Thread: Little Space Duo : the near future of Linux Gaming ?
hi there !
don't know if noticed release of game "little space duo" linux :
non-free game, once released windows, , today available mac , linux.
quite polished puzzle-arcade game, polished graphics , sound remember old c64 musics (with today audio effects).
unlike budget games don't have plot , colorful graphics, little space duo can considered finished game (i don't talk free games are, mostly, unfinished , boring)
bought $10 , finished yesterday. wonder if can near future of linux gaming, :
- big companies such ea or activision don't @ linux marketshare tiny (it not interesting port game less 10,000 copies sold)
- id software seems abandon linux support
- runesoft don't port linux games anymore
- lgp releases 3 games / year, of them 4 times more expensive windows version (unlike lsd, same pricing policy each platform)
- boxed copies imply postal fees, unlike downloadable game
linux gaming community grows steadily, such games can fill gap undetermined period (2 5 years) before linux gains acceptance in gaming industry.
moreover, budget games osmos or heileen announced linux.
supporting such companies may support linux gaming platform alternative.
budget-game company reported linux version sold (more windows version) :
don't mystic mine ( is, me, expensive , doesn't have features needed $20 game (it should priced @ $5, imo).
linux support internationaly promoted several computer news website , blogs, , gave better image of linux alternative gaming platform.
opinion ?
"indie" developers have been producing games linux long time , have kept going, , time has gone on have seen more , more flock linux realising can make money out of us.
"big companys" never expect them support linux not @ least until gained 40% market share (give 20 years). make decent enough amount of money large company. different "indie" developers small income better nothing of course.
lgp price has been talked death, point is new game platform, need make money , support it, if old windows, not windows. try picking knights , merchants support on windows if find bug, point made.
own osmos because game , yes plan on supporting linux won't hold breathe on one, hopeful @ same time such nice game play.
mystic mine, yes maybe expensive, reported lot of people purchased it, cares "features" guessing mean graphics others do, if provides fun worth it. if sell hard work $5 hardly think make @ it.
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