How do i find out what my users have been searching for? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there,

my joomla installation seems running smoothly have 1 query.

on old (pre-joomla) site, had search box logged visitors searched on site. check once per week , provide new content based on results (e.g. if 15 users searched red widgets, write content red widgets if there not 1 there already).

is there anyway can see visitors have been searching in joomla?


p.s. also, question 2 is: joomla search provide results 3rd party components such sorbi business listings etc?


site > global config > statistics > log serch strings

then view

site > statistics > search text

#2 not on think component developer create search mambot allow searching of component. of more mature add-ons have search facilities


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