Can't build EmulationStation with the latest raspbian - Raspberry Pi Forums

i trying build emulationstation, described in instructions on es site; can't build es.

error related g++4.7, not installed. in instructions there line download g++4.7, not exist:

code: select all

sudo apt-get install -y g++4.7
return error; thought there typo; added dash after + sign , found package.

when run

code: select all

cmake -dcmake_cxx_compiler=g++4.7 .
error complain 4.7 not installed. reboot pi, no luck.
tried g++, believe 4.6, error saying es require @ least 4.7.

i;ve got pi recently, not command line compilers; doing wrong?

you may not doing wrong.

if build process need 4.7, , latest repo has 4.6, i'm not sure do... wait till 4.7 available!

maybe build on pc (cross compile , move over?)

mine showing g++ 4.6.3-14



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