed rating, want able review each host based on

Deploying WebHelp Pro via RoboEngine

i completed publishing projects roboengine. want deploy integrated web system customers. there security issues in directing customers our customer web site roboengine projects since html? tackle issue recently? appreciate insight, suggestions , knowledge. thank you. hi luvie i'm unsure looking here. systems aren't meant secure product. exist present needed information in timely manner. what issues concerned about? have specifics? concerned competitor obtaining information? perhaps more clarification , focus, of may more equipped offer meaningful response. cheers... rick More discussions in RoboHelp HTML adobe

Är det möjligt att ha 2 kontaktforumlär? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej, jag skulle behöva ha 2 kontaktformulär på en joomla site, där respektive formulär postas väg till olika epost adresser (formulär 1 skickas till och formulär 2 skickas till ). Är detta möjligt och så fall hur? tack på förhand, tompa hej har du set denna? /martin Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Komponenter, moduler och Mambots

RDS and TMC display

hello i have tmc receiver i try data text crashe in head :~ started on again. will me started code how can sort out tmc data (2) example! , display in text! here code use data: #include <softwareserial.h> softwareserial rds(3,4); // rx, tx void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   rds.begin(9600); } void loop() {   if (rds.available())  serial.write(; } and here data: $rttmc,0,e203,052f,77cd,2020*42 $rttmc,2,e203,2520,5033,2053*32 $rttmc,0,e203,052c,e67b,5352*47 $rttmc,2,e203,2521,7065,6c0d*37 $rttmc,2,e203,2520,5033,2053*32 $rttmc,8,e203,8521,4151,f252*40 $rtrds,99.8,9,3,2,1,1,1,100,0,0,0,0*6d $rttmc,2,e203,2521,7065,6c0d*37 $rttmc,0,e203,0529,6174,2050*39 $rttmc,0,e203,052a,6468,3320*4c $rttmc,2,e203,2520,5033,2053*32 $rttmc,8,e203,8521,4151,f252*40 $rttmc,0,e203,052f,77cd,2020*42 $rtrds,99.8,9,3,2,1,1,1,100,0,0,0,0*6d hello again! i have make stri

Presentation stuck if flash object inserted

hi all, i inserted flash object onto 1 of slides have captured using captivate, , presentation stuck on slide , not able advance next one. flash object have inserted taken 1 of samples came flash mx trial version, namely clock.fla. have tried publish clock.fla flash 6 , flash 5 swf, problem exist in both case. then tried replace object sample, orange arrow, came captivate. presentation works fine swf. seems flash object rather captivate. however, since know nothing flash, hoping give me advice on or check flash object resolve case. thanks lot, ray i think - not sure - "clock.swf" (fla) designed preloader file. haven't looked @ fla might problem needs addressed in flash mx2004 before trying use "animation" in captivate.? More discussions in Import/Export adobe

VirtaulMart - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ich möchte/muß mich mit einem shopsystem für joomla beschäftigen. ich habe allerdings nicht viel zeit um mich mit meinen eher mageren englischkenntnissen durch das orginal tutorial zu knabbern. könnte mir evtl. jemand einen tip für ein deutsches tutorial geben. mit einer kurzreferenz über die kunden-/lieferanten-/artikel- und sonstige- shopverwaltung wäre mir ja auch schon unendlich viel weiter geholfen. schon mal im vorab danke Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone German Forum Archiv Joomla! 1.0 Komponenten, Module, Mambots 1.0.x

Connected but cannot retrieve remote folder information

hi all, isp has moved client's site new server. can login new ftp server various methods, dreamweaver fails 'test' function, , cannot retrieve remote folder information if try view folders. if access ftp server windows command-line ftp, root folder (pwd) '\d:\inetpub\wwwroot\clients\compact'. if try 'ls' or 'dir' folder, command window hangs. the ftp client seems handle site cuteftp - wise-ftp , others cannot navigate folders forward , backward slashes mixed in ftp commands. does else have site root folder includes drive letter? or found workaround problem? many in advance, john john ask host ip address of new server. info, and username/password dw able find directory. -- paul whitham certified dreamweaver mx2004 professional adobe community expert - dreamweaver valleybiz internet design "john kirkwood" <> wrote in message news:ecd3po$b7m$ > hi all

Figuring out some numbers for a mini pump

hey all, i'm getting electronics (i don't know why waited long) , i'm figuring out stuff.  picked arduino kit , few other parts project. this next paragraph fluff, read if you'd like, skip /*skip here*/ actual question i'm trying work on project humidor keeper.  living in so.california, it's extremely dry here , controlled environment humidor.  purchased few things humidity sensors (as input obviously), humidifier (basically water canister sponge , tubes) tube splitters , twist valves , importantly, small air pump. /*skip here*/ the small air pump i'm having problems @ moment.  this pump . it's 3v pump.  using supplied 9v battery cable when project ready, understand i'll have use resistors bring voltage down don't burn out pump.  said, i'm new this, i'm trying figure out ohms law find out kind of resistor(s) need.  problem is, don't know amperage.  find this? i looked @ details pump , looks amps (or milliamps) pr

Controlling 12v fan with temp sensor. noob

hey guys trying control 12v fan arduino uno. supply using given in picture below. ac 230 v 50 hz 12v. written strickly indoor use only. controlling need have common reference need connect ground pin of sanyo adapter gnd pin of arduino uno. safe connect. not know regulated or unregulated supply.  using transistor pn2222a. circuit absolutely  correct not question me circuit. the photo useless. it's taken far away. take close , don't post unless can read label. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Controlling 12v fan with temp sensor. noob arduino

.pdf files

how save .pdf file in dreamweaver code can viewed in browser? converted .xls , .doc files .pdf files, when try view them in internet explorer, message page cannot displayed. please help! thank you. > converted .xls , .doc files .pdf files, when try view > them in internet explorer, message page cannot > displayed. pdf files that. pdf files. how computer/web browser deals them individual person. typically, link pdf file via html. either downloads or displays in browser via pdf plug in. -darrel More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Flash file won't loop

importing bit of video director mx 2004 project on mac running 10.4.something latest version of qt, i've run odd problem. check-off box looping swf video checked, video ignores , quits @ end of file. want have spinning globe appear on opening screen , stay there until user goes marker. should stone simple. i tried downloading latest patch take version 10.1 ver. 10.1.1, when install them using shockwave installer, opens 10.1 again, there's problem. actual link download upgrade mx 2004 developer upgrade can't find general upgrade. maybe that's problem. of maybe it's trying develop on mac. any ideas out there? steve w. hi steve, does flash .swf loop if played on it's own? there stop command in frame of .swf? if .swf has internal stop(); loop property not override command. loop property applies top level timeline of .swf. has no effect on movieclips inside main timeline. -- rob _______ rob dillon adobe community expert 412

Proyecto XBee Zigbee Shield RF Wireless Module + modulo rn-xv Ayuda

buenas, dispongo de estos dos componentes xbee zigbee shield rf wireless module modulo rn-xv lo que queria hacer con el proyecto era conectar el arduino la red wifi de mi casa y mandar datos un servidor que tengo montado. mi problema es que e utilizado varias librerias (<wifi.h> , <wifly.h> , "wiflyhq.h") y no e conseguido conectar automaticamente mi arduino la red (solo lo e conseguido manualmente) . e estado cargando los ejemplos que vienen en esas librerias pero la wifi.h por ej en cada comando que usa el wifi el arduino se me congela.. o esta tarde que e estado probando la wflyhq.h y no se me conecta automaticamente tampoco. aclaro que esto es una parte del proyecto pero es la unica parte que no consigo que funcione. alguna solucion o ayuda¿¿ si podeis mandar algun codigo que funcione con estos componentes pu

Preparing Files for Media Server

hello experts! {b}we have created swf file in program other flash. pulls in external videos have been encoded swf files. need files ready media server? these external videos need encoded flv files? main swf created in program? needs happen it? department has asked native fla file-which not have. curious, folks fla? appreciated since know little media server software. thank you!! the video files need encoded flv, , method loaded different loading .swf file. the main .swf needs contain code establish netconnection server, , begin netstream on netconnection. can prebuilt components ship flash , fms, or can write own code. since you're new fms, suggest reading "programming flash communication server" (o'rielly). give solid understanding of need to. More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

Need help with voltage dividers

hi, i'm building project using arduino uno, have flex sensor gives variable resistance 9k? 30k?. best precision need have biggest range of voltage drop depending on sensor's resistance. i'm powering circuit arduino's 5v output, , want obtain biggest possible voltage drop when sensor @ 30k? , highest voltage when it's @ 9k?. it's easy potentiometer, instead of having variable resistance 0 x ? need use sensor. think need parallel resistor, best solution obtain widest range of voltage ? try this: 5v sensor analog pin, 10k analog pin gnd. sensor @ 9k, vout = 5 * 10000/(9000+10000) = 2.6v sensor @ 30k, vout = 5 * 10000/(30000+10000) = 1.25v stick in other values 10000, if want. if go bigger, need allow more settling time adc give accurate readings. if go smaller, resulting range gets smaller. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electro

WTF: coldfusion.image.Image$ReadImageMetadataException: ISO Speed Ratings

i trying write out photo using cfimage , getting error: an exception occured while performing writetobrowser cfimage action.coldfusion.image.image$readimagemetadataexception: iso speed ratings here code. ideas??? <cfset objimage = imageread( "assets/property/964317_old_house_23.jpg" ) /> <cfset objwatermark = imagenew("assets/images/sold.gif") /> <cfset imagesetantialiasing(objimage,"on") /> <cfset imagesetdrawingtransparency(objimage,50) /> <cfset imagepaste(objimage, objwatermark, (objimage.getwidth() - objwatermark.getwidth()), (objimage.getheight() - objwatermark.getheight())) /> <cfimage action="writetobrowser" source="#objimage#"/> hi, this thread has info you.. More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

please provide some suggestions: - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have been happy user of joomla (previously mambo since beta stage) long time now, , decided time me move around 30 websites joomla completely. right now, first pages in joomla shopping cart, helpdesk etc third party. use joomla+components entirely.  #1 being overwhelmed   alternatives , suggestions on best packages/components following: (free commercial ones) 1. customer support helpdesk 2. invoicing/billing system 3. subscription manager 4. shopping cart 5. picture gallery #2 is inbuilt cache system of joomla more enough or "jre cache accelerate component"  better claims be? suppose there cache system in place , cache lifetime of 24 hours. when page updated, users have wait 24 hours till cache lifetime on or cache rebuilt when there update #3. what best way manage 30+ sites in joomla .. updates, security etc ? thanks, Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: need help editing partitions

hey im kinda new linux , when edited windows partition ubuntu install disk, deleted entire hdd have 160 gb ubuntu , wondering how shrink partition down make room fresh windows install, too. hey full hdd ubuntu? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] need help editing partitions Ubuntu

How can I stop for loop by a comand

       hi everybody.. i played different ways still did right.... how hall can stop for  loop command? i can start loop command no problem... can use serial.peek.'1' but need , can not  interrupt , stop loop command. do??? this code doesn't work. mean loop running untill 10 need stop on 4 or 5 command code: [select]   while(serial2.available()>0)        {         char ch =;         int j=0;                 if(ch == '1')             {                    for(j; j<10; j++)                  {                    serial1.println("atz");                    delay(3000);                                            if(serial1.available()>0)                          {                            getresponse();                                               serial2.println(str);                            serial2.println(str.length());                           }                  }                }               else if