
Showing posts from March, 2015

Thread: cannot get wicd and ndiswrapper to work together,

i installed linux 9.04 , updated fully, , installed 2 programs. wicd manager , ndiswrapper. installed rt2870.inf file in same folder beside .sys file. cant wicd show router, thats plugged in beside me. can see on windows, , connect not linux. also, have no clue how setup wireless interfaces, , such. but, can give me detailed step step guide on how internet working wicd , nidiswrapper, , usb wifi stick, ralink chipset, rt2870.inf driver, (extra details)? i'm pretty new, hope it'll work alot guys, i'm sick of windows... ifconfig -a iwconfig ndiswrapper -l results, here : kyle@kyle-desktop :~$ ifconfig -a eth0 link encap:ethernet hwaddr 00:01:02: cd :3d:71 inet6 addr: fe80::201:2ff:fecd:3d71/64 scope:link broadcast multicast mtu:1500 metric:1 rx packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 tx packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:3 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 rx bytes:0 (0.0 b) tx bytes:228 (228.0 b) interrupt:10 base address:

Thread: Trying to upgrade to 9.10

hi all! attempting upgrade 9.10 karmic , reason, keeps failing saying partial upgrade possible or install becomes unstable , must close. realize beta, else having issue? posted xoanan hi all! attempting upgrade 9.10 karmic , reason, keeps failing saying partial upgrade possible or install becomes unstable , must close. realize beta, else having issue? please have here:- Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Trying to upgrade to 9.10 Ubuntu

Python SpiDev TypeError - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have installed spi following steps code: select all mkdir python-spi cd python-spi wget wget sudo python install i commented out long_description line , installation completed. when run code example code: select all import spidev spi = spidev.spidev(),0) spi.mode = 1 when last line spi.mode = 1 executed im given error code: select all typeerror: mode attribute must integer any guesses? kashyapgada wrote: any guesses? spi not enabled operating system? [ raspi-config, option a6 ] code not being run root privileges? [ sudo python ] raspberrypi

Thread: consulta Moovida (ex Elisa media center)

hola tengo que realizar una consulta las personas que han usado moovida, bueno resulta que este media center, posee en su pagina almenos, un plugin de discovery channel y bueno ya lo e instalado, pero este no cargo jamĂ¡s en el apartado ni de video, ni de internet, ni en ningĂºn otro jaja... bueno quisiera saber si ¿alguien lo probo y le funcionĂ³? saludos.!! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums Americas LoCo Teams Chile Team Software consulta Moovida (ex Elisa media center) Ubuntu

thermostat couveuse

bonjour, je suis actuellement entrain de crĂ©e un thermostat pour couveuse j'ai donc une lcd 2*16 et une sonde de tempĂ©rature " pour commencer" <<les temperature afficher sont sur mon proto >>> est ce normal que la temperature affiche soir ex: 27.46°c et passe sans que rien ne soit fait directement 28.32°c je souhaiterai que sa monte au fur et mesure et non par tranche " est ce faisable "? au final la t° doit etre entre 37.7 et  38.2°c sonde utiliser lm35dz merci par avance code ci dessous : code: [select] #include "liquidcrystal.h" const int inputsensor = a0;       // on nomme la broche a0 connectĂ©e au capteur const int inputsensor2 = a1;       // on nomme la broche a0 connectĂ©e au capteur const int buttonpin = 7; const int buttonpin_2 = 6; const int buttonpin_3 = 5; int buttonstate = 0; int buttonstate_2 = 0; int buttonstate_3 = 0; const int led1 = 3;              // on nomme la broche 12 connectĂ©e Ă  la led blanc const int led

How to run xbmc headless? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've installed xbmc on pi (model b), , use play music on stereo downstairs. tv right next stereo, put on playlist , unplug hdmi use 'headless' (without monitor). want move system upstairs - have no monitor there, , no way of getting 1 there. how can playlist going without monitor? tried meltwater's guide direct network connection, , worked fine rasbian. there way same xbmc? alternatively, plug in keyboard , music going? ryankrage77 wrote: i've installed xbmc on pi (model b), , use play music on stereo downstairs. tv right next stereo, put on playlist , unplug hdmi use 'headless' (without monitor). want move system upstairs - have no monitor there, , no way of getting 1 there. how can playlist going without monitor? tried meltwater's guide direct network connection, , worked fine rasbian. there way same xbmc? alternatively, plug in keyboard , music going? have rpi boot without graphical interface. create automatic script monitor gpio lines, , us

I can alter pin state with direct pin control but arduino digitalwrite cannot?

hey guys, built own version of sparkfun's pro micro 3.3v. it's leonardo 3.3v , 8 mhz. unlike stock leonardo, sparkfun's design not offer pinouts d11,12, , 13. decided wire these internally design run serial device software serial. using 3.3v sparkfun bootloader, when tried use these pins in arduino ide digitalwrite(), did not respond. then, tried set pins using direct pin control...  , responded! problem is, i'm not sure issue here. pins_arduino.h problem (i've tried both normal leonardo , sparkfun pro micro ones)? sort of other weirdness? i'm not sure start here. have little experience lower level atmel programming. thanks! probably pins-arduino.h. check see if there entries ports in question. there 3 arrays ports, bits, , timer status  need added to. also total count of digital pins, pcint mapping, possible adjustment analog pin mapping digital pins, etc. Arduino Forum >

Besoins de conseils Wifi Shield

bonjour à tous, voilà j'ai une wifi shield et je souhaiterais savoir comment ça marche, quels sont les différentes possibilités de cette carte? est ce que par exemple on peut envoyer et recevoir des informations par wifi? est ce que l'on peut téléverser un programme sur cette carte en wifi? comment la programme-t-on? merci pour vos conseils. auguste quote from: dreamliner on jun 06, 2014, 05:05 pm bonjour à tous, voilà j'ai une wifi shield et je souhaiterais savoir comment ça marche, quels sont les différentes possibilités de cette carte? est ce que par exemple on peut envoyer et recevoir des informations par wifi? est ce que l'on peut téléverser un programme sur cette carte en wifi? comment la programme-t-on? merci pour vos conseils. auguste bonjour, boule de cristale cassée il y à 30s quel model? suivant le model, tu peux retrouver toutes les infos. comment ca marche? elle se connecte au wifi et suivant ce que tu veux faire est client ou

2 modules dalam satu masa - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

nak tanya boleh ke kalau aku nak install (moduls) mod_html 2 kali... maksud aku satu aku install right column kedua aku nak install left column... aku dah cuba tapi dia keluar error file mod_html.php exist... cam ne nak buat yek... zaid7e wrote: nak tanya boleh ke kalau aku nak install (moduls) mod_html 2 kali... maksud aku satu aku install right column kedua aku nak install left column... aku dah cuba tapi dia keluar error file mod_html.php exist... cam ne nak buat yek... try duplicate module tu dan rename files module tu kpd nama lain. dan jgn lupa tukar nama module dlm xml file. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Malaysian Forum Solved


hola, estoy pensando en mejoras para mi primer circuito con el chip solo sin la placa arduino y quisiera saber si si es necesario alientar con voltaje y tierra el chip por los dos lados aun en el caso de no usar uno de ellos. en mi caso me bastaria con usar los pin 1 14 del lado inferior y no se si aun asi debo alimentar tambien los superiores vcc(20) gnd (22) gracias. deberĂ­as mirar la documentaciĂ³n del chip para precisar este detalle. quote 1.1.7 avcc avcc supply voltage pin a/d converter, pc3:0, , adc7:6. should externally connected vcc, if adc not used. if adc used, should connected vcc through low-pass filter. note pc6..4 use digital supply voltage, vcc. en la documentacion dice que es el pin por donde entra el voltaje para los pines a/d converter, este tiene que estar conectado con vcc directamente aunque no uses los analogos Arduino Forum > International >

Thread: Emotiv EPOC in virtualbox

hey guys, i'm trying setup windows xp virtualbox use emotiv epoc. i've installed software , virtualbox can see epoc usb. unfortunetly control panel unable detect connection. i'm wondering if has ideas how should configure working. thanks. i ran virtualbox root , control panel sees epoc. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Virtualisation [SOLVED] Emotiv EPOC in virtualbox Ubuntu

Skotersida - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hva mener dere om denne siden? er første gang jeg holder pĂ¥ med dette, sĂ¥ er ikke sĂ¥ dreven. klarer jo ikke Ă¥ fĂ¥ til mms tingen [moderatormerknad: fjernet url fra tittel - rued] fint Ă¥ se @ du har begynt Ă¥ bruke joomla, og det er ikke noe Ă¥ kommentere denne nettsiden, fordi det er en helt standard solarflare ii template som du har byttet ut noen bilder. det er jo et godt utgangspunkt Ă¥ bruke, lykke til videre. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Norwegian Forum Fremvisning av sider (Show off)

Pin 0 on Arduino UNO board won't stay LOW

i'm using uno board , trying set pin 0 low. briefly flickers low reverts being high , sticks there. have nothing connected 0. missing?   :~ i expecting pin 0 stay low after sending "x" in serial monitor. loop keeps sending count, know code isn't frozen. my code: code: [select] const int pin0 = 0; int cntr = 0; void setup() {   pinmode(pin0, output);   digitalwrite(pin0, low);     serial.begin(9600);   delay(2);   serial.println("x start\n");   while ( <= 0) {}   delay(400); } void loop() {     serial.println(string(cntr));     digitalwrite(pin0, low);     delay(1000);     digitalwrite(pin0, high);     delay(1000);     cntr += 1; } quote from: nelsonhoover on jun 02, 2014, 05:51 am i have nothing connected 0. oh do.  serial .  can use pin 0 i/o.  or can use pin 0 serial .  cannot both. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino >

Thread: Rhythmbox .m4a format not recognised in Nokia etc

i've moved on mint, had been ubuntu 2 years. have dual boot linux , vista, although use linux 80-90% of time. consequently, music mix of .aac , .wma. however, have noticed of music doesn't play on wmp or nokia n95 or creative zen - of should play aac files. noticed in particular files i'd recorded in linux (using rhythmbox - purely because sound juices stopped letting me rip cds reason!) anyway, wondered if had same problem. im not concerned not being able play in windows, if can't play in nokia or creative, shame. in future, double check recordings in portables before rip more cds, if there way can 'repair' existing library? incidently, plays fine in rhythmbox - there no problem. thanks kam posted kam.samji i've moved on mint, had been ubuntu 2 years. have dual boot linux , vista, although use linux 80-

Thread: Renaming a Compact Flash Card - Command Line

can tell me how can rename cf card command line? tried using "mv" command, said device busy, when unmount it, there's nothing rename! ie; disappears media folder. know simple...what missing? cheers, jim. /community/renameusbdrive Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help Renaming a Compact Flash Card - Command Line Ubuntu

Simple Slide Presentation

wow! not intuitive! i trying put simple, self-running slide presentatiton...images fade-in, fade-out. that's it! ((i thought using ms powerpoint, wanted higher quality presentation smoother transitions). i can import images easily...i have tried presentation template, seems need buttons advance slides. then, there's transitions. can apply behavior: screen: transition: fade, don't seem able advance slides automatically. any appreciated. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

VirtualWire and RadioHead libraries

hi all, i got rf transmitters , receivers , decided put them communicating. checked video: . refers virtualwire, @ site says virtualwire superceded radiohead. know how use transmitters , receivers library. i'm using 315mhz , 433mhz, best regards josé coelho it says use radiohead virtualwire. just swap out library include in code. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > VirtualWire and RadioHead libraries arduino

Hotspots on map

i have possible project involves using map of state index a series of detailed maps, want cover state series of hot spots linked individual maps. use dreamweaver tools drawing hot spots directly on map, in rectangular array, so use map background image table, , put transparent image in each cell, links attached these images. instinct tells me table approach more economical, wonder if comment on relative virtues of 2 approaches? and right cannot attach link directly cell in table? clancy i former - apply image maps directly image. and cannot reliably apply links table cells. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "clanc

Big promotion activity – Sharing Elecrow & Earning store credits

after long time preparation, new version of elecrow online store released, more beatutiful appearance , user friendly funtions. celebrate release of new online store , share our happiness community big promotion activity 23th may 31th may. details of activity follows: 1. new elecrow customer, 200 reward points(value $2) long registered in elecrow. 2. storewide discounts - 40% off. 3. earn 200 reward points(value $2) existing elecrow account sharing information. 4. reward points can used after getting them. how reward points sharing information? 1. share blog 1 of social media such facebook, twitter, or google+ earn 200 points. kind of sharing, in order let know have shared blog, please @elecrow in post when sharing blog. sharing facebook, please @elecrow . sharing twitter, please @elecrow1 . sharing google+, please @elecrow 2.sharing blog discuss platform such forum or blog 200 points too.for kind of sharing, need send email tell have post article abourt

Blink works fine in standalone but code I wrote only works when rest pressed

hello everyone, i looked on , cant find specific issue.  i load code using arduino platform , place atmega328 in breadboard, blink works fine (without having press reset button).  however, code below works if press reset button.  after pressing reset button works fine.. i'm baffled i've seen surrounding breadboard atmega328 issues don't seem address unless i'm not connecting dots.  i keep thinking i'm missing in loop setup i'm having problem finding it. any appreciated.  this first time i've created code adding someones existing code... code: [select] //bluetooth portion of code created by: angelo casimiro (4/27/14) //voice activated arduino (bluetooth + android) //feel free modify remember give credit #include <servo.h> string voice; int light = 2; //connect led 1 pin #2 servo servo1; void setup() {  serial.begin(9600);;  pinmode(light, output);  int servopin=9;  servo1.attach(servopin);  servo1.write(0); } //-----------

Thread: recover after reinstall

i using ubuntu 9.04 on dell laptop dual boot ubuntu , vista, can download exe files on windows , use on anywhere. whenever reinstall ubuntu must download software. how can download ony packages can copy in pendrive , can install in other place , can use them after reinstall on ubuntu exe files all .deb (ubuntu's software packages) files apt donwloads install kept in /var/cache/apt/archives (until run "sudo apt-get clean"). can copy them onto flash drive, after reinstall of ubuntu, copy them right /var/cache/apt/archives. apt won't download them again, use them straight out of folder. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] recover after reinstall Ubuntu

importing xml text and menu

i trying head around flex building simple application. what have @ moment index.mxml has togglebuttonbar in , viewstack lists 3 menu options in togglebuttonbar. clicking each of buttons in togglebuttonbar opens new mxml either pageone.mxml, pagetwo.mxml or pagethree.mxml (by wiping , down). works , have managed style , position elements want them , have activated history on 'pages'. what able populate viewstack data external xml file (e.g. menu.xml) . populate sub-mxml files data xml file (e.g. content.xml) hold panel's title , paragraph of text textarea. i have managed populate xml data datagrid on test application, can't see how can work panels. hopefully once have grasped basics on how flex applications import data can teach myself how progress things other things. thanks in advance. flex has ability populate datagrid , other list-based components xml data because use data provider. viewstack , panels not use data provider. to want have dynamically generate

Hardware serial ATtiny167 overflows sending or receiving 16 characters

hello everybody! before asking here, searched in google , in forum , didn't find useful answer. i using microcontroller attiny167, compile software use arduino 1.0.3 , program use avrisp mkii. i want use hardware serial communicate terminal. working baudrate of 9600. the code, write in bottom, works if send or receive less 16 characters. if message larger, not know if has overflow buffer or stackoverflow, microcontroller crash , can make works time disconnecting power supply or flashing again. i want able write example next sentence: "press start button:" to sure using hardwareserial libraries, checked in library "arduino.h" has next line: code: [select] #define use_software_serial 0 in "hardwareserial.cpp"  can see serial_buffer_size. 16 because ramend 766. the ramend calculated as: code: [select] #define ramstart     (0x100) #define ramsize      (0x1ff) #define ramend       (ramstart + ramsize - 1) i understand here size of buffer delimited

Breathing LED, PWM - Change duration of breath

hi guys , girls, in developing breathing lamp project of mine, i've discovered jeremy saglimbeni's breathing light code mimics fading of mac sleep light. my comprehension of code @ stage quite modest, i'm struggling understand how change total duration of fade 2 minutes example. the original code follows. code: [select] /* "breathing sleep led, on mac. jeremy saglimbeni 2011 led attached pin 11 in series 5.6k resistor */ int = 0; void setup() { // bring led nicely being off   for(i = 0 ; <= 15; i+=1)   {     analogwrite(11, i);     delay(5);   } } void loop() {   for(i = 15 ; <= 255; i+=1)   {     analogwrite(11, i);     if (i > 150) {       delay(4);     }     if ((i > 125) && (i < 151)) {       delay(5);     }     if (( > 100) && (i < 126)) {       delay(7);     }     if (( > 75) && (i < 101)) {       delay(10);     }     if (( > 50) && (i < 76)) {       delay(14);     }    

SPI master & slave simultaneously

i find out if possible program 328p both spi master , spi slave within same program. it not work master , slave "at same time". here's scenario: the microcontroller (slave) shall receive command master. upon receiving command, shall access eeprom using spi. understand in order retrieve data eeprom, microcontroller needs become master. is above scenario possible? thanks reading yes, possible, have created that. use hardware spi pins (10,11,12,13) put atmega328 in spi slave mode i use software spi on set of pins interface sd card , nokia 5110 display for using arduino in slave mode recommend reading by nick gammon (thanks nick, code helped lot). using software spi can use shiftout if want speed things up, fastdigitalwrite , fastdigitalread, , how build software spi functions it. can find code in standard sd card library of latest arduino build, quote /libraries/sd/

set target window size

hello how set target window size (say 300 x 300px) when using 'geturl' open html page. have tried resizing target page on load in dreamweaver no success. thanks russell van gravy wrote: > hello > how set target window size (say 300 x 300px) when using 'geturl' open html page. have tried resizing target page on load in dreamweaver no success. > hi there we done subject literally hundreds of time. please check forum archives before posting, there hardly new questions have have not been documented here :) best place search :*&hl=en&lr=&ie=utf -8 look "pop up" in "with of words" -- regards urami -- happy new year guys - best there in 2006 :) <urami> </urami> <web junk free> </web junk free> More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

MAX7219 and 8X8 LED display problem

hello, i'm pretty new arduino stuff , not hot on hardware side of things. wanted play around 8*8 display controlled max7219. followed instructable here . now i've done in tutorial, there leds permenantly on shouldn't be. pic attached taken vcc , gnd connected. the video here happens when connected. any ideas what's wrong? looks led matrix plugged in wrong way. unplug it, rotate 180 degrees , plug in. if not fix problem else (maybe software not initialising properly, have not provided software check). Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > MAX7219 and 8X8 LED display problem arduino

Need Help Identifying Components

i need identifying several components salvaged various devices.  sucks don't know stuff how use them/what they're for.  if put name of these components and/or give general idea of they're used appreciated. p.s. i'm highly interested learn # 3, 6, & 7 3 - looks inductor. 6 - diode 7 - not sure, either crystal or inductive lamp or bulb or maybe fuse? 1 a. capacitor in 200v - 300v 1.b ceramic cap or maybe mov (hard tell picture, hard read writing) 1.c mov or ceramic cap,. 4 a. cap,b.relay,c. relay? 5 2watt 2ohm resistor probably got couple wrong, 7 , 1 Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Need Help Identifying Components arduino

Wireless LED

hello, i'm working on project in need build glasses rgb leds, , put arduino board in pocket (because can't put in glasses haha). how can control leds board? don't know if it's difficult make bluetooth, or there's way. sorry bad english. where , power source/battery leds be? if use button size batteries/cells, may not last long @ all. if use larger batteries, need 2 wires glasses pocket. if have 2 wires, might have 3 wires , use 3rd wire control rgb leds. i use leds these . paul Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > Wireless LED arduino

RH 7 hangs when I double click topic for editing/viewing

projects opened , functioned fine in rhx5 no longer work in rh 7. project opens no errors when double click topic view or edit it, program non-responsive , hangs. topic not displayed. no matter how long wait, nothing happens , have end program. size of project doesn't seem matter problem occurs across projects, large , small. occasionally, manage edit topic 90% of time program hangs. have suggestions? thanks in advance help. welcome forum. what happens if open 1 of supplied sample projects? what if create new project? are projects on local drive or on network? More discussions in RoboHelp HTML adobe

Thread: Recovery from Ubuntu Live CD - how?

my ubuntu doesn't boot anymore after removing python (that's story) there way recover live cd? can't see "recovery" function when booting. appreciated. have tries pressing escape on th boot menu.. happen think default 3 second. anyway recovery can done on system boot menu, if not working try reinstalling system not formatting home directory. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Recovery from Ubuntu Live CD - how? Ubuntu

Making an array element a reference to another variable

hello. have array of strings. need 1 of elements equal variable outside of array. i've tried pointers, have had no luck. in advance. code: [select] prog_char  str1[] progmem = "string 1"; prog_char str2[] progmem = ".string2"; progmem const char *strs[] =   {str1,str2}; // extract use     strcpy_p(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(strs[i]))); is kind of thing after? happy coding  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Making an array element a reference to another variable arduino

lm35 temperature sensor problem?

hey guys using lm35 temp sensor arduino project. temp shows after conversion 35.18 c. if put fingers on , press temp rises upto max 36.18 c. in videos of lm35 saw temprature increases @ higher rate when pressed senstivity must high doesnt seem in case. how check whether working or not. not have soldering rod way. be sure connect correct.  use internal voltage reference incease sensivity Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > lm35 temperature sensor problem? arduino

OK, I'm stuck. Navigation problem

something's afoul code can't seem find it....did site link check , ok. when click on upper button (home,about,purchase,etc), click on "dry rub" (the first "lower button"), other lower buttons not work. if click on second lower button, can navigate through other lower buttons, not 1st. help appreciated! html <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>welcome eb's brand of dry rubs, sauces, bastes, , boils</title> <link href="ebsfoods.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { } .style1 { font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; } .style2 {font-size: smaller} #apdiv1 { pos

Installation af joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

xxxx problemer med @ fĂ¥ installeret joomla hos gigahost xxxxxxxx jeg er ny pĂ¥ dette felt, sĂ¥ jeg skal høre om jeg har gjordt noget forkert. jeg har unzippet og uploadet alle joomla filerne til min domæne mappe. derefter gik jeg til min domæne adresse pĂ¥ browseren @ indlede selve installation, men der sker ikke noget som helst. jeg forsøgte med følgende pĂ¥ min browser: http://www.mindom æ og http://www.mindom æ men ligemeget hjælper det. har jeg overset noget? enten er filerne ikke uploadet korrekt, eller ogsĂ¥ peger dit domæne ikke pĂ¥ den pĂ¥gældende mappe (er flytningen helt gennemført?) Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (UdgĂ¥et version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Installation, backup, opdatering og flytning - Godt igan

Thread: Bash interactive tar browser

hello world, looking interactive tar archive browser, 1 ubuntu comes with, terminal, can use on servers. act ftp program works in bash. i'd cd around , ls, , manipulate files , such without extracting whole thing. great, thanks. abe midnight commander (mc) classical text-mode norton commander clone supports browsing tar files. avfs users fuse let access various archive file formats command line Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Bash interactive tar browser Ubuntu

Cookies in flash

hello i'm web designer mexico, have web page in xhtml 1 element in flash music in pages, when user turn off music in page , pass other page flash turn on music again, , little discomfort user, think in use cookie, dont know how use it, can me??? or me idea. thanks flash not generate 'cookie' such can create 'sharedobject' can store information. in example user might click button turn sound off , on next visit site swf read local sharedobject , not start sound look tutorials on sharedobjects More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Kann man das als Erzeuger nicht selbst löschen ?

zumindest wenn noch keiner geantwortet hat ? nachtrag: tatsache, bei remove kommt "you cannot delete own topics in board. " kannst du dann gleich mit putzen, uwe.     nachtrag2: quote you can't report own post moderator, doesn't make sense! das seh ich (in dem zusammenhang) etwas anders, aber uwe ist ja ein aufmerksamer moderator. danke ja, das forum hat einige "eigenheiten" da die forumssoftware eine alte version ist und der installation und dem portig zur aktuellen version gearbeitet werden dort alle gemeldeten probleme gelöst. ihr mĂ¼ĂŸt aber noch ein wenig geduld aufbringen bis alle fertig und kontrolliert ist und aktiviert werden kann. ich kann keinen termin nennen. grĂ¼ĂŸe uwe Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > Kann man das als Erzeuger nicht selbst löschen ?

HID Output Viewer

hid output viewer usage: unzip archive & run program. 1. insert hid compliant device wish monitor output from. 2. let windows install device. 3. "hid device" menu, choose device. 4. click on switch (far right) connect device. 5. press hid devices buttons view captured message a simple little utility see hid output, handy know have right device *untested on versions of windows. it should work on 98 & beyond. Arduino Forum > Community > Exhibition / Gallery > HID Output Viewer arduino

Same topic, different windows

i've started create context based in robohelp (combined regular, toc-help). i'm looking functionality same topic can opened in different windows (main, second etc...), depending on user when or presses f1 key. know if it's possible this? i have opportunity access same text through toc , pressing f1 key (and getting popup window). hi catte , welcome our little community this possible. however, of depend on interaction developers. can code calls end in additional windows create. basic steps create content. create additional window. ask developer map context sensitive calls open desired topic in special window. cheers... rick :) More discussions in RoboHelp for Word adobe

Transistor with arduino

hey guys, have been using transistors arduino test them out, have few questions them. first of all, don't know resistor use  @ base, have been using 3.3k , 1k ohm resistors, don't know if turns on transistor. kind of formula/equation how current need apple apply base of transistor , resistor use. if explain me little more part of transistors , equation used, great by way, using 2n3904 npn transistor farchield semiconductors data sheet: thanks much i write tutorial in french in forum french section : if don't read french can read graphics , formulas  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Transistor with arduino arduino

Putty via USB not using serial converter or UTP Ethernet - Raspberry Pi Forums

how 1 configure scripts in raspberrypi allow direct usb connection putty (in same way bbb can accessed via usb cable) ? note: question excludes use of either ethernet via utp cable or usb wireless adapter, or serial via usb ttl serial converter module. jorganpi wrote: ... note: question excludes use of either ethernet via utp cable or usb wireless adapter, or serial via usb ttl serial converter module. excluding use of usb-to-usb "network" cable?: ... cable.html trev. raspberrypi

Connecting multiple sensors to an Arduino.

hi everyone, i am  working on project in need run 2-3 sensors , relay blocks based on arduino code. i see leonardo spec that: dc current per i/o pin    40 ma dc current 3.3v pin    50 ma however not see currents specs 5v pin. i want know 3 things: 1. need run 2 sensor spec call them out using 13ma each  total of 26ma based on numbers see can safely connect both of them arduino 3.3v pin? @ point may want connect 3.3v aref pin. 2. same logic apply component may want connect ardunio board? if not can please me? 3.lastly, best way connect 2 wires same pin (see question 1) quote however not see currents specs 5v pin that because depends on lot of things. if usb or externally powered?   a) usb has maximum current of 500ma   b) external power depends on voltage of external power because of heat regulator can get. quote based on numbers see can safely connect both of them arduino 3.3v pin yes quote does same logic apply component may want connect ardunio board?

Thread: Loading/Initiating actual windows(super machine!)

i have core 2 quad 3.06 processor, 8 gigs of ram pae installed on latest buntu. making firefox , basic windows,dialog boxes, etc. take 4-5 seconds on average start up? in advanced guys!! i don't know refer dialog boxes, etc, firefox taking time start have hdd performance. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Loading/Initiating actual windows(super machine!) Ubuntu

start enterframe inside a function

hi, how can start/end enterframe function within custom function? i've tried somthing like: function startturning() { function enterframe() { trace("uu"); } } startturning() } function stopturning() { function enterframe() {} } think i'm completly lost answers apregiated. thanks, jakob. jakob wagner wrote: > how can start/end enterframe function within custom > function? what /actually/ want do? it looks want (in lingo):- ------------------------------------- property active on enterframe if not(active) exit -- stuff end enterframe on beginsprite active=false end beginsprite on startturning active=true end startturning on stopturning active=false end stopturning ------------------------------------- andrew More discussions in Director Lingo adobe

wiringPi undefined issues - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, trying use wiringpi , led light (just learn how talking) interface using qt while using c++. keep getting undefined reference wiringpi try use. ex undefined reference 'wiringpisetup' have wiringpi.h in include list , have wiringpi.h added project other .h files , nothing working. apprecited. cdbean04 wrote: hi, trying use wiringpi , led light (just learn how talking) interface using qt while using c++. keep getting undefined reference wiringpi try use. ex undefined reference 'wiringpisetup' have wiringpi.h in include list , have wiringpi.h added project other .h files , nothing working. apprecited. "interface using qt" mean using (qt-based) ide (integrated development environment)? if so, one? setting include list , *.h files think need find/work out add in linker directive -lwiringpi . depends upon ide you're using, afaik.** trev. ** use ide's myself, having worked large, complex combined 'c' & (legacy) fortran program origi

ColdFusion and Database.....

hi all, i'm looking acquire cf standard , ms sql express. cfstandard because it's little spendy me @ point in time; ms sql express because it's free , don't expect db's large @ point. running decent "hotrod" of server fresh install of ms 2003 standard. i'm new cf , db's, questions these...can cf , sql programs reside on same machine, or need on thier own machines? there particular order in install them (after os of course)? problems should on out for? advice appreciated. the first question "is workstation or server?" if workstation cf standard or enterprise free development. if server, second question "how load expected". in general there nothing preventing ms sql , cf sharing server, do development. increase load of requests server. xlectron wrote: > hi all, > > i'm looking acquire cf standard , ms sql express. cfstandard because > it's little spendy me @ point in time; ms sql express because &g

Timer1.attachInterrupt( timerIsr ) problem

hi, i'm working arduino mega calculate harmoic of signal don't know why result not correct  ( not same every time "c" ) , counter stopping in 21 due him increase every time 50  please me. that's program : code: [select] void setup() {  serial.begin(57600);  pinmode(a0,input); timer1.initialize(400); timer1.attachinterrupt( timerisr ); } void timerisr() { x=analogread(a0); var[n]=x; n=n+1; serial.println(n); if(n==50) { interrupts(); } } firstly hanging system calling serial in isr: code: [select] void timerisr() {   x=analogread(a0);   var[n]=x;   n=n+1;   serial.println(n);  // must not call serial methods in isr!!!!!!!   if(n==50) {     interrupts();    // pointless, interrupts re-enabled on exiting isr   } } secondly confuse == = here: code: [select] (i ==1;i<51;i++) thirdly variables shared between isr , rest of code must be declared volatile, , if more single byte in size have be accessed within "nointerrupts() ; .

Problema comunicazione seriale - Arduino UNO

ciao tutti! sono relativamente nuovo del mondo arduino: mi hanno regalato un bel po' di tempo fa una board arduino uno, e dopo averci pacioccato un poco seguendo vari tutorial iniziali, per motivi di studio ho rinunciato continuare ad utilizzarlo. recentemente perĂ² mi sono imbattuto in un problema di studio che richiedesse la comunicazione seriale tra pc ed un microcontrollore per trasmettere dei dati dal primo al secondo. dato che non avevo disposizione dell'hardware del tipo che stavo utilizzando per tale progetto, ho ripiegato - per studiare un po' il protocollo da implementare - sulla mia vecchia board. venendo al sodo, ho sviluppato un programma in c++ usando il framework di qt, e stavo utilizzando questo stesso programma per cercare di trasmettere dei dati alla mia scheda e, in base ai dati che quest'ultima ha ricevuto, re-inviare una risposta adeguata al pc. ho riscontrato perĂ² un problema: nel momento in cui cerco di avviare la comunicazione seriale tr