gear shifter driven by servo

hi everyone, newcomer have few questions in little project have been working on.

i have created simple code controls servo 2 different buttons. when pressed 1 turn servo left , 1 right. problem code works little wrong. servo turns when button pressed down , want make movement once button pressed. if press button real quick, servo goes position , comes back.

i hope don't sound confusing :)

here video of setup, , code

code: [select]
#include <servo.h>

servo myservo;
int button7=0;
int button6=0;
int pos=90;

void setup()
pinmode(7, input);
pinmode(6, input);

void loop()




if(button7==1 && button6==0)
pos = 0;

if(button7==0 && button6==0)
pos = 90;

if(button7==0 && button6==1)
pos = 180;

1) please edit posting use code tags, explained in sticky thread.

2) buttons wired ground or vcc?

3) code handles 3 button states, perhaps 1 of them neither-button-pressed?
do want servo go somewhere everytime buttons aren't pressed?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > gear shifter driven by servo



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