Problem with Apache long time already, anyone please help? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear friends,

i have experienced problem many times already. each time if have format computer solve problem. fed this.

here problem:

each time wanted start localhost - apache, error message below appear:

"diese eignabeforderung nicht waehredn des running beenden
bitte erst bei einem gewollten shutdown schleissen
please close command shut down
apache 2 starting…
(os 10048) 1 usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/net)
no listening sockets available, shutting down
unable open logs

apache konnte nicht gestartet warden
apache not started
press key continue…"

i have attached files also.

please help, fed problem!

thanks , god bless!


maybe have conflict port 80.
u use windows or linux distro?


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