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Thread: Ubuntu will not mount my drive with a DVD DL inserted

trying burn big iso , ubuntu not mount drive. searched google , forum , did not find things specific problem. drive support dvd dls. thanks.

description: dvd-ram writer
product: dvd-ram gsa-h55n
vendor: hl-dt-st
physical id: 0.0.0
bus info: scsi@4:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/cdrom
logical name: /dev/cdrw
logical name: /dev/dvd
logical name: /dev/dvdrw
logical name: /dev/scd0
logical name: /dev/sr0
version: 1.00
serial: [hl-dt-stdvd-ram gsa-h55n1.0007/03/21 7u02
capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r dvd-ram
configuration: ansiversion=5 status=ready
physical id: 0
logical name: /dev/cdrom

dvd dl not listed, able use dl functionality under windows :/ don't have problem dvd+rs

nm, searched more , found known problem w/ using memorex disks... lo , behold thats im using, please close

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