DisablingAutoResetOnSerialConnection - Different serial ports on Mega?

hello everyone,

i'm trying disable auto reset when read serial / open serial monitor (writing seems no problem), 2 non-permanent options here http://playground.arduino.cc/main/disablingautoresetonserialconnection resistor or capacitor don't work me (no idea why!)

i'm using arduino mega 2560, , under topic "software settings disable dtr pin on host" link above, says "here, non-hw solution seems establishing serial connection through different serial port on arduino has rx/tx lines, possible mega andthe new leonardo."

so question is, how possible? i've never used other "normal" serial port , don't know how use serial port or 1 has rx/tx lines.

thanks in advance help!

did use 10uf capacitor between reset (+) , ground (-)?  worked me.

did read entire thread pointed playground article?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > DisablingAutoResetOnSerialConnection - Different serial ports on Mega?



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