
Showing posts from September, 2010

LED Multiplexer acting weird

hi, i need fresh pair of eyes on code. multiplexing 43-segment display , turning segments on , off randomly. achieve this, performing own pwm splitting each cycle 64 "frames" , copying previous 1 next each cycle new segments added frame 0 able "fade in" being copied frames 1, 2, 3, 4 , on cycles progress. when segment randomly selected again, use xor function flip segment off frame 0, , off state gets copied frames 1, 2, 3, 4 , on segment fades out. the problem is, illuminating segments 1 column on activated segments. in other words, another  segment illuminates 1 column on segments in on state. code not complicated must missing straightforward , i'm @ wit's end. a few theories have are: (1) random number generator not "random" , generating same segments, albeit 1 column over. calling random numbers every cycle sheer sample size may revealing pseudorandom nature of generators. have tried generator (2's carry) arduino's built in fu

Servos keep damaging

hello all! i'm kind of new here, read forum untill now. i have big problem, looked questions on internet, found nothing. please, if can, @ problem , me.. so here problem: i'm making project 6 servos (3 used actuate mkii robotic claw dagu , 3 used rotate claws). problem servos damaging , don't know why (till have 4 "dead" servos - 3 because of gears , 1 because of controller circuit). to see big picture: - use 7.5v power supply (i have devices need voltage) + voltage regulator of 6v (a regulator each servo) (no resistor) - code use below (only servo, use same others): code: [select]  #include <servo.h>  int citire = 0;  boolean flag = true;  long elapsed_time = 0;      // millis  long previousmillis = 0;  long previousmillis2 = 0;  long servointerval = 15;  long interval = 500;  int pos = 0;               //for millis  servo left_r;    servo down_r;    servo right_

I can't move or delete files( I don't have permission) - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm ne raspberry pi stuff , anyway installed apache start web server , works. i'm using raspbian(noobs package). problem when go /var/www/index.html, won't let me delete or move because permission denied. how permission? thanks! "ls -l" find out owns files (probably root). more information else. second *certain* doing want do. take backup anyway in case make mistake. third, prefix commands "sudo" (e.g. "sudo rm <filename>" delete file). mean running command if logged in root. root has permission system...when command run root, permissions ignored. note: can run single command root delete *all* files on system. *not* going give command in forum because sure use , complain worked...and blame me did. raspberrypi

Firefox - IExplore conflict - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i started building site using firefox v1.5.08, , when attempt add content item , try attach hyperlink, next dialog appears blank. noticed many of menu items text tables insertion don't work.  when attempt same thin under iexplorer, page error not allow access upper protion of text screen. can switch user agent iexplorer?  can offer solution? you might want check configuration.php file , make sure $mosconfig_live_site matches site working on i.e. instead of , have correct details in $mosconfig_absolute_path details correct. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

xhtml validation errors - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've been designing joomla templates quite while , day decided make template xhtml compliant. before have inserted joomla codes validate , passed validation inserted joomla codes such code this. validated again. yielded many errors. i 've checked in codes , doesn't have mistake in coding based on xhtml standards. codes causing errors php. know how php , xhtml works when joined in joomla templates. thanks in advance!  the validator should not seeing php code.  webserver should processing php script , replacing scripts' output.  it's output after processing php need validate. hope helps. regards, chris. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

[Question] regarding Joomla! licensing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, we developing commercial web application using php (v5.1) , we're thinking of using joomla! web site content management in project. want make project commercial, our php code have commercial license. can use joomla! in our project web site content management , distribute if want our project commercial? not modify joomla! source code , other accompanying files, make our modules if necessary, , make them commercial. i've read gpl license many times still seems confusing, , in end things left unclear. looking forward hear you. regards, vaidas r. in essence gnu/gpl license ensures if modify joomla! must make these modifications freely available others. doesn't prevent using joomla! 'as is' part of else. so, if example tweak joomla! cool , funky have make code available. add-ons (components/mods etc) can commercial. d Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: Samba uninstall/reinstall

i have printer off ubuntu 9.04 box sharing other windows boxes in house via samba. however, deleted 1 entry in samba configuration gui sharing printer, , not figure out how back. after hunting few hours, gave up, uninstalled samba, attempted re-install (when had first installed it, set printer no problem.) unfortunately, when try reinstall, error. i've dipped command line, read man pages on apt, apt-get, ran "sudo apt-get purge samba", still if 'find / -name "*smb*"' still see lot of samba looking stuff. tried various varieties of (after trying synaptic , rebooting), after few hours have given up. error is: (there no smbd running when try this) reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done suggested packages: openbsd-inetd inet-superserver smbldap-tools ldb-tools following new packages installed: samba 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 remove , 0 not upgraded. need

Virtual Directories and ColfFusion

this hot need know happens when coldfusion accessed virtual directory. 1 have architect of coldfusion? this hot , need asap. have following need add vd part. jim > coldfusion accessed virtual directory i'm guessing mean virtual directories in iis? i don't think cf 1 accessing these directories? think iis simply has map virtual physical, , it's physical iis passes cf? meaning, cf unaware of virtual directory? not .cfm files located in virtual directories not processed cf. good luck! More discussions in ColdFusion Server Administration adobe

Comprar Raspberry Pi já funcional - Raspberry Pi Forums

bom dia, gostaria de comprar uma raspberry pi, já funcional, para poder ter acesso aos canais portugueses, uma que não percebo grande coisa de informática. alguém tem alguma ideia onde posso comprar o aparelho? muito obrigada. se vives em portugal, podes adquirir aqui um raspberry já funcional correr o português pipplware. aqui - ... pipplware/ raspberrypi

Connecting Multiple USB to TTL and Reading them - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, working on project, in have interface multiple rfid readers (i'm using em 18, serial out) raspberry pi. i'm using usb ttl converter connect em 18 raspberry pi. i've connected 2 rfid readers using usb ttl adapter. code 1 station code: select all import serial, time while true: try: print 'station 1 ready!! please show card' card_dataa = serial.serial('/dev/ttyusb0', 9600).read(12) print card_dataa continue except serial.serialexception: print 'station 1 down' break my issues are 1. readings both rfid readers in same program 2. i've 2 programs above code, , usb0 , usb1. executing programs in different terminal simultaneously, example in terminal 1 , in terminal 2. program executes fine, readings jumbled. example, 6e0009d2cc79 , 4e0070792760 tag id's i'm using testing. if i'm executing 1 program i'm getting readi

Thread: Multiple monitor setup

i'm running ubuntu 9.04 , have 3 monitor setup works well. 3 monitors 1280x1024. tonight swapped out 1 of monitors wide screen 1920x1080. monitor , running @ resolution, top , bottom panels still sized 1280x1024. both bars 2/3 of way across monitor , bottom 1 half inch above bottom of monitor. if maximize window uses 1280x1024 can manually stretch window full size. have ran 18 months ago can't remember did fix it. have ideas? added: not using xinerama. sorry posting kde, running gnome, not kde. hello, not sure if problem, have xinerama ( ) correctly installed ? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [kde] Multiple monitor setup Ubuntu

I need help with break one char into 3 others chars.

hello everybody, i want break 1 char 3 chars. i did code: variables: code: [select] char teste[40] = "#tempo jan 01 2001 01:01:01"; int cont; char tmp[5] = "0"; char data[10] = "0"; char hora[7] = "0"; loop: code: [select] for(cont = 0; cont < 6; cont++){     tmp[cont] = teste[cont];   }   serial.println(tmp);   for(cont = 0; cont < 11; cont++){     data[cont] = teste[cont+7];   }      serial.println(data);   for(cont = 0; cont < 8; cont++){     hora[cont] = teste[cont+19];   }   serial.println(hora); and expected result on serial: code: [select] #tempo jan 01 2001 01:01:01 but if change serial prints end of "for's", this: code: [select] for(cont = 0; cont < 6; cont++){     tmp[cont] = teste[cont];   }     for(cont = 0; cont < 11; cont++){     data[cont] = teste[cont+7];   }        for(cont = 0; cont < 8; cont++){     hora[cont] = teste[cont+19];   }   serial.println(tmp);   serial.println(data);   serial

Samba Share Help - Raspberry Pi Forums

i installed , setup samba. i'm noticing on share, pishare, on mac, shows pishare , pi. when view samba share on windows machine, see pi , pishare. why there 2 different shares? , not sure why pi being shared. thought maybe because setup similar. did this: code: select all pi¾raspberrypi /etc/samba $ dpkg -l Æ’ grep samba ii samba 2:3.6.6-6+deb7u5 armhf smb/cifs file, print, , login server unix ii samba-common 2:3.6.6-6+deb7u5 common files used both samba server , client ii samba-common-bin 2:3.6.6-6+deb7u5 armhf common files used both samba server , client here code modified smb.conf: code: select all ÿpihome¦ comment= pi home path = /disk1/ browseable=yes writeable=yes guest=no create mask=0777 directory mask=0777 public=no raspberrypi

Left Pane Not Opening in Explorer

good day, left pane (contents/index/search/glossary) of chm not open on many microsoft 2000 systems in explorer. instead needs dragged open. once done displays correctly thereafter. using x5. appreciate suggestions. thanks. rod hi skystride01 , welcome our community. when examine window properties expanding windows pseudo folder, double clicking default window, see check mark in option labeled: hide nav pane on startup? (it's located in lower left corner area of dialog) that's thing comes mind... rick More discussions in RoboHelp HTML adobe

[OT] Fotos de stock

habiais visto este buscador? me ha gustado mucho el que se pueda buscar incluso por tonalidades de color esto me recuerda al flickr ( saludos ;) "xus" <> escribi� en el mensaje news:eaa5am$aub$ > habiais visto este buscador? > > > > me ha gustado mucho el que se pueda buscar incluso por tonalidades de color > > > More discussions in Foro en español adobe

Aide Emetteur-Recepteur Infrarouge Grove

bonjour pour mon projet de bac je dois utilise un emetteur et recepteur infrarouge grove tout en utilisant un moteur courant continu le est que le moteur tourne quand je passe ma main entre les emetteurs le moteur doits s'arreter puis tourner dans l'autre sens pouvez vous m'aide s'il vous plait pour le programme up please je vous met ce que j'ai essaye Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Aide Emetteur-Recepteur Infrarouge Grove arduino

I2C 5v to 3.3v regulator

i have been planing project arduino mega 2560 , 8 mpu-9150s + i2c mux. i advised have regulator 5v -> 3.3v (for example, pca9306, i2c, instead of connecting 3.3v directly. can explain me why risky connect directly 3.3v on arduino mega 2560? quote i advised have regulator 5v -> 3.3v ....... that not regulator signal level converter. there no need use on a  mega 2560 unless thing connecting i2c bus 3v3 device. then need protect device 5v of mega. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > I2C 5v to 3.3v regulator arduino

Retrieving the current song playing with Python - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm using pianobar (pandora client) music player in conjunction python program. how able current song being played , how long left on song python? possible? i've looked "pipes" couldn't figure out how work that... ... ing-python may help. dave. raspberrypi

programmazione Xbee con Arduino

salve ho 2 shield xbee e due moduli xbee non riesco programmarli con xctu utilizzando arduino. come posso fare? 1. il cross-posting è proibito 2. che scrivi fare in italiano nella sezione inglese? 3. ti invitiamo presentarti qui: e leggere il regolamento: - qui una serie di schede xxxpighi per collegamenti elettronici vari: - qui le pinout delle varie schede xxxpighi: - qui una serie di link utili: Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72)

News and satic contenet - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i searching time how to, on home page put latest news , popular on top , static content under it. on front page 2-3 links news (this change adding new news) , "my home page" (always stay same). can guys me this. thanks. p.s. sorry on bad english. a default joomla setup gives latest news (mod_latestnews) , popular (mod_mostread) modules @ top of screen. below appear content items have "show on frontpage" ticked. you dont have tickbox static items, "home page" content cant static. but - can create "home page" section , category hold normal content items home page. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

SD Card error

hello, i'm developing simple program logs data sd card. however sd card never initializes. i'm using: arduino uno sd card shield (  (switch @ 3.3v) lcd shield ( here's code: code: [select] #include <sd.h> #include <rtclib.h> #include <liquidcrystal.h> #include <wire.h> #include <spi.h> liquidcrystal lcd(8,13,9,4,5,6,7); rtc_ds1307 rtc; file myfile; const int hall_sensor = 2; const int led = 13; const int piez = 2; const int override = 3; const int chipselect = 10; void setup(){   rtc.begin();   serial.begin(9600);   wire.begin();   lcd.begin(16, 2);   sd.begin();   //  rtc.adjust(datetime(__date__, __time__));   pinmode(hall_sensor, input);    pinmode(led, output);    pinmode(piez, output);   pinmode(override, input);   lcd.setcursor(0,0);   lcd.print("   a  iniciar   ");   lcd.setcursor(0,1);  

function millis() in pure C

hi, have problem, i'm trying make simple timer on arduino mini pro. when wrote code in wiring, worked correctly, when wrote code in c, function millis()  returning value 0.  there code  (i'm using library display nokia 5110, , can display text, or variable in string): int main(){ char text[10]; int time; while(1){                   time=millis()/1000;                   sprintf(text"%d",time);                   lcd.lcdstring(text);                } return 0; } if can not understand, please tell me, english not excellent, , made mistake thanks every answer or opinion. time should @ least unsigned long Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > function millis() in pure C arduino

lcd 1602 not being declared with back pack on?

errror: lcd not declared in scope, 4 pin pack on lcd, causing this, have i2c library in ,is there fix lcd pack work. quote from: fps2 on may 08, 2014, 02:49 am errror: lcd not declared in scope, 4 pin pack on lcd, causing this, have 12c library in ,is there fix lcd pack work. you did wrong.  unfortunately have given nothing work with. don Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > lcd 1602 not being declared with back pack on? arduino

"File too large" error using dd to back up - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have standard raspbian system on 8gb card on pi b+ has 6 partitions p1 p6 in mmcblk0 trying empty 64gb usb stick command: sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/media/pi/pi20150520.img produces message dd: writing '/media/pi/pi20150520.img': file large 8388608+0 records in 8388607+1 records out 4294967295 bytes (4.3 gb) copies ....etc has failed in someway - can explain , me backup working? thank you the path "media/pi/pi" memorystick formatted fat file system. fat filesystem has limit on filesize of 4gb. can either format usb-stick ext4 or ntfs both supports files larger 4gb. if format ext4 not able use on windows easily. if format ntfs work windows, might need manually mount in raspbian. ( never tried myself ) raspberrypi

Car / rewriting all systems

hi everybody, this sencond post on forum's. i'm looking guidance in project : i want remove wires of old car (205 - 1988), , replace arduino. so ... 1 each sectors : - dashboard (rpm, light, button, ...) - rear of cars (light, parking sensor ...) - motor (exaust temp ...) - ventilation console (ventilation, button warning/rear heater ...) i need bus communicate securly: i'm looking communication between each arduino. in car, there lot of noise ... what best method send data between arduino ? example: warning -> communicate : dashboard - rears of cars i want send : rearlightleft:on,rearlightright:on ... (zzzzzz) ... rearlightleft:off,rearlightright:off question: how sure others arduino got message, , if not, resend ? regards. benjamin france. i presume modified car not used on public roads? ...r Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Projec

Combobox Cell Rendering

i downloaded cell rendering example datagrids yesterday , got work fine, except combo boxes render onto datagrid don't display information in them. when .selectedindex = or call setvalue function onchange, still no text stay in combo box on datagrid. else ever have problem? i'm thinking maybe didn't implement classes right, not sure though. this got current combobox class using: any feedback appreciated. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Flash 9 add on error

everytime go use internet flash web site on ie6 crashes , error message comes up. windows flash installed windows xp sp2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ internet explorer has encountered problem add-on , needs closed. the following add-on running when problem occured: file: flash9.ocx company name: macromedia inc description: macromedia flash player 9 i have had same problem when using msn games site,specifically texas holdem poker. seems random. cannot see action precedes every crash of ie6.i have followed troubleshooting , re-installation instructions,including increasing browser cache size.,that on site. More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe


Image ... ow-only-25 £16.00 uk ... s/8111284/ £19.20 inc vat... raspberrypi

My move takes an exteremly long time to open

it takes more 20 minutes published movie open. idea why happening? hi tracietx this can depend on more variables can listed easily. example: * how large movie? both pixel standpoint file size standpoint? * project stored , how accessing it? (dialup vs cable modem/dsl * etc. etc. cheers... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

IIS Asp.Net - Raspberry Pi Forums

win iot core has builtin web server execute site? microsoft delivered webserver linux , hope made win10 too... thank you ps: don't want create webserver myself , embed html in c# code at time i'm not aware of if iis type webservice built in windows 10 iot core, know can develop own simple web service if like. sample shows how: ... server.htm , there web service running on device can use manage it. access go to: http://<ip address> , should see webb interface. hope helps. raspberrypi

void loop () decleration problem

hi guys, 1.      if define digitalwrite(in1,high) , want make low in loop. possible? 2.    if possible whenever void loop() function executes once lets have set digitalwrite(in1,low), happen if loop starts again set in1 high defined in setup or writes low because declared low in first execution? 3.    or program executes void setup() function once while loop executed continiosly? may impossible set pin different state if declared in setup function  :~ 1: yes 2: remain low 3: yes. take @ "main.cpp" in arduino's ide files - you'll see how works: code: [select]     setup();     (;;) {         loop();         if (serialeventrun) serialeventrun();     } Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > void loop () decleration problem arduino

number formats in mathematic expressions

this may dumb question despite searching have yet find answer. i have code processing results number of sensor , computing single number result. sensor number formats either float or int.  sensor inputs should changing time , believe behaving time time result changes radically , i'm trying track down. one possibility maybe due number formats the key equation in terms of formats follows float = float + ((float-float)*int)/(float-float) cause problems? put way, precision lost in above due int variable , should make them floating point? tia bob quote is cause problems? maybe. depends on last 2 float values. if every equal, out. quote is precision lost in above due int variable dividing float int promote int float, don't need worry it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > number formats in mathematic ex

getting current address

i've designed animated navigation bar common each page on site. i'm trying figure out action script current web address nav button, movie, go specific frame , hold. for example written in english not code: if url = http//www.mysite/about html go , stop on frame 10 of movie clip named i'd include if statement each of 10 main pages of site nav buttons go on position @ frame 10 , stay there until new page called up. hope follow , script simple. if you're reloading navigation bar each html file need use javascript return html page flash (or can use flashvars). can use externalinterface class receive javascript calls flash. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: New network; now can't receive email, use port 443, etc

so set box in new building , have wired connection hub (which connected building don't have access to). unable download new emails (it times out. can send emails fine) , software use requires port 443 (https) doesn't connect. looking ip address , nmapping it, this: starting nmap 4.76 ( ) @ 2009-10-01 11:26 edt interesting ports on xxx (70.183.165.xx): not shown: 985 filtered ports port state service 20/tcp closed ftp-data 21/tcp closed ftp 22/tcp open ssh 23/tcp closed telnet 25/tcp closed smtp 37/tcp open time 43/tcp closed whois 53/tcp closed domain 80/tcp closed http 109/tcp closed pop2 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 6667/tcp closed irc 10000/tcp closed snet-sensor-mgmt able use websites (e.g. bank) require https i'm sort of lost. i'm told there may "firewall" operating somewhere funny thing works on laptop when connecte

Pulse to m/sec

hi ! have arduino uno , sensor tcst2103. need make programme... have pulse gives me 0-5 v pulses , turn speed m/sec how can this? use anemometer. thank lot! your sensor photointerrupters... so, need wheel slots act interrupter. i did advanced search on forum , got lots of info using 2 terms interrupter counter start search, narrow down questions. ray Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Pulse to m/sec arduino

Thread: Third world option

a how i'd love see. live in dr congo. money scarce understatement. school here received 2 new desktops , 10 used ones, very, used, have win98 on them. i'd set old ones run off of processor , store on hard drives of new ones through network, using old ones basic workstations without os. godsend in third world because reduce cost of installing systems, particurally in schools. know there step step how to this? way ubuntu in local language, tshiluba, means spirits of community, including passed , living. kinda "force" star wars. it sounds describing thin client . there many resources available, example, linux thinclient howto , ubuntu linux terminal server project . Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Third world option Ubuntu

Pilotare ESC brushed con arduino, modificare frequenza PWM

ciao tutti ho un problema che non riesco risolvere: ho acquistato un esc brushed per poter pilotare tramite arduino un motorino spazzole da collegare ad una macchinina rc, che gli esc hanno bisogno di un segnale ppm cioè devono essere pilotati con la libreria servo, niente non ho tratto conclusioni positive il motorino nn gira ho provato ad attaccarci l'oscilloscopio è ho potuto osservare che dall'esc esce una onda quadra non regolare di frequenza bassissima il periodo raggiunge quasi 1 secondo  , dal manualetto però mi è sembrato di aver capito che deve essere pilotato da un pwm di frequenza uguale 2khz. per voi è possibile??   in tal caso mi dareste una mano ho seguito varie guide su internet ma nn sono riuscito, questa guida nn riesco proprio capirla nn sono in grado di lavorare con registri  =(, mi sono solo avvicinato raggiungendo 3,9khz ed anche qui  ho avuto un riscontro negativo http://www.settorezero

Thread: An equivalent to OpenSUSE's "1-Click" Install system in Ubuntu...

i talking opensuse-usin' friend of mine earlier today on phone - 1-click install system implemented on opensuse. seems cool system, , 1 great ubuntu, tempted suggest on brainstorm etc etc, think it's have in mind in near future anyway right? isn't kind of thing talking karmic or lucid? people don't know, way works project includes installer on it's site, , in 1 click of button .ymp file downloaded , set complete repositories , everything, kinda chrome on ubuntu guess! examples on page: wondering if knows how plans ubuntu compare 1-click system , whether it's worth bringing anywhere or if it's in consideration/implementation anyway? , pleeeaaaase no-one turn thread whether or not it's idea, or how current system fiiiiine how is... changes i'm afraid going happen anyway (and think fantastic!) - wanted discuss whether have might comparable 1-click! guys, hoppi

Preload castmember and use Sockware

i work project (introduction ) i've creat dir file, if public exe file when insert disk cd driver loads now want public dcr file , creat new file preload it, project maybe faster, but how can preload castmember , in dcr file can me! it's difficult understand questions without more details. can cast member or range of cast members using lingo command 'preload()'. in director specific usage. hope helps, - ben More discussions in Director Lingo adobe

Someone local in Long Island, NY to give me some help? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok..... installed joomla locally on laptop.  using tutorial on site installation breeze. i've installed , uploaded template like, i'm having hard time figuring how use it.  know supposed easy cms there many options, modules, components etc. i'm totally confused. i'm sure suggest buy book wanted know if there in long island, new york area can show me ropes joomla.  maybe can meet @ library or something.  i'm not asking spend hours showing me whole application.  overview of how thing works. so....if knows how can in contact in area brief tutorial, please let me know. more thing....please don't blast me post.  i'm looking help. thanks! -kevin-   have started user manual? see: more resources. Board index Other Forums The Lounge

Running math equations in Python to save sketch space

i'm trying python script write value bridge, run equations, , put bridge arduino, reason, keep returning blank values in console until execute script manually in putty.  i can see sketch executing in top. what doing wrong? in sketch: code: [select] #include <bridge.h> char ppmco[10]; int valsamp = 292; void setup() {;  bridge.begin();  delay(2000);  console.begin();  console.println("you're connected console!!!!");  console.buffer(64); } void loop() {  bridge.put("valsampcoput", string(valsamp));  console.println("sending");  delay(1000);  process p;        // create process , call "p"  p.runshellcommand("python"); // add url parameter "curl"  console.println("processing");  delay(1000); bridge.get("valsampcolin",ppmco,10); console.println("getting"); console.println(ppmco); in python: code: [select] #!/usr/bin/python import math impor

Voice Controlled Relays in car

hi all, i'm planning first arduino project , use voice recognition control relay board.  first things first, i'm not sure arduino board best suit application, i've read--and think understand--the arduino uno seems fit needs (nothing complicated, still reasonable in capability).  i have researched independent voice recognition add-ons , have determined easyvr board should make simplest implementation.  finally, found 8ch relay board arduino compatible, but, being unfamiliar pin layout of arduinos, i'd advice on whether or not choices seem reasonable , whether or not parts work without , conflicts.  any helpful advice , guidance upcoming project appreciated!   thanks. hi , welcome. you have included link easyvr. here is. there customer comments problems using module uno. better check out before committing $50. also, inside of moving car noisy environment. want know if else has had success shield in noisy places. other that, uno should fine.

Fingerprint GT-511C3

hallo, ich möchte gerne den oben genannten fingerprint sensor testen. bekomme aber leider die beispielprogramme nicht zum laufen. folgende fehlermeldung beim kompilieren verstehe ich nicht: fps_gt511c3.cpp:17: undefined reference `operator new[](unsigned int)' fps_gt511c3\fps_gt511c3.cpp.o: in function `fps_gt511c3::getresponse()': gruß bernward bitte : * sketch * link zur biblithek * alle fehlermeldungen, nicht nur einen auszug. hast du die bibliothek richtig installiert? grüße uwe Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > Fingerprint GT-511C3 arduino

Shockwave unattended installation

hello, i trying install shockwave unattended installation /s switch. installation process completed without messages, after setup web page pop ups. how can stop this? best regards jaksa i think there may resistance making silent marketing , management types because generate traffic dreamweaver 8 advertisement. legal way know stop script automatically closes ie after running silent install. i'd curious know if silent corporate installer available latest , greatest version (at additional cost?). msi version of installation missing current version. (10.1.3r18) More discussions in Adobe Shockwave Player adobe

Probleme cu utilizarea formului de cautare - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

salut am scris despre aceasta problema si in forumul in engleza da' acolo nu-mi raspunde nimeni..poate nu ma exprim bine? chestia e ca problema e serioasa si stresanta si nu gasesc un raspuns la ea: atunci cand caut orice in site folosind forumul de cautare din joomla (com_search), rezultatele apar ca si text nu ca si link. mai exact, daca vreau sa caut "camera foto" gasesc 4 rezultate dar ele apar ca si text; ca sa ajung la produs trebuie sa ma duc in categoria indicata si sa caut din nou acolo (vezi )..stresant pus din nou fisierele pt componenta, aceeasi poveste rog un sfat/idee/sugestie, orice multumesc vezi daca nu ai facut cumva ceva setari in global configuration, sa nu-ti evidentieze link-urile si sa-ti dea doar text ... stiam ca doar pt articole se poate, dar e posibil sa fie valabil si pentru modulul de cautare ... la ora asta ... atata imi vine in minte .. Board index Joomla! International Lang

5V + Ground = BAD?!

hello, recently bought arduino uno , interested in range of things capable of doing. followed tutorials , played led lights , moved on on more complex. followed tutorial connecting somekind of sensor had 3 pins: ground, 5v , pin arduino. connected ground , 5v arduino disconnected indicated went wrong.. any thoughts appreaciated . thanks! if remove sensor arduino still power on? maybe swap power pins.only detail how wire it. one thing sure.powering correctly not damage arduino. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > 5V + Ground = BAD?! arduino

What is the status of Assembler .S file support?

i know lot of folks hate assembler, many parts of arduino core go out of way avoid inline (then break when optimization settings or compiler versions change), ideology, not practicality.  there lots of applications mixing in little bit of assembler makes lot of sense, , isn't writing compilers.   my current project (which have had sort out in avrstudio, not complaining mind you) creates token ring-style network has timing critical code, enables 1 string 1000+ attinys together, running on internal oscillators (you read right) , communicate @ 400khz 1 signal wire between nodes (and majority vote per bit).  assembler sending , receiving sane way eliminate other variables , ensure timing tight , exact, , future proof hardware in question. but assembler tough enough without relying on inline being other option, hard write let alone debug, far better use avrstudio develop/debug/simulate gcc assembler file separately.   makes sense have part of script, , not have make part of li

Ubuntu - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have raspberry pi model b 512mb ram, 2 usb ports. need install ubuntu os . tried install ubuntu not done yet (only colour screen shows). can install ubuntu os on raspberry pi model b ? trying install through link & using sandisk 8gb class 10 micro sd card. need same asap. arm version of ubuntu works on raspberry pi 2. (the r-pi 2's processor more modern arm core more readily supported linux distributions.) quote link provided with release of raspberry pi 2 model b , armv7-based bcm2709 processor, possible run ubuntu directly on raspberry pi. note information on page applies raspberry pi 2, not original raspberry pi. raspberrypi

linking to msoffice files

hi everyone.... i created main page in fireworks. have used drop down lists , all. export dreamweaver. click on f12 , page opens , fine. 1 of choices offereb drop down list go page called , let's 'about us'. haved saved page in ms word "about us.htm". want page "about us.htm" open when click on drop down list. when first created main page in fireworks have stated link "about us.htm". when click link nothing happens.... suspect javascript code , have idea causes this?? i suggest stop , start over, after doing reading , research on website design , development. building pages in fireworks , word , combining them sure recipe disaster , frustration. sorry. looks got started on wrong foot. walt "webdveloper" <> wrote in message news:eeb142$mvn$ > hi everyone.... > > created main page in fireworks. have used drop down lists , all. > > export dreamweaver. cl

Error with IR recievers

i  had begun project, week ago, involved receiving simple on/off codes television remotes.  goal of completed project learn fundamentals , knowledge of short range ir communication.       prior post engaged on use of sketch.  benefited number of different websites such ken sheriff's blog , number of forum posts.  resulted code was code: [select] #include <necirrcv.h> #define irpin 4    // pin ir detector connected to necirrcv ir(irpin) ; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600) ;   serial.println("nec ir code reception") ;   ir.begin() ; } void loop() {   unsigned long ircode ;     while (ir.available()) {     ircode = ;     serial.print("got code: 0x") ;     serial.println(ircode,hex) ;   } } when compiled receive error message code: [select] error: 'byte' not name type any appreciated, in advance. quote when compiled receive error message you want part of answer? if not, don't post part of error message.

Garbled Charecters in the Page but displays properly in the Admin Panel - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have problem joomla. have joomla 1.0.11 version installed on server. when try post unicode kannada content item, appears in administrator panel, i.e in content list in content manager. link appears properly. when check front-end come garbled, including body of text. i search whole joomla site work around couldnot succeed. can please me? is there work around this? regards jenkin welcome on our forums. i moving post our indic languages forum find help. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Indic Languages Forum


tengo un sistema admininstrador de contenido en el cual almaceno la informacion de noticias en un campo llamado articulo necesito sacar un titular los primeros 200 caracateres, y que me quede como un titular alguien tiene una funciona para hacer esto gracias yo normalmente suelo limitar el n�mero de palabras, no de caracteres: function limitarpalabras($cadena, $longitud, $elipsis = "...") { $palabras = explode(' ', $cadena); if (count($palabras) > $longitud) return implode(' ', array_slice($palabras, 0, $longitud)) . $elipsis; else return $cadena; } esta es una funci�n que encontr� hace tiempo en un blog y la usado un par de veces. si lo que deseas es lo de los 200 primeros caracteres tienes que hacer uso de substr (). as� te quedar�a algo como: $titular = substr ($tu_noticia, 0, 200); saludos, julio barroso "alejandro archila celis" <> escribi� en el mensaje news:ea4vkt$o0p$ |