Error with IR recievers

i  had begun project, week ago, involved receiving simple on/off codes television remotes.  goal of completed project learn fundamentals , knowledge of short range ir communication.
      prior post engaged on use of sketch.  benefited number of different websites such ken sheriff's blog , number of forum posts.  resulted code was

code: [select]
#include <necirrcv.h>
#define irpin 4    // pin ir detector connected to

necirrcv ir(irpin) ;

void setup()
  serial.begin(9600) ;
  serial.println("nec ir code reception") ;
  ir.begin() ;

void loop()
  unsigned long ircode ;
  while (ir.available()) {
    ircode = ;
    serial.print("got code: 0x") ;
    serial.println(ircode,hex) ;

when compiled receive error message
code: [select]
error: 'byte' not name type

any appreciated, in advance.

when compiled receive error message

you want part of answer? if not, don't post part of error message.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Error with IR recievers



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