
Showing posts from April, 2010

AcelStepper HELP

hi all, i tried find clue on how solve problem below seems stuck. appreciate help. i'll make story simpler. trying operate valve driven small stepper. @ closed position valve hits limit switch. using switch open or close valve. easydrive board used driving stepper.  i implement following logic: in case open command received motor should turn 8000 steps 1 side. in case close command received motor should turn 8000 steps other side. then, in case limit switch not activated turn additional 1000 steps. use accelstepper library because plan operate more 1 valve in parallel. anyhow code without limit switch seems work fine, see below: code: [select] void loop ( )  {  cmdvent = digitalread (cmdpinvent); //read vent valve command open (low) or close (high)   if (ventvalve1.distancetogo ( ) == 0) {    //check open command    if ( cmdvent == low && cmdventold == high ) {      ventvalve1.move (8000);      cmdventold = cmdvent;    }    //check close command    if ( c

Programm shuts down after a random amount of time.

hey guys, i'm finish master in fine arts, made serious mistake. i have arduino controlling small motor. motor supposed run 1min, stop 3min or, 4 min. the mistake did, overwrote working code old one. problem old code is, although motor seems run fine, know there chance, code stop working after random amount of time (it did year ago , had programmer @ school on it. found little mistake , corrected it, but, said, accidentely deleted corrected version). so, i'm asking guys huge favour... please on code , tell me, couse error? have done in 3 days , object running in musuem, can't can't can't stop working... a thousand already. -maikell here's code: code: [select] #define motor 9 void setpwmfrequency(int pin, int divisor) {   byte mode;   if(pin == 5 || pin == 6 || pin == 9 || pin == 10) {     switch(divisor) {       case 1: mode = 0x01; break;       case 8: mode = 0x02; break;       case 64: mode = 0x03; break;       case 256: mode = 0x04; break;       case

gear shifter driven by servo

hi everyone, newcomer have few questions in little project have been working on. i have created simple code controls servo 2 different buttons. when pressed 1 turn servo left , 1 right. problem code works little wrong. servo turns when button pressed down , want make movement once button pressed. if press button real quick, servo goes position , comes back. i hope don't sound confusing here video of setup, , code code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo myservo; int button7=0; int button6=0; int pos=90; void setup() { pinmode(7, input); pinmode(6, input); myservo.attach(9); } void loop() { button7=digitalread(7); button6=digitalread(6); myservo.write(pos); delay(5); pos=constrain(pos,0,180); if(button7==1 && button6==0) { pos = 0; } if(button7==0 && button6==0) { pos = 90; } if(button7==0 && button6==1) { pos = 180; } } 1) please edit posting use code tags,

Adding features to a simple clock sketch

hello, i have decided build simple clock school project. specifically, plan build lite brite clock. if haven't seen it can seen here;    so, can see, user has made nice write of construction, upon further inspection see there no way set time other reprograming arduino. so, question is, me add code set time 2 momentary switches or similar? below attached "wiring diagram" the author says change time using line of code 6 lines down says "settime" have rest of code, assume need. if you've got more questions let me know. , help code: [select] #include <time.h> int column[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}; int row[] = {14,15,16,17,18}; void setup() {  settime(9,27,0,27,7,2012); quote so, question is, me add code set time 2 momentary switches or similar? you need more two. need 2 move left or right through series of values - month, day, year, hour, minute, , second - , 2 incre

Arduino Due is not listed in boards

i new arduino have downloaded latest arduino ide  arduino not lsited under board list .i have checked borads.txt in arduiono/harware dir due not listed.when plug in due bord serial port enumerated , shows arduino due programming port possible cause well since no-one has responded (no suprisingly) figured out myself. need latest arduino software, above 1.5.x in arduino ide, have select bards manager , install package includes arduibo due called arduino sam boards. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Arduino Due is not listed in boards arduino

Código Motor de Passo

estou usando um código de exemplo que vem junto com biblioteca pra usar o motor de passo. eu tenho em mãos pra uso o shield l293d mais uma placa arduino uno e 2 motores de passo no shield, identifiquei os fios e tudo mais, parte fisica está pronta agora com esse código eu consegui fazer 1 motor rodar por vez e não consigo fazer os 2 motores de passo rodarem juntos, alguém poderia me ajudar. o código que estou usando de exemplo é este : code: [select] // adafruit motor shield library // copyright adafruit industries llc, 2009 // code public domain, enjoy! #include <afmotor.h> // connect stepper motor 48 steps per revolution (7.5 degree) // motor port #2 (m3 , m4) af_stepper motor1(48, 1); af_stepper motor2(48, 2); void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);           // set serial library @ 9600 bps   serial.println("stepper test!");   motor1.setspeed(30);  // 10 rpm      motor2.setspeed(30);  // 10 rpm    } void loop() {   serial.println("single coil steps&

sniffing and passing data

hello all, i new , have question. i have bought 2 arduino ethernet shields. my goal have 2 ethernet shields 1 input, 1 output , connect input lets wall jack , pass though second shield connect client. through process sniffing traffic i have code written sniffing portion of can not pass data when connect 2 arduino ethernet shields. able plug 1 shield wall port (input) , use other shield pass traffic (output) client. i hoping going plug , play not. thoughts or suggestions on how these 2 ethernet shields play , allow traffic pass through 2 of them appreciated. i open other ideas , thoughts well. find old-fashioned ethernet hub (not switch).  connect sniffer , device being sniffed hub , sniffer see traffic going , device. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > sniffing a

Counting Random Interval Events

i want count events  following buckets. this objects falling through chute. this input changes 500ms can never change there can significant data organize or none. last 60 minutes last 24 hours last 48 hours so, realize may need timestamp events, want rolling, real time update. i'd without rtc, using millis() does have experience simplifying trying here? how many events expect in 48 hour window? surmise, have timestamp of them. in simple case, means storing unsigned long each event @ cost of 4 bytes apiece. you push data sd card or reprocessing on timestamps & other trickery fewer 4 bytes of ram per event, max number of events you're going guide towards arduino you'll need. alternatively, offload data storage pc , let tell arduino counts per bucket are. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Co

Thread: Ubuntu will not mount my drive with a DVD DL inserted

trying burn big iso , ubuntu not mount drive. searched google , forum , did not find things specific problem. drive support dvd dls. thanks. *-cdrom description: dvd-ram writer product: dvd-ram gsa-h55n vendor: hl-dt-st physical id: 0.0.0 bus info: scsi@4:0.0.0 logical name: /dev/cdrom logical name: /dev/cdrw logical name: /dev/dvd logical name: /dev/dvdrw logical name: /dev/scd0 logical name: /dev/sr0 version: 1.00 serial: [hl-dt-stdvd-ram gsa-h55n1.0007/03/21 7u02 capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r dvd-ram configuration: ansiversion=5 status=ready *-medium

color picker

i trying find color of pixel. pixel @ point (200,200) @ level0... mypixelcolor = _root.getpixel.color(200,200).tostring(16); trace(mypixelcolor); i have tried... mypixelcolor = _root.getpixel(200,200).tostring(16); trace(mypixelcolor); but both return undefined... have ideas??? thanks responders. getpixel() bitmap method. create bitmap , use draw method (with add blendmode) "add" objects on-stage @ 200,200 onto bitmap , use getpixel() method. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Getting to Wifi during NOOBS install - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi folks. not sure if right forum...first time here. taught class @ local junior college have strict security. connect via wifi , after connecting "open" wifi network have go in web browser , log in userid , password. login browser took place @ link: -- once student logged in userid/pw prompt on page granted full access internet. don't know enough networking understand how works....but wondering if there way initiate login sequence kind of setup screen or file noobs os install. noobs sd card comes raspbian on able install raspbian on pis kids...and use browser log in....but because did not have network connection during noobs boot not install other oses....which limiting. wanted show kids different versions of oses risc, openelec or osmc, etc. ended setting card @ home several oses on , giving them demo of different oses on projector in classroom...but i'm sure agree it's not same them doing themselves. appreciated.

Help with JAVA RXTX Connect to COM

hello everyone, i tried create application can send code via serial port arduino. sadly code doesn't work. have 2 seperate java classes: 1 called "window" manages view , adds sliders , on. other 1 called "serialcom" , shall connect specified serial port in windows. said doesn't work. put code of samples , since i'm quiet new java , rxtx , don't quiet understand wrong it.  can please me out this. heres "serialcom" code: code: [select] package controlsurface; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.enumeration; import java.util.toomanylistenersexception; public class serialcom implements serialporteventlistener{ window window = null; commportidentifier serialportid; enumeration enumcomm; serialport serialport; outputstream outputstream; inputstream inputstream; boolean serialportgeoeffnet = false; int baudrate = 9600; int databits =

query times out

the following statement in query (see enclosed) timing out. using oracle db , field oth_tchname_ssn contains data such 123456789:123456789:123456789:123456789:123456789:123456789 or b.oth_tchname_ssn <cfqueryparam value="%#rereplacenocase(socnum, '[^0-9]', '', 'all')#%" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> any ideas? what version of oracle, coldfusion , database drivers using. if hard code cfqueryparam values run? timeout set to? same hardcoded query run in sqlplus or query tool? how long take run in query tool? little more information needed you. More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

How to upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.0.11 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when upgrading error: component using directory: "/customers/" 1.0.0 0 no votes 1.0.11 0 no votes   total votes: 0 your vote has been cast. when downloading upgrade 1.0.0 1.0.11 error another component using directory: "/customers/" what can remove error - alternatively hapens database if copy new version website ? i hope can help. thanks Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

CRM samples help - yet more ....

hey folks, i have question please. know data stored sample crm application supplied when fds installed ? if has pointers on how , data stored, grateful. tutorials or idiot guides marvellous :) thanks smak i think it's in memory database sample purpose only. should access link "" hsqldb documentation on subject. regards, manuel guimarães, portugal More discussions in LiveCycle Data Services adobe

Contribute Questions

hi there. i have been looking contribute past few days 1 of our clients adament way forward. i have download trial see can , part impressed. now, here in lies problem. make our websites in php. class based, aka modular, , run using mysql database custom template system created. now, have 2 main questions here, a) can integrate php , mysql editing contribute? in detail, there anyway me integrate kind of website build contribute? or contribute edit html files? whenever link contribute 1 of websites, page appears blank on editing. b) should bother contribute? our cms custom built , doesn't have cluttered code within , works how want to. more importanly, have had lot of feedback clients telling easy use. our new client quite big , sold on idea of contribute many of advanced admin features sending pages review. have make presentation , more information on specific topic can't find on matter. thank you. "sekka" wrote: hi there. : : have been looking contribute pas

Installing External Applications

hello i have created movie on cd-rom has button users can install software cd drive. movie first changes resolution 800 x 600 resets when exited program. there number of issues i'm unsure about, being bit of novice. firstly, wiser have installation shut down when user clicks on button install additional software? secondly, should first reset screen resolution original? any other issues should know about? currently, here have coded button on mouseup me barunprogram( moviepath & "xtrasoftware\program.exe", "normal", true ) end anybody sort of thing on regular basis? any appreciated. i'm not of lingo expert please don't make technical!!! thanks andy hi andy, the best way tell if need change user's resolution when you run installer test. guess switching user's resolution run installer odd. if don't need quit projector run installer, probably don't want change user's resolution. -- rob _______ rob dillon adobe com

Position sensor LCD indicator using arduino

hi, guys. i hoping build lcd indicator position sensor. i have position sensor one. i got sensor turbocharger.  this sensor used in turbocharger tell how turbocharger opened , closed air intake. i need know in percentage(%), how turbocharger opened or closed. so, using position sensor, hope have information in percentage 0%(fully closed) ~ 100%(fully opened). this position sensor moves this. between moving range, there must digital feedback sensor. i think arduino read these signals position sensor , tell lcd show open or close variation status in percentage. the pins of position sensor looks this. and, pin information. pin #1)   dc:5v pin #2)   ground pin #3)   single (voltage) dc pin #4)   dc:5v pin #5)   ground pin #6)   single (voltage) dc i don't have knowledge how connect position sensor arduino , rea

Thread: How to mount ext3 partition with 16k blocksize?

hi, have disk contains lvm2-volume has been created readynas, , want access data mounting disk manually hooking workstation. seems readynas has created ext3 partition blocksize of 16k, gives me following error when try mount it: code: ext3-fs: bad blocksize 16384 pvscan gives: code: pv /dev/sdb5 vg c lvm2 [463,53 gb / 0 free] total: 1 [463,53 gb] / in use: 1 [463,53 gb] / in no vg: 0 [0 ] lvscan gives: code: active '/dev/c/c' [463,53 gb] inherit tune2fs -l on logical volume (/dev/c/c) gives: code: tune2fs 1.41.4 (27-jan-2009) filesystem volume name: c last mounted on: <not available> filesystem uuid: 71df24e7-a61e-4685-a9b8-b5f8377bd6a3 filesystem magic number: 0xef53 filesystem revision #: 1 (dynamic) filesystem features: has_journal resize_inode dir_index filetype needs_recovery sparse_super large_file filesystem flags: signed_directory_ha

Menu Magic disappears in IE

project seven's menu magic ii works fine in safari in ie , netscape submenus sometimes disappear when roll on them. website url i've tried getting answer on pvii forums haven't gotten help. i don't see post on pvii forums. try posting there again , have @ it. -- ken ford adobe community expert "hetchka" <> wrote in message news:ee1bdl$mnr$ > project seven's menu magic ii works fine in safari in ie , netscape > > submenus > disappear when roll on them. website url > i've tried getting answer on pvii > forums > haven't gotten help. > > > > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: No Screen Found Error - Kubuntu 9.04 / 9.10

hi, i've installed kubuntu 9.04 on sony vaio vgn-c2z notebook geforce go 7400 gpu few days ago after having tried while live-os. when using live-os automatically configured resolution correctly, when tried install it didn't start x-server, had use alternative graphics mode. runs , starts x-server long use vesa driver, try use nv, nouveau or proprietary nvidia driver, x-server won't start telling no screen found. on other hand, long use vesa can use 800*600 oder 1024*768 on display natively supporting 1280*800... tried lot of different things now, nothing worked. think reason problem misconfiguration of monitor, log says "display found cannot used". hoping karmic propably better, did update 9.10 beta today, still same problem occurs. hope has idea, posted problem in 2 big german ubuntu communities without finding solution it. in advance! xorg.0.log code: x server 1.6.3 release date: 2009-7-31 x protocol version

close loop for PI

good day.. i laready make sample program close loop want using kp , ki error after compile need means of error "" [font=verdana]pid_v1.cpp:8: fatal error: wprogram.h: no such file or directory compilation terminated[/font] ."" i attached program need conform parts make mistake. #include <math.h> #include <pid_v1.h> float vdc= a0;    // reading vdc or setpoint float vs= a1; // reading vs float is= a2;// reading current is float vtri= a3; // reading vtriangle wave float pulsepin1 = 12; // set output pin 12 float pulsepin2= 9; float digvdc; // digital vdc float digvs; // digital vs float digis; // digital is float digvtri; // digital triangle wave form float analogvdc; // analog vdc float analogvs; // analog vs or v input float analogis; // analog (current) float analogvtri; // analog triangle wave float analogvsin; // analog vsin float analognegvsin; // analog -vsin float analogiref; // analog reference pid mypid(&analogis,&analogvsin,&am

Strong Infrarot-LED for "Laser"-Tag

hello, im tim , i'm working on own "laser"-tag-game arduino. i'm searching strong infrarot-led, can receives @ 15-20 meters too. thank much. ps: sorry bad english, i'm germany! tsal6100 ir led tsop receiver vishay with 50mm lens setup can achieve 100 meter range cheers, jack Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > Strong Infrarot-LED for "Laser"-Tag arduino